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SimpleBiz360™ Podcast

Author: Jeffrey Mason

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The SimpleBiz360™ Podcast highlights customer-pleasing, overlooked and ignored business principles rooted in common sense. Each 10-20 minute release strives to deliver insightful questions, impactful ideas, and infotainment quality. 

250 Episodes
Sometimes, the answers to business longevity are tucked inside simplicity.Far too many businesses enter the “Business Boneyard” prematurely. Many of these early marketplace departures result from the lack of using “best practices.” Today we encourage all professionals to acquire a thirst for continuous improvement through seeking out “best practice” knowledge. Adopting this mindsight will yield higher, and longer returns on the investments of time, money, and effort. Cheers!Support the Show.
Sometimes, we need to ask different questions to get the answers we are looking for. Let’s be honest, in business we all face adversity. Additionally, we all need to be able to bounce back after experiencing these adversities. The common question is, how? The uncommon question is, how can we avoid some of these situations altogether? With no universal, plug-and-play formula to lean on, we all have to find our own ways to manage workplace setbacks. Today we share three insights that allow...
Enjoy these three business takeaways that resulted from some creative observation at a recent holiday gathering.Life and work have so many behavioral similarities. After all, at the center of every human interaction is an “experience.” Today we share a short story that touches on human integrity, opportunity, and grace. We encourage you to live a work-life that is rich with redemptive invitations. Executives, customers, teammates, and associates need more business leaders thatgrant second cha...
Is our advice coming from rock-solid business voices?Today we lean into the sources we select to influence our business behavior. With so many options, so much cyber noise, and so many personalities, are we actually gravitating to healthy advice givers? Pump the breaks for a few minutes, and consider the questions this show presents. In the end, we leave you with our top picks (three) for receiving helpful business wisdom! Happy Independence Day America!Support the Show.
Today we look at the “golden thread” of business. Time is a broad topic that can be valued, or wasted. What happens when we waste customer time? Do we give enough credence to thinking about the ways we waste customer time? What could happen if we started prioritizing the respect of customer time? Join us for a short show that examines how we can elevate customer respect, and weave a tapestry of strong repeat and referral business success.Support the Show.
How can we use God’s Word to deliver customer-centricity?Today we glean some excellent business guidance from the scriptures. God’s Word is packed with unshakeable wisdom we can use in our business endeavors. Today we share the “P234” mindset that can provide a solid path to delivering customer satisfaction. Without happycustomers, our businesses will quickly end up in the boneyard. Enjoy what God has to say, and we encourage you to give P234 a try!Correction: Mission City Church is actually ...
First encounters carry enormous weight in the Experience Economy.If we stop and think about our own lives, it becomes easy to recall situations where we were initially greeted with a jarring dose of “Bad Mojo.” Whether we were taken aback by words we heard, images we saw with our eyes, or self-centered personalities that turned us off, it was hard to erase what became etched in the mind’s eye. Today we invite you to explore our “3V” approach to making the most of a new business encounter. Che...
Join us for seven tools that can change the health of business.Thanks go out to Lanier Business Products for giving their employees valuable tools to combat customer doubt. Myself, and many ex-Lanier employees use these tools every day. In the 80’s we called this evidence, and today we refer to these as receipts. This show invites the audienceto convert verbal claims into provable statements. These tools will grow customer trust, repeat business, and referral business. Enjoy!Support the Show.
Today we zoom in on why narrow and deep inventories might be the answer for growth!We use M&M candy to illustrate a meaningful mindset that backs up the ability to sell more with less. Today is all about core! Why devote precious manufacturing dollars to low-turn items? Why can’t we leave the “fringe” and “sexy” products for someone else to manufacture? Grab a cup of coffee, settle into a comfy chair, and consider the invitation packed into our short show!Support the Show.
Today we wrap up our six-part series on The Experience Economy.Subjectivity rules the landscape of this economy, so measuring the results of your efforts is challenging. The proof of success will be evident with healthier repeat transaction, and referral rates. The five-phase pathway is a mindset shift, and by shifting, a positive outcome will become organic and natural. Here is quick recap of episodes 235-239 that highlight this process:Accept The Experience Economy.Roll out the welcome mat....
