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Author: Punam V. Saxena

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edu-Me is bridging the gap between parents and schools. We will discuss everything from how to volunteer to what you need to know about your child's high school years to surviving the holidays. Our goal is to empower you to become a well-versed partner in your schools. Each episode will help us work together to educate them better. Join us every other week for an exciting new episode!
101 Episodes
Recognize Teachers!

Recognize Teachers!


Often we forget to recognize our teachers, especially in middle and high school. They work long hours grading, planning, and providing academic and emotional support. They also do not receive the compensation they deserve. So, we need to ensure they feel validated and appreciated for their dedication to our children. In this edu-sode we discuss five ways your child can show their appreciation to their teacher without spending a lot of money. Actually, many of them are free!Here are two, ...
The end of the grading period is upon us. It's only one more but important round of tests, but your child is burnt out and unmotivated. They just can't muster up the energy to keep going. What you need is to help them with that last push to get to the finish line. Like the last 0.2 miles of a marathon which seems like the first 26 miles for most. (I'm a long-distance runner.) :)In this edu-sode, we discuss strategies that you can implement to help your child finish their semester confide...
And we're back. The holidays are here and the madness will soon begin. This year, though, can be different. In this edu-sode, we share how to make the holidays less stressful, more productive, and enjoyable for everyone, including you. We provide strategies for organization and delegating tasks that can alleviate a lot of the overwhelming feelings we often have around this time of year. By simply changing a few things in your routine holiday planning will be a game-changer. As my husband alwa...
Reward and Punishment

Reward and Punishment


It is inevitable that our children will behave in a way that either needs to be rewarded or corrected. That's just the nature of growing and learning. But how we react and handle it is entirely in our control. In this edu-sode we discuss how to reward your child for good behavior, their hard work, or just because that encourages creating memories without a lot of expense. That's right, little money involved. I have never been a proponent of attaching a monetary value to expected behaviors, an...
Finding good study habits can be difficult for your child. Each child learns differently and in various circumstances. And while in the classroom, teachers are limited in their ability to reach every student's learning styles, parents can provide opportunities for their child to learn best at home. By identifying the best ways your child learns, you can provide an environment that will lead to academic success and long-term retention. In this edu-sode, we discuss several characteristics of yo...
Many children are bullied at some point during their school years. Let's face it, even as adults, we face them. There are strategies that we can use to help our children manage bullies in school by asking our children what is being said or the actions that are hurtful. Early communication with the teacher and administrator is critical to stopping the behavior. By checking in frequently with the teacher will allow your child to feel supported and decrease their anxiety.Small bullying tactics -...
School curriculum is designed to reach the maximum number of students in a classroom. However, what about those children who are at the extreme ends of the spectrum? The child who is struggling to grasp a concept or the one who grasps it so easily that they are left with lots of idle time. These students may need additional support services within the school or from other educational programs. Is your child bored in school? Acting out? Unable to grasp a concept?Our edu-sode shares strategies ...
What is the best way to communicate with your child's school? In the last edu-Sode, we discussed various ways to communicate. We all realize that this is the key to enhancing student success. This week, we are specifically discussing an app designed to facilitate teacher/parent conversation. Melissa Lucero-Admasu from Klassroom joins us to share the importance of staying connected by also how their app, Klassly promotes and facilitates easy ways to share what is happening with the ...
Communication is the best way to ensure that our children are receiving the support they need from their team of teachers, parents, and administrators. But how do we do it effectively? Who should be at the 'table' to discuss a particular instance or issue? In this edu-sode, we discuss how parents have a crucial role in communication as their child is the recipient of the decisions, so they must check in with their child's teacher, ask their child pertinent questions, and offer solution-orient...
Orientation or Open House is just around the corner. It's an exciting yet overwhelming time of the year. What is your routine with your child? Do you stay back and get caught up on tasks? Do you send your child alone? Do you know what's expected of your child for the year?Adam Lane, Principal at Haines City High School, Florida and Florida Principal of the Year, joins us in this episode to discuss everything we need to know to get our children's school year off on the right foot. His practica...
My heart is heavy with sadness and anger this week. I cannot get these mass shootings out of my mind. It's been all-consuming and inconceivable that we are unwilling to have a conversation to find a way to save people.I'm all for your 2nd Amendment Rights. I'm not ok with these assault rifles being used to kill anyone, especially those elderly grocery shopping, Asian Americans worshipping, and young children, babies, in school. People engaging in their everyday activities. Shouldn't they feel...
Let's face it. Teachers are the most underappreciated group of professionals in our country. They are continuously scrutinized, overworked, and bombarded from all sides. Yet, they are the most resilient, caring, and empathetic people who deeply care about the future of our society. So, as the mass exodus of teachers is occurring nationwide, how do we keep them motivated and in their classrooms?Florida 2017 Teacher of the Year, Jessica Solano, joins us in the studio to discuss the innovative, ...
Parents have learned a lot about how to best meet their children's educational needs over the past few years. What is the best environment. What is the best time of day for maximizing comprehension. What are the resources that best equip their child. Regardless of what type of school your child is in, there are more options today than ever. Brent Goldman, CEO of Xceed Preparatory Academy, joins us this week to discuss a flexible personalized learning model that he created that addresses learn...
So often we look at a child who is misbehaving and immediately think, "Wow, they need some help, maybe even medication." Or, "Surely they know better."It's an unfortunate part of how we make assumptions about people and their actions. Dr. Hokehe Eko, a Board Certified Pediatrician and Holistic ADHD Consultant, joins us this week to discuss how we need to do a deeper dive into a child's life, experiences, and trauma to determine whether the behavior is because of their environment or a ch...
In light of the recent anti-LGBTQ bills in states throughout the country, it seems only appropriate to have an encore presentation of Indi's journey. My son, India, was always quiet, shy, but highly accomplished. He is kind. He is compassionate. He is a hard worker. He is a good friend to all. He is gay. His attributes make him a productive member of society. His sexual orientation is only one part of who is personality. It does not, in any way, impact his professional goals or how...
It sounds overwhelming to expect our children to thrive and excel in schools right now. Even though the world seems to be getting back to some normalcy, our children are still reeling from the aftermath of two years of uncertainty, hybrid classrooms, and the mental toll it has taken on them. But parents have the opportunity to help them navigate these challenging times. In a recent article published in Authority Magazine, Punam shared her strategies to help parents guide their children in a k...
We all have an opinion on what we would like to change in our education system. Things that would simplify the process and increase student productivity and success. This episode focuses on Punam's strategies for improving the US education system. Excerpted from a recent article in Authority Magazine, she breaks out five (5) important areas that, if implemented, could change the trajectory of the education our children receive. Time Stamps1:32 - Overview of the US Education system2:15 - What ...
Teachers are our teammates. They go to school each day with the motivation to impart knowledge to our children. They work long hours teaching, grading, understanding curricula, and helping guide our children. Ryan Pelkey, teacher extraordinaire, joins us for this episode to share how he has created a team approach to education. As the Athletic Director at his school, he has reached out, held town halls, and personally walked his parents through the challenges parents have faced in schools. Ry...
Trigger episode. The temperature is rising, again. The discussion of banning books is back in the spotlight and it seems the conversation is hitting its peak. This episode discusses the negative impact of banning books on our children's understanding of the world, the empathy they need to have to create relationships, and the importance of parent engagement and teaching their children about challenging issues.My strong belief is that children learn about these sensitive topics early and ...
If you've never heard of tapping, then Dr. Nall is about to enlighten you. She holds degrees in mathematics, statistics, computer science, and math education but has found her passion in tapping and has been tapping for years. In our interview, she shares the impact this technique has on our body and mind. Tapping, also called Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), helps you get rid of negative feelings and emotions through WAFFLES (Worries, Anxiety, Fear, Frustration, Lethargy, and Exhaustion). ...