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Inspire Wedding and Lifestyle Show Podcast
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Inspire Wedding and Lifestyle Show Podcast

Author: Tanarah Haynie, Steven Berardesca

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The curators of The Inspire Wedding and Lifestyle Show, Tanarah Haynie and Steven Berardesca invite you to listen in on conversations with wedding, lifestyle and event style makers. Join us as we discuss trend, style, design, wedding planning, wedding design, décor, fashion, music, floral, cakes, jewelry, hair, make-up, stationary, mixology and culinary offerings for the wedding and lifestyle opportunities in our lives. Tanarah and Steven share their many years of Event and Lifestyle design experience with you as we interview some of the industry leaders and influencers. We will discover what is shaping the current looks, who is doing things that are rising above and how it translates to your life celebrations. The Inspire wedding lifestyle and event show podcast is informative, and entertaining, yet relaxed and fun. Tune in as we travel on this “all things design” journey.
62 Episodes
Well, life is many things, and when you are a top producing realtor, have a family in your hometown, work with a group of great ladies, and do all that you can to help young women find the way, some would say it's a circus. This Master of Ceremonies is standing tall, holding a Platinum Award for 2020. She has headlined this production (circus) of life for years now, and she attributes her success to schedule, perseverance, and team. Here is a front row seat to see this attraction ...
Well, he is back to tell us what he has been up to in the midst of all that is going on in the world. He is Cooking up the moves on many levels. He has planned some things in the business part of his life and he is also "cooking up" some things on the personal growth side. Hear what he has experienced during the pandemic, and what he has filled his time while he was unable to be at weddings. DJ X as we call him, has a way of interjecting passion into the most necessary thing...
Get in and hold on! This girl starts in Little Rock and hits the road for the West coast, Marries in a foreign land and is dreaming of the destinations yet to come. This is a ride you will enjoy and are willing to get back in line and ride again. To say this girl is fun would not adequately describe her to the fullest. We took some time to really get to know this lovely as she tells us about her, what she believes in and how that influences her business. Wi...
You will fall in love with this food loving couple. Serge and Mary Krikorian just knew that they wanted to own their own business so they grabbed the only thing they could and turned it into the vibrant business they have today. Listen in as they tell the how's and some of the how nots. Business is something that involves risk taking and hope, they found a chance and poured risk taking and hope into it, truth is they have mastered that. We will learn where the ap...
When you get on the line with someone who is warm and sharp as well as inspiring you tend to want as much as possible. This lady was available and willing to share her story and her journey. From a start that looks very different from where she is now, she shares her core values and tactics that have helped her arrive at her "now". Because of COVID 19 she has more of an appreciation for staying home with family and looking forward to going to the mailbox. &...
If you are looking for consistency in confection, and wanting the presentation and the taste to be second to none then you want to hear what this bakery family has to say. They have been making delightful desserts and satisfying sweets since the 80's. Learn from Yolanda Coleman Watson, one of three Owners, how they have pivoted in this climate and what is on the horizon for this company. A team consisting of siblings, grand children, and even great grand children along with ...
When you walk into Hubbard Clothing Co. you are greeted with a worldly vibe of discerning taste that is used in the selection of superbly styled articles of men's clothing and accessories. That is just the beginning of the experience of Hubbard Clothing Co. A place for sharing a drink in the member lounge, getting cleaned-up and styled at the barber, or just having a fantastic outfit assembled by Donnie or one of his associates is an opportunity that you will be privileged to be a part ...
Ya know that feeling of euphoria that comes from sugar, well maybe that is just me? The sheer happy that floods your being from the top of your head to the sole of your foot for just a moment. That is what this lady is responsible for. This completely legal substance that she peddles is the reason she has been able to join forces with the local community and make changes. She also serves on a national level. Patti Stobaugh From Patticakes Bakery has found the love of her lif...
In life, you meet people who make you smile and even laugh as they share the experiences they have been through. Jennifer Burchfield is one of them. She has really taken life by the horns and goes with her gut, taking on things that some would shy away from. we have mad respect for the journey she has lead. We are always blown away at the things she has found or sourced. Eventology is a go-to for unique rentals. we say "props to you", Jennifer, thanks for all the cool ...
