DiscoverCitizen Church Podcast
Citizen Church Podcast

Citizen Church Podcast

Author: Citizen Church

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We are a Christ-centered, Spirit-led, Kingdom-building movement, committed to the physical and spiritual renewal of cities and nations, and restoring hope and purpose to every person.
251 Episodes
In this week's message, we uncover the historical significance of Ephesus and how Paul's teachings still speak to us today.
Join us as Pastor Galen Woodward wraps up our Home Work series with a powerful message on honor—a key character trait often forgotten but essential for building a lasting legacy. Discover how true honor goes beyond obedience and transforms our homes, relationships, and culture. Key Verse: Matthew 20:28 – "The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many."
Join us in Week 4 of our 'Home Work' series as we explore the beauty and purpose of singleness! Dive into key scriptures, discover the benefits of being single, and reflect on how you can grow in this season. Uncover the unique opportunities that singleness offers!
In Week 3 of our "Home Work" series, Pastor Dustin Woodward dives into Parenting on Purpose. We explore biblical principles for raising children with intention and love, guided by scriptures like Proverbs 22:6 and Psalm 127:3-5. Discover key factors in godly parenting, including the importance of modeling faith, widening your circle of positive influences, and trusting in God's plan for your children. Join us as we continue to build strong, faith-filled homes.
In Week 2 of our "Home Work" series, Pastor Dustin and Mandy Woodward dive into the topic of marriage. Discover why God created marriage, bust common myths, and learn three key commitments for a lasting bond. From understanding love languages to prioritizing faithfulness and seeking God first, this message offers practical, biblical insights to strengthen your marriage. Check it out and get some advice to make your marriage even better!
Join us as we dive into "The Culture of The Home," a key message in our HOME•WORK series. Discover God’s divine design for family, where marriage is a sacred covenant, and children are precious gifts. Learn how the pillars of authority, love, and honor are the foundation of both family and society. Reflect on how your habits, rhythms, traditions, beliefs, and values shape the unique culture of your home. Let's build our homes on God’s wisdom and choose the path of restoration. Watch now and cultivate a Godly home culture that honors Him.
Join us as we explore Matthew 7's final verses, where Jesus highlights the importance of building a strong foundation. He condemns false teachers who claim to speak for God but don't (Matthew 7:15-16) and false disciples who claim to follow Jesus but don't (Matthew 7:21-23). In contrast, He commends true disciples who hear and do what He says (Matthew 7:24-28). True Christians have received Christ, are forgiven, belong to and serve Christ, while almost Christians see sin but don’t confess it and remain undecided. Wise builders act on Jesus' words, creating a solid foundation. To build a firm foundation, one must invest, inspect for overt (Psalm 139:23-24, Galatians 5:19-21) and covert sin (Mark 11:25), envision, and endure.
Join us as we explore the significance of choosing the narrow gate, a decision that shapes your life's path and ultimate destination. Through scriptures like Matthew 7:13-14, John 10:9, and John 14:6, we see that while the gate to God is narrow, it is wide open to anyone who seeks it. We'll also delve into the importance of baptism: Jesus modeled it, being baptized underwater and in public. Jesus commanded it in Matthew 28:19-20, instructing us to make disciples and baptize them. Baptism serves as a public confession of the forgiveness of our sins, as highlighted in Acts 22:16. Discover how baptism is an outward demonstration of an inward transformation.
Join Dr. Manny Arango as he delves into the profound topic of discovering the secret to our strength. In this inspiring sermon, Dr. Manny Arango explores how we can apply the Word of God to our lives by finding our strength in what the world perceives as weak.
In this powerful sermon, Pastor Dustin delves into the profound teