JMR Podcast

JMR Podcast
Author: Host: David Johnson
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© 2025 JMR Podcast
The JMR Podcast provides contemporary insights into research, policy developments, statutory changes, workforce, and international issues regarding the regulation of physicians practicing in the United States. In each episode, host David Johnson interviews researchers, physicians, and writers from the Journal of Medical Regulation ( about topics impacting medical regulation and current trends.
22 Episodes
Host David Johnson interviews Sherylyn Arabsky, MHE regarding her recent JMR article, Risk Based Regulation in Quality Assurance: Selection of (and Benefits Experienced by) Registrants Undertaking Regulator-mandated Peer Review.
Host David Johnson interviews author Ai-Leng Foong-Reichert, BSc, PharmD, about her recent JMR article, Regulatory Body Perspectives on Complaints and Disciplinary Action Processes for Health Professionals
Host David Johnson interviews Mirela Bruza-Augatis, PhD, PA-C, about her JMR article The Importance of Diversity in the Physician Assistant/Associate Workforce: Examining the Profession's Growth and Trends in Demographic Composition
Host David Johnson interviews authors Lois Margaret Nora, MD, JD, MBA, and Ms. Sheila De La Cruz regarding their article which examined photographs in 100 years of communication from the Federation of State Medical Boards (FSMB), illuminating the evolving role of women in professional medical regulation.
Host David Johnson interviews Kenneth Cleveland, M.D., Executive Director, of the Mississippi State Board of Medical Licensure, regarding the attestation model for physician wellness.
Host David Johnson discusses the recently released article, FSMB Census of Licensed Physicians in the United States, 2022, with lead author, Aaron Young, PhD.
Host David Johnson interviews Dr. Mark Bechtel, a member of the State Medical Board of Ohio and recently selected Editor-in-Chief of the JMR.
Host David Johnson interviews Scott Metzger, MD, author of A Shift Left: Revised Regulations for Opioid Prescribing in New Jersey. The full article is published in the March 2023, Journal of Medical Regulation (JMR).
Host David Johnson interviews Dr. Cathal Gallagher and Professor David Reissner about their JMR article A Concept of Dishonesty in British Medical Discipline.
Host David Johnson interviews guests, Jeremy Beach, MBBS, MD, FRCP(C); Gordon Giddings, MD, MBA, FCFP, CCPE and Fisayo Aruleba, BSc Hons, regarding their review published in the JMR.
Host David Johnson interviews Sharona Hoffman, JD, LLM, SJD, Edgar A. Hahn Professor of Law, Professor of Bioethics, and Co-Director of Law-Medicine Center, Case Western Reserve University School of Law about her recent JMR article Physicians and Cognitive Decline: A Challenge for State Medical Boards.
Host David Johnson interviews author Jimi Bush of the Washington Medical Commission about her recent JMR article An Evaluation of Clinicians with Subsequent Disciplinary Actions: Washington Medical Commission.
Host David Johnson, discusses a recent JMR article titled How Diverse are State Medical Boards? (2/22) with co-author Dr. Andrea Anderson, MD, FAAP.
Host David Johnson interviews Tristan McIntosh, PhD, about her research article, Protecting Patients from Egregious Wrongdoing by Physicians: Consensus Recommendations from State Medical Board Members and Staff, Published in the October, 2021, Journal of Medical Regulation.
Host David Johnson interviews Sarah B. Rodriguez, author of a recently published book looking at the career of a controversial Ohio OB/GYN whose "love surgery" procedure harmed numerous patients during his lengthy career.
When physicians breech ethical standards, such as committing irregularities on the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE), what is the impact on their later professional work? Host David Johnson interviews Frances Cain, lead author of a new study reviewing data on individuals who engaged in irregular behavior, common sanctions taken against them and their ability to ultimately practice medicine in the U.S.
Host David Johnson interviews Luke Barre, MD, and James McDonald, MD, on their article reviewing five years of disciplinary actions by the Rhode Island Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline, which suggests an intriguing approach to preventing inappropriate and excessive prescribing by physicians.
Host David Johnson interviews Ms. Jimi Bush, Director of Quality and Engagement, Washington Medical Commission, and Mr. Micah Matthews, Deputy Executive and Legislative Director, Washington Medical Commission regarding Jimi's recent JMR article, Engaging the Solo Practitioner to Reduce Errors and Burnout
Host David Johnson interviews Dr. Christine Moutier, MD, Chief Medical Officer, American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
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