What Makes a Killer
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A look into the life and crimes of the world’s most infamous serial killers. Featuring interviews with family members, forensic experts, law enforcement, and witnesses.
From John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer to the “Night Stalker” Richard Ramirez and the Butcher of Plainfield, Ed Gein and "Son of Sam" killer, David Berkowitz – What Makes a Killer explores how they became killers.
From John Wayne Gacy and Jeffrey Dahmer to the “Night Stalker” Richard Ramirez and the Butcher of Plainfield, Ed Gein and "Son of Sam" killer, David Berkowitz – What Makes a Killer explores how they became killers.
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I remember in her jailhouse interview, she was so cocky calling the officer names claiming all those men deserved to die and the police are corrupts. I don't condone her evil killing spree but I think she went through a tragic life as a child that's why she ended up being a murderer.
absolutely horrifying.
His first name Joachim (often shortened to Achim) is being pronounced joːaχɪm, the A isn't silent.
I love when I'm into the flow of a story and an ad drops like a fucking BOMB...
3 dead teenagers were found, badly burned, and the medical examiners rule out murder? What else did they think it was, spontaneous combustion?
Staaap the constant background music! It’s unnecessary and distracting! I feel like I’m listening to a podcast trying to be an NPR broadcast
40:21 There is no jury in Germany's court system!
Judges don't live in the real world as many of us do. When is life in prison ever life in prison. She lied before and even after she was convicted. Then 2 years later she half azz confesses. I believe judges need to go back and learn math. Because 14 crappy years for snuffing the life out of another human, just doesn't add up to the rest of her life.
All murderers are, are LIARS......Why aren't the parents with this 5 yr. old...?..She is responsible for her safety....Your right.They are young.The parents are 50% responsible.You never let a 5 yr. old out of your sight.
btw Best Fiends is the stupidest most boring, infantile game ever. Shame!!!
This was a very hard listen but did not address what made this killer. Why scum do this s#!t to other people, let alone little children?
6minutes in second set of ads
Yay!! y'all are Back!!👏
less than 6 minutes in and second set of ads.
Ed Kemper once came to my home town. He made a call to the police to tell them that he killed his mom and raped her corpse. Thanks for visiting, Ed.
Am I the only one surprised that they hung people in the 80s? seems like something done Way, way back in the day.
I just found this podcast. I'm definitely checking out all of Season One before Season Two begins.
Yay!!! can't wait!!
when will we get more??? Checking all my platforms and still no next season. :-(