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Inside The Mirror

Author: Kyle David

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When you look into a mirror,what do you see? You see the Truth. Host Kyle David is on a mission to speak truthfully and authentically on topics from addiction, depression, work ethic, kindness, gratitude, to current events such as Covid, religion, politics and how to handle the struggles of life. "I'm talking about anything I feel is helpful or important, the goal is to impact every listener in a positive way." -Kyle David Through meaningful conversations, this podcast explores our lives and our world to determine what's really "INSIDE THE MIRROR."
179 Episodes
Hey friends! Back with an episode for the men specifically today.Men, this one is RICH with wisdom so you probably want to take some notes.If you're a woman listening, I hope you hear the heart Jonathan has for men here and ask yourself if you know a man that could use a coach to help them find their purpose and mission in life and level up their personal growth and success. Jonathan is the go-to guy when it comes to helping men live intentionally in all ares of their lives, physical, spiritu...
Hey friends!Hope you're all healthy and well!REALLY excited to share this conversation with you.This episode was with my friend and someone I now refer to as the "millionaire mindset next door" Johnson Tran. 😎Johnson and I had a fantastic conversation,starting with his humble beginnings as a first generation Vietnamese American coming out of a tough upbringing in Houston to being unofficially retired by 36.He laid out for us the simple money principles his Dad taught him as a young boy that h...
Hey friends! Welcome back to another guest filled episode. 😎This week I had my friend Anthony Rocca on the podcast.Anthony has a wild story of health and healing, going from hospitalized at 85lbs, with a crippling diagnosis and close to dead, to now thriving, strong and healthy just a few years later. We talked about his journey of healing himself outside of the conventional medical system, his advice to those who are sick and seeking answers, the things he's done to figure out the right diet...
Hey friends!This weeks episode was inspired by a conversation with my Dad last week where we were talking about being strategic in making decisions.Lets be honest, we all struggle at times to make the best decisions for ourselves and we often wish we could go back and make different decisions in hindsight.In the moment it can often be hard to make decisions that are strategic for the future as we are often making quick, emotion driven decisions. That being said, in this episode I wanted to ta...
Hey friends!Have you ever heard the phrase "Your inputs determine your outcomes?"While I agree with this in many ways, I think a key factor that is often missed in life is our attitude. I believe that one of the main factors in our happiness and fulfillment in life is our attitude.So in this weeks episode I wanted to talk about how our Attitude determines our outcomes. Our attitude effects the majority of our experience in life and our ability or lack thereof to have a positive at...
Hey friends!Know I haven't had a guest on in awhile so super excited to be back with a guest!Really enjoyed this conversation with my friend and hip hop artist Derrick Jewell aka Whyte-out.Derrick and I met many years ago when we were making music and doing shows in Colorado.Derrick is an incredibly talented artist and has worked with artists like Twista, Jellyroll, Rittz, Krayzie Bone from Bone Thugs n Harmony and a lot more! In this conversation we got deep,Derrick talked about his addictio...
Hey friends!It is election season in America, and you know what that means...Anger, arguments, division and overall a lack of unity and ability to see those we disagree with as human.In my opinion, if we were all able to calmly listen and communicate with one another, we would find that 99% of us all want the same things.Freedom to speak and do as we please, systems of money, healthcare and government that will work for us and to protect us, politicians that will fight for us and make decisio...
Slow down to speed up

