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True Lasting Change

Author: Willie Lawson

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True Lasting Change is a ministry of Harvest Church of Tampa. Join us as we offer praise to the Lord teach the Word of God!

Please visit us. We are currently meeting at:

Spring Hill Suites
5396 Primrose Lake Cir,
Tampa, FL 33647

Service Times: Sunday 9:30 AM and 5:00 PM
148 Episodes
Many people will say they believe in God, but how many can say they belive what God has spoken in His Word?
Encourage your spirit and deepen your understanding by listening to this full, enlightening episode with John Paladino. Dive into a soul-stirring conversation that promises to uplift and guide you in your daily walk of faith. Stay tuned for more inspiring content that will help you navigate life's challenges with divine wisdom and understanding.Faith Under Pressure: Navigating Life's Challenges with Scripture and Community Support The journey of faith isn't a sheltered path shielded from the harsh elements; it's often traversed through the ebbs and flows of life's adversities. Reflecting on the intricacies of this journey, we unpack the layers of the transcript to draw insight into how faith, when tested by life's pressures, showcases its true colors and leads one to realms of breakthrough for themselves and their community. Key Takeaways:Adversity paves the way for personal growth and community breakthroughs; through it, our faith is tested, proven, and strengthened.Success and prosperity, as seen through the lens of faith, benefit others and are not simply for personal gain.Faithfulness in small things is a cornerstone of spiritual growth and community blessing, setting the stage for greater responsibilities and impact.Faith Under Pressure: Finding Strength in Adversity "Consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides." This direct quote echoes the sentiment that trials are inevitable parts of life, but they carry with them the potential for growth. Adversity isn't just a hindrance; it's a catalyst for maturity when faced with the right mindset. The transcript reveals that enduring adversity is not synonymous with defeat. Instead, it is an invitation to examine where one's strength originates. If strength is drawn from self, limitations will soon be reached. But if strength emanates from a profound relationship with a sovereign, all-powerful God, then pressures become opportunities for faith to shine and for character to be refined. The emphasis on harnessing one's adversity into experiences that mold and fortify faith resonates deeply with the understanding that, as believers, the convergence of faith and adversity is not to be evaded, but embraced. Success and Breakthrough: Its Impact on Community Breakthroughs in life, particularly in faith, are often anticipated with a personal lens. However, the true measure of a breakthrough's significance is seen in its ripple effects on the community. The transcript stresses that genuine success through faith extends beyond individual gains—it spills over to benefit others. This biblical principle, mirrored in Christ's life and ministry, finds its roots in the directive to use our worldly resources for the welfare of others. This theme's broader impact stretches into how communities perceive and interact with faith; generous, compassionate living validates the power and reality of faith to non-believers. It sets a stage where faith's tangible outcomes beckon attention, and its voice finds a willing audience. In paralleling this scriptural wisdom with modern philanthropy, the transcript beckons readers to view their potential breakthroughs as conduits for community advancements, social healing, and transformation. Stewardship and Faithfulness: Blueprint for Greater Works Echoing through the transcript is the clarion call to faithfulness in handling what seems small or belonging to another. Citing the scriptural parable of the unjust steward, an essential truth crystallizes: God entrusts greater responsibilities and resources to those who prove faithful with little. This notion that faithfulness in lesser matters is the precursor to divine promotion and broader influence nudges believers towards a meticulous examination of their daily stewardship. In a culture that prizes personal achievements, this paradigm beckons a radical shift where faithful stewardship is recognized as a critical factor in determining one's spiritual trajectory and communal impact. Drawing upon a life of integrity and diligent care for the entrusted responsibilities, regardless of their magnitude, believers can anticipate waves of breakthrough that not only elevate them but also edify and bless the community they are a part of. The interwoven themes of the transcript present a multifaceted portrayal of life's journey through faith. Navigating adversity with the assurance of divine presence, embodying success that enriches one's community, and embracing faithfulness in small things as a stepping stone to greater responsibilities—these tenets collectively illuminate a path laden with potential breakthroughs. These insights offer far-reaching implications across personal and community spheres, underscoring the transformative power of lived-out faith. As this exploration of transcending pressures with scriptural integrity concludes, the enduring lesson is that the walks of faith are trails blazing through adversity, leading to pastures where others may find rest and nourishment.
In this uplifting and spiritually charged episode, Pastor John Paledino delves into the profound significance of Easter Sunday, a day that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Providing a ray of hope and affirmation to his congregation, Pastor Paledino emphasizes the Savior's death and triumphant rise as the fundamental pillars of the Christian faith.The episode is a moving sermon that showcases the unwavering belief in resurrection and eternal life. Amid the jubilant celebration, Pastor Paledino offers insights into the biblical accounts of Christ's resurrection, counters skepticism regarding the event's true day, and discusses the subsequent transformation of the disciples' lives. Engaging with his audience, he highlights the importance of witnessing and proclaiming the gospel. The sermon is rich with references to the gospel books of Matthew, John, Luke.
In this episode, Pastor John Paledino delivers a powerful message on Palm Sunday and the significance of Jesus' entry into Jerusalem. He emphasizes the importance of not being swayed by the opinions of others and staying focused on praising and thanking God. The episode also includes testimonies of breakthrough and miracles, reminding listeners of God's faithfulness and the power of prayer. Don't miss this inspiring and uplifting episode.
About the Guest(s):Unfortunately, the provided transcript does not include specific biographical information about any guests. Pastor John Paledino is the main speaker throughout the transcript and appears to be delivering a sermon or message as part of a podcast ministry for Harvest Church of Tampa.Episode Summary:In this spiritually uplifting episode, Pastor John Paledino ushers listeners into the heart of faith, as he navigates the intricate dance between the promises of God and the actions of believers. Opening with heartfelt prayer, the Pastor sets the stage for a journey through the importance of holding onto hope, walking in good works, and celebrating the love of God.Diving into the depths of scriptures, Pastor Paledino emphasizes the limitless power and majestic love of God, urging his congregation to meditate on the divine splendor and expect breakthroughs in every facet of life. With a smooth segue into personal anecdotes that resonate with relatability, he brings practicality to his spiritual insights, making the message both engaging and relevant.Key Takeaways:Pastor John Paledino speaks on the theme of breakthrough, encouraging listeners to trust in God's word and His promises.The sermon emphasizes the importance of walking in love and faith, which are critical for experiencing God's blessings.Listeners are encouraged to meditate on God's majesty and miracles, and to proclaim His greatness.Pastor Paledino inspires with personal experiences and reinforces the significance of prayer in believers' lives.The concluding message is one of empowerment, to live supernaturally and be witness to God's power in these modern times.Notable Quotes:"He is the God of the breakthrough. Hallelujah.""You cannot forget God's love… you can't grasp it all. Well, love is a feeling, partially true. Love is a commitment.""God wants you and I to be strengthened with might… He's your wisdom, he's your power.""We shout with ecstatic joy over your breakthrough for us.""The Lord is close to all who call on him. Yes, to all who call on him. In truth."Resources:As the transcript originates from a sermon, there don't appear to be direct resources such as articles, books, or social media handles explicitly mentioned that can be listed here.We invite you to absorb the full message delivered by Pastor John Paledino in this episode. Tune in to be inspired and reminded of God's endless love and the magnificent breakthroughs awaiting in faith. Stay connected with us for more episodes filled with wisdom and spiritual guidance.
Breaking Barriers - Doubt

Breaking Barriers - Doubt


Breaking Barriers

Breaking Barriers


[SUMMARY]:In this episode, John Paledino explores the power of the covenant and the significance of communion. He delves into the biblical references to the Passover and the shedding of blood, emphasizing the unchanging faithfulness of God. Paledino highlights the importance of staying behind the blood and the protection and provision it brings. He concludes by leading a communion ceremony, reminding listeners of the body and blood of Jesus Christ and the new covenant. This thought-provoking episode will deepen your understanding of the covenant and inspire gratitude for God's faithfulness.
In this inspiring episode with John Paledino, listeners are invited to delve into a compelling discussion centered around faith, spirituality, and the impact of one's actions on others. Paledino emphasizes the transformative power of living a life that reflects God's love and mercy, focusing on how this personal growth and manifestation of faith can guide others to recognize God’s presence and the real essence of life.Throughout the episode, Paledino addresses the eternal implications of the choices people make in life, especially concerning their belief in Jesus Christ. He elaborates on the importance of watering the seeds of faith with repetition and consistent engagement with God's word. Moreover, Paledino employs vivid metaphors, such as the heart being a landing strip for God's blessings, to encourage listeners to maintain their spiritual grounding and growth.Key takeaways from the episode outline the significance of perseverance in faith, the continuous nurturing of spiritual life, and the optimistic message that salvation is available to all who trust in Jesus Christ. The episode leaves listeners with a profound understanding of the Christian perspective on life, death, and eternity accompanied by practical advice on sustaining their faith journey.Key Takeaways:Living a life that mirrors God's love and mercy can positively influence others and show them the reality of God.One’s eternal destiny, according to Paledino, hinges not on good deeds but on the relationship with Jesus Christ and His sacrifice.The crucial act of watering one’s faith through the Word is likened to a planting process, where neglect leads to a loss in spiritual vitality.The tongue, despite its small size, is a powerful tool that can shape one’s life and should be used to speak positively, in line with God's promises.Faith is essential for believers to understand the world's creation and operate in the kingdom of God, transcending what is perceived by the senses.Notable Quotes:"When people see us, they can have a sense of who God is and that He is really real.""A person either goes to heaven or they go to hell… It's based on the decision that they've made regarding the Lord Jesus Christ and the sacrifice that he made for every human being.""The sower. What's he doing? He's sowing the word of God and he's letting it get into his heart.""Your heart is the landing strip for God to land on.""You get what you say. You can read in James three talks about we can guide a ship with a very small rudder."Resources:To contextualize and fully absorb the wisdom and spiritual guidance offered by John Paledino, tune into the full episode. It's a thought-provoking and uplifiting session that promises enlightenment and clarity for those following or curious about the Christian faith. Stay connected for more episodes that explore the depths of spirituality and personal growth.



Paledino opens by reflecting on the importance of trusting God's word as the ultimate authority, even when external situations may seem daunting. He encourages his audience to believe and proclaim the word of God, emphasizing that the blessings promised by God are always at work in our lives as we engage with them actively. Delving into Biblical texts, Paledino explicates on the concepts of faith, hope, and love, emphasizing how faith and hope are integrally connected to the understanding of God's love.Following his message on spiritual steadfastness, Paledino transitions into elaborating on the nature of God's blessings. Quoting from Jeremiah and Proverbs, he substantiates that believing in and hoping for God's promises results in spiritual prosperity, likening the faithful to a tree planted by the water, unaffected by heat or drought. By weaving together scriptural examples and everyday analogies, Paledino crafts a powerful narrative that provides listeners with a sense of comfort and reassurance in God's unwavering blessing.Key Takeaways:Trust in God's word is paramount and should be the final authority over feelings or the world's messages.The three abiding principles of a spiritual life are faith, hope, and love, with love as the greatest.God desiring to bless His followers is a constant theme from Genesis to the New Testament, emphasizing the divine wish for human happiness and satisfaction.Blessings from God are not dependent on external circumstances but are granted by Him to those who have faith and hope in the Lord.The episode underscores the power of our words and the importance of aligning our speech with God's promises to affirm our blessings.Join us for future episodes that promise to deepen your understanding and broaden your spiritual horizons as we explore the profound truths embedded in our faith. Whether you're seeking peace, hope, or are in need of a reminder of the divine blessings that surround us, this episode is a wellspring of insight. Don't forget to listen to the complete episode where John Paledino shares his inspired teachings, grounded in God's word.
Faith Hope and Love