Today we cover the GAME CHANGER! Period. End of the paragraph. End of the chapter. End of the story. The Experience Economy rewards professionals that consistently perform these three, simple actions. 80% of vendors regularly fail at this. By doing these things, you automatically join a small group of 20%. This small group of businesses will be well-positioned for a bevy of repeat and referral transactions. START TOMORROW, and watch the trajectory of your company chan...
Installment number four, of our six-part series, examines customer micro-journeys.Businesses often create dozens of small, customer experiences during the transaction process. It is in these small segments of the purchase that favorable impressions can be won, or lost. Better yet, these components often carry the weight of success or failure in the mind’s eye of the customer. As an example, this episode covers the 39 Standard Experience Events (S.E.E.) tucked inside a trip to sit-down restaur...
Our third installment of the Experience Economy series is all about finding commonality in a sea of uniqueness. The golden thread of the Experience Economy is to pre-answer common questions before our customers ask them. Getting ahead of our buyers allow us to demonstrate unparalleled respect for their time, money, and mission. The Pareto Principle becomes a close ally as we all try to tune into WIIFM!Support the Show.
Join us for the second installment of our six-episode series about the Experience Economy.What is the epicenter of our corporate goals and objectives? Do we have our priorities pointing at the right target? Where does customer perception fit into the puzzle of our operational centricities? Do we embrace a company-first, or a customer-first mindset? The Experience Economy is notorious for slowly dissolving companies that consistently focus on internal initiatives, rather than the invoice-payin...
Join us for the first installment of our six-episode series about the Experience Economy.What is the Experience Economy? How does it operate? What does it look, and feel like? What do other voices have to say? In this kick-off show we share 10-12 other voices that help us build a foundation of understanding. Once we set the cornerstone, we deliver five additional broadcasts that explore essential ingredients vital to succeeding within this subjective marketplace. We invite you to carve out 5-...
“Ghosting” is a societal trend that is taking up more office space then ten, twenty or thirty years ago.Today we find various businesses choosing to ignore difficult customer questions, concerns, issues, and tedious follow through. Buyer frustration continues to mount, as vendors are absent, and unwilling to respond. Companies are utilizing these operational mechanisms with alarming frequency. Bad news is often on the horizon for these operators, as the Experience Economy usually has the last...
Crafty, cagey, cunning, corrupt, and creative, SPINIPULATORS are a unique breed of business people that cause workplace havoc.This show offers some tangible ways to survive the ultimate workplace troublemaker. In these five minutes we define the character cocktail that combines the artful wordsmithing of a SPINNER, with the devious scheming of the MANIPULATOR. Shake this cocktail up, and the end result is a nasty, narcissistic, business nemesis driven by self-serving motives. Most of us encou...
This show touches on the “WISE” versus the “WISER.”Valuable business stories are one of the greatest gifts we can share with others. This week, we invite story-telling to be part of your life. It’s never too late to start paying insight forward. Step out, and share your lessons learned. What if one of your stories could help a friend, associate, or family member avoid a business snare in the future?Support the Show.
“Stinkin’ Thinkin” can stagnate companies, leading to unnecessary financial woes, and possible extinction.High-achieving companies are usually habitual, best-practice chasers! Whereas, the “We’re just fine the way we are” companies, often watch the hungry, and eager-to-learn competitors chalk up success after success. Venturing out into the land of new ideas is a mindset that starts at the top of the executive chain. If your company is tired of the “same old, same old,” then it’s time to chan...
Today’s show is a quick look at why we should avoid of deploying string-along service techniques. The success of most business transactions is that they lead to repeat purchases, or referrals. So then why do we jeopardize these future events when we service our current customers? Half-truths, and fictitious stories litter the service landscape, as we attempt to avoid an order cancellation. Is this the right way to provide customer-pleasing service? Do these schemes serve the long-term s...