Slow down to speed up


Hey friends,Hope you're all healthy and thriving! This week I wanted to just unpack some of my thoughts and personal focuses recently around the way I spend my time and how I evaluate the things I'm doing that are moving the ball forward in my life. Here's the reality, we're all busy.We live in a busy society that tells us we need to always be going to achieve what we want in life, I've bought into this as well in life and filled my days with busyness.But the more I live the more ...
Hey friends,Welcome back to another episode, I'm FIRED UP!You and I have believed a LIE and I want to expose it and speak out against it.The lie comes in many forms but they tell us that we weren't made to be great.The lies say that we aren't good enough, pretty enough, talented enough, that we should be average, don't be too disruptive, you can't change the world etc, ALL LIES!We were all created uniquely withe potential to make a huge difference and change the world, the enemy doesn't want ...
Ayo,Happy new year friends! It's pretty wild how fast the time passes in life but here we are.Hope you're all healthy and well and ready for a year of growth and blessings.For the first episode of the year I wanted to touch on something that I feel is frequently overlooked, especially as a year ends and everyone is planning for how to do more and be better in the next.I want to talk about recognizing the progress you're making in life and being PROUD of yourself and how far you've come ...
Hey y'all!This weeks episode may be a bit convicting for some and I hope it is, it was for me too.I'm talking about the pain of staying the same vs the pain of changing.We all have areas of our lives we want to improve or we just aren't satisfied with where our lives are at and we want it to change.That's a great starting point, wanting more and not being fully satisfied with where we're at, but the problem is, too often we choose to stay in the place we're at bc it's more comfortable than do...
Hey friends, hope all of you are healthy and well.Let's get right into it, here's my thought.I don't know about you but I have gotten SO MUCH advice in my life from all kinds of people, especially the people close to me.While this can be a good thing, this week I wanted to talk about why I believe you actually need to listen to less advice from the people around you, not more. Most people are giving you advice from a genuinely good place but most often they are telling you w...
Hey friends! I've had a wild past week, from wrecking my car to thinking I killed my sisters cat, I'm glad it's over, haha.In this episode I wanted to share what all happened the past week, what I learned and the framework I think through when adversity and hard times hit, as they inevitably will.There are very few things promised in life but adversity and struggle are a few of those things we WILL face over and over.Learning how to face hard times and move through them is critical and ...
Hey friends!This week I wanted to share the story if the business I started and shut down 12 months later.In 2020 I saw and opportunity to start a business and I went for it.In this episode I share the story of it all, what I learned, what I would change if I could go back and my thoughts on why there is no such thing as failure when you take action, you win or you learn.Hope you enjoy the story and learn from my experiences.Feel free to share this with someone you think this could help.Hope ...
Hey friends! This weeks episode I unpack why I think it's important to be able to filter the opinions and advice we get from other people.“Don't listen to other people's opinions" is pretty typical advice that gets spread around.But why shouldn’t we listen to them?Are they stupid or trying to hurt us?Are they always garbage opinions? Probably not, I think there’s more to it.I believe the reason we should often ignore the opinions of others isn’t because they have bad intentions, it’s because ...
Hey friends, hope you're all healthy and well!This week I am coming in HOT with an episode on red meat and some of my thoughts on why red meat is under such attack in the US.Although it’s one of the most nutrient dense foods on the planet, for some reason recently red meat has been more and more demonized, although we know for a fact it is one of the most nutritious foods humans can consume. We’ve been eating it for 1,000’s of years all over the world and it has sustained life and a...
Get righteously pissed

Get righteously pissed


Hey friends!That title might have throw you off, so here's some more context...Recently I've been super frustrated with where I'm at in certain areas of my life bc I'm not where I want to be. I feel like my back is against the wall in several situations and I'm being forced to take action and go to the next level of my own personal growth and development. This isn't a bad thing, I think anytime you are seeking to grow and level up in life things will seek to hold you back and make i...
Be Kind, Not Nice

Be Kind, Not Nice


Hey friends!Welcome back to another episode of Inside The Mirror.In this weeks episode I wanted to touch on a topic I've been challenged on the past few years and something I feel is important for all of us to focus on.I'll start with a question, are you nice to the people around you, or are you kind?I've learned there can be a big difference between the two. Being nice is easy and usually involves keeping the peace with people and not necessarily saying the things that need to be said, ...
It's not that serious

It's not that serious


Hey y'all! I've been thinking a lot recently about how serious I take everything in life, even the things that are somewhat meaningless.We all have things in our lives that we stress about and spend a lot of time or energy on that ultimately just aren't as important in the long run as they may feel in the moment.I want to learn to be able to hold things more loosely and not take things so seriously if they really won't be that important in 50 or years when i come to the end of my life.I ...
Hey y'all!Been thinking a lot about how my personal growth affects the people around me and the people I influence so wanted to talk through some of that in this weeks episode.I think many times in life we only think about our personal growth as affecting us and our lives, but what we may not realize is that our personal growth directly affects the lives of those around us, our families, friends, coworkers etc etc.When we are not growing and becoming better, we can hold those around us back.&...