DiscoverServants of Christ Anglican Church
Servants of Christ Anglican Church

Servants of Christ Anglican Church

Author: Servants of Christ Anglican Church

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Our mission is to make disciples, learning to do all that Jesus said. We post sermons from our services weekly.

Servants of Christ Anglican Church is located in Gainesville, FL, USA.
393 Episodes
Bp. Alex Farmer invites us to "do the Jesus stuff."If you like what you hear, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:
Jesus came with a clear mission: to heal people, set people free, and proclaim the Lord's favor on those who were previously thought to be outside his blessing. Fr. David Trautman reminds us that Jesus's mission is our mission. If you like what you see, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:
Has the Bible changed your life? Fr. David Trautman discusses how reading the Bible is key to living a life following Jesus and he invites us to hear the Lord speak through His Word. If you like what you see, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:
The wedding at Cana where Jesus performed his first miracle is a foreshadowing of the wedding feast of the Lamb that will come after Jesus returns again one day. Fr. David Trautman shows us parallels and explains the significance of this event. If you like what you see, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:
Jesus was a gentle giant - he had all the power in the universe, but wouldn't crush anyone who came to him searching. Fr. David Trautman exhorts us to imitate Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. If you like what you see, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:
The Holy Spirit is waiting for us to call and ask for his guidance. Mother Susan Rhodes reminds us that all we have to do is ask. If you like what you see, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:
We can see God's glory in the person of Jesus. Fr. James Manley tells us that Jesus is God's reminder that He designed us to live with Him and wants to restore us to that life He intended and created us for. If you like what you see, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:
Journey to Bethlehem to behold the newborn King with us. Fr. David Trautman invites us to ponder the Baby who is greater than all our hopes and fears, and meets us where we are. If you like what you see, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:
On this special Sunday we hear from God's word the story of his interactions with humanity and set the stage for Jesus's coming to earth as a baby. Between select lessons (scripture readings), we have a meditation on the preceding readings. The meditation on creation and the fall is by Beth Kirby, our Administrator and a postulant. The meditation on the prophetic readings of Jeremiah and Isaiah 7 is by Fr. David Trautman, our rector. The final meditation on the readings from Micah and Isaiah 11 is by Kim Harris, our Children's Director and Welcome Coordinator. If you like what you see, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:
We need one another, not just for support but because God has called us to declare Him to the ends of the earth and we can't do that alone. Fr. Loren Fox, our mission partner, reminds us that God wants to use His community to spread God's glory to all. If you like what you see, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:
Where is the God of justice? Fr. David Trautman invites us to find Him and share Him this season. If you like what you see, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:
Despite the chaos that rages around us, Jesus promises us that he will return. Mother Susan Rhodes invites us to live into that hope this Advent season. If you like what you hear, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:
There is one Truth in this universe that crosses cultures, languages, and time: Jesus Christ. Fr. David Trautman challenges us to see Jesus as Truth and pledge our allegiance to Him and Him alone. If you like what you see, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:
Jesus wanted the disciples to know that they shouldn't despair when they see the desolation of the temple. Fr. David Trautman reminds us that the Church has and will continue to survive because God makes a way out of no way. If you like what you hear, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:
**Please pardon our sound. The equipment was malfunctioning and there is some sound distortion as a result.** When we tie our hopes on earthly kingdoms, we can feel either elated or devastated after elections. But as Christians, our hopes are to be set on the heavenly kingdom and Jesus as our King. Fr. David Trautman encourages us to invest in the kingdom of God rather than any political entity here on earth. If you like what you hear, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:
All Saints' is the most exciting feast of the Church year - at least according to Bp. Martyn Minns. He explains to us the significance of what we are a part of through a look at the Beatitudes in Matthew 5. If you like what you hear, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:
In our last sermon in the series on the book of James, Dcn. Megan Trautman shows us how James invites us to pray. Nothing is too small or too big to bring to God for healing. If you like what you hear, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:
While we see the injustices that surround us every day, our task as believers is to remain steadfast, following Christ. Fr. David Trautman encourages us through James's letter to the Jewish Diaspora. If you like what you see, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:
True humility is content, compassionate, and courageous. Fr. David Trautman teaches us that true humility is always counter-cultural. If you like what you hear, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us:
To be a wise person you have to spend time with a wise person. Jesus is the wisest person around and Fr. James Manley shows us why wisdom is essential in this life. If you like what you hear, we hope you'll join us in person if you're in the area. Learn more about us: