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Kevin 英文不難

Kevin 英文不難

Author: Kevin

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456 Episodes
如果你經常需要在工作中安排會議、與同事或客戶討論專案,那這份講義就是給你的: 職場約會議對話:透過真實職場對話範例,教你用重要語塊來安排會議和討論專案。 Will 的正確使用:掌握 will 的多種使用情境,從即時決定到未來計劃。 簡單未來式的常見誤用:了解簡單未來式的兩個常見誤用。 下載: -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
下載講義: 我為你準備了一份實用的「語塊學習」講義,讓你用更聰明的方式學英文。這份講義不僅教你如何透過語塊來記憶單字,還結合了文法技巧,讓你在真實對話中靈活運用。 ---- 你將獲得: 語塊學習法的詳細解析:掌握常用的語塊組合。  精選對話音檔:實際應用語塊學習的聽力練習。 完整文法複習:如何將文法和語塊結合,提升英文實力。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
下載講義:從情境對話,破解完成式盲點 ---- 學習文法如同學習單字,必須在上下文中進行,才能真正理解其意義和用法。單靠文法書或字典難以全面掌握,只有在真實語境中不斷接觸和使用,才能逐漸形成自然的語感。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
下載講義:掌握英文時態的秘訣 每個文法點都附有一段對話,讓你即使不熟悉文法,也能透過上下文輕鬆學習。 ---- 學文法、時態一定要記得型、意、用。除了知道某個文法點長什麼樣子,什麼意思之外,更重要的是有個情境。你需要上下文讓你看出來怎麼用,而不是只是看一個不相關的句子。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
So, it's 1930 in Whitman, Massachusetts. There’s a small inn called the Toll House Inn, and it’s run by Ruth Wakefield. Ruth is well-known for making amazing cookies that everyone loves. 片語動詞 run by 某人經營 常見組合 Something is well-known 廣為人知 This is a well-known song that kids like. One day, Ruth is in the kitchen getting ready to make her usual cookies. But there's a problem—she’s out of baker’s chocolate, the kind she usually melts into the dough. Instead of giving up, Ruth decides to try something new. She grabs a bar of Nestlé semi-sweet chocolate, thinking it will melt into the dough just like the other chocolate. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Picture this: It's 1914, and Australia is a young country, just 13 years old. When World War 1 breaks out, Australia still has strong ties to Britain, which many Australians think of as their "mother country." So, when Britain declares war on Germany, Australia feels a strong sense of duty to step in and help. 片語動詞 breaks out 爆發 A fire broke out in the forest. 語塊 has (strong) ties to 與某某有著密切的關係 John has ties to the mafia. 片語動詞 step in 介入 The manager had to step in to resolve the conflict. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
#441 澳洲鴕鳥大戰

