DiscoverNo Trash, Just Truth! - Proverbs 9:10 Ministries
No Trash, Just Truth! - Proverbs 9:10 Ministries
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No Trash, Just Truth! - Proverbs 9:10 Ministries

Author: Chris Paxson & Rose Spiller

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Weekly, 30-45 minute episodes of Christian, Biblical Truth! No false teaching, no watered-down theology! It's time to take out the trash!! “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” Proverbs 9:10 Ministries is dedicated to getting rid of the lies of false teaching and believers being dumbed-down with watered-down theology that is being pedaled as "Christian.” To comprehend and appreciate who God the Father, Jesus the Messiah, and the Holy Spirit is, it is necessary to study the Bible; both the Old Testament and the New Testament, and live under its total authority. When we do, we see real life transformation happen!

264 Episodes
Send us a textIf recent events has shown us anything, it’s that sin is always crouching at our door, and we are all vulnerable to it. Mortifying and fighting our own flesh and sin is a constant war; but thankfully, God doesn’t leave us on our own. Along with salvation, He gives us weapons of mass destruction that we can use to more and more obliterate our sin. What are these weapons and how do we wield them? Join us as Peter shows us!Thanks for tuning in! Be sure to check out everything Prove...
Send us a textIn the military, the term, “Fall in Line,” means to submit to the rules of a higher authority, to obey, to conform, to agree on a position. In his first letter, Peter tells Christians that we need to “fall in line,” when it comes to dealing with our brothers and sisters in Christ and with our enemies. Peter also gives us in this letter, one of the more complex verses in Scripture. So complex, that there are a few different interpretation of it - even within Reformed Circles...
Send us a textIn the military, men and women from very different backgrounds, education levels, family dynamics, and cultures have to merge to be one unit - when it comes to their mission, they essentially have to be same person. Paul and Peter were also very different people. Their educations were different, their vocations were different, their family situations were different, and their personalities were different. So how did these vastly different men morph almost into the same person wh...
Send us a textThe Navy SEALS are an elite military unit that stands apart from the rest of the military. They are highly trained to be able to endure any type of combat and warfare, no matter how unconventional it is. They are conditioned to be able to handle whatever gets thrown at them during their missions. The physical, mental, and emotional strength demanded from SEALS is far more than the vast majority of us could ever hope to achieve. But, believe it or not, SEAL training has a lot of ...
Send us a textWe've all the heard the phrase in sports and war, "the best offense is a good defense," but does that phrase also apply to the spiritual warfare and persecution Christians find themselves in everyday? And we all do face some kind of persecution. As William Wolfe, Executive Director, Center for Baptist Leadership said, "You don’t have to be lunchmeat for a hungry lion or lit up as a torch in Nero’s palace before it’s fair to claim that you’re facing persecution as a Christian."&n...
Send us a textBefore soldiers ever enter a war, they are prepared for any battles they may encounter. It's no different with the spiritual war Christians have been in from the first century up until today. Peter shows us the first step in preparing our minds for action in spiritual warfare is to prepare for the battle! Join us as we delve into the first half of 1Peter chapter 1, and see how Peter's words to the church in the first century are hauntingly applicable for us today!Thanks for tuni...
Send us a textWe being our new series, "Prepare Your Mind for Action," with an overview of the book of 1 Peter. Who is this book written to? What are some issues critical scholars have with it? What are the implications of Peter's words for us? What specific, practical ways can this book be invaluable to us? Join us for the answers to these and other questions as we begin digging into the book of 1 Peter!Thanks for tuning in! Be sure to check out everything Proverbs 9:10 on our website, www.p...
Send us a textSince we had such a tremendous response from our first, "Why is That a Sin," we decided to do a part 2. In this episode, we look at some exceptionally popular teachers, teachings, and mediums, and look at exactly why what they are teaching is not just false, it's sinful. Join us as we delve into the He Gets Us campaign, Word of Faith, Prosperity Gospel, Bethel Church, Beth Moore, Sara Young, and The Chosen. Why is what they are pedaling a sin?Thanks for tuning in! Be sure to che...
Send us a textOver 1150 verses in the Bible mention music, singing, and / or instruments. The reason it’s mentioned so often and is such an integral part of worship is that often music can convey what the spoken word alone can’t. From uplifting, peppy music to soft, emotional ballads, music helps us express our joy, sadness, happiness, pain, and most importantly our gratitude and love for God. Today’s contemporary Christian music industry is a multi billion dollar business. And while we may a...
