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Sunday Sermons from San Francisco's Grace Cathedral, home to a community where the best of Episcopal tradition courageously embraces innovation and open-minded conversation. At Grace Cathedral, inclusion is expected and people of all faiths are welcomed. The cathedral itself, a renowned San Francisco landmark, serves as a magnet where diverse people gather to worship, celebrate, seek solace, converse and learn.
335 Episodes
Genesis 28:10-17 Revelation 12:7-12 John 1:47-51
What does vulnerability have to do with greatness? How is a defenseless child a portrait of God? Our reading from Mark's Gospel this week cuts hard against the grain of our obsessions with performance, perfection, achievement, and superiority. In likening the divine to a child, Jesus invites us to relinquish the deep fears we harbor around our own self-worth and value. At a cultural and political moment rife with harmful notions of "greatness," God lovingly offers us another way forward — a way of precarity and smallness. The question is: will we have the courage to receive it?
“For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and to forfeit his life?” (Mk. 7). Proverbs 1:20-33 Psalm 19 James 3:1-12 Mark 8:27-38 What does it mean to lose our life in order to save it?
“Looking up to heaven [Jesus] and said… “Ephatha,” that is, “Be opened” (Mk. 7). The Very Rev. Dr. Malcolm Clemens Young, Dean Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, CA 2E58 16 Pentecost (Proper 18B) 11:00 a.m. Eucharist Sunday 8 September 2024, Congregation Sunday Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23 Psalm 125 James 2:1-10, (11-13), 14-17 Mark 7:24-37 How can we open ourselves to God? When we go beyond the way others experience us, beyond who we think we are, we will encounter God. Today I am going to offer two pictures of this openness the first from Mark’s story of the Syrophoenician mother and the second from the ancient Book of Proverbs.
Song of Solomon 2:8-13 James 1:17-27 Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
“Once there were three baby owls: Sarah and Percy and Bill. They lived in a hole in the trunk of a tree with their Owl Mother…” [1] These are the first lines in the children’s picture book Owl Babies. One night the three children wake up and find that their mother has gone. The older two siblings have theories about where their mother went and wavering confidence that she will return. The youngest one Bill just repeats “I want my mommy.” It is a simple story about growing up, about the difficult task of learning to become separate from our parents. Sweet Alexandra loved owls, animals, babies and the experience of childhood itself. This was her favorite story and the basis for her nickname “Owlexandra” or just plain “Owl.” It is hard to move gracefully from being a child to adulthood. It is hard to leave behind our childhood especially when we are very well adapted to it. It is hard to care for children in this time of transition. It is hard to be a child, or the friend of a child, who is becoming an adult. Stories help to guide us as we make our way. Alexandra loved stories like Frozen, Wicked, and Hamilton. Her mother is American and her father is from England so they read quite a variety of stories including those of the British author Enid Blyton (1897-1968). In Five on a Treasure Island the first book in the Famous Five series, Julian, Dick and Anne are on their way to spend their first summer away from their parents, at the seashore home of their uncle and aunt, and their cousin Georgina and her dog Timmy. “The car suddenly topped a hill – and there was the shining blue sea, calm and smooth in the evening sun…” At the house they meet their aunt for the first time (and they “liked the look of her”). She says, “Welcome to Kirrin [Bay]… Hallo, all of you! It’s lovely to see you… There were kisses all round, and then the children went into the house. They liked it. It felt old and rather mysterious somehow, and the furniture was old and very beautiful.” [2] These books are filled with secret passageways, hidden treasure, stolen goods, old maps, smugglers, spies and suspicious strangers. But ultimately bravery, perseverance, kindness and loyalty are always rewarded. In the end everything is perfectly resolved and clear. You know where everyone stands. There is no gray area or ambiguity. You might say that real life is not like this and you would be right. Each of us is a mixture of good and bad. But we need each other to remind us to feed what is good in us every day so that we grow in kindness. I love the way Alexandra’s parents talk about her as a “gift from God” and uniquely filled with Christmas magic. In London her older sibling asked Father Christmas (or Santa Claus) for a little sister and ten months later she arrived. Alexandra was an angel in our Christmas pageant right here where I am standing. At the age of three she fell in love with the realistic looking babies in the FAO Schwartz store window. She loved children and animals. The Marin Primary motto is “treasuring childhood” and Alexandra did. She participated in theater, sports like cross country. She made art including a painting based on the work of Keith Haring. One of the greatest treasures in this Cathedral is a triptych that Keith Haring (1958-1990) finished only weeks before his death from AIDS. It shows a mother holding her baby surrounded by joyful angels. Alexandra knew that the most important question for a child is not what do you want to be when you grow up. It is who do you want to be; or better how do you want to be. Alexandra was empathetic, a thoughtful caregiver who valued kindness above everything else. This way of being matches the values of this Cathedral where it is not about who is in or out, who is good or evil, who is saved or damned. The style of faith here is not about condemning other people or other religions. It is not overly preoccupied with the sin which is so evident in the world, the cruelty and unkindness