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Christians in Sport Talks
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Christians in Sport Talks

Author: Christians in Sport

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Talks and sermons from Christians in Sport.

Christians in Sport is a movement of competitors, coaches and officials. We exist to reach the world of sport for Jesus.

We get sport from the inside. Our resources are specially designed for Christians active in competitive sport. Find what you need here, put it into practice, and watch God at work.
55 Episodes
As Daniel is thrown into the lion's den, he places his confidence in the living God for rescue from an impossible situation. What about you? Do you really believe God can rescue the sportspeople you train and compete with? 
Daniel faced real opposition, and today Christian sportspeople face opposition as they navigate the world of sport. In this talk, Dave gets into the story of Daniel being thrown into the fire, and how the God who rescued him is the same God who is in control today.
God's kingdom is eternal, while other rulers, cultures and ideologies come and go - His love and rule remains steadfast. We see Daniel acting in light of this in Babylon, and we can do the same today as sportspeople who long to share the love of Jesus with our friends.
Daniel, along with the rest of Judah, had every reason to doubt God, yet they stood firm. Navigating a culture of sport today that doesn't recognise God as King is similarly challenging, yet we can be confident in God's faithfulness in tough circumstances.
Does God really love me? It's a question many of us ask as we journey through life. Our final game changing truth from Romans 8 is that in Christ there is no separation, only love. 
What keeps you going when you face difficulty or suffering? In this talk, Laura looks at the second game-changing truth from Romans 8: that in Christ we have true lasting hope that goes beyond pain, suffering, and even death.
The good news of Jesus is truly game-changing for those who put their faith in it. In this talk, Lloyd looks at the first game-changing truth from Romans 8: that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
At Sports Plus 2022 the evening meetings focused on the theme 'The King is Here.' This series focuses on the life, death and resurrection of King Jesus, as told in the gospel account written by Matthew. Early in Matthew's gospel we read that 'the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned.' What does it mean to live now in view of that light? How does Jesus, the light of the world, change life for us living now? Listen to find out more.
At Sports Plus 2022 the evening meetings focused on the theme 'The King is Here.' This series focuses on the life, death and resurrection of King Jesus, as told in the gospel account written by Matthew. Early in Matthew's gospel we read that 'the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned.' What does it mean to live now in view of that light? How does Jesus, the light of the world, change life for us living now? Listen to find out more.
At Sports Plus 2022 the evening meetings focused on the theme 'The King is Here.' This series focuses on the life, death and resurrection of King Jesus, as told in the gospel account written by Matthew. Early in Matthew's gospel we read that 'the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned.' What does it mean to live now in view of that light? How does Jesus, the light of the world, change life for us living now? Listen to find out more.
At Sports Plus 2022 the evening meetings focused on the theme 'The King is Here.' This series focuses on the life, death and resurrection of King Jesus, as told in the gospel account written by Matthew.  Early in Matthew's gospel we read that 'the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned.' What does it mean to live now in view of that light? How does Jesus, the light of the world, change life for us living now? Listen to find out more.
At Sports Plus 2022 the evening meetings focused on the theme 'The King is Here.' This series focuses on the life, death and resurrection of King Jesus, as told in the gospel account written by Matthew. Early in Matthew's gospel we read that 'the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned.' What does it mean to live now in view of that light? How does Jesus, the light of the world, change life for us living now? Listen to find out more.
At Sports Plus 2022 the evening meetings focused on the theme 'The King is Here.' This series focuses on the life, death and resurrection of King Jesus, as told in the gospel account written by Matthew. Early in Matthew's gospel we read that 'the people living in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned.' What does it mean to live now in view of that light? How does Jesus, the light of the world, change life for us living now? Listen to find out more.
Being a Christian in the world of sport isn't always easy. The joy of being made to play sport is wonderful, but it comes with challenges. Be it from within, as we're tempted to see sport as a measure of our worth, or from around us, as we experience opposition to the gospel in our clubs and teams. Whatever the challenge that lies ahead, God's grace can sustain you, so will you stand fast in his grace as you go into the world of sport? Every January we gather for our student conference in England, Northern Ireland, & Scotland for Bible teaching, sport and friendship. This year our theme is the 'Grace Fuelled Race', watch for a small taste of New Year Training.
Are you the only Christian in your sports team? Do people single you out for ridicule or mockery because you follow Jesus? Or perhaps you feel too ashamed of your mistakes to share the good news of Jesus? Laura opens up 1 Peter to show us that no matter who you are, or what you've done, God's grace is good news, and good news worth sharing. Every January we gather for our student conference in England, Northern Ireland, & Scotland for Bible teaching, sport and friendship. This year our theme is the 'Grace Fueled Race', watch for a small taste of New Year Training.
How do you feel when you play sport? Are you safe and secure, or scared - weighed down by the pressure to perform? Graham Daniels speaks from the book of 1 Peter on how you can be free to enjoy your sport as you fix your eyes on Jesus - knowing that by his grace you can be safe, secure and transformed to live for him. Every January we gather for our student conference in England, Northern Ireland, & Scotland for Bible teaching, sport and friendship. This year our theme is the 'Grace Fuelled Race', watch for a small taste of New Year Training.
Grace which gives living hope: 1 Peter 1:3-9 & 5:12 The grace of God is fuel for everything in the Christian life. It is only by God's grace that we can have true forgiveness, hope, purpose, and identity. In our first talk of this year's New Year Training conference, Duncan takes us through what this means for Christian sportspeople. Every January we gather for our student conference in England, Northern Ireland, & Scotland for Bible teaching, sport and friendship. This year our theme is the 'Grace Fueled Race', watch for a small taste of New Year Training.
“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." Hampo speaks on the final night of New Year Training from Matthew 5:14-16.
Greg speaks at the second night of New Year Training from Matthew 5:1-14.
Danno speaks at our new year student conference from Matthew 4:12-20. 