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Government Unfiltered

Author: Timberlane Media

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Bringing you unfiltered public documents that deserve to be more accessible. Dan Williams, the voice behind the Mueller Report Audio podcast, reads some of the most important government documents for those who want the information, but may be too busy to read or simply want to do other things while consuming the information.
151 Episodes
Part 10 of 12 from Section II. Factual Results of the Obstruction Investigation. This subsection of Volume 2, pages 120-134, details the President's conduct toward Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort and a redacted name that many have speculated to be Roger Stone. The President's Conduct Towards Flynn, Manafort, [Redacted - Harm to Ongoing Matter] (0:08) Conduct Directed at Michael Flynn (1:05) Conduct Directed at Paul Manafort (3:59) [Redacted - Harm to Ongoing Matter] (14:28) Analysis (14:40) Obstructive act (14:53) Nexus to a proceeding (18:44) Intent (19:34) Mueller Report Audio - Presented by Timberlane Media Support via PayPal: Donate with Crypto Music by Lee Rosevere
On Friday, July 19, 2020 the Department of Justice released unredacted portions of the Mueller Report relating to Roger Stone. Unredacted information in this section is located from 3:53 to 4:34 and 18:32 to 19:06. On April 18, 2019, the Department of Justice released the "Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election." This section covers the "Executive Summary to Volume 1" from pages 4 to 10 of the report. Russian Social Media Campaign (1:00) Russian Hacking Operations (2:38) Russian Contacts with the Campaign (4:55) 2015 Russian Contacts with the Campaign (6:02) Spring 2016 Russian Contacts with the Campaign (6:32) Summer 2016 Russian Contacts with the Campaign (7:17) Fall 2016 Russian Contacts with the Campaign (10:21) Post-2016 Election Russian Contacts with the Campaign (11:16) The Special Counsel's Charging Decisions (15:40) Mueller Report Audio - Presented by Timberlane Media Support via PayPal: Donate with Crypto Music by Lee Rosevere
On Friday, July 19, 2020 the Department of Justice released unredacted portions of the Mueller Report relating to Roger Stone. Unredacted information in this section is located from 1:59 to 2:38. Section III is delivered in four parts. This section covers the introduction to the section as well as part A, GRU Hacking Directed at the Clinton Campaign. III: Russian Hacking and Dumping Operations (1:00) A. GRU Hacking Directed at the Clinton Campaign (2:38) GRU Units Target the Clinton Campaign (2:44) Intrusions into the DCCC and DNC Networks (5:30) Initial Access (5:36) Implantation of Malware on DCCC and DNC Networks (6:33) Theft of Documents from DNC and DCCC Networks (8:46) This podcast covers pages 36-41 of the "Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election." Mueller Report Audio - Presented by Timberlane Media Support via PayPal: Donate with Crypto Music by Lee Rosevere
On Friday, July 19, 2020 the Department of Justice released unredacted portions of the Mueller Report relating to Roger Stone. Unredacted information in this section is located from 6:50 to 8:03. Part 2 of 4 from Section III: Russian Hacking and Dumping Operations. This section explains the investigation's look into DCLeaks, Guccifer 2.0 and the use of Wikileaks from pages 41-49 of the "Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election." B. Dissemination of the Hacked Materials (0:59) DCLeaks (1:18) Guccifer 2.0 (3:43) Use ofWikiLeaks (8:05) WikiLeaks's Expressed Opposition Toward the Clinton Campaign (8:30) WikiLeaks's First Contact with Guccifer 2.0 and DCLeaks (9:40) The GRU's Transfer of Stolen Materials to WikiLeaks (11:21) WikiLeaks Statements Dissembling About the Source of Stolen Materials (16:01) Mueller Report Audio - Presented by Timberlane Media Support via PayPal: Donate with Crypto Music by Lee Rosevere