We are pleased to say that we have the opportunity to work with a man that is so much more than a printer. All of the things that printers do are on his docket, but it is the more obscure and interesting elements that set this franchise of Sir speedy apart from all of the other locations. He has invested in equipment and employs non-traditional materials. he is not intimidated by large and is fueled by the interesting. Patrick is a valued part of the Inspire wedding and life...
You enter and hear the bell announcing your arrival. You have stepped into a magical emporium of paper and gifts that are The Social Type. this place is where Many of Little Rock's finest have invited their friends and loved ones to all of the most important celebrations in life. They come here to see the owner and feel the warmth of her social interactions. Mickey Willett is the proprietress that has a paper on the mind and a mind for paper. In a world that has...
We all know the feeling of hurrying to the appointment that we feel slightly guilty for making, getting situated, and waiting for our time. The process starts and the stress of the day begins to melt away. We are feeling better inside and out as the stylist works their magic with cut and color. The hairdryer is back in the holder and we are headed on to the rest of our day. The more confident, happy you kept the appointment, feeling pretty and ready to conquer the world girl...
This guy is the best there is in his field. He is certified and equipped with certifications to fill a large wall. He is involved in the community, serving on state boards. he is committed to making cosmetic surgery practices safer and more regulated. Dr. Branman takes some time to walk us through his life and times filling us in on him. We are happy to learn some things that we did not know and we were even surprised. listen in, as he tells of what the Little Rock Sur...
When you are asked by Eva Longoria to return as a celebrity chef, you are in demand. When you are willing to march on capitol hill and ride 300 miles for the betterment of children, you are a force. When you make it a point to have dinner with your parents on Sunday you are pretty cool. Donnie Ferneau is that guy. He has trained and perfected his craft all while taking the bull by the horns. He is known to jump in and tackle whatever is in front of him. We were ...
Ever feel a bit down, and then feel the warmth of the sunshine on your face? For some reason, the warmth makes you feel better and gives you a reason to shake off the "mulligrubs". Allow me to introduce you to Miss Perpetually Positive, she has a way of making you feel better about the situation and about yourself. We had the opportunity to talk shop, trends, and style with this wedding gown pro. She has a zeal and a method that works and is so effective. Please allow her to walk ...
We can all remember the photo strips that we treasured as coming of age adolescence. They hold a special place in all of our hearts. As technology has evolved into the absence of paper, we cling to our phones and the photos we post on social media. Photos have been a beloved part of our culture for as long as photos have been an option. There is a certain mystery to what it's going to look like, hopefully, different or the same as the reflection we saw earlier. Brightbooths ...
What a wealth of knowledge and compassion that we have lined up on today's episode. This gentleman has traveled and accomplished more than most. He can boast of travel, power, prestige, and position, yet he chooses to be the purveyor of rentals and event accouterments, doing his part to help people celebrate the good times of life. He and his wife made Little Rock their home to raise their children. They fell in love with Little Rock you are going to fall in love with him an...
To say that she is organic and allows the things in life to teach her how to roll would be an understatement. she completely allows the events of life to make her the best version of herself. She keeps her eyes peeled and waits for a tingle before she moves to the next thing that needs her decerning eye and creative touch. Listen in as she tells of her way with business and how she discovered what needed to happen. With that awakening, she has brought forth some amazin...
Well, after a few seconds in the room, or over zoom, you are completely convinced as to why this girl took the crown. She is caring, gracious, and infectious. She makes you feel good. We are delighted to have spoken with Miss America 2017, from her and her husband's New York apartment. She is doing her best to make the most of quarantine. Living her best life in a new city and settling into marriage. Catching up with her reminded us of how much we like her. ...
Lights! Camera! Action! That is one thing you will not hear when Brandon and his bros are at a wedding. This elegantly dressed dude is there to blend and catch the moments that are obscure. His film making has received many accolades from across the country. As the lead film guy at Miles Witt Boyer Films, he has found a place that he can hang out with artists, play with cameras, and keep making wedding and event films that are dropping jaws and have clients gushing on review platf...