Send us a textThere are several places in Scripture that call for God's people to be unified; but what exactly does that mean? Are we to put unity above everything else, or are there parameters professing Christians need to stay in to be considered part of the church of Christ? Are we as individual Christians supposed to, "eat the meat and spit out the bones," to preserve unity? How do we achieve unity in the church while at the same time not compromising our core beliefs?Thanks for tun...
Send us a textBetween the assassination attempt on President Trump, the Republican National Convention, the Republicans softening on abortion and same sex marriage, and reports of more corruption inside the Biden administration, politics has been overwhelming lately! And that leads us to ask some questions. As Christians, how should we handle the emotions that go along with events like these or all of the other moral evil that goes on in politics and the government? Emotions, that even within...
Send us a textWhether or not a Christian should take a psychedelic drug may seem clear cut to most of us, but maybe it's not as black and white as we first think. Psychedelic drugs are being used today to treat PTSD, addiction, and severe pain and trauma and is having amazing success for the majority! Some with PTSD or addictions have been completely cured after only one dose. Should Christians be open to using psychedelic drugs if they are used for medicinal purposes? Join us as we discuss C...
Send us a textIn this episode, we take a look at things that look different in the Old Testament and New Testament, and that have sparked some church wars! Many Christians believe that because God's people were commanded in the Old Testament about what meat they were allowed to eat, making sure they were keeping the Sabbath, and exactly which festivals they were told to celebrate, that we, as New Testament Christians should do the same. Since the New Testament doesn't contradict the Old Testa...
Send us a textWe just came off of what many call, Pride Month. We continue in our "Anything Goes," series looking at exactly why so many of the things celebrated during Pride Month, including homosexuality, same sex marriage, transgenderism, drag, and others are a sin. What are the exact biblical reasons that God has given us that these things are a sin? And why is ignoring them, refusing to speak up about them, or thinking they aren't that bad almost as sinful as the acts themselves? Th...
Send us a textJesus commands us to witness the Gospel to "the ends of the earth." This is a directive most Christian are well aware of, but it's not one most Christians are comfortable doing. But what if we could make witnessing about Christ less awkward? Would if we were confident in what we need to share with people? What if talking to someone about Jesus became as natural as talking about the latest book you are reading? Join us as we delve into, "How to Witness without Being Awkward!"Than...
Send us a textIf there is one thing every single human being who has ever lived can count on, is that at some point, they will experience suffering. Suffering is inevitable. To some degree, absolutely everybody will suffer. But, the way we handle that suffering and come out the other side can vary greatly! Why does God allow or even bring about suffering? Is there a point to it? Is it meant for something higher than just causing us pain? Join us as we delve into these questions and how we can...
Send us a textWe get so many questions about specific Bible teachers, pastors and ministries. People wanted to know is this person biblical? Should I attend this church or should I stay away? Is this teaching sound? In this episode, we look at the 9 marks of a Biblical church, as well as the 9 marks of an unbiblical church. We will also look closely at two of the men and their churches that we were sent and answer the question, "Are These Churches Biblical?"Link to mentioned Kevin DeYoung art...
Send us a textThere are wolves among us!! These wolves disguise themselves as sheep, so they can sneak into our churches and our lives, and tear us apart! We need discernment to be able to spot them and their carefully twisted lies! Join us as we compare the teachings of Andy Stanley, Max Lucado, Rick Warren, Rob Bell, Carlton Pearson, the He Gets Us movement, and the series, The Chosen to the teachings of Sinclair Ferguson, John MacArthur, Voddie Baucham, Paul Washer, R.C. Sproul, and Script...
Send us a textWe took the suggestion of one of our listeners and are delving into the subject of adiaphora. The word adiaphora may sound complex, but it just means the things that exist outside of God’s Law. Things that are neither spiritually wrong nor spiritually right. In this episode, we delve into some adiaphoric subjects including some sent in by some of you like drinking alcohol, worship music, spanking, church nurseries, breastfeeding in public, and more! Thanks for tuning in! Be...
Send us a textSoul Healing is hugely popular! Of course it is! No one wants to carry around their hurts and scars and sin. But the soul healing that millions of professing Christians have latched onto isn't the soul healing prescribed by God in Scripture, it is the soul healing that is being perpetrated by charlatans who claim they can magically deliver you from your wounds and sin (for a price, of course!) This practice is leaving so many devastated and destroyed. And worse, it is keeping th...