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War Room

Author: FreeSpeechSystems

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The War Room Show is a fast paced, hard hitting news transmission for the afternoon drive. Featuring roundtable discussions with guests from around the world. Hosted by Infowars reporters Owen Shroyer LIVE M-F 3pm-6pm CT at
1682 Episodes
More weight gets thrown behind Kamala Harris as Barack And Michelle Obama endorse her via a phone call which was just as staged and phony as everything else the Biden Administration has been. Meanwhile, more footage of the attempted assassination of Trump comes out as full body cam footage is released by Chuck Grassley. Veteran and former law enforcement detective Alpha Warrior joins to break it down. Jimmy Corsetti joins to discuss secret history and ancient civilizations. Syndicated radio host Kenny Webster is in studio. 
There were some strange anomalies with Joe Biden’s address last night, his first appearance in weeks and first since dropping out of the race. Owen Shroyer explains what he sees and what Biden’s current status is. The propaganda protecting Kamala Harris from the border policy intensifies. We ask podcast host Emily Wilson if Kamala can win the female vote. We address the left wing violence in response to the Netanyahu visit in Washington D.C.. 
Clown Country: Netanyahu Gets Royal Treatment As Attempted Assassination Of Donald Trump Hearing Gets Used As A Political Stunt For Gun Legislation And MoreA crazy day in Washington D.C. today as the FBI Director Chris Wray was testifying to Congress on the investigation to the attempted assassination of Donald Trump. He barely answers any questions and appears unprepared and uninterested. Trump then calls for his resignation. Meanwhile, Netanyahu arrives to a King’s welcome as anti-Israel protesters outside burn American flags and attack police officers. John Cullen joins for a follow up report on his investigation into the assassination attempt. 
Kim Cheatle’s job is complete. Trump gets shot in the head, she helps cover up the evidence, then she resigns. More news and stories coming out about what happened on that day and once again some of the stories have changed.
The Biden campaign comes out loud and clear that Joe is not dropping out. This is stunning for many people are many Democrats have called publicly for his drop out. Meanwhile, the cover up continues on the assassination attempt of Trump as more questions emerge. Owen Shroyer does his response to the Republican National Convention and explains why people should embrace what could be the greatest convention of all time. 
Trump Assassination Cover-Up Day 6: More Lies From Secret Service As Official Story Changes Again And Timing Doesn't Add Up
The reaction to the Biden “Big Boy” press conference has been nothing but negative for Joe Biden as more Democrats join the call for him to drop out and the international press now picks up on the mental decline narrative.   
Owen Shroyer and Alex Jones cover Joe Biden’s “Big Boy” Press Conference that quickly turns into a clown show after Biden shows up over an hour late. Owen breaks down the current status of the Democrat party and their looming decision whether to run with Biden or not, and who might be his replacement. Black liberals are now sounding like white conservatives in rants against Biden and the Democrats.
The list of Democrats calling for Joe Biden to drop out of the race continues, even grows as the show is live, as Chuck Schumer joins the list. The D.C. press continues to make this the number one story on the hill. Meanwhile, the comedy acts making fun of Biden are now fair game, also showing the left is ready to move on. Republicans pass the SAVE act in the House today, despite the Democrats attempt to stop it. 
The media hoards are swarming in D.C. asking Democrats if Joe Biden should drop out of the race. This is bad news on top of bad news for Biden, as new polls show Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton fare better than he does against Trump. Meanwhile, Biden speaks at a NATO war propaganda ceremony in Washington D.C.. Ian Carrol joins the show to respond to this as well as how Americans can take action to be the solution to our problems. 
Joe Biden needs a way to gain some momentum to his failing campaign. His response? He refuses to drop out, dares Democrats to challenge him at the convention and then challenges Trump to a second debate. Meanwhile, the Democrats running for their office and their friends in the media are trying to remove Joe in any way they possibly can. Does this make Kamala the imminent replacement? If the Democrats have to stick with Joe, we know their plan to rig it in his favor.
They cannot hide it any longer, Joe Biden is shot physically and mentally. After years covering for him and protecting him, with just months til the election they have decided to be honest about his current status. The problem is that it is so late in the game and they have no real plan on how to replace him and nothing but problems if and when they do. Taylor Hansen witnessed the total debauchery of the gay pride parade in San Francisco and you won’t believe what he captured on film.
Owen Shroyer explains the true dilemma that the Democrat Party is in with Kamala Harris and Joe Biden. Removing him won’t be so easy, and the cost to do so could be devastating. Major Supreme Court decision in favor of Donald Trump has liberals enraged. Pride Parades get completely out of control across the country. Alex Rosen explains why he lost his X account after catching a Democrat attempting to sexually solicit a minor.
After a hugely successful and defining victory in the Presidential debate, Donald Trump plays a round of golf and then goes to Virginia for a rally. Meanwhile, Joe Biden and Jill Biden rally in North Carolina in another awkward public appearance for the first couple. It’s the Veterans Call In Special and our Veteran guests include Jack Posobiec, Chris Nieweem and Justin Hicks. 
Big breaking news as after nearly 2000 days in prison, Julian Assange is finally a free man. Details to follow. Owen Shroyer speculates how this might impact the 2024 election. General Mike Flynn joins the show in an epic interview covering everything from the 2024 election, the war in Ukraine, and the war on our homeland and way of life.
Joe Biden is taking a week off from being President to prepare for the debate Thursday. What the prep might entail Owen Shroyer details. Meanwhile, Trump will go on campaigning and dealing with legal issues. The Fake News media continues to lie about Trump rally size even though he’s drawing at least 10 times the attendance than Democrats at the exact same venues. Predator Poacher Alex Rosen joins the show to talk about one of the highest profile busts to date.
Democrats Destroying America’s Future Using UN’s Great Replacement Plan, Cloward & Piven Plan & Lawfare 
Biden Border CHAOS! President Claims to Take Border Security Seriously, While Americans Get Raped & Murdered by Illegals The amount of illegal alien crime in America is gettting out of hand as nearly every day another American becomes a victim of rape or murder at the hand of a Biden border invader. Owen Shroyer covers all the latest news as we hear from the victims of these deadly crimes. Democrats are trying to convince you that heat in the summer is an unnatural phenomenon. Dr. Diane Kazer joins the show for the latest edition of ask the Doctor.
Comments (29)

