
Author: GolfWidow AndyMartello
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© Copyright 2025 GolfWidow AndyMartello
Ever wonder what it sounds like when extremely intelligent people discuss equally UNINTELLIGENT things? Your search is over!
Weekly (not weakly) commentary, clever, off-the-cuff humor, and plenty of senseless d!(k and p_$$y jokes to balance out all the f@+t jokes.
Regular segments include, Real Porn Audio, "The Paris Hilton Joke", & SPAM SPEAK. Confused? So are we. At least we're funny.
19 Episodes
It's really, really cold in Atlanta, where I am. It snowed yesterday morning, and the snow is still covering my yard and my deck.
Go see the pictures. (I also have them on MySpace.)
Hey, but you're not here for my snow pictures. You're here for Podcrapular Lite, and in today's episode, I go off on the whole "when is art new" question -- is it new when you make it, or is it new when the public can get their hands on it and you're already making something else.
Here is a useful link:
Soccergirl Incorporated. If you listen to her show and leave a comment, please mention you heard about her show via Podcrapular. If even one percent of her listeners listen to our show, that'll be... well, a lot.
And now, on with the show.
(Image from the now-defunct webcomic "Angst Technology".)
Have you spent any time connectin' with your schnecken lately? Golfwidow and Andy Martello spent the better part of an hour doing just that.
And, amongst the discussion about schnecken, money, computers, Jesus, Josh, and porn, GW managed to sandwich a little hint about what does and doesn't surprise her when it comes to sex.
(Bet that got your attention.)
Also in today's program: Bud Buckley! And, toward the end, some of the vilest language you'll probably hear this week.
Don't want to miss that, do you?
The Schnecken Connection
Frank Bell
Get Bud Buckley's CD here!
Bud Buckley's website
Image from Penny Arcade.
Music for Previously: "The Hero" by Ministry of Magic
In today's Podcrapular Lite, Golfwidow gets on the case of a fan fiction writer for too much buildup and too little payoff, and also makes a joke at Josh & Andy's expense.
If you've ever read fanfic, this is a PC Lite for you.
It's funny... today, I (Josh) also recorded a PC Lite about fanfic. You'll hear that in a week or two.
Here's a story... about a man named Sean...
You'll never get that song out of your head now.
Anyway, here's an excerpt of my short-story "The Very Next Day". Enjoy.
PS: the image is related to the story.
I realize this is way late, especially since Andy's run at the Hualapai Resort ended yesterday, but it's been a really hellish week.
I have one more PC Lite recorded and ready to send up. I don't know if I can turn my blog entry about tennis emergencies into a full PC Lite but I'll try.
Anyway, this is pretty funny, and it's 100% Andy Martello, so you should enjoy it thoroughly.
And now, a full Podcrapular for your listening enjoyment.
I apologize for no interstitial episodes between the last PCLite and this full PC, but I usually edit these on my lunch hour at work, and it's been a really busy week. I just haven't had the time. Then, over the weekend, it's also been busy, what with the vet appointments, the 16-month-old running around (and learning to feed herself yogurt), and yesterday me being sick and also exhausted.
Speaking of vet appointments, the cat pictured here is named Linus. He is one of my cats. He has a rhythm. Or, more precisely, an arrythmia which we're hoping is benign but we have to get him an ultrasound to be sure, and that's not cheap. In fact, one cat ultrasound costs more than four cat exams plus all the shots and four nail trims. We'll keep you posted.
Also, since I'm working different shifts all week this week, I don't know that I'll be able to put anything new up. I have two more PC Lite episodes on my hard drive and I'm going to try and edit them in the next 90 minutes before I have to pack my stuff up and go.
Okay, enough rambling. Here's the episode.
Okay, so, when I originally wrote my recent science fiction story, I originally called it "I For One Welcome Our New Robot Overlords". My plan was that, at the end, robot overlords would take over the world.
But as so many stories do, it didn't quite go the way I planned. I haven't renamed the story yet, so for now it's still called IFOWONRO on my computer. A printed copy is sitting in my bag, waiting for me to edit it for the first time. (I like to let them sit for a while after I finish.)
I thought it would be fun to share a few passages from the story with you. Unfortunately, I can't post the whole story online because, these days, that counts as publication, and I'd still like to sell it. Sorry. Still, have fun with these chunks. I'm sure you'll enjoy them.
Next up, either an Andy Martello PC Lite or a full-on Podcrapular. Depends upon how much time I have at lunch this week. I have both in my computer, plus one more PC Lite of my own still to edit.
(The lolcat for this episode, BTW, has nothing to do with the episode itself. I happen to be watching HP5 right now, and when I came across this image, I just had to share.)
Andy and Golfwidow talk about food a lot. It's only fair that I do too. I talk about musquirt, its mayonnaise equivalent, stuff I cook, stuff my wife cooks, and Mama Fu's Asian House.
Mama Fu's
I also want to draw your attention to this story: Teens Toss Feces on Shopper. Seriously, you have to watch the video. It's muy hilarioso, especially the second soundbite from the woman. it was our (*wait for it*) #2 story on all morning yesterday. Since this is Podcrapular, I think it's a requirement that I mention poop every now and then.
