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Faith and Law

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Over the past 30 years, Faith and Law has brought a wide variety of distinguished speakers to address contemporary political and cultural issues for the benefit of congressional staff.
167 Episodes
Marriage and fertility rates are lower than ever seen before in America’s history. This means that a record share of today’s young adults will never marry or have children. But the paradox is that men, women, and children in married families are much more likely to thrive socially, emotionally, and financially than their peers who don’t enjoy that safety and stability.University of Virginia Professor Brad Wilcox of the Institute for Family Studies and American Enterprise Institute joined us t...
Disagreements are easy; productive disagreements require effort. But productive disagreements are the heartbeat of a healthy democracy, a healthy team, and even a healthy family. Dr. Rick Langer and Dr. Tim Muehlhoff of Biola University joined us for a look at productive disagreements and what they ask of our hearts as well as what they ask of our speech–both toward those on the other side and also toward our own in-groupSupport the Show.
How should we, as Christians, think about the role of government? And how should we think about our own roles as public servants? Dr. Vince Bacote, professor of theology at Wheaton College, joined us in a partnership with the Center for Public Justice for a theological discussion on government, authority, and sphere sovereignty — a term coined by 19th century Dutch theologian, politician, and pastor Abraham Kuyper.Support the Show.
In a polarized world, where the public square has become increasingly hostile, how do we continue to make progress on the things we are called to build? Is it even possible to build anything at the moment?With a strong track record of working under challenging circumstances to bring about societal change, Baroness Philippa Stroud, Member of the House of Lords and a leading public influential in the UK, identified the steps needed to renew culture, starting with healthy institutions. Dra...
How do we, as a people, hand down love, one generation to another? Is that the role of the law? What did previous generations know about this tradition of love and law that we, today, may have forgotten? Dr. Matthew Mehan, Associate Dean and Assistant Professor of Government at Hillsdale College joined us for a reflection on possible answers to these and related questions, drawn from revered foundational texts of the Americans who came before us. Such reflections may, perhaps, change the way ...
In the United States – and, indeed, around the world – changing demographics reflect a steadily aging population. As families grow smaller and more far-flung and as care costs escalate, conversations about elder care are complex and, often, heart breaking. While in the past it was generally presumed that care of elders was a family obligation, today that is less often the norm. Public policy makers who navigate this complex arena have decisions to make as to whether policy should be view...
The days of Christianity providing a unifying moral vision for our culture (Christendom) are over. Dr. W. Robert Godfrey, Chairman of Ligonier Ministries joined us to discuss how Abraham Kuyper anticipated this contemporary problem facing American Christians and can help us develop a persuasive and public Christian program.Support the Show.
Declinism is in the air in certain circles, and it coincides with the conclusion of some historians that 250 years is roughly the lifespan of great superpowers. How do Christians understand such cyclical views of history, and what are the genuine grounds for confidence in the possibility of renewal. Christians are not called to be Pollyannas, but what should our realistic position be?Os Guinness, Anglo-Irishman, author, and social critic, joined us to discuss this timely and important to...
We live in times when low-grade nihilism simmers just beneath the surface of everyday conversation, the desire for impact birthed in secular zeal soon stymied by chokeholds of institutional breakdown and pixelated trust. We call out injustice in public but feel squeamish about acknowledging our contributions to it. We text expressions of care to one another but lack the creativity to prove it off-screen. We feel exhausted by the ever-accelerating pace of modern life, by performative poli...
The kind of people we are, has much to do with the kind of public life we have. Spiritual formation is central to civic renewal. Michael Wear, Founder, President and CEO of the Center for Christianity and Public Life, joined us to share ideas outlined in his new book, The Spirit of Our Politics: Spiritual Formation and the Renovation of Public Life.He encouraged us to consider reframing how we view our political involvement as Christians, why who we are in our political life is not quara...
Every child is capable of being an agent of their own uplift provided they are given the resources to inform the decisions that will make them successful adults. Ian Rowe, Sr. Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute discussed four factors that are crucial for children to overcome the victimhood narrative and discover their pathway to power: family, religion, education, and entrepreneurship.Support the Show.
Faith and Law hosted our yearly panel discussion with Capitol Hill veterans to explore ethical issues encountered by Hill staff, especially as they reach senior leadership positions. Panelists including John Cusey, Melika McKinnis, and John Shelton shared their stories of success and failure as they navigated the complicated ethical waters of the Hill. The discussion was moderated by Bill Wichterman, President of the board of Faith and Law.Due to technical issues with one of the hearing room ...
As a leader of the largest ever global study on human flourishing, Dr. Byron Johnson, Distinguished Professor of the Social Sciences at Baylor University and Visiting Distinguished Professor in the School of Public Policy at Pepperdine University, joined us to discuss why a "focus on flourishing" is important for all policymakers whatever their political party. In conversation with Pepperdine School of Public Policy Dean Pete Peterson, Dr. Johnson went beyond the theoretical to reveal wh...
Gary Haugen's firsthand experience investigating systemic human rights abuses helped him recognize a troubling pattern: people living in the world’s poorest communities experienced constant physical danger because their local justice systems weren’t equipped to defend them from the violence they faced every day. Haugen was told that this would never change, but he believed otherwise, leading to the founding of International Justice Mission (IJM). Since 1997, IJM's reach has expanded globally ...
The American political order, and the civilization from which it emerged, are under unprecedented assault—from both the political Left and the New Right. Yet the ideals and institutions that have shaped Western Civilization—concepts such as individual freedom, natural rights, and belief in a loving God—have made profound contributions to human flourishing. Dr. Joseph Loconte, Presidential Scholar in Residence at New College of Florida and the C.S. Lewis Scholar for Public Life at Grove City C...
Mark Tooley, president of the Institute on Religion and Democracy joined us to discuss how Dutch and English Whiggish principles birthed by Anglo Protestantism created ordered liberty and self government. These principles are not static but dynamic. And once shaping society they are not easily erased. Confidence about tomorrow can come if we recall and better live out these principles. They remind us that we each bear God’s political image and are stewards of His creation. And they point us a...
In our day, "social justice" is a loaded term. While it is easy to agree that every relationship carries responsibilities -- friend and friend, business and client, government and people -- identifying the terms and principles of those responsibilities is a trickier task. What makes one party a giver and another a receiver? When injustice abounds, who is to blame? Is it correct to associate "social justice" with an image of the people pressing its government for goods and services?Dr. Russell...
V. Bradley Lewis, Associate Professor Philosophy at Catholic University, and Jonathon Askonas, Assistant Professor of Politics at Catholic University, engaged in an interview-style discussion on the current standing, risks, and allure of artificial intelligence.Support the Show.
The development of medical treatments often requires use of human subjects, as well as human cells and body parts as models of human systems, to investigate mechanisms of action and to test therapeutics. Biotechnology has provided many successful therapies for previously intractable conditions, but also increasingly complex techniques that can alter what it means to be human and blur ethical lines. When we consider stem cells, cloning, gene editing, human-animal chimeras, organoids, embryoids...
The divisions in America increasingly create an environment where everything is political, and the places in society where people who disagree can come together are dwindling as a result. How does our faith act as a compass to guide us through this culture of litmus tests and virtue signalling? When our culture wants us to pick sides and put our faith in politics, how do we lead a different way?Andrew Hanauer, President and CEO of the One America Movement, joined us to discuss how to reject t...