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Press On with Aaron Rios
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Press On with Aaron Rios

Author: Aaron Rios

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Aaron Rios is the Lead Pastor of Garden City Church in Beverly Massachusetts. Aaron is a husband, father, pastor and worship artist. Join him for his weekly pod cast intended to enrich, challenge and inspire you to press on towards Christ.

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39 Episodes
Joining me today is Mark Sowersby - Author of Forgiving the Nightmare, his story of abuse and trauma and how Jesus has helped him overcome victimhood and established him as victorious!
Goliath Versus God

Goliath Versus God


Goliath thought his battle was against a mere shepherd boy. He was wrong. When the Philistine picked a fight with Israel, he picked a fight against God. You are not battling alone. The enemy that is coming against you is coming against your God, so remember the fight is fixed, and victory is certain!
Jesus is our Hope. When the world seems unstable, what is the source of your hope? What do you trust in that will make your circumstances better? Are you waiting on a promotion or for a person to change? Perhaps you're waiting to become a certain age, and you believe THEN things will get better?   Today, Jesus wants to be your hope. He wants to be the one you look to. He wants to be your refuge and stronghold. Hope brings us security. Hope is evidence of greater love within us.
What is Love?

What is Love?


In discussing the love of God, we must put aside our own presumptions in order to receive God's revelation.
Managing Expectations

Managing Expectations


What were you expecting? There is so much around us influencing our expectations and the outcomes. Perhaps we should surrender our expectations to the one who indeed holds the 
A King in Waiting

A King in Waiting


Who are you looking to for an answer? In the last election, Evangelicalism took a hit. With a high percentage of evangelicals, being supporters of Trump, and a slew of almost every recognized prophetic voice declaring Trump the winner, what are we to do when the trusted words of the prophet do not come to pass? We must remember that even when man's failure does not! Mans's flaws and unfaithfulness will never negate God's faithfulness. King David is the representation of God. Faithfulness amidst man's failure.
Dealing with Division

Dealing with Division


Jesus, in as much as he is the author of peace, hope and joy is also the originator of division. Jesus draws a line in the sand and calls to us to step over - abandoning an old life. The problem man Christians face is trying to tote the things Jesus died to save and free us from with is into a new journey, thereby, making no measurable distinction between a life before or after coming into faith.   You have to ask yourself this question: 'has Jesus made a difference in me?’ 
Rebellious Rising

Rebellious Rising


What can we learn from Korah and his rebellion towards Moses? Perhaps that ground that swallowed him up, is the same ground that sprouted a remnant generation birthed in humility and service to God!   I believe God is preparing to call the rebellious back to himself. We will see revival and restoration of prodigals. God will make himself known in the hearts and the lives of our families and our children.
The Uncomfortable

The Uncomfortable


When is the last time you caused someone to feel a little uncomfortable because your presence upset the imbalance of Godlessness? That might sound a little pious or 'holier than thou', but that should be an intrinsic response as God's people are ambassadors of the Holy Spirit. I don't know about you, but I'm tired of always feeling a little uncomfortable. I think it's time that believers be light and cause darkness to become uncomfortable.
Stay in the Fight!

Stay in the Fight!


Visit Aaron Rios at: facebook Instagram Twitter   The enemy wants to wear you out, but God's plan and desire for you is to overcome. Belief in Jesus must lead to actions and imperatives, not simply professions. Because faith without works is dead.  Let me encourage you today to be empowered by the call - the fact that God has called, commissioned, and holds incredible plans for you should bring the humility needed to position yourself under God might hand that he may lift you up in due time. You will see the type of victory for which only He can receive the glory.   God is raising up a generation prepared to fight.
The Dam will Break

The Dam will Break


Visit Aaron Rios at: facebook Instagram Twitter   John 7:38 Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.” Understanding that this deep area within us is not merely where Gods presence dwells, but the originating point. The move of God must begin within us. The river spoken of is a powerful, rushing current that saturates, purifies, and satisfies. Jesus made it clear that He alone is the source of the refreshing, life-giving water. He alone satisfies us through and through.
Get to the Valley!

Get to the Valley!


Visit Aaron Rios at: facebook Instagram Twitter   Face your giant in the valley. 1 Samuel 17:3 tells us, Israel and the Philistines assembled on opposing hilltops. From there, Goliath arrogantly shouted blasphemous statements. How did God's people respond? They halted all advancement because of fear. Let’s consider the hilltops. From there you might have a greater vantage: clear visibility, the greater reach of your voice, and perhaps an intimidating view of the opposition.   It was from the hilltops that Goliath was able to stop the Israelites, not in combat and not face to face - but simply by his threats.   Keep in mind that Israel was skilled at war. I am not sure we give Goliath enough credit. It would seem that the greatest threat was not the Philistine army, it was Goliath. That is how intimidating he was. Nothing makes a giant larger or scarier than a hilltop for a platform; and God's people spectated and retreated.   Enter David, the anointed shepherd. God does not want spectators, he wants conquerers with slings.
Better Things

Better Things


Visit Aaron Rios at: facebook Instagram Twitter   God has better things in store. Do not allow the obstacles today to rob you of tomorrow's reward! If you don’t know your purpose then you will forget the point of the struggles - but when you know your purpose, you will understand that obstacles are purposeful.    
Do you expect to receive from God? Consider your prayers and the manner in which you approach God. Do you come with defined needs, or do you default to ‘if it's the Lord's will”? The story of the woman with the issue of blood found in - Matthew 9:20–22, Mark 5:25–34 and Luke 8:43–48, reveals that Faith does not function alone. Faith must be accompanied with expectation; or as the Bible states, faith without action is dead (James 2:17). Expectation is an action.
Get Down!

Get Down!


Posture Dictates Position. This is what Peter is Teaching us in his letters to the early believers. 1st Peter 5:6 states:  “Humble yourself, and God will lift you up." If you want victory - it must be found on your knees. Why? Because You will never experience victory in the public square until you first conquer yourself and until Christ conquers you! In this new season, it is evident that God is directing his Church, to humble herself in order to be elevated to the positions of authority and empowerment that God has ordained; particularly the resilience to survive and thrive through persecution.
The Fire of God

The Fire of God


The character and nature of God is demonstrated through fire. The fire of God ought to keep us in constant awe and wonder of who HE is. God is calling back to embrace his presence and let the fire re-ignite our hearts once again.
Many are waiting for the appearance of a personified Antichrist, all the while many are being misled by the "influence" or "spirit" that permeates throughout culture - also called ‘antichrist’. Let's discover the subtle ways this influence works, that we will not fall prey.
Come and See my Zeal

Come and See my Zeal


When we arrive at this passage, Jezebel has been killed the kingdom is being purged, Jehu is on the war path - he has met a man by the name of Jehonadab who will help bring down the renaming baal worshippers, and thus he speaks these words: “Come and see my zeal”
From the Least to the Greatest! All great things begin small - conceived as simple ideas - from the least often come great things. The dream is the first step in the process. Where are you in the process? Are you still in the dream phase, hoping to arrive, or be one day something that you currently are not? Does it feel like you are always in motion but never arriving? God has more for you.



Persistently Pursue His Presence - as we leave 2020 behind an head into a new year do not sink into stagnation, complacency or the mindset of "well, I guess this is it". Persistently pursue his presence, his vision, his goals, and plans for you and your family! Favor Grows, as intimacy grows. Greater favor = Greater intimacy. Do you need God's favor in your life? You need Greater intimacy with God.