John Dahlke

remember when the Democrats lied about the recession and changed the parameters of what a recession is it's been years bro of crap

Jul 27th


Where’s the new show??? There’s a new one every single day there should be no gaps in uploading them.

Jul 16th


Just empty air all around |

Jun 7th


who left the other like lol

May 4th

John Dahlke

ponzi is rolling over in his grave he never did this shit

Apr 20th


only the ads are coming through the rest is just blank air

Jan 15th

Darlene Walker

this episode is the exact same as the earlier alex jones show. word for word.

Sep 26th

mike sivak

no sound

Sep 19th

Darlene Walker

infowars ain't what it used to be.

Jun 1st

John Dahlke

you were born transgendered I saw it on the ultra sound

Nov 16th

Greg Bukovatz

Just came across this - very interesting information for sure...

Oct 31st


I love the intro. it's always the soy boys who have the most aggression. must be something in the not protein that they eat.

Jul 30th


so I am a subscriber to The Blaze.. I respect Glenn Beck, for giving away his painting to Alex Jones. I've been listening to Alex Jones since I was 13 years old... I'm 25 now, nobody will assassinate a conspiracy theorist. or at least that's how we used to think, because oh the conspiracy theorists would be right, but now that everyone's a conspiracy theorist then any conspiracy theorist that is assassinated is just some low person, or stupid.. I get the fight, but I am sure the Illuminati/ "Globalists are obuaslyI am a subscriber to The Blaze.. I respect Glenn Beck, for giving away his painting to Alex Jones. I've been listening to Alex Jones since I was 13 years old... I'm 25 now, nobody will assassinate a conspiracy theorist. or at least that's how we used to think, because oh the conspiracy theorists would be right, but now that everyone's a conspiracy theorist then any conspiracy theorist that is assassinated is just some low person, or stupid.. I get the fight, but I am sure the

Jul 28th


I love Ryan Long! y'all need to look up Broken Simulation w/ Sam Tripoli, they do a great episode with Ryan

Jul 28th


it's the 21st century. Contraceptives are a form of progression. I'm not pro-life I'm not pro-abortion. but if you don't want people to kill kids, and you want to take the contraceptives, how in the world do you want every bit of sperm to live. Rediculous stance, abstaining is so old school, that's when the country was for God. You have girls that are 11 years old learning to twerk watching Cardio B

Jul 24th


Love the show but I cannot stand getting 5 minute "buy our shit" ads every 10 minutes... No wonder the show is 3hrs long

Jul 7th


first of all you're sitting here trying to say that you're first amendment right is stronger than the second amendment? are you dumb? are you stupid? obviously we are getting censored left and right!! where in the hell is the first amendment right stronger??! they are crushing our spirituality, crushing our only god-given right to defend ourself..... and you're about to say that the War Room, is going to make everything happy and make everything right, is that what you're saying Owen? you can't even cuss or swear on the air, you can't even go 20 minutes without sharing and just binging ads. I miss Alex Jones, really miss how he was. he stood out he didn't take those lazy breaks every 5 minutes. I really respect you as a man, but you saying that the second amendment is less than the first, is the whole reason that conservatives are losing.. I'm a constitutionalist so I stick with whatever is in the constitution, I don't care of some communist purple-haired woman wants to kill her

Jun 29th
Reply (1)


The Rule of Thumb is: WHATEVER the U.S. Government says, DO THE OPPOSITE.

Mar 3rd


Nobody wants warp speed Trump back. I wouldn’t care if he stopped pushing the jab. It’s too late. Time to move on and accept that he’s a criminal that should face Nuremberg trials.

Mar 3rd
Reply (1)


The U.S. Government has ZERO JURISDICTION over my genome, nor my body, nay my mind as well. The ONLY things getting past my skin are EITHER bullets or a blade! Fuck Fauci! Fuck Gates! Fuck Schwab!

Feb 18th