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Yeshiva of Newark Podcast
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© Avramel Kivelevitz
The Yeshiva of Newark /The Yeshiva at IDT is an on-line institution providing instruction and classes,lectures and dialogue for students of almost any background.
The original school was founded on a broad-minded approach to Jewish studies that still resided firmly within the Mesorah of Orthodox Judaism.With the advent of the Covid epidemic in 2020-the institution refashioned itself to meet the needs and requests of interested parties across the globe which has resulted in well over half a million downloads of episodes in three years.
2246 Episodes
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation:
Please click on this link to contribute whateveryou can to keep this podcast on the air:
With downloads approaching the million mark-andan archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva of Newark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light of much appreciated listener feedback.
A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews. This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts.
This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing. We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to somany.
Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep us afloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent,and humorous discussion, lectures, debate and inquiry - while thedestructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us.
Prof. Juni is one of the foremost research psychologists in the world today. He has published ground-breaking original research in seventy different peer reviewed journals and is cited continuously with respect by colleagues and experts in the field who have built on his theories and observations.
He studied in Yeshivas Chaim Berlin under Rav Yitzchak Hutner, and in Yeshiva University as a Talmid of Rav Joseph Dov Soloveitchik. Dr. Juni is a board member of the Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists and has regularly presented addresses to captivated audiences. Associated with NYU since 1979, Juni has served as Director of PhD programs, all the while heading teams engaged in cutting-edge research. Professor Juni's scholarship on aberrant behavior across the cultural, ethnic, and religious spectrum is founded on psychometric methodology and based on a psychodynamic psychopathology perspective. He is arguably the preeminent expert in Differential Diagnostics, with each of his myriad studies entailing parallel efforts in theory construction and empirical data collection from normative and clinical populations.
Professor Juni created and directed the NYU Graduate Program in Tel Aviv titled Cross-Cultural Group Dynamics in Stressful Environments. Based in Yerushalayim, he collaborates with Israeli academic and mental health specialists in the study of dissonant factors and tensions in the Arab-Israeli conflict and those within the Orthodox Jewish community, while exploring personality challenges of second-generation Holocaust survivors.
Below is a partial list of the professional journals where Professor Juni has published 120 theoretical articles and his research findings (many are available online):
Journal of Forensic Psychology; Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment, and Trauma; International Review of Victimology; The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease; International Forum of Psychoanalysis; Journal of Personality Assessment; Journal of Abnormal Psychology; Journal of Psychoanalytic Anthropology; Psychophysiology; Psychology and Human Development; Journal of Sex Research; Journal of Psychology and Judaism; Contemporary Family Therapy; American Journal on Addictions; Journal of Criminal Psychology; Mental Health, Religion, and Culture.
As Rosh Beis Medrash, Rabbi Avraham Kivelevitz serves as Rav and Posek for the morning minyan at IDT. Hundreds of listeners around the globe look forward to his weekly Shiurim in Tshuvos and Poskim and Gaonic Literature.
Rav Kivelevitz is a Maggid Shiur for Dirshu International in Talmud and Halacha as well as a Dayan with the Beth Din of America.
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation:
Who qualifies as Panim Chadashos for Sheva Berachos? Sources can be found here.
Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air:
With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva ofNewark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light ofmuch appreciated listener feedback.
A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews.
This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts.
This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing.
We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many.
Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep usafloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion,lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation:
Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air:
With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva ofNewark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light ofmuch appreciated listener feedback.
A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews.
This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts.
This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing.
We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many.
Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep usafloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion,lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation:
Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air:
With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva ofNewark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light ofmuch appreciated listener feedback.
A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews.
This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts.
This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing.
We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many.
Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep usafloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion,lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around usThis podcast is powered by Jewish Podcasts. Start your own podcast today and share your content with the world. Click here to get started.
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation:
Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air:
With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva ofNewark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light ofmuch appreciated listener feedback.
A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews.
This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts.
This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing.
We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many.
Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep usafloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion,lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around usThis podcast is powered by Jewish Podcasts. Start your own podcast today and share your content with the world. Click here to get started.
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation:
Who qualifies as Panim Chadashos for Sheva Berachos? Sources can be found here.
Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air:
With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva ofNewark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light ofmuch appreciated listener feedback.
A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews.
This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts.
This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing.
We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many.
Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep usafloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion,lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation:
Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air:
With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva ofNewark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light ofmuch appreciated listener feedback.
A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews.
This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts.
This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing.
We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many.
Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep usafloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion,lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation:
Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air:
With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva ofNewark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light ofmuch appreciated listener feedback.