that lead to tragedies like a young person’s death. Instead we believe that God loves everyone without exception. We hold a faith that arises chiefly out of gratitude, out of an experience of nature’s beauty and the simple pleasure of being kind and helping the people who travel along with us. Jesus says, “Blessed are the pure in heart… Blessed are the peacemakers” and we try to be people who build bridges and look for the best in others. We sing “All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, all things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all.” And in the midst of terrible tragedy we remember what a gift our life is. At the end of the service my friend Luis will sing a poem by the sixteenth century Anglican priest George Herbert. It ends with these words. They are a kind of invitation to God. “Come, my Joy, my Love, my Heart: Such a Joy, as none can move: Such a Love, as none can part: Such a Heart, as joys in love.” Love and joy – these are the qualities exemplified by God. They are the possibilities that we realize in our own life. Jesus does not say much about what happens after we die, about what the poet Mary Oliver calls “that cottage of darkness.” But he does say over and over that God is like a loving parent, an Owl Mother if you will, who always returns, who cares for us as every day of our life as we face the struggles of maturing. And I imagine heaven as like the opening of an Enid Blyton book, the beginning of summer when suddenly we come across “the shining blue sea, calm and smooth in the evening sun,” and we are welcomed with “kisses all round” into an old house and a new adventure. And we will see again our lovely Owl as a kind of angel filled with kindness and the magic of Christmas. [1] “Once there were three baby owls: Sarah and Percy and Bill. They lived in a hole in the trunk of a tree with their Owl Mother. The hole had twigs and leaves and owl feathers in it. It was their house.” Martin Waddell, Illustrated by Patrick Benson, Owl Babies (Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press, 1992). [2] Enid Blyton, Five on a Treasure Island Illustrated by Ellen A. Soper (NY: Hatchette Children’s Books, 1997 originally published in 1942), 7-9.
“We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God” (Jn. 6). 1 Kings 8:(1,6,10-11),22-30,41-43 Psalm 84 Ephesians 6:10-20 John 6:56-69
1 Kings 2:10-12, 3:3-14 Ephesians 5:15-20 John 6:51-58
In the crypt of the basilica in Assisi, there is a shirt made out of hair that once adorned the mortal body of St. Clare. Each time I visited that Umbrian mecca of a kind of sainthood that remains admirable and replicable today—the decision of St. Francis and St. Clare to choose worldly poverty in exchange for spiritual richness—I found myself dwelling on that hair shirt relic. Legend has it that Clare was beautiful and possessed some of the most luxurious golden locks of hair ever seen in the region. And yet because of how she experienced God’s presence in her contemporary St. Francis, who threw off the mantle of his family wealth and stood naked and reborn in front of the local bishop while pledging himself to rebuild God’s church, Clare decided to devote her life to the same Christ—and cut off those golden locks as a sign of her own rebirth in the living God. There were several children of wealthy Italians who lived in the 1200’s, many of whom most likely loved their families and cared for the local populace in admirable ways. But we gather here today in the city of St. Francis, commemorating the feast day of St. Clare, because these two children of 13th century wealthy Italians re-presented the heart of our Christian faith by following Jesus in a radical and life-giving way that transformed their city, their country, and the wider world around them. They let go of what the world believed was necessary for life and incarnated the power of the gospel in their own lives through utter reliance on God and love and service of neighbor. Every time I saw that hair shirt of Clare’s in Assisi, it made me conscious of two things. The first is just how scratchy and awful such a penitential practice must have been. I’m not sure wearing a hair shirt is a practice that would lead me to greater consciousness and trust in Jesus, but I do know that it would lead one to a state of constant discomfort. And the second is that even if a shirt made out of hair—with resonances and reminders of the hair that Clare let go—isn’t the way that may lead me to complete reliance on Jesus, my life’s call is about finding out what will, and about letting only the light and love of God clothe me and flow through me for the continued transformation of the world. We come into the world through God’s grace, “from [our] mother’s wombs, [and so] we shall go [forth] again, naked as [we] came” as the author of Ecclesiastes reminds us. And yet somewhere between the “forceps and the stone” each of us has the opportunity to choose how we will ultimately use the precious gift of our lives. Will we live into the imperial story—that sees worldly wealth as the final goal of human effort and toil, and trample whomever and whatever stands between us and its accumulation? Or will we see the accidental and earned gifts of our lives as tools to employ in the pursuit of the gospel—a gospel that constantly reminds us that our fundamental wealth, security, and influence are found in God and in restored relationships with one another? I stand before you in this magnificent worship space called Grace Cathedral because previous generations of the faithful chose the latter over the former. And yet, just like us gathered here today, the majority of our ancestors struggled mightily with the dual pull of the world and the gospel on their lives. There is something beautiful and enviable about the extreme choices Clare and Francis made—to renounce all worldly possessions and give themselves entirely to God. Perhaps that is the way that lies before some of us gathered here today. But regardless of whether we go all