On Friday, June 19, 2020, the Department of Justice released unredacted portions of the Mueller Report relating to Roger Stone. This section of the Mueller Report contains the newly available information. Previously, this section had been heavily redacted up to section 1e, and the first four subsections are now largely unredacted. Most of the new additions are from 1:14 to 16:44 in this episode. Part 4 of 4 from Section III: Russian Hacking and Dumping Operations. Note: Sections 1a through 1d are heavily redacted. From section 1e until the conclusion, the investigation's findings focus on interactions between the Trump Campaign and Wikileaks as well as the campaign's interest and efforts to obtain deleted Clinton emails. This podcast covers pages 51-65 of the "Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election." Trump Campaign and the Dissemination of Hacked Materials (0:57) Role of Roger Stone (1:14) Background (1:18) Contacts with the Campaign about WikiLeaks (1:58) Roger Stone’s Known Efforts to Communicate with WikiLeaks (6:28) WikiLeaks's October 7, 2016 Release of Stolen Podesta Emails (13:16) Donald Trump Jr. Interaction with WikiLeaks (16:44) Other Potential Campaign Interest in Russian Hacked Materials (19:09) Henry Oknyansky (a/k/a Henry Greenberg) (19:53) Campaign Efforts to Obtain Deleted Clinton Emails (22:06) Mueller Report Audio - Presented by Timberlane Media Support via PayPal: Donate with Crypto Music by Lee Rosevere
On Friday, June 19, 2020, the Department of Justice released unredacted portions of the Mueller Report relating to Roger Stone. This episode is a re-release of this section of the Mueller Report with the newly available information. Apart from a couple of mentions of Roger Stone's name, the unredacted material is primarily from 7:34 to 9:04 and 49:17 to 53:23. As part of the final section of Volume 1, pages 174-199, this section explains the Special Council's decisions on whether to exercise its prosecutorial authority with regard to the evidence it found through the investigation. Prosecution and Declination Decisions (1:12) A. Russian "Active Measures" Social Media Campaign (2:51) B. Russian Hacking and Dumping Operations (5:40) Section 1030 Computer-Intrusion Conspiracy (5:45) Background (5:51) Charging Decision As to [Redacted - Harm to Ongoing Matter] (9:05) Potential Section 1030 Violation By [Redacted - Personal Privacy] (9:16) C. Russian Government Outreach and Contacts (10:12) Potential Coordination: Conspiracy and Collusion (12:07) Potential Coordination: Foreign Agent Statutes (FARA and 18 U.S.C. § 951) (14:53) Governing Law (15:13) Application (17:58) Campaign Finance (20:07) Overview Of Governing Law (20:47) Application to June 9 Trump Tower Meeting (23:26) Thing-of-Value Element (26:34) Willfulness (29:34) Difficulties in Valuing Promised Information (31:43) Application to [Redacted - Harm to Ongoing Matter] (33:17) Questions Over Whether [Redacted - Harm to Ongoing Matter] (33:28) Willfulness (33:37) Constitutional Considerations (33:59) Analysis as to [Redacted - Harm to Ongoing Matter] (34:11) False Statements and Obstruction of the Investigation (34:24) Overview Of Governing Law (34:46) Application to Certain Individuals (37:21) George Papadopoulos (37:25) [Redacted - Personal Privacy] (42:23) Michael Flynn (42:23) Michael Cohen (42:32) Roger Stone (49:18) Jeff Sessions (53:24) Others Interviewed During the Investigation (56:47) Mueller Report Audio - Presented by Timberlane Media Support via PayPal: Donate with Crypto Music by Lee Rosevere
On Friday, June 19, 2020, the Department of Justice released unredacted portions of the Mueller Report relating to Roger Stone. In the days ahead, I'm planning to re-release sections of the Mueller Report with the newly available information. Apart from an earlier mention of Roger Stone's name, the unredacted material is from 6:36 to 8:04 in this section. Part 1 of 12 from Section II. Factual Results of the Obstruction Investigation. This subsection of Volume 2, from pages 15-24, first provides and introduction to the section and then offers an overview of how Russia became an issue in the 2016 presidential campaign. It then details, in four subsections, how Trump and his campaign responded to these issues. II. Factual Results of the Obstruction Investigation (1:23) II.A. The Campaign's Response to Reports About Russian Support for Trump (3:14) Press Reports Allege Links Between the Trump Campaign and Russia (4:15) The Trump Campaign Reacts to WikiLeaks's Release of Hacked Emails (5:36) The Trump Campaign Reacts to Allegations That Russia was Seeking to Aid Candidate Trump (8:04) After the Election, Trump Continues to Deny Any Contacts or Connections with Russia or That Russia Aided his Election (12:23) Mueller Report Audio - Presented by Timberlane Media Support via PayPal: Donate with Crypto Music by Lee Rosevere
