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Are We Friends Yet?

Author: Flick & John

Subscribed: 5Played: 35


Millennial Flick, and Generation X John are friends... and they aren’t sure why.Every 2 weeks they delve down into their most cherished pop culture and get the other to look at it or listen to it, and then they say what they think.It often goes badly.At the end they ask the big question “are we Friends Yet?” The answer is... changeable.To share your treasured pop culture, and make friends with us send your thoughts and suggestions to, tweet @friendsyet
27 Episodes
River Song Vs. Harry Styles

River Song Vs. Harry Styles


Hello my lovelies,This episode involves child care... sorry for the baby in the background, but as parents sometimes we need to sort kids out. This time it was Flick's turn, so 1 year old Meg features.What do we have for you today?We have Flick having her first Dr Who experience reviewing the episodes featuring Alex Kingston as Dr River Song one of the best intergalactic bum kickers in the business.We also have me (John) getting to grips with a Harry Styles playlist on Spotify... yup, 47 year old man has to listen you "young people's music" how awful.Tell us what you think via twitter or email 
It's been a while... but it's very funny.Yes, there's been a hiatus, but there's been a pandemic too so get off our backs!!sorry, a bit strong there.First off the audio on this episode isn't great, we have both moved houses and my set up is has many echoes, and Flick had a child and a husband commenting on most things......all in all not our finest work. We did laugh a lot though.Welcome to reviews of "Queen's Gambit" and the music of Paul Williams. @Friendsyet on twitter 
Hello you!Yes it has been a while... a long while...Covid and house moves and life have got in the way... but we're back baby!This episode sounds a bit odd. I may have pushed me too far forward in the mix and I'm sorry about that.We look at Miss Americana the Taylor Swift documentary, and Saint Seans Organ Symphony... you know... as you do :-)If you want to tell us what you think tweet @FriendsYet or email 
Hello You...Flick has pushed another human out of her body so we can resume normal (?) service.This was the last episode we recorded before the happy, gooey event.Flick is introduced to the wonder of "The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" (It's a miracle) and John has to trudge his way through that bloke who had that documentary done about him being a lost genius, but he probably wasn't lost at all... "Rodriguez" he's the Sugar Man in Finding Sugar Man... and he probably wasn't lost in the first place.Pip Pip!
Hello You!OK, so it's been more sporadic than ever recently... pandemics, pregnancy, and life being awkward have meant that we've not been hitting the "every fortnight" target.Sorry.We should be back to it now... Possibly.This week Flick gave me The Bachelor UK to watch. Yes. That's what I thought too... and I gave her the first Cassette album I was ever given Chart Trek by Ronco. So it's a battle between 1983 music and terrible telly... who will win???Pip pipJohn
Hello You!!!Well done for finding this splendid podcast. There's a couple of odd pauses this time as the Skype call we use to talk to each other (but not record the audio) was delayed and choppy. Sorry about that.This episode I gave Flick the wonderful film "Moonlight" which made me cry on first viewing and there hasn't gone a month since that I haven't thought about it.Flick asked me to listen to Laura Marling's album "Alas, I Cannot Swim" a prospect I wasn't looking forward to.So do we love it? Do we hate it?Has Flick given birth yet?All answered in today's exciting episode...As usual if you want to suggest something to watch or listen to get in contact!
Hello You!It's been a little longer than we'd like but we have some more in the bag, so expect strict 2 weekly podcasts from now on... no, honest.This episode I asked Flick to listen to the Shakespear's Sister album Hormonally Yours a classic from the 90's and I had to play... The Sims mobile for some ungodly reason.If you enjoy middleaged men getting angry for no good reason then this is the place for you.Pip-PipJohn
Aaaaaaaaaaand we're back...Hello you.This week we're all locked in with nowhere to go so it's time for classic music and new films. I asked Flick to listen to the wonderful Ink Spots, one of the classic vocal groups. She asked me to watch the modern classic Hustlers starring Jennifer Lopez's arse.This is a re-record, the front end of the audio is great, but the second half is on a bit of a wobbly skype... mainly because some one who was using her phone to record left it somewhere and wandered off... so that audio went very quiet.Pip Pip!John
Hello you!It's another Skype recording, so please do excuse the audio quality... we are working on it, and Flick is working on her Hyperemesis so soon we'll be able to be in the same room again without her being sick.This week we look at "The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie" and "Stripped" by Christina Aguilera. One of these things involves a discussion of domestic violence and its portrayal in art. If this is a trigger then please accept apologies, and if I get it really wrong please tell me on @friendsyet on twitter or arewefreindsyet@outlook.comTTFNJohn
Cats. Just Cats.

Cats. Just Cats.