in on the gospel in the exact way they did, each of us are called to go all in on the gospel in our time and in our own way. Whatever method or practice leads us there, all of us must be gravitating toward the realization of a beloved and restored community—on the micro and macro levels. Regardless of our liturgical preferences and proclivities, all of us must be about authentic forms of worship that connect the interior life of our churches with the exterior needs and hopes of our neighborhoods. And no matter the contours of the time in which we live, the specific oppositions we may face individually or communally, nor the strength of the temptation to conflate imperial religion with the living gospel, all of us are called to embrace our unique membership in the larger Body of Christ and become channels of blessing and healing in this precious life we share. My deepest prayer today is that God will grant me the grace to live this calling out among you as your bishop, and that God will likewise grant us all the grace to empower and support one another as we pursue this joyful and difficult work together. As we discern God’s vision together in the months and years ahead, may the same Spirit that guided our forebears Francis and Clare be manifest among us, and may we grow in trust of the one God who clothes us in righteousness, anoints our head with oil, and equips us with the tools we need to see the vision realized on earth as it is in heaven. To the All in All, who brings us unburdened, bare, and free into this life and brings us home one day in the same way, be all honor, glory, power and dominion, now and forevermore. Amen.
“[B]e kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ has forgiven you” (Ephesians 4). Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, CA 2E46 12 Pentecost (Proper 14) 11:00 a.m. Eucharist Sunday 11 August 2024 1 Kings 19:4-8 Psalm 130 Ephesians 4:25-5:2 John 6-35, 41-51 “Why is life sacred? Because we experience it within ourselves as something we have neither posited nor willed, as something that passes through us without ourselves as its cause – we can only be and do anything whatsoever because we are carried by it.”
“Dark and cheerless is the morn unaccompanied by thee; joyless is the day’s return till thy mercy’s beams I see, till they inward light impart, glad my eyes and warm my heart.” Why practice religion? Last week a New York Times journalist asked me a question I frequently hear from my neighbors. “Is religion dying out?” People raising this topic often cite statistics showing a decline in religious participation. Indeed more people went to church in the 1950’s and 1960’s than at any other time in our country’s history. We were a much less diverse country in those days and we were facing the aftermath of the most destructive war in all history. Perhaps there is an ebb and flow when it comes to expressing our spirituality. I always answer by saying that human beings are spiritual beings and we always will be. We are not going to evolve or grow out of religion. We will never stop asking questions like “where did I come from? How should I dedicate my time and energy? What happens after we die?” We are symbolic creatures who depend on constructing meaning for our social lives and for our individual survival. Despair kills us. The twentieth century philosopher Martin Heidegger (1889-1976) calls humans “Dasein” or “being.” He means we are the being for whom being (that is, our very existence), is a problem. Social scientists tell us that religious people are less depressed and lonely (they have more social connections). They are healthier and live longer. They report being happier. Columbia researcher Lisa Miller points out that children who have a positive active relationship to spirituality are 40% less likely to use and abuse substances, 60% less like to be depressed as teenagers and 80% less likely to have dangerous or unprotected sex. This is probably not the reason to become religious. Religion is not about believing the unbelievable. At heart religions share something in common: the idea that you are not the center. Religions evolved with human beings who long for a connection to God and cannot be satisfied by anything else. I think we could spend a year talking about this but let me share two immediate responses to the question “why practice a religion,” one primarily from the head and the other from the heart. 1. Why religion? Because, “Be it life or death, we crave only reality.” Henry David Thoreau(1817-1862) wrote this in his book Walden in a section about our deep desire to fathom the depths of “opinion and prejudice, and tradition and delusion” so that we might reach the rock solid bottom “which we can call reality.” True religion involves opening to reality, becoming aware of the extraordinary mystery both of the world and our inner life. Ed Yong wrote one of my favorite new books. It is called An Immense World: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms around us. He begins by asking the reader to imagine an elephant in a room, not a metaphorical “weighty issue” sort of elephant but an actual elephant in a room the size of a high school gymnasium. Now imagine a mouse surrying in with a robin hopping along beside it. An owl sits on a beam and a bat hangs from the ceiling. A rattlesnake slithers on the floor. A spider rests in its web with a mosquito and a bumblebee sitting on a potted sunflower… and a woman named Rebecca who loves animals. They are all in the same room, but they have entirely different sensory experiences of the same space. Certain animals can see ultraviolet shades that are invisible to us. Mosquitos smell carbon dioxide. Snakes sense infrared radiation coming from warm objects. Ticks detect body heat from thirteen feet away. The robin feels the earth’s magnetic field. Tiny insects make extraordinary sounds that vibrate through plants. When a fish swims it leaves behind a hydrodynamic wake, a “trail of swirling water.” Did you know that harbor seals can detect this