(I have PC Lite episodes from GW and Andy waiting to be edited, so those'll be coming as soon as I can edit them. It's been a bit busy around these parts. Also, I have two more episodes I recorded already "in the can", as it were. I just keep forgetting to post.)
I like to do audio production. Hence, the production I do for Podcrapular. In today's episode of Podcrapular Lite, take a listen to some of the other stuff I've produced.
Soccergirl, Incorporated
The Fantasy Football Guys
Andrea Shea-King
Image from Ozy & Millie
So if Golfwidow is here... and Andy is here... but it's not a full Podcrapular... and PC Lite is usually one person...
Enjoy this week's Podcrapular Lite, starring Golfwidow and Andy. I made a new intro especially for them. You will enjoy it.
Oh, you want to know what they talked about? Damned if I know.
(I totally planned to post this last weekend, but I forgot. Sorry. My bad.)
Please welcome the lovely Golfwidow to the world of Podcrapular Lite with the entry "Whore-o-scopes". I meant to post this yesterday, but I was exceedingly busy and my wife has been ill.
Speaking of whore-o-scopes, join Monty and Golfwidow on Friday November 30 (between 10pm and 11pm Eastern, 7pm-8pm Pacific) at this here URL: Golfwidow will be doing some more whore-o-scopes for your listening pleasure.
By the way, as I post this, I'm eating a capicola sandwich, and it is awesome. It even has mustard on it, which will lead to a PCLite that I plan to record tonight or maybe this weekend. I probably ought to write that down.
(I won't, though.)
(Photo from
Apparently October 2 was the Podcrapular one-year anniversary, which (at least in podcasting) is celebrated with mashed potatoes and lint.
Hey, don't ask me, I just work here.
Here's some useful things for today's episode:
Contender: Asia
Homestar Runner
Josh's LiveJournal (I don't know why they told me to link this, since it's linked in the show info on the right and down a bit, but hey, who am I to question why?)
FMDN (Quin)
The Empire (by Diz)
The Samson Story
Enjoy the show. I spent all afternoon editing it.
Oh, and BTW, Andy was wondering why his audio went up and down. I tried to correct that this time, to some success, but part of the problem is that Andy's computer just records him, but GW's computer records her and also a very low-volume version of Andy. Syncing it up and cutting it in the right places is difficult, and sometimes leads to volume changes.
Song for Previously: "Out Tonight", from the Rent Motion Picture OST, performed by Rosario Dawson. Image from Goats (
I was too lazy to do the tags. That's what happens when you run out of time over the weekend to post a new show.
Well, here's the new show. It's about what I found in my garage during my last garage sale. Also a little about weight loss.
And if you're missing your Golfwidow, don't you worry; the next PC-Lite is hers.
Welcome to episode 1 of Podcrapular Lite, entitled "Daylight Sucking Time". Far dirtier than it actually is. I mean, if it was recorded at two in the afternoon and it was audio of someone getting head... well... that would just be a really long Real Porn Audio.
We're hoping to post either a PC or a PC-Lite on Sundays and Wednesdays. No promises, but we'll make an honest effort.
(Image from the now-defunct webcoming "Angst Technology".)
In this week's exciting episode: stuff!
Hey, I'm just the producer. I don't really listen to what they're saying until I actually listen to the show on my iPod. I'm really just listening for key phrases that mean I have to do stuff.
I seem to remember some talk about Halloween, Andy's upcoming annual Dick-or-Treat festival, holidays not on their right days, It's It ice cream bars, Haley Paige, some other porn star named Vicki really enjoying her job, yet another reference to my daughter's wrinkly foot (friend me on MySpace to see it), and a new feature that may or may not be coming soon, "Podcrapular Lite".
Here are some links to some things Andy and Golfwidow talked about in the show this week:
Julie Do Ya Love Me
Blog This, Pal
Golfwidow's Mom
It's It
The guy who voiced Roger Rabbit
Sperm Shack (NSFW, duh)
It's really weird to type that while I'm in the living room and my daughter is watching Teletubbies about five feet away.
If you're interested, the music behind "Previously" is Tori Amos, "Big Wheel", from her new album American Doll Posse. Yes, she definitely is a MILF. (Don't you forget...)
Okay, enough. Listen to the show now. I'm done talking.
Hell, I don't know. Andy was trying to get me to say things that would make good sound bites.
The Comic
Adam's Video Page
Hash House a Go Go
Carol Stream Microburst
The Greenbrier Resort, Gladys Knight, Adam Ace, and 1964 The Tribute
It's It
Last but not least, Haley Paige. This is about as safe for work as we could find. Anything else you want of hers, you'll have to go look for it yourself.
I'm not sure why we called it that, since it pretty much does. But just remember, if you scramble up "Podcrapular", you get "Rappa Curl Do", which sounds like a hair care product.
And here are our links:
and, last but not least ...
Andy's yard is dying from lack of water. His keyboard is dying from too much water.
Podcast del programa NeoAngora Radio.
Anime, Video Juegos, Manga, Cine y todo lo que se nos ocurra en el camino.
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