On Friday, June 19, 2020, the Department of Justice released unredacted portions of the Mueller Report relating to Roger Stone. In the days ahead, I'm planning to re-release sections of the Mueller Report with the newly available information. This section's unredacted material is from 30:36 to 30:40. Part 4 of 12 from Section II. Factual Results of the Obstruction Investigation. This subsection of Volume 2, pages 62-77, provides the details surrounding the President's decision to fire the FBI Director and the circumstances surrounding his request for Comey's "loyalty." Events Leading Up To and Surrounding the Termination of FBI Director Comey (1:00) Comey Testifies Before the Senate Judiciary Committee and Declines to Answer Questions About Whether the President is Under Investigation (2:30) The President Makes the Decision to Terminate Comey (5:45) Analysis (21:25) Obstructive act (21:33) Nexus to a proceeding (23:44) Intent (25:29) Mueller Report Audio - Presented by Timberlane Media Support via PayPal: Donate with Crypto Music by Lee Rosevere
On Friday, June 19, 2020, the Department of Justice released unredacted portions of the Mueller Report relating to Roger Stone. In the days ahead, I'm planning to re-release sections of the Mueller Report with the newly available information. The only unredacted material in this section appears at 33:26 and ends at 33:47. Part 11 of 12 from Section II. Factual Results of the Obstruction Investigation. This subsection of Volume 2, pages 134-156, details the President's conduct toward Michael Cohen with regard to Cohen's involvement in the Trump Tower Moscow Project, his statements to attempt to distance Trump from Russia, and conduct by the President once Cohen began cooperating with the Special Council. The President's Conduct Involving Michael Cohen (1:00) Candidate Trump's Awareness of and Involvement in the Trump Tower Moscow Project (2:52) Cohen Determines to Adhere to a "Party Line" Distancing Candidate Trump From Russia (8:57) Cohen Submits False Statements to Congress Minimizing the Trump Tower Moscow Project in Accordance with the Party Line (10:43) The President Sends Messages of Support to Cohen (20:42) The President's Conduct After Cohen Began Cooperating with the Government (26:44) Analysis (37:07) Obstructive act (37:16) Whether the President or others aided or participated in Cohen's false statements to Congress (37:38) Whether the President took actions that would have the natural tendency to prevent Cohen from providing truthful information to the government (40:35) Nexus to a proceeding (42:47) Intent (43:08) Mueller Report Audio - Presented by Timberlane Media Support via PayPal: Donate with Crypto Music by Lee Rosevere
On Friday, June 19, 2020, the Department of Justice released unredacted portions of the Mueller Report relating to Roger Stone. In the days ahead, I'm planning to re-release sections of the Mueller Report with the newly available information. This is part 10 of 12 from Section II. Factual Results of the Obstruction Investigation. This subsection of Volume 2, pages 120-134, details the President's conduct toward Michael Flynn, Paul Manafort and Roger Stone. The President's Conduct Towards Flynn, Manafort, and Stone (0:58) Conduct Directed at Michael Flynn (1:51) Conduct Directed at Paul Manafort (4:46) Conduct Directed at Roger Stone - UNREDACTED (15:12) Analysis (19:44) Obstructive act (19:55) Stone - UNREDACTED (23:39) Nexus to a proceeding (23:58) Stone - UNREDACTED (28:02) Intent (24:43) Mueller Report Audio - Presented by Timberlane Media Support via PayPal: Donate with Crypto Music by Lee Rosevere
