DiscoverThe Vitamin C
The Vitamin C

The Vitamin C

Author: The Vitamin C

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Need a quick dose of Christ-centered Thoughts? We've got you covered. Based on observations from God's Word, daily life, and a sometimes overactive imagination, we keep it quick and we keep it intentional. The goal? To help us reflect on our daily decisions as we seek to become more like Christ by making practical, positive, and perhaps even radical changes. (With a few jokes tossed in for good measure, of course. Life is hard. Let's laugh a little!)

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15 Episodes
Nine words could redefine your life. Sound like an overzealous infomercial? A pushy book author? As a chronic skeptic, I’m right there with you. Then I learned how being obedient to God’s Word and wisdom really can help, no matter the situation.
Have you ever sat and thought about soap? Or how unstoppable it is at what it does? Better yet, have you ever considered what an amazing representation soap is for God? Maybe it’s time you do.
Why do we let our tiny little taste buds have such a loud voice in our life? How often do they lead us wrong? And how much does our body suffer when we put taste first? Spiritually speaking, we have this exact same problem. Let’s dig in.
If my conversations with God, THE God, can be redundant or repetitive or blasé, or if I can allow myself to be distracted, disengaged, and unfocused while speaking with The Creator of the Universe, there’s a problem with that. What can be done to keep our prayers from becoming commonplace and lackluster? What do you do when the “awe” wears off?
Wearing a costume can be both fun and liberating. Are we putting on Christ to the same degree with which we put on a costume during Halloween? Does the world cease to recognize us, and instead only see Jesus?
“Why do we alter just enough of some worldly thing so that we can keep using it? Why not cut it out entirely?” Words are everywhere. Everyone uses them, Christians and non-Christians alike. Should Christians use them differently, though?
“The truth is, not just anyone cares about us, God cares. Deeply. And He gave us each other to help us remember that.” Are relationships better when we’re reactive or proactive? Does it matter? Which fits with God’s purpose and intent for The Church?
“How can you be in a bad mood in the one place the world has no power? Enjoy it. Relish those moments.” If you’re in a sanctuary, shouldn’t you act like it? Bad moods and self-consuming thoughts can negate the very peace we are seeking.
“Paul used so much awesomer in his laundry detergent, his clothes could heal diseases.” What is “awesomer”? How much can one have? And what exactly can I put it on in my Christian walk? Let’s find out.
“The centurion knew this was something beyond him, beyond those there, beyond Caesar, and even beyond Rome itself. Jesus' death was timeless.” Some days seem to change everything. One day actually did.
“I took a step back, asked God for some patience and perspective, and then did what we should all do; I finished the job.” If you’re human, you’ve undoubtedly had “one of those days.” Emotionally-fueled reactions may vary, but often times it can get ugly. And not “ugly sweater” ugly. More like “Online Comment Section” ugly. That, “hide your kids, why am I reading this” sort of ugly that gets into your blood and makes it hot. The question is, can one respond differently in the midst of “one of those days”? Let’s find out.
“Jesus had plans, goals and a purpose, He was always going somewhere intentionally, but He never seemed to have an explicit schedule. He could be interrupted. ” Ever known Jesus to wander aimlessly? Us either. But did you ever see Him get frustrated if He was interrupted on His way to do something mind-blowing? Sounds like we’re about to learn a thing or two Read it @
Vitamin C - S1 E3 Itch

Vitamin C - S1 E3 Itch


“Regardless of the cause, when we scratch that itch, the tension is instantly released and all is right in the world… ...Once the itch has been scratched, though, oh how the world changes.” Love how scratching an itch feels? Hate how it can lead to burning, impede healing, and leave only regret? Sounds a lot like something else in our Christian walk, doesn’t it…?
"There was no fancy wand waving, no eye of newt and exotic dragon parts mixed into a gross stew he'd have to drink, no incantations or dances, just the order to bathe in a river he thought of as inferior.” What do Naaman and The Wizard of Oz have in common with us and our Christian walk? Let’s find out.
“The serpent put the idea there, but Adam and Eve still had to venture to the tree to sin.” Looking at Adam and Eve, how they responded to doubt and temptation, and analyzing our Christian walks in light of it.