#441 澳洲鴕鳥大戰


In the early 1930s, Australia was dealing with the aftermath of World War I and the Great Depression. Many Australian soldiers who returned from the war were given land in Western Australia to farm. However, they faced numerous challenges, including an overpopulation of emus. 語塊 dealing with 單字 aftermath They are working hard on dealing with the aftermath of the war. 語塊 Faced numerous challenges She faced numerous challenges in her new job. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
President Biden is ending his run for a second term in office, a bombshell decision just 107 days before Election Day, due to pressure from his party after a disastrous debate at the end of June where he seemed to lose his train of thought. 片語 someone’s run for something 競選某職位 John’s run for student council was unsuccessful. 搭配詞 bombshell decision 震驚的決定 搭配詞 train of thought 思緒 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
When Leroy was a teenager, he had a really close group of friends. There were five of them, and they hung out all the time. 語塊 close group of friends 一群密友 I had a really close group of friends in high school, but unfortunately we don’t keep in touch anymore. It was a group called The Dude Crew. 單字 crew 一夥人、死黨、團隊 The Dude Crew was big into sports. And at their high school, the varsity basketball team was the thing everyone wanted to be on. Back in the 10th grade, Leroy and one other guy, one of his best friends in The Dude Crew, decided they were going to try out. Even though Leroy had just started playing basketball only a couple of years earlier. The tryout happened, and a few days later, while he was in class, the list of who made the team was finally posted. Leroy looked frantically for his name. ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
ABRAHAM LINCOLN, the 16th president Lincoln was the first president to be assassinated. He was shot by John Wilkes Booth on April 14, 1865, while attending a performance at Ford’s Theatre in Washington. Lincoln died the next morning, and his assassination is believed to have been motivated by his support for Black rights. Booth was killed 12 days later. assassinated 暗殺 Be assasinated 被暗殺 Be motivated by 受某東西刺激、啟發 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
In a small city in England, there was a woman named Joanne. Joanne loved to write stories. She would spend hours writing in coffee shops, and she dreamed of becoming a famous author. But life was not easy for Joanne. She faced many challenges and disappointments. 文法 would… 過去經常重複做的事情 When I was a boy, I would visit my grandparents every summer. On weekends, we would play soccer in the field behind our house. 語塊 life was not easy 生活不容易 語塊 face many challenges and disappointments We faced many challenges when we first started our company. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
1. 你做什麼工作? 問句: What do you do for work? What do you do for a living? (X) What do you do for job? 回答: I work as an engineer.  I’m an engineer.  work in + 領域 I work in finance / sales / marketing. (x) I’m a sales. (x) I’m a marketing. ---- 訂閱 Podcast 講義,含逐字稿、重點單字,超過 200 份講義。 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
歡迎參考 Ash 的部落格 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Denmark will start taxing farmers for the greenhouse gasses their cows, sheep, and pigs emit from 2030. This makes Denmark the first country to do this to reduce methane emissions, which are very harmful to the environment. Taxation Minister Jeppe Bruus said the goal is to cut Danish greenhouse gas emissions by 70%. 單字 emit 釋放 The company emits 200 tons of CO2 every year.  單字 methane emissions 溫室氣體排放 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
On one of my solo backpacking trips, I stumbled upon a British man who was in the same hostel as I was. He had been living illegally in Tel Aviv for a few months after traveling through several countries. He told me of a time when he lived in Rio and got involved in some gang stuff and got caught by the cops selling cocaine. 搭配詞 stumbled upon 巧遇、撞見 I stumbled upon a beautiful park while walking downtown. Vs. run into 巧遇(人)I ran into my brother on my way to work. Hostel 青年旅社 Rio, Rio de Janeiro 里約熱內盧 ---- 本集節目由【法國Mustela慕之恬廊】贊助播出 慕之幼高效系列,成分源自天然植萃,能幫助肌膚鎖水保濕、柔嫩肌膚改善粗糙,同時提升防護力。淡雅香氛、質地細緻,清爽不黏膩,適合嬰幼兒嬌嫩肌膚及成人夏季保養。7/1前輸入專屬折扣碼「KEVIN」領9折券,優惠傳送門→ #慕之恬廊 #慕之幼高效系列 #肌膚保養 -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Elon Musk's company X, previously known as Twitter, is making big changes because it's not making as much money from ads as before. To fix this, the company plans to introduce peer-to-peer (P2P) payments, allowing users to send money directly to each other through the platform. This could open up new ways for the company to make money. 搭配詞: Making big changes 進行重大變革 The company is making big changes to its product line. **Open up **開放 The city decided to open up the park to the public after renovations. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
German prosecutors have announced their biggest-ever cocaine seizure. They found over 2,300 kilograms of cocaine in Hamburg. This is a major win in the fight against drug trafficking. Biggest-ever something 有史以來最大 Biggest ever animal Biggest ever diamond tallest ever building -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Hamas has responded to a US-backed ceasefire plan for Gaza, but insists on an Israeli commitment to a permanent ceasefire. In their statement, Hamas and ally Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) expressed willingness to reach an agreement. The proposed plan, endorsed by the UN Security Council, calls for a six-week ceasefire leading to a permanent one. responded to 回應 Hamas has responded to the proposal. expressed willingness 表示願意 Hamas expressed willingness to reach a deal. endorsed by 獲得支持 The ceasefire plan was endorsed by the UN Security Council. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
According to local media reports, the South Korean Military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said around 20 North Korean soldiers crossed the military demarcation line that runs between the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ) separating the two countries. Local media 當地媒體  According to local media reports, the incident occurred early Sunday morning.  military demarcation line 軍事分界線 The soldiers crossed the military demarcation line into the Demilitarized Zone. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn
Scarlett Johansson Sues OpenAI Over AI Voice May 2024 - Famous actress Scarlett Johansson is suing OpenAI, claiming they used a voice similar to hers without permission. What Happened? OpenAI released a new AI voice feature called "Sky" in their GPT-4o model. Many people noticed that Sky's voice sounded very much like Johansson's voice from the movie "Her," where she played an AI assistant. This caused a lot of discussions online​. -- Hosting provided by SoundOn