A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews.
This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts.
This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing.
We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many.
Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep usafloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion,lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation:
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation:
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation:
Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air:
With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva ofNewark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light ofmuch appreciated listener feedback.
A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews.
This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts.
This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing.
We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many.
Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep usafloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion,lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation:
Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air:
With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva ofNewark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light ofmuch appreciated listener feedback.
A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews.
This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts.
This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing.
We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many.
Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep usafloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion,lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation:
Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air:
With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva ofNewark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light ofmuch appreciated listener feedback.
A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews.
This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts.
This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing.
We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many.
Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep usafloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion,lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation:
Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air:
With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva ofNewark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light ofmuch appreciated listener feedback.
A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews.
This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts.
This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing.
We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many.
Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep usafloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion,lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation:
Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air:
With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva ofNewark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light ofmuch appreciated listener feedback.
A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews.
This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts.
This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing.
We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many.
Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep usafloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion,lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation:
Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air:
With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva ofNewark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light ofmuch appreciated listener feedback.
A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews.
This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts.
This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing.
We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many.
Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep usafloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion,lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation:
Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air:
With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva ofNewark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light ofmuch appreciated listener feedback.
A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews.
This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts.
This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing.
We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many.
Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep usafloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion,lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation:
Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air:
With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva ofNewark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light ofmuch appreciated listener feedback.
A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews.
This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts.
This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing.
We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many.
Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep usafloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion,lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us
Ms. Lyon is a renowned lawyer, author, speaker, professor and former Dean of the Valparaiso University Law School, who has been featured on national news and media outlets. Dubbed “The Angel of Death Row” by the Chicago Tribune, she was the first woman to serve as lead attorney in a death penalty case, and she holds an unparalleled 19 wins in 19 capital cases.
Ms. Lyon has dedicated her career to advocating and upholding justice for all. Her legal work began in the Cook County Public Defender’s Office where she rose to become Chief of the Homicide Task Force. Managing a 22-lawyer unit, she tried over 130 homicide cases and defended more than 30 potential capital cases at the trial level, including taking 19 capital cases through penalty phase. In 1990, Ms. Lyon founded and directed the Illinois Capital Resource Center representing all of the death row inmates in Illinois.
She is leader of academic reforms in both curriculum development and mentoring diversity in law school student and faculty populations. Ms. Lyon brought her depth of criminal justice experience to enrich legal education at University of Michigan Law School as assistant clinical professor; DePaul University College of Law as clinical professor of law, Associate Dean of Clinical Programs, and Director of the Center for Justice in Capital Cases; and as Dean of Valparaiso University Law School.
In January of 2015, Ms. Lyon was awarded Operation Push’s Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and President Lyndon B. Johnson Dream-Makers Award. A winner of the prestigious National Legal Aid and Defender Association’s Reginald Heber Smith Award for best advocate for the poor in the country, she is a nationally recognized expert in the field of death penalty defense and a frequent Continuing Legal Education (CLE) teacher throughout the country. She has been designated as learned counsel in the federal defense system.
Ms. Lyon received her undergraduate degree from Rutgers University and her law degree from Antioch School of Law. Her publications include over fifty law review articles, over ten practice manuals and books, including The Feminine Sixth: Women in Criminal Defense (NACDL Press 2018), The Death Penalty: What’s Keeping it Alive (Rowan & Littlefield, 2015), Team Defense in Criminal Cases with Mortimer Smith (ABA publication, 2014), and Angel of Death Row: My Life as a Death Penalty Defense Lawyer (Kaplan, 2010).
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation:
Please click on this link to contribute whatever you can to keep this podcast on the air:
With downloads approaching the million mark-and an archival library numbering in the thousands, the Yeshiva ofNewark Podcast has been striving to continuously upgrade our content, and professionalize our audio sound, along with altering approaches in light ofmuch appreciated listener feedback.
A niche has been carved out that resonates with many on the wide spectrum of Observant Jews.
This explains why we continually rank high in independent on-line lists of top Yeshiva podcasts.
This proud edifice is in real danger of toppling and disappearing.
We need the help of our listeners to continue to record and edit, and to promote a product that has been a balm and instructive to so many.
Just 36 dollars, a minimum donation, from a thousand of you out there will keep usafloat as a New Ark of straight, intelligent, and humorous discussion,lectures, debate and inquiry - while the destructive waters of ignorance and politics crash around us
This podcast has been graciously sponsored by There is much overhead to maintain this service so please help us continue our goal of helping Jewish lecturers become podcasters and support us with a donation:
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