On April 18, 2019, the Department of Justice released the "Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election." This section covers some background behind the creation of this audio podcast and the "Introduction to Volume 1" from pages 1 to 3 of the report.  Introduction to Volume 1 (1:45) Mueller Report Audio - Presented by Timberlane Media Support via PayPal: Donate with Crypto Music by Lee Rosevere
On April 18, 2019, the Department of Justice released the "Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election." This section covers the "Executive Summary to Volume 1" from pages 4 to 10 of the report. Russian Social Media Campaign (0:10) Russian Hacking Operations (1:47) Russian Contacts with the Campaign (3:52) 2015 Russian Contacts with the Campaign (5:00) Spring 2016 Russian Contacts with the Campaign (5:30) Summer 2016 Russian Contacts with the Campaign (6:14) Fall 2016 Russian Contacts with the Campaign (9:18) Post-2016 Election Russian Contacts with the Campaign (10:13) The Special Counsel's Charging Decisions (14:38) Mueller Report Audio - Presented by Timberlane Media Support via PayPal: Donate with Crypto Music by Lee Rosevere
This episode contains Section 1 of Volume 1 of the "Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election." The section is titled "I. The Special Counsel's Investigation" from pages 11 to 13 of the report. Mueller Report Audio - Presented by Timberlane Media Support via PayPal: Donate with Crypto Music by Lee Rosevere
This episode covers the structure of the Internet Research Agency, the funding and oversight of the IRA, and the methods in which the IRA targeted the 2016 U.S. Election, as part of the "Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election." This podcast covers pages 14 to 35 of the report. This section is heavily redacted citing, in most cases, "Harm to Ongoing Matter," and we introduce a sound effect to help note the skipped areas of redaction, while trying to provide context for the redactions when possible. Russian "Active Measures" Social Media Campaign (0:15) Structure of the Internet Research Agency (3:11) Funding and Oversight from Concord and Prigozhin (3:53) The IRA Targets U.S. Elections (4:51) The IRA Ramps Up U.S. Operations As Early As 2014 (4:56) U.S. Operations Through IRA-Controlled Social Media Accounts (6:02) U.S. Operations Through Facebook (8:21) U.S. Operations Through Twitter (11:39) Individualized Accounts (12:12) IRA Botnet Activities (13:49) U.S. Operations Involving Political Rallies (14:24) Targeting and Recruitment of U.S. Persons (16:32) Interactions and Contacts with the Trump Campaign (18:07) Trump Campaign Promotion of IRA Political Materials (18:48) Contact with Trump Campaign Officials in Connection to Rallies (20:27) Mueller Report Audio - Presented by Timberlane Media Support via PayPal: Donate with Crypto Music by Lee Rosevere
Section III will be delivered in four parts. This section covers part A, GRU Hacking Directed at the Clinton Campaign, from Section III: Russian Hacking and Dumping Operations. 1. GRU Units Target the Clinton Campaign (2:02) 2. Intrusions into the DCCC and DNC Networks a. Initial Access (4:53) b. Implantation of Malware on DCCC and DNC Networks (5:51) c. Theft of Documents from DNC and DCCC Networks (8:05) This podcast covers pages 36-41 of the "Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election." Mueller Report Audio - Presented by Timberlane Media Support via PayPal: Donate with Crypto Music by Lee Rosevere
Part 2 of 4 from Section III: Russian Hacking and Dumping Operations. This section explains the investigation's look into DCLeaks, Guccifer 2.0 and the use of Wikileaks from pages 41-49 of the "Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election."  B. Dissemination of the Hacked Materials DCLeaks (0:29) Guccifer 2.0 (2:55) Use ofWikiLeaks (7:10) WikiLeaks's Expressed Opposition Toward the Clinton Campaign (7:35) WikiLeaks's First Contact with Guccifer 2.0 and DCLeaks (8:46) The GRU's Transfer of Stolen Materials to WikiLeaks (10:27) WikiLeaks Statements Dissembling About the Source of Stolen Materials (15:06) Mueller Report Audio - Presented by Timberlane Media Support via PayPal: Donate with Crypto Music by Lee Rosevere
