DiscoverBetter ROI from Software Development
Better ROI from Software Development

Better ROI from Software Development

Author: Red Folder Consultancy Ltd

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Providing advice on how to get the best Return On Investment from your Software Development.
Hosted by Mark Taylor of Red Folder Consultancy, this series is targeted at those that fund software development in improving their return on investment.
Through a series of short weekly podcasts, Mark explores and explains why "traditional" management techniques will not only produce poor returns, but actively encourage it.
Find out more about Red Folder Consultancy at
Or reach out to Mark on Twitter @redfoldermark
189 Episodes
Following on from the last two episodes that look at the dysfunctional and unexpected results that can from the seemly well intentioned call for "more planning", this week's episode takes a look at a similar paradox - the call for "more developers". We look at why "more developers" does not generally equal "greater output" - the unexpected operational overheads that a larger team generate. We look at some circumstances, when used with caution, increasing the headcount can be the right thing. And we look at suggestion for improving productivity without increase numbers. ----- Find this episodes show notes at: Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up:
In this episode, the second of two, I conclude the exploration of the dysfunctions and unexpected results that can occur from the seeming well intentioned call for "more planning". In last week's episode, I looking at the historical context of why the request for "more planning", and explored the high cost and dysfunctions that can arise from over-planning. And this week's episode, I'll continue the discussion by exploring the limitations of planning in the face of complexity uncertainty, and some approaches that can help us strike the correct balance. ----- Find this episodes show notes at: Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up:
In this episode, the first of two, I start to explore the dysfunctions and unexpected results that can occur from the seeming well intentioned call for "more planning". In this episode, I will start by looking at the historical context of why the request for "more planning", and an exploration of the high cost and dysfunctions that can arise from over-planning. And in next week's episode, I'll continue the discussion by exploring the limitations of planning in the face of complexity uncertainty, and some approaches that can help us strike the correct balance. ----- Find this episodes show notes at: Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up:
In the last episode I the dysfunctions and unexpected results of a "feature factory" within Software Development. This week I look at what happens if the pendulum swings too far the other way - where an overemphasis on perfection leads again to dysfunction and unexpected results. ----- Find this episodes show notes at: Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up:
In the fast-paced world of software development, the “feature factory” model, with its promise of rapid growth and high ROI, can easily captivate businesses. This episode takes a dive into why the the feature factory is so alluring - and why beneath the allure, lies a multitude of hidden dysfunctions and potential for long-term damage. ----- Find this episodes show notes at: Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up:
In this episode I look at another practice that can be bad for ROI - a practice that may commonly be considered good or common practice, but is actually causing dysfunctional, and unexpected, results. In this episode I want to explore the dangers of performance measurements in modern software development - how, while they are a useful and powerful tool, they are so commonly used incorrectly to disastrous affects. ----- Find this episodes show notes at: Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up:
We all know that a heft bonus improves productivity. Its a management stable - dangle the carrot and good results just roll it. But is that really true? In this episode, I look at the negative consequences of using bonuses for motivation - once again, leaning heavily on the work of Daniel Pink and his book "Drive" to explore the idea of extrinsic and intrinsic motivators - and what works best with modern software development. ----- Find this episodes show notes at: Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up:
Occasionally I record an episode exploring something that may commonly be considered good, or common practice, but is actually causing dysfunctional, and unexpected, results in modern software development - and thus would be bad for ROI. This week I look at the RAG (Red Amber Green) status reporting and its impact on modern software development. ----- Find this episodes show notes at: Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up:
Occasionally I record an episode exploring something that may commonly be considered good, or common practice, but is actually causing dysfunctional, and unexpected, results in modern software development - and thus would be bad for ROI. This week I want to introduce you to a strange beast, found way too often in our organisations, the HiPPO. While the term might sound comical, its implications in the corporate world, and our software development, are anything but. ----- Find this episodes show notes at: Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up:
In this episode I wanted to explore what it means to be a manager for a development team - and more importantly in the world of diverse, cross-functional, self-managing, value stream teams, does the manager still have a role to play? Picture this: You've successfully built a software development team that's as diverse as it is dynamic. They are cross-functional, self-managing, and entirely focused on delivering continuous value. You've assembled the dream team. But here's the central question we'll be grappling with today - if you've created this ideal team, what role, if any, should you as the manager play? Could you have possibly made yourself redundant? ----- Find this episodes show notes at: Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up:
In this episode I wrap up this series of episodes on transaction-based costing by looking at the common themes and revisiting some of my initial reasons for starting the series. For me the key takeaway is the common theme of constantly rethinking our best practice and adapting to the changing landscape of technology, our organisation, and our markets. ----- Find this episodes show notes at: Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up:
In this episode I continue the discussion on transaction-based costing by looking at the relationship with Small Batch Sizes. I began by defining small batch sizes - the breaking of work down into more manageable tasks, which can improve the speed and quality of your output. I then explore how small batch sizes play a pivotal role in transaction-based costing, promoting efficiency and cost-effectiveness by enabling more precise tracking and control of costs. I also examine the benefits that come with this combination - enhanced agility for software changes, better predictability for improved financial forecasting, enhanced transparency for granular insights into cost allocations, and streamlined processes for reducing waste and improving value delivery. And to wrap up, I talk about some the challenges of a transition from traditional methods and implementing small batch sizes. ----- Find this episodes show notes at: Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up:
In this episode I continue the discussion on transaction-based costing by looking at the relationship with Value Stream Teams. I start by defining value stream teams - cross-functional groups that work towards delivering value from customer request to service delivery. I explore how they fit into the software development landscape, leveraging principles of lean manufacturing for better efficiency. I recap the transactional cost mindset, comparing it with the traditional CapEx/ OpEx model - highlighting the benefits of a transaction-based approach for improving visibility and accountability for better decision making. I then discuss the importance of breaking down organizational silos - examining the significance of focusing on the end-to-end flow of value in software development, emphasizing how transaction-based costing helps optimize this flow for better financial outcomes. Lastly, I highlight how this approach can enhance agility and speed up time to market. ----- Find this episodes show notes at: Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up:
In episode, I discuss the relationship between transaction-based costing models, serverless computing, and cloud computing in a dynamic business environment. I look at how this model offers flexibility, scalability, and cost-effectiveness by allowing businesses to pay only for the resources they use - and compare this model to the traditional capex/opex model and highlight how the transaction-based model, combined with serverless and cloud, can lead to higher profit margins, better financial planning, and the ability to invest in other areas of the business. ----- Find this episodes show notes at: Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up:
Are you struggling to track the true return on investment in your software development projects? Traditional CapEx and OpEx models may not be enough in dynamic environments. But don't worry, there's a solution! In this episode, I introduce transaction-based costing. By assigning a cost to each transaction within the software development process, you can achieve better transparency, tighter cost control, and a more direct linkage to outcomes. ----- Find this episodes show notes at: Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up:
In this episode, I discusses the potential benefits of organization-specific AI Coding Assistants. While AI won't replace developers, it can provide more refined and less generic answers, leading to improved code quality and enhanced productivity within the organization. By tailoring AI Coding Assistants to an organization, it can understand and adapt to project-specific requirements, suggest appropriate design patterns and architectural improvements, integrate with existing development tools and workflows, and contribute to knowledge sharing and onboarding. ----- Find this episodes show notes at: Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up:
In this episode I discuss the potential negatives of using AI Coding Assistants in software development. I cover topics such as: over-reliance and skill degradation, lack of creativity and innovation, false positives and incorrect suggestions, limitations with domain-specific knowledge, dependency on internet connectivity, adoption and learning curve, and privacy and security concerns. ----- Find this episodes show notes at: Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up:
In this episode, I discusses the expected benefits of using AI Coding Assistants in software development. These benefits include: increased productivity, code optimization, learning and knowledge enhancement, error detection and debugging, collaboration and coding consistency, code documentation, and code completion and suggestions. ----- Find this episodes show notes at: Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up:
In this episode I discuss the growing use of AI Coding Assistants in software development, particularly large language models like ChatGPT. I explain how AI Coding Assistants can greatly improve productivity and efficiency for developers, with examples of popular products in the market. AI Coding Assistants will not replace developers, but rather enhance their work. ----- Find this episodes show notes at: Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up:
In this episode, I review last weeks conversation with ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence language model developed by OpenAI. I discuss the technology behind ChatGPT, its potential risks and benefits, and the ethical and societal questions it poses. I also talks about my personal experience with ChatGPT and my intention to use it for podcast scripting. ----- Find this episodes show notes at: Have an idea for an episode topic, or want to see what is coming up:
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