with their whiskers and follow a herring from up to about 200 yards away? No one knew this before the year 2001. There are whole new forms of sensing the world that human beings are only just discovering. We can barely imagine the experience that other creatures are having. I love the word that describes this. It is Umwelt, the German word for environment. But in this case it means the perceptual world of each creature. The ability of our eyes to see details for instance makes us almost entirely unique among all animals other than eagles and vultures. Our Umwelt is predominantly visual one. My point is that we encounter truth through symbols which lie deep in our subconscious and areshared in our culture. You might call this way of seeing a kind of unavoidable mythological Umwelt. Our Umwelt determines what we think about loyalty, family, economic growth, impurity, justice, identity, childhood, politics, duty, fairness and nationality. This worldviewdirects us as we try to live a good life. Why religion? Because we are unfinished creatures made more complete by God and each other. Religion is a way of studying, interpreting, shaping and ultimately embodying values. Participating in religion means more consciously opening ourselves to other people. This includes the diverse people in this room but also those who came before us in history who loved God and wrote hymns, prayers and theologies. Together we pray and listen to the promptings of God’s spirit. During the terrible years of apartheid in South Africa it was dangerous for Desmond Tutu to preach. But this did not stop him. He said “You are love.” “You are the body of Christ that receives the sacraments in order to become more fully the mystical embodiment of love.” God loves us so that we can love another. 2. Why religion? Because of our longing for God and God’s longing for us. Religion is how we meet God. It is how we receive help from beyond ourselves. In her memoir the historian Elaine Pagels writes about the way her rationalist parents dismissed religion as something only for uneducated people, as unscientific. But this also led them in an extreme way to avoid thinking or talking about suffering and death. Mark Twain joked, “I know that everyone dies, but I always thought an exception would be made in my case.” This was how they existed and it left them unprepared for life. Pagels describes having difficulty getting pregnant and then participating in a kind of fertility ritual. Sitting in a candlelit circle a thought entered her mind, “Are you willing to be a channel?” She answered “Yes!” and soon became pregnant. Her son Mark was born with a hole in his heart that had to be repaired by surgery when he was one year old. The night before the surgery she was startled by an experience that could have been a dream although she felt like she was awake. An inhuman male presence came near threatening to kill her son. She wanted to run but stood her ground. The threatening presence returned twice more. The last time she felt like she could not stand another moment. She spoke the name, “Jesus Christ” and the dangerous being fled and she was no longer afraid. Four years later Mark was in Kindergarten when one evening she went into his room to sing him to sleep. Instead he hugged her with his arms around her neck and said, “I’ll love you all my life, and all my death.” The next day at the doctor’s office when they were drawing blood he stiffened and his eyes rolled up. She sensed that the life had left his body, that their connection was breaking. And she lost consciousness. Suddenly Pagels seemed, “to be in a brilliant place, vividly green with golden light.” Her husband came in and she felt as if she could feel her son’s presence there near the ceiling of the room. The cardiologist came in to say, “I don’t want to get your hopes up, but your son’s heart stopped and it is beating again.” Pagels had the impression that the boy had heard his parents talking and gone back to his body only to discover it couldn’t sustain his life. The boy died and Pagels writes, “Strangely, I also sensed that he’d felt a burst of joy and relief to leave his exhausted body. Before that moment, I’d taken for granted what I’d learned, that death was the end, any thought of surviving death only fantasy. Although that may be true, what I experienced that day challenged that assumption. I was astonished, seeming to sense that Mark was all right, wherever he was, and that he was somewhere.” The tragedy deepened terribly a year later when the one person Pagels’ depended on most, her beloved husband fell to his death in a climbing accident. Her parents did not visit when her son was born, or when he had open-heart surgery or when he died or for her husband’s funeral. They stayed away from suffering. She called it a “pattern of oblivion.” Elaine Pagels studied ancient gnostic literature written after the Bible was finished. She quotesthe Gospel of Thomas which says, “the kingdom of God is within you, and outside of you. When you come to know yourselves then… you will know that you are children of God.” Pagels concludes writing, “the kingdom of God is not an actual place… or an event expected in human time. Instead, it’s a state of being that we may enter when we come to know who we are, and come to know God as the source of our being… The “good news” is not only about Jesus, it’s about every one of us. While we ordinarily identify ourselves by specifying how we differ, in terms of gender, race, ethnicity… recognizing that we are “children of God” requires us to see how we are the same – members… of the same family… [T]he “image of God,” the divine light given in creation, is hidden deep within each one of us, linking our fragile, limited selves to their divine source.” Why religion? Because in the face of the great mystery of our life we long for reality. We reach beyond our Umwelt to learn from each other. Why religion? Because beyond even the “pattern of oblivion” God meets us here where we receive help from beyond ourselves.