Part 3 of 4 from Section III: Russian Hacking and Dumping Operations. This section offers the investigation's findings of the Russian efforts to target individuals involved in the Clinton Campaign and entities involved in election administration from pages 49-51 of the "Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election." C. Additional GRU Cyber Operations (0:13) Summer and Fall 2016 Operations Targeting Democrat-Linked Victims (0:30) Intrusions Targeting the Administration of U.S. Elections (2:23) Mueller Report Audio - Presented by Timberlane Media Support via PayPal: Donate with Crypto Music by Lee Rosevere
Part 4 of 4 from Section III: Russian Hacking and Dumping Operations. Note: Sections 1a through 1d are heavily redacted. From section 1e until the conclusion, the investigation's findings focus on interactions between the Trump Campaign and Wikileaks as well as the campaign's interest and efforts to obtain deleted Clinton emails. This podcast covers pages 51-65 of the "Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election." Trump Campaign and the Dissemination of Hacked Materials (0:23) Redacted [Harm to Ongoing Matter] (0:39) Background (0:43) Contacts with the Campaign about WikiLeaks (0:48) Redacted [Harm to Ongoing Matter] (2:55) WikiLeaks's October 7, 2016 Release of Stolen Podesta Emails (4:28) Donald Trump Jr. Interaction with WikiLeaks (6:30) Other Potential Campaign Interest in Russian Hacked Materials (8:55) Henry Oknyansky (a/k/a Henry Greenberg) (9:39) Campaign Efforts to Obtain Deleted Clinton Emails (11:52) Mueller Report Audio - Presented by Timberlane Media Support via PayPal: Donate with Crypto Music by Lee Rosevere
This podcast covers page 66 of the "Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election," which provides an introduction to the eight subsections ahead focusing on the principal links between the Trump Campaign and individuals with ties to the Russian government. Due to the length of each of these subsections, they will each be getting their own podcast episode: 1) Trump Tower Moscow Project, 2) George Papadopoulos, 3) Carter Page, 4) Dimitri Simes and the Center for the National Interest, 5) June 9, 2016 Meeting at Trump Tower, 6) Events at the Republication National Convention, 7) Post-Convention Contacts with Kislyak, and 8) Paul Manafort. Mueller Report Audio - Presented by Timberlane Media Support via PayPal: Donate with Crypto Music by Lee Rosevere
Part 1 of 8 from Section IV: Russian Government Links To And Contacts With The Trump Campaign. This subsection of Volume 1, pages 67-80, focuses on the Trump Organization and the Trump Campaign's contacts with Russia surrounding the Trump Tower Moscow Project. Trump Tower Moscow Project (0:10) Trump Tower Moscow Venture with the Crocus Group (2013-2014) (1:16) Communications with I.C. Expert Investment Company and Giorgi Rtskhiladze (Summer and Fall 2015) (3:40) Letter of Intent and Contacts to Russian Government (October 2015-January 2016) (7:16) Trump Signs the Letter of Intent on behalf of the Trump Organization (7:24) Post-LOI Contacts with Individuals in Russia (10:38) Discussions about Russia Travel by Michael Cohen or Candidate Trump (December 2015-June 2016) (18:01) Sater's Overtures to Cohen to Travel to Russia (18:09) Candidate Trump's Opportunities to Travel to Russia (22:07) Mueller Report Audio - Presented by Timberlane Media Support via PayPal: Donate with Crypto Music by Lee Rosevere
Comments (7)

Stephen Richmond

$45 would break down to like $23/minute. the ad at the end was as long as the episode.

Mar 4th

Pepsi Man Gaming

Thank you, also bidens shit

Jan 29th

Jo Russell

Thank you

Jul 27th

Elizabeth Burns

Legally blind. Very grateful.

Jun 22nd

Ashleigh Nelson

Huge thank you to Dan for doing this! I am about 20 minutes from the end and feel like I have a much better understanding of the full scope of the report. Just by being able to listen on my way to and from work I have been able to digest the whole report in just under two weeks. I truly appreciate the effort you put into making this and your dedication to keeping it free to the public. I have donated on indigogo and plan to again next paycheck. Again, huge thanks!

Jun 5th

Dryte Pareigis

Thank you for doing this. Having a combination of the PDF and your audio has made this whole thing easier (at least slightly) to process

May 6th
Reply (1)