DiscoverHumeRidge Church of Christ
HumeRidge Church of Christ

HumeRidge Church of Christ

Author: HumeRidge Church of Christ

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Welcome to our podcast where we share our Sunday morning sermons for free for you to access. We hope what you hear throughout our podcasts is helpful and spurs you on in your faith journey. You can also watch these sermons via YouTube at
264 Episodes
When the topic of faith is brought up, it doesn’t take long for the conversation to steer towards religion - those “things we do” that highlight what we believe. In this sermon Brendon Walmsley looks beneath the hood of religion to find out what drives people to engage in religious practices. There’s a common element in every Australian, in fact, every person on the planet. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH US Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Have you made a decision to follow Jesus? Do you have a praise point, or want to request prayer? We would love for you to get in contact with us so we can follow up with you! Please complete the contact form on our website at
"We may imagine the gospel is simply the good news that we go to heaven when we die. That is true (and beautiful!), but the gospel includes more than our personal futures" - Rich Villodas. In this sermon Ross continues our series ‘Faith Runs Deep’, looking at what it means to embrace and develop a robust definition of the Gospel – one that has vertical and horizontal implications. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH US Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Have you made a decision to follow Jesus? Do you have a praise point, or want to request prayer? We would love for you to get in contact with us so we can follow up with you! Please complete the contact form on our website at
Join us for this message as we delve deeper into our series, 'Faith Runs Deep,' with Ross leading us in a reflection on 'The God of the Second Chance.' It's a profound exploration of divine grace and mercy. Together, we'll explore the miracle of forgiveness, seeking to grasp its transformative power and the profound promise encapsulated in 1 John 1:9: "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins." If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH US Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Have you made a decision to follow Jesus? Do you have a praise point, or want to request prayer? We would love for you to get in contact with us so we can follow up with you! Please complete the contact form on our website at
This sermon begins a new series called 'Faith Runs Deep' exploring the ways in which our faith shapes the way we’re to live our lives. Throughout the series, which is further discussed in our LifeGroups, we look back on stories of faith from our country’s history, and hear how faith continues to influence every day Australians today. In this sermon, Brendon Walmsley looks at ways to grow our faith in order to pursue what God has called us to do. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH US Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Have you made a decision to follow Jesus? Do you have a praise point, or want to request prayer? We would love for you to get in contact with us so we can follow up with you! Please complete the contact form on our website at
When life throws us a curveball, our faith can come under serious pressure can’t it? Is God really there? Does God really care? Will God do something about my situation? The faith stories of Job, Hannah and Daniel can bring us insight, encouragement and reassurance as we face challenging times. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH US Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Have you made a decision to follow Jesus? Do you have a praise point, or want to request prayer? We would love for you to get in contact with us so we can follow up with you! Please complete the contact form on our website at
In this sermon we will hear about what God has been doing and accomplishing in missions. We will look at the persistent long-term obedience of Noah in building the ark and how that applies to us as we follow Jesus’ command to seek and save the lost. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH US Instagram: ⁠⁠ Facebook: ⁠⁠ YouTube: ⁠⁠ Have you made a decision to follow Jesus? Do you have a praise point, or want to request prayer? We would love for you to get in contact with us so we can follow up with you! Please complete the contact form on our website at ⁠
In this sermon we take some time to consider one of the dangers when everything is going OK. We reflect on an incident involving the Ark of the Covenant from the book of 1 Samuel. It is also an opportunity to be give God thanks for his faithfulness to us. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH US Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Have you made a decision to follow Jesus? Do you have a praise point, or want to request prayer? We would love for you to get in contact with us so we can follow up with you! Please complete the contact form on our website at
Right now we are closer to the end of all things than ever before. But rather than pedalling panic or heading to our bunkers, followers of Jesus are called to live differently. In this sermon Brendon Walmsley will take a look at the Apostle Peter’s first letter to the Church which outlines three ways to keep our eyes fixed on what God says is most important. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH US Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Have you made a decision to follow Jesus? Do you have a praise point, or want to request prayer? We would love for you to get in contact with us so we can follow up with you! Please complete the contact form on our website at
In this sermon Bob Hogarth shares the importance of sharing the Good News of Jesus with those that don't yet know Him and how saying Yes can lead to changed lives. Bob also shares how HumeRidge has become the Global Centre for Christianity Explained and how God can use us in reaching the world for His Kingdom. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH US Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Have you made a decision to follow Jesus? Do you have a praise point, or want to request prayer? We would love for you to get in contact with us so we can follow up with you! Please complete the contact form on our website at
In this sermon we conclude our series at HumeRidge, “Seriously! I AM”! In John 14:6 we read, “Jesus said, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”. Like the other ‘I AM’ statements Jesus made, these words are absurd if He is an ordinary man. But even more, to believe and preach publicly that Jesus is the only way to God, is highly offensive in a society that legislates that only inclusivism and tolerance are absolute. Join Neale for this sermon as we see that Jesus’ words are both absolutely exclusive and completely inclusive. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH US Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Have you made a decision to follow Jesus? Do you have a praise point, or want to request prayer? We would love for you to get in contact with us so we can follow up with you! Please complete the contact form on our website at