We gather today to celebrate with great joy the 50th anniversary of the ordination of women in The Episcopal Church. And precisely because of our joy, we keep in mind the long road that led to this occasion, the unnumbered women and men who were told they were separating themselves from the church by faithfully challenging it. On the Feast of Mary Magdalene, we look to her example. The commission of Mary Magdalene — a woman and collaborator in ministry united to the great High Priest — shows us that what for nearly 2000 years had been impossible for the church was in every way a possibility, a choice for Jesus. Eucharist, St. Mary Magdalene: Judith 9:1,11-14 • Psalm 42:1-7• 2 Corinthians 5:14-18 • John 20:11-18
21 July 2024 2 Sameul 7:1-14a Ephesians 2:11-22 Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
2 Samuel 6:1-5, 12b-19 Ephesians 1:3-14 Mark 6:14-29
Mark called it a Gospel, what he wove from sayings and parables of Jesus, scenes from Jesus’ ministry, and a Passion narrative. He set the Jesus’ baptism in the Jordan as the beginning and ended it with the women fleeing an empty tomb in fear, and charged all his scenes energetically with feeling-rich questions in conversations among Jesus, the apostles and all the other characters. The questions Mark gives hisGospel characters invite us to notice a wonder at the range of questions in our own lives. How might our heartfelt questions from the most wonderful to the most terrible, open us to curiosity, grace and hope?
As The book of Common Prayer offers, we pray: O God, you have bound us together in a common life. Help us, in the midst of our struggles for justice and truth, to confront one another without hatred or bitterness, and to work together with mutual forbearance and respect; through Jesus Christ our Lord. [1] Amen.
1 Samuel 17:57-18:5, 10-16 2 Corinthians 6:1-13 Mark 4:35-41
“Even though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day" (2 Cor. 4). 1 Samuel 8:4-11, 16-20 Psalm 138 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1 Mark 3:20-35
The Rev. Miguel Bustos Manager for Racial Reconciliation and Justice, The Episcopal Church
“O God, your never-failing providence sets in order all things both in heaven and earth." 1 Samuel 3:1-10 (11-20) Psalm 139:1-5, 12-17 2 Corinthians 4:5-12 Mark 2:23-3:6 1. Near the end of The Last Battle, C.S. Lewis’ children’s book about the apocalypse, the great Lion stands before a massive closed door which seems to have nothing behind its doorframe. He has just presented a bountiful banquet to a crowd of bickering dwarfs. But they are not able to see or experience it – as they eat the delicious pies, wines and ice creams, they think they are eating old hay, wilted cabbage leaves and putrid water. They complain and fight each other. One says, “the Dwarfs are for the Dwarfs.” The Lion explains to the children with him that the dwarfs, “will not let us help them. They have chosen cunning instead of belief. Their prison is only in their own minds, yet they are in that prison; and so afraid of being taken in that they cannot be taken out.” Then the Lion goes to the door and roars so loudly it could shake the stars. He calls, “Now it is time!” Time! Time! And the door to another world flies open.[1] Today I am talking about the sabbath. We will think about what that word means, how ancient Hebrews practiced the sabbath, what questions it raised for them and for us today. But the simple thing I want to express is the idea that of the sabbath as a kind of doorway into another world. We walk through the sabbath into a world which constantly changes our experience of this one, a world which helps us to see what is real and what is a distraction and what is an illusion.
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