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Author: CSC Talk Radio

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CSC Talk Radio is heard daily across America bringing our commonsense approach to listeners. Join us as we take on big government, mega-corporations and environmental extremists. From the stock market to the stock yards, from greedy oil companies to the everyday concerns of our listeners, no topic is too hot to handle.
121 Episodes
3369 – April 25, 2024 – PEASANTS, PAUPERS and PENCIL PUSHERS – Melody Cedarstrom of Discount Gold and Silver Trading ( joins Beth Ann today, and in doing so re-unites “The Two.” Call Melody at 800-375-4188 to get prepared so you don’t have to scared. She can probably beat the price you got online! The post PEASANTS, PAUPERS and PENCIL PUSHERS appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.
3457 – August 27, 2024 – Dirty Through and Through – Corruption is rampant in this nation. The nature of man is to want power and when you have a “Lot of power” – you are apt to fall to the temptation to commit FRAUD – LIE – GASLIGHT – CHEAT – whatever it takes to hold your power. Lord ... The post Dirty Through and Through appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.
3427 – July 16, 2024 – Incompetence or Indifference? Daniel Turner joins us to talk about the attacks on rural America by the Sierra Club for the lies of Climate Change. FBI? Incompetence or Indifference? Expect Emotions but do not mistake them for weakness. Americans need to circle around Trump and Lift him up as he has been lifting and ... The post Incompetence or Indifference appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.
3460 – August 30, 2024 – You Win Some You Lose Some – But if you don’t get in this fight, you will someday, somehow, lose everything, your children will be slaves, and America will be lost forever! “Stand fast therefore in the Liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke ... The post You Win Some You Lose Some appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.
3459 – August 29, 2024 – Be Unburdened From The Tyranny That Is – The policies of the socialists; Kamala – Biden – Obama – Clinton – BUSHES (and Congress)… MUST be removed! Unbeknownst to many in America, because of a GREAT deception – we failed to understand that our Liberty was the frog in the pot being slowly cooked… ... The post Be Unburdened From The Tyranny That Is appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.
3458 – August 28, 2024 – It’s All About Property Rights, Stupid – Mindy Patterson of The Cavalry Group joins Beth Ann today to talk about the left’s attack on YOUR private property. Sir William Blackstone… “So great moreover is the regard of the law for private property, that it will not authorize the least violation of it; no, not ... The post It’s All About Property Rights, Stupid appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.
Too Many Cooks

Too Many Cooks


3356 – August 26, 2024 – Too Many Cooks spoil the stew, or the brew, or the broth, or whatever. We need one sane, smart patriot in charge of the government of this country, not a bunch of un-elected, simple-minded, demon-rat bureaucrats. Trump thinks that we may not survive as a country with two dumb presidents in a row. (he ... The post Too Many Cooks appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.
3455 – August 23, 2024 – They Get So Much JOY From Their HATE of One Man – It’s over… thank goodness it’s over, BUT the real work now begins! I didn’t listen to all the speeches, but I listened to enough to hear that joyous hate that the democrat party displayed during the Democrat national Conven… I mean convention. ... The post They Get So Much JOY From Their HATE of One Man appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.
3454 – August 22, 2024 – Community Emergency Readiness Training (CERT) with Roger Pilkenton of Boone, Cooper, Cole and Moniteau counties of Missouri – But first… Liberty Thought of the Week by Paul Hamby: How divided are we? Is there a cold civil war going on in America? Yes, in some respects. There are issues and strategies we disagree on ... The post Community Emergency Readiness Training appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.
3453 – August 21, 2024 – Liberty! What Does it Mean to You? – “The Cause O America Is, In Great Measure The Cause of All Mankind” Thomas Paine. That would seem to be a great burden to bear upon our shoulders. But we must bring Liberty to our land before we can be that shining city on the hill ... The post Liberty! What Does it Mean to You? appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.
3452 – August 20, 2024 – The Election is Ours to Lose – There are many political pundits constantly stating, with their great knowledge and supposed insight, that President Donald Trump needs to stop attacking Commie-la and stick with the issues; the border, crime and inflation AND the bad economy. Several articles have been written and published with similar titles, ... The post The Election is Ours to Lose appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.
3451 – August 19, 2024 – Work, for the Night is Coming – In John 9:4, Jesus said, “I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.” This verse is incredibly important because it contains a strong admonition for every serious Christian. The attitude of Jesus expressed in ... The post Work, for the Night is Coming appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.
It’s Personal

It’s Personal


3450 – August 16, 2024 – It’s Personal – Trump has made his position on MAGA in great detail – BUT people need to be reminded over and over again. You need to spread this news too. MAGA now is no longer just a cute campaign phrase or letters to promo on nice red hats – This is now and ... The post It’s Personal appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.
The Restoration

The Restoration


3449 – August 15, 2024 – The Path To Restoration – Practice Individual thinking.  Reject group think. Rely on truth, not “feelings. Privileges are not Rights and Rights are not privileges.  What is misinformation? Information that is opposite of what’s being told to the American people? Recently a well-known atheist, Richard Dawkins has been BANNED from Facebook for claiming simple science, after ... The post The Restoration appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.
3448 – August 14, 2024 – Kommunist Kamala and Tyrannical Tim – These two are the epitome of what is wrong VERY wrong in America. It isn’t just the democrat party, but they are extremely vocal and proud of the infractions against the American people. The saying, “I’m from the government and I’m here to help you” should bring trimmers ... The post Kommunist Kamala and Tyrannical Tim appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.
3447 – August 13, 2024 – The Chameleon Now Loves Fracking As Much As Yellow School Busses – Daniel Turner of Power the Future joins us today. Kamala has a new strategy… did you ever play copycat when you were a child… whatever someone said you repeated it back… it would become quite annoying… unless you were the one doing ... The post The Chameleon Now Loves Fracking As Much As Yellow School Busses appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.
3446 – August 12, 2024 – They Started It, But We The People Will End It – For the first time in the history of our nation, America did not have a peaceful transition of power. Think back America, to January 20, 2017.  There was nothing peaceful about the transfer of power from Obama to President Trump. When Donald Trump ... The post “They Started It, But We The People Will End It” appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.
3445 – August 9, 2024 – WHO IS RUNNING THIS SHOW? – “This cause of America is in great measure, the cause of all mankind.” Thomas Paine This is America’s time for choosing. We can choose to allow a border invasion, or we can choose to stop it. We can choose reckless borrowing and spending, or we can choose to ... The post WHO IS RUNNING THIS SHOW? appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.
3444 – August 8, 2024 – Rural America is Their Target – The left cannot progress very far with their radical agenda as long as rural America is still vibrant and involved. That is precisely why they are trying so hard to get us all off the land and into the cities where they can (in their feeble minds) control ... The post Rural America is Their Target appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.
Lighten Up America!

Lighten Up America!


3443 – August 7, 2024 – Lighten Up America! Eric Jones of joins us today in the first half. Eric is an amazing artist and true Patriot. He will probably do the cover of Beth’s new book (due out soon). In the second half Beth answers a listener’s question about Trump’s stance on cryptocurrency. And more! Lighten Up America!  ... The post Lighten Up America! appeared first on CSC Talk Radio.