I'm not sure how to start this...We went to see Cats, the movie version of the stage show.We then talked about it.This is a special episode, and it feels a bit bad to call it special... there is nothing special about Cats.Flick may disagree.Pip PipJohn
Hello You!This is the last episode before Christmas, and possibly for a little while...Sad but true. Flick is pregnant which is a delight... she also suffers from hyperemesis gravidarum a horrible condition that means she's vomiting 40 times a day, has torn her oesophagus, and which nearly killed her baby last time she was pregnant. We talk about it at the beginning of the episode.Because of the illness this is done over Skype so there are audio quality problems, and as that's the way we'll be doing it for a while we'll find a better way next time.In the episode we discuss Jaen Michelle Jarre, and Insatiable off of Netflix.So enjoy this, have a lovely Christmas and we'll be back... with less vomit.TTFNJohn 
Hello You!This isn't the first time I've said this... the 3 way didn't happen.Today the part of Flick is being played by Claire Carter. We did ask Claire (BBC presenter and journalist) to join us as a guest but then the fragrant Flick fell ill (more in the next programme) so couldn't join us. Which sort of threw our reviews out a bit.This week Claire asked us to watch Lois and Clark; The New Adventures of Superman, and I asked them to watch It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia whilst Flick wanted us to listen to the Arctic Monkeys album AM... We don't talk about AM, because Flick isn't in, but we do get to have a chat about Emma Samms and her connection to Claire.Pip pipJohn
Hello you!This week is a worry, we sort of agree with the outcome if not the journey... you'll see what we mean!Don't forget to visit the YouTube channel to see the video of this programme. It may be the last one for a while but more of that in a couple of weeks.This week I share music introduced to me by Pete and Jim, two of the towering influences in my musical world. It's the National album "Alligator".Flick goes all comedic with the Aisling Bea comedy "This Way Up", we're really leaning in hard to the mental health theme...Next time we have our first guest, the wonderful BBC presenter Claire Carter and she has a really unexpected choice.Enjoy!John
***LOTS OF STRONG SWEARS***Hello You!Not only can you enjoy the sound of us, you can now enjoy the look of us... we have a "Look at" and a "Listen to" version of the podcast. Yes, we've gone all YouTube.In this episode Flick gives me a Lily Allen playlist and I gave her the best Peter Greenaway film (probably) The Belly of an Architect and yes... there is an argument.Oh, and because there were too many to edit out there are many MANY swears... and some of them are jolly strong.Enjoy!
Hello You!!This episode is filled with delight and glee... and for the first time it's not recorded in the back of my car. We have a room and everything!So we decided to try and video the episode and that's why we mention lights and stuff... it didn't go well, you won't get to see it. So there's a thing.What are we sharing this episode? Flick gave me the neo-feminist stand-up glory of "Glitter Room" by Katherine Ryan, and I gave Flick a 10 song Sparks playlist, going from 1974 to 2017 and everything in between.Did we enjoy it?Listen to find out and don't forget to rate review and subscribe! TTFNJohn
"Amelie" Vs. Country Rock

"Amelie" Vs. Country Rock


Biggie Up!It's another fortnight, and it's another argument.We've changed the way that we record, so the audio is in glorious stereo. Do send a message if it's still a bit crap :-)This time we look at the classic French movie "Amelie" which has an 89% rating on Rotten Tomatoes... not that I have to mention that... but I may have to mention that, and we have a selection of Country Classics from Flick So it doesn't really go as well as expected, but at least I admit that I love a certain country start more than a 45 year old man should.Tinkety TonkJohn
It's late....We know it's late...Being the giddy ambitious pair we are we tried a video podcast and the technology failed. What we have here is the emergency, third back-up version of the audio. There's noise in the background and a bit of wind, but it sort of works still.sorry about that.So, we look at "A Star Is Born" and the Radio 4 classic comedy "I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue" and you know what? It goes as well as expected...There will be more in a fortnight, definitely more in a fortnight, now we've sorted the dodgy tech!Pip PipJohn
Hello my lovelies,It's time for another delightful episode featuring the best stuff that we can bring you. This week, there's a bit of a draught coming through the windows so there's a little wind noise across the mics as we discuss..."Alan Partridge : Alpha Papa" one of the funniest films that I have ever seen, and the latest album by Billie Eilish  so something for the young and the old...Yes Flick's the young and I'm the old.Get in touch with your suggestions and you too could be our friends... don't forget rate, review, and subscribe, it helps other people find this audio goodness.Pip pip!John
Hello you...This episode we couldn't be together so we relied on Skype, and like a Skype call, it's a little wobbly in places... sorry about that.We look at something new and something from the 80'sFlick has the chance to listen to the Kate Bush classic album "The Hounds of Love" and she's never heard it before. I thought it would be a treat... I may have been wrong.I watched a modern classic "Year of the Rabbit" staring Mat Berry, Susan Wokoma and Freddie Fox.Oh and Ralph, one of our listeners suggested "Rock Bottom" by Robert Wyatt. That may have gone badly... or not.Chin chinJohn
Today we pull back the curtain and show you just exactly where we record this splendid podcast... it's not where you think... it's far worse than that...We swapped some very different things this time. I asked Flick to watch one of my favourite 80's films "Badgad Cafe". It's a lovely story of friendship, magic, and according to Flick "troubling Lederhosen".I listened to "The Pretty Reckless" a band that has a woman who was a child and then did something involving the Grinch?To be honest I only ever half listen...Have fun watching the film, listening to the band and then sending us your thoughts.TTFNJohn
Comments (1)

Sarah Pitt

Thoroughly enjoying this podcast! I'm fascinated by the artists, music, films etc that I haven't come across before, and the banter between the presenters is so much fun to listen to.

Nov 29th