It was the middle of the day the sun was probably broiling hot— Jesus was tired and thirsty. He had been walking for a couple of days and he was only halfway to his destination. As inconvenient as it seemed and as inhospitable the conditions, Jesus took time to offer a Samaritan woman living water. This offer would change her life and the lives of everyone around her. Jesus offers the same thirst quenching living water to us all. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH US Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Have you made a decision to follow Jesus? Do you have a praise point, or want to request prayer? We would love for you to get in contact with us so we can follow up with you! Please complete the contact form on our website at
As we continue in the ‘Seriously I am’ series we come to the seventh I am statement of Jesus found in the Gospel of John. Jesus said, I am the True Vine. Jesus’ betrayal, arrest and crucifixion is imminent. Therefore it is significant that Jesus would teach them about “abiding in Him”, knowing that they were to face many difficult times, like we do. But as “we remain in Christ” we will not fall away (John16:1). In this sermon Graham continues our series by looking at what Jesus meant when He said “I am the Vine”. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH US Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Have you made a decision to follow Jesus? Do you have a praise point, or want to request prayer? We would love for you to get in contact with us so we can follow up with you! Please complete the contact form on our website at
“I am the good shepherd” is the fourth of seven “I am” declarations of Jesus recorded in John’s Gospel. These “I am” proclamations point to His unique divine identity and purpose. “I am the good shepherd.” It is worth noting that he describes Himself as not only “the shepherd” but the “good shepherd.” In this sermon Ross explores what this means and what it says about God and us. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH US Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Have you made a decision to follow Jesus? Do you have a praise point, or want to request prayer? We would love for you to get in contact with us so we can follow up with you! Please complete the contact form on our website at
Jesus has been portrayed as a great teacher. People reacted differently to his teaching – some eagerly embraced it, while others rejected it. But in John 8, two little words spoken by Jesus saw an angry crowd eager to stone Him. This was an intense reaction. Those two words were “I Am”. In this sermon Ross Savill begins our new series where we will explore the significance of this statement and this claim Jesus was making about himself. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH US Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Have you made a decision to follow Jesus? Do you have a praise point, or want to request prayer? We would love for you to get in contact with us so we can follow up with you! Please complete the contact form on our website at
Paul had it figured out. His focus was clear. His inspiring, yet challenging perspective on living as a follower of Jesus was given to the early church and recorded in the book of Acts for us to learn from today in 2024. In this sermon Brendon Walmsley wraps up our “Message to the Church” series. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH US Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Have you made a decision to follow Jesus? Do you have a praise point, or want to request prayer? We would love for you to get in contact with us so we can follow up with you! Please complete the contact form on our website at
As we start a new year, we are often prompted to consider a ‘fresh start’. For many, new years resolutions are set, and goals are made. But often the attention is given to our external condition – exercise more, drink less, start a diet, give up smoking… But what about our internal condition? 1 Timothy 4:8,9 says: “Workouts in the gymnasium are useful, but a disciplined life in God is far more so, making you fit both today and forever. You can count on this. Take it to heart.” Let’s start having a look at how we can set some new year patterns that create a spiritual fitness that is good for our soul in 2024. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH US Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Have you made a decision to follow Jesus? Do you have a praise point, or want to request prayer? We would love for you to get in contact with us so we can follow up with you! Please complete the contact form on our website at
Conflict - sometimes subtle, sometimes significant - can be the default for many Christians and churches. The quest for self-fulfilment can blind us to our Christ-given identity and cause us to try fill the validation vacuum, that only relationship with Christ can, elsewhere. The result is inner and external conflict. Come on a journey through Philippians 2 where Paul reminds us to empty ourselves of the world and fill up with Christ. ABOUT DUNCAN Duncan is a former Senior Pastor at New Peninsula Baptist Church and former CEO of SU Queensland. He is currently Managing Director of Brisbane Valley Protein overseeing a dedicated food production precinct and farming and export businesses. He is also the founder and director of Capacity Builders – a Christian consultancy supporting over 100 mission agencies and churches. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH US Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Have you made a decision to follow Jesus? Do you have a praise point, or want to request prayer? We would love for you to get in contact with us so we can follow up with you! Please complete the contact form on our website at
This sermon kicks off our January series - A Message for the Church, where we welcome guest speakers each week to share a message that HumeRidge needs to hear in 2024. In this sermon we welcome Murray Wright who speaks about following and trusting in Jesus, even in the midst of turmoil and uncertainty. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH US Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Have you made a decision to follow Jesus? Do you have a praise point, or want to request prayer? We would love for you to get in contact with us so we can follow up with you! Please complete the contact form on our website at
The birth of Jesus, the first Christmas was so keenly anticipated that heaven could not contain its enthusiasm. There was no stopping the joy. There was no holding back the enthusiasm. Like a child’s explosive joy at a gift at Christmas - this birth was the beginning of the promised fulfilment and heaven couldn’t help itself. The skies lit up with heavenly hosts singing, shepherds watching on, wise men following a star, dreams, prophetic words and a story that has spanned the centuries. In this sermon Jenny speaks about Heaven's Song in Revelation 5. If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH US Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Have you made a decision to follow Jesus? Do you have a praise point, or want to request prayer? We would love for you to get in contact with us so we can follow up with you! Please complete the contact form on our website at
For many of us, we have become so familiar with the Christmas story that we fail to consider its gravity and implications. So in this sermon Jackson helps us to look through the eyes of someone present at that first Christmas, and who with wonder proclaimed God’s salvation, as he held the baby Christ! If you enjoyed this sermon please consider subscribing. CONNECT WITH US Instagram: Facebook: YouTube: Have you made a decision to follow Jesus? Do you have a praise point, or want to request prayer? We would love for you to get in contact with us so we can follow up with you! Please complete the contact form on our website at
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