Faith Hope and Love


About the Guest(s): N/A - The transcript provided does not give information about any guests. It appears to be a sermon or a similar form of preaching, likely by a religious leader or pastor named John Paledino. Episode Summary: In this illuminating episode, Willie Lawson explores the profound dimensions of Christianity, emphasizing the eternal nature of God's love and the word found in the scriptures. Lawson's poignant message invites listeners to reflect on the triad of faith, hope, and love, and the pivotal role each plays in a believer's life. His sermon is a deep dive into the essence of spiritual growth and the unchanging nature of God's promises. Pastor Paledino expounds upon the concept that God’s love, spirit, and presence within us inspire a journey towards attaining the prize of God’s upward call found in Christ Jesus. Examining 1 Corinthians 13 – referred to as the great love chapter – he emphasizes love's role as a foundational element that never fails, even when prophecies and knowledge fade. Lawson then connects the importance of faith and hope, advocating for a victorious mindset rooted in spiritual truth that transcends all earthly circumstances. At the core of the episode, Paledino underscores the imperative to ground oneself in the teachings of the Bible, which remain forever vital and potent. Citing Psalm 119, Isaiah 26, and Hebrews 13, he illustrates that the Word of God is steadfast in heaven and its permanence is a testament to God’s unwavering faithfulness. The speaker encourages listeners to draw strength from the love of God, which confers inner strength and everlasting hope. Key Takeaways:Emphasizes the continuous nature of God's presence and the gifts of eternal life and His spirit within us.Love, depicted in 1 Corinthians 13, surpasses the temporality of prophecies and knowledge, remaining as a perennial guide.The interplay between faith, hope, and love is foundational to the Christian walk; love, which is God himself, is highlighted as the most significant.The Word of God is unchanging and eternally settled in heaven, offering unfailing trustworthiness and constituting the basis for faith and hope.Confidence in God's unchangeable nature and His perpetual salvation grants believers strength and an optimistic outlook, no matter the external circumstances.Notable Quotes:"Love never fails. God is love. This is the year that we have to really let faith, hope and love be at the forefront of our lives.""God's word is the same. Jesus Christ is the same. Yesterday, today, and forever.""Trust in the Lord forever. For in YAH, the Lord, is everlasting strength.""Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will by no means pass away.""Hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our heart by the Holy Spirit who was given to us."Resources: N/A - The transcript does not reference any external resources, social media handles, books, or websites. Experience the profound insights of John Paledino's message by tuning into the full episode. Let the eternal truths of faith, hope, and love resonate within you, and remember, the strength and wisdom you seek are ever-present in God's Word. Stay engaged with our series for more spiritually enriching content destined to uplift and guide you on your journey.
Christmas Eve 2023

Christmas Eve 2023


John Paledino delivers a powerful message about the love of God during the Christmas season. He emphasizes that God's love is everlasting and that it was demonstrated through the birth and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Paledino encourages listeners to embrace and experience God's love, reminding them that they are accepted in the beloved. He highlights the importance of living in peace and guarding oneself in the love of God. Paledino concludes by urging individuals to let love be their highest goal and to rejoice in the grace and love of God.
Mr. James Hayes and Mrs. Katherine Paledino Hayes share a timely and impoertant message on the importance of hope in the life a Christian.James Hayes begins the episode by leading a prayer for healing and redemption. He then discusses the importance of healing in the body and soul, citing biblical passages that emphasize God's desire for his children to be well. He shares examples of Jesus healing the sick and encourages listeners to be a source of healing for others. Katherine Paledino Hayes follows up by discussing the importance of hope and faith in the face of challenges. She shares personal experiences and biblical examples of individuals who maintained hope and saw their desires fulfilled. She emphasizes the need to continue hoping and believing, even when there is no visible evidence of change.Healing is a part of God's plan for his children, both physically and mentally.Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will happen, even if we cannot see it.It is important to maintain hope and faith, even in the face of challenges and disappointments.God can bring healing and fulfillment to recurring issues and desires.Tithing and giving offerings can lead to a harvest of blessings and abundance
Remaining Thankful

Remaining Thankful


Pastor Paledino emphasizes that thankfulness is not limited to a mere act of gratitude, but a way of worshiping and praising God. He states, "We sing the Scriptures because that's our hope. Our life is in the Scriptures that God has given us." The Word of God, as Pastor Paledino explains, is not just a book but the embodiment of Jesus Christ Himself. By immersing ourselves in the Scriptures and expressing our thankfulness through worship, we invite God's presence into our lives.The psalmist in Psalm 100 encourages us to "make a joyful shout to the Lord" and "serve the Lord with gladness." Pastor Paledino emphasizes the importance of serving God with joy and gladness, stating, "Don't ever be a murmurer and a complainer. There's enough people that complain out there. They complain about everything. Oh, my goodness. They don't know who God really is. Believers should not be complainers. We should be a thankful people, thanking God."
Pastor John Paledino leads a sermon on the importance of thankfulness and praising God. He emphasizes that believers should not be complainers but should instead be thankful for God's faithfulness. He encourages the congregation to serve the Lord with gladness and to come before His presence with singing. Pastor Paledino reminds them that God is their shepherd and that they should trust in Him. He also highlights the importance of being a witness to others and sharing the hope that is in them. The sermon concludes with a call to give thanks and praise to God. TimestampSummary[0:00:00]Introduction to Psalm 100, a psalm of worship and thanksgiving[0:01:24]Prayer for experiencing God's goodness and mercy[0:02:44]Reading of Psalm 100 in the New King James and Passion translations[0:06:01]Encouragement to be thankful for others[0:07:40]Clapping hands and shouting to God with a voice of triumph[0:08:50]God always leads us in triumph[0:10:11]Diffusing the fragrance of God's knowledge[0:11:31]Being thankful even in difficult situations[0:13:03]Diffusing the fragrance of God's love and goodness[0:15:12]Praying for healing and restoration in someone's life0:15:44]We are trophies of Christ's victory and should be thankful[0:16:50]God takes pleasure in the prosperity of his servant[0:18:17]Serve the Lord with gladness and come before His presence with singing[0:20:46]Serving the Lord with joy and gladness leads to abundance[0:22:09]Christmas should be celebrated with Jesus Christ at the center[0:23:31]The hope of the righteous is gladness[0:24:18]God is enthroned in the praises of His people[0:25:05]The Lord is our shepherd who leads and protects us[0:27:08]We are His people and the sheep of His pasture[0:29:54]We belong to God and He chose us to bear fruit[0:32:18]We are God's workmanship, created for good works.[0:33:19]Good works don't produce faith, faith produces good works.[0:34:57]Set apart the Lord in your heart, be ready to give a reason for your hope.0:36:28]Walk through challenges, come out stronger, help others.[0:37:26]Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength.[0:38:57]Keep going, don't quit, press forward.[0:40:14]Thanksgiving and praise bring faith and victory.[0:42:12]Jesus is a reliable crutch, dependency on God is necessary.[0:42:54]Give thanks to God, He takes pleasure in our prosperity.[0:44:07]No service tonight, receive tithes and offerings.
A Greater Love Ministry

A Greater Love Ministry


October 29

October 29


What Are You Seeing

What Are You Seeing


Pastor John Paledino delivers a powerful message on the importance of seeing ourselves as giants in the Lord rather than grasshoppers. He emphasizes the need to focus on God's Word and presence, rather than our own shortcomings and inadequacies. Drawing from biblical examples such as the Israelites and David and Goliath, Pastor John encourages listeners to trust in God's strength and promises, knowing that with Him, all things are possible. He reminds us that we have the Holy Spirit living in us, empowering us to overcome any obstacle or challenge that comes our way.Key Takeaways:See yourself as a giant in the Lord, not a grasshopper.Focus on God's Word and presence, not your own shortcomings.Trust in God's strength and promises.The Holy Spirit empowers us to overcome any challenge.Quotes:"You are the deliverer. You are the lover of our soul.""In Your presence is fullness of joy.""Do you see yourself as a giant in the Lord or a grasshopper?""We were like grasshoppers in our own sight.""I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
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