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Pomegranates and Honey

Author: Yael Respes

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Rabbi Gamliel Respes and his wife Yael, a Montesorri teacher and local village wise woman, discuss life, love, Torah, marriage, their grandchildren, and what it's like to be your not so typical Jews.
2 Episodes
Relationships and ego

Relationships and ego


Rabbi Gamliel and Yael discuss the importance of keeping one's ego in check when communicating in a marriage, or any time for that matter. Being able to Express your needs, without having an agenda in mind is crucial to a healthy and loving relationship.
In this introductory episode we talked about our first year of marriage and what it has been like to be married again, for the second and third time respectively. What was different this time? What have we learned? Why is this the best thing we've ever done?