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A Moment with Cindy Hurn
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A Moment with Cindy Hurn

Author: Talk 4 Radio

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As a Transformational Coach Cindy learns by watching life. With rich metaphorical language and a relaxing voice she invites you to drop down a gear and share her depth of thought. Combining Spiritual Perspective with a practical approach to common sense we are reminded of innate wisdom. Cindy's voice blends Heart and Word opening the doors of Awareness leaving us wanting more.

This show is a best of The Cindy Hurn Show Podcast is brought to you by Talk 4 Podcasting ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (
56 Episodes
Taken from a listener's question from her radio show they ask "We are all stuck inside this days. What toll do you think it's going to have in the end game?" In times of great challenge comes anxiety from uncertainty but as well, laced with is opportunity. With the outside world closed off, the inside world has a chance to awaken. What gift can we give ourselves instead of bemoan what we have not? How will this choice effect us?This show is brought to you by Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (
Taken from a listener's question from her radio show they ask "How would one realise they are set in their ways?" Its all about being on repeat - same thoughts, ideas, patterns, habits which may feel comfortable because it is familiar but what does that do to your Spirit? How does staying the same go against nature? What does that reflect in our energy?This show is brought to you by Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (
Taken from a listener's question from her radio show they ask "Many people live vicariously though others. How are you feeling about that?" In her book 'The Sticky Book of Stuckness' Cindy explains how we are all born with a cloak of invisibility around us - making it hard to see ourselves. So we focus on what we can see - other people. But what if we never lift that cloak and see who we are? What part does awareness play?This show is brought to you by Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (
Taken from a listener's question from her radio show they ask "Do we die a little because we don't put energy into taking care of ourselves?" Why do we think more of our car when it's not running properly than ourselves? What part does personal responsibility play? As energy with lack of attention and self care energy dwindles - how does that effect your wellbeing?This show is brought to you by Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (
Taken from a listener's question from her radio show they ask "How can we quiet the mind enough to understand the inner us?" Why is Mind Management so important to our wellbeing? What part does self-discipline play? Can we learn to give voice to what we want to hear within and not be besieged by the mind clambering for attention? Tapping into self-discipline helps put you in charge.This show is brought to you by Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (
Taken from a listener's question from her radio show they ask "What if we feel the world around us is drowning us out?" Drawn from her book 'The Sticky Book of Stuckness' Cindy explains the mindset of 'Up in the Air'. Feeling disconnected from yourself leads to a disconnect with the world. With energy and vitality low we feel a shadow of who we are. Makes sense then we feel everyone else shines brighter.This show is brought to you by Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (
Taken from a listener's question from her radio show they ask "What if you don't like yourself and can't relate to yourself?" In answering the question Cindy wonders how many of us have felt that? How is it negative conditioning gets centre stage? Why is it a good thing to to admit you don't like yourself?This show is brought to you by Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (
Cindy joins The Pipeman for a lively hour talking about Stuckness as well, taking a deeper look into life. The Sticky Book of Stuckness - What's holding you back? shed's light into how we go off track, hold ourself back, give up from doing what we started, want to do or should do. Why do we do this to ourselves? Stuckness supports low energy, apathy, self-doubt, increased anxiety, (to name a few) when we hold in the reins from forward movement. An easy read - with life changing results.
Taken from a listener's question from her radio show they ask "What causes people to develop trust issues? What part does fear play and how does this feed into our imagination? How does this alter how we see things, participate, take chances? What do we need to do in order to heal?This show is brought to you by Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (
Taken from her radio show a listener asks "When do we start growing old?" Is it through time passing or more about attitude? What part does our energy play in the process? Can we be old at any age? What do we need to know about energy and choice? Good food for thought.This show is brought to you by Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (
Jogging Cindy think deep about the chestnuts which litter her path. How do the squirrels get through the prickly casing? What does the chestnut tree teach us? What does nature teach us about letting go? What happens when we don't? What do we miss out on?This show is brought to you by Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (
Reading a short story written in the 30's Cindy is reminded about the power of the imagination. In this science fiction story everyone lived in their own room and experienced life through a screen. What does that teach us? If thoughts have power and what we imagine happens in this time of COVID how important is it for everyone to be aware of their imagination?This show is brought to you by Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (
Thoughts fuelled with adrenaline send the mind spinning as thoughts entangle. From the segment on the Ask Cindy a listener asks "How can we work with our thoughts and unscramble them?" In order to work with them we first need to be more aware of just what we are thinking. A good way is to be aware of what we are feeling as they are interconnected. When sorting the mind objectivity provides a good viewing platform. Step away and just observe untangling them as you do.This show is brought to you by Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (
Wanting clarity on forming a better relationship with herself prompted a listener from Ask Cindy to ask “How can we change the way we think about ourselves?” To change the way we think about ourselves we need to change the way we feel about ourselves. Continued criticism or self judgement fuels a pulling away. While opening to kindness, forgiveness, encouragement fuels self-love. In order to change the way you think - you need to embrace who you are. Like any other friendship get to know you.This show is brought to you by Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (
Wanting clarity on forming a better relationship with herself prompted a listener from Ask Cindy to ask “How can we change the way we think about ourselves?” To change the way we think about ourselves we need to change the way we feel about ourselves. Continued criticism or self judgement fuels a pulling away. While opening to kindness, forgiveness, encouragement fuels self-love. In order to change the way you think - you need to embrace who you are. Like any other friendship get to know you.This show is brought to you by Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (
Q&A Changing Thoughts

Q&A Changing Thoughts


Wanting to know how do we do it? Change the way we think an Ask Cindy Listener prompts the question “It is not easy to change the way we think. What is the first step?” Like any journey in order to know where you are going you need first to know where you are. But thoughts can be illusive one following on from the next. So how do we see them better in order to rid the unhelpful ones from the helpful? And what can we actively do to create a healthier mindset?This show is brought to you by Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (
Taken from the 'Ask Cindy' segment of her radio show - 'The Cindy Hurn Show' Cindy answers her listener's question. "How can we get more comfortable with who we are?" What makes us so uncomfortable is a great help when turning the tables on the relationship with ourselves. There are some key changes to awareness which help turn the tide - allowing us to relax more with who we are. One of the big ones? Being kind to yourself! Easier to feel more comfortable when we stop having a go at ourselves.This show is brought to you by Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (
Taken from the 'Ask Cindy' segment of her radio show - 'The Cindy Hurn Show' Cindy answers her listener's question. "What can we do to get to know ourselves?" Why is it we will put more energy into getting to know a stranger rather than ourselves? How do we turn that around? What key things do we have to embrace or keep in mind? Cindy reminds us like anyone else getting to know ourselves is a process that takes time, attention and value. This show is brought to you by Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (
The Hungry Hunter

The Hungry Hunter


Drawn from her dreams - Cindy received a teaching about 2 very different ways to approach change. Either we can direct energy for change or wait for change to happen. With the story of the Hungry Hunter we can see clearly why focused energy is more more beneficial to our needs than unfocused. While waiting keeps you in the same state of discomfort. Deciding to make it happen changes the state of where you were. Change doesn't have to be huge - little changes are a good thing.This show is brought to you by Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (
The Giving of Power

The Giving of Power


As an avid dreamer Cindy draws inspiration and knowledge from her dreams. With this strong connection she often receives teaching and ideas for workshops, blogs, vlogs etc. In this Dream Prompt she awoke with the words "What do you give your power to?" Asking herself that question she saw clearly what she was doing with her time and energy and what she wasn't. Highly recommended exercise. Make a huge sign to remind you of what you give your power to.This show is brought to you by Talk 4 Radio ( on the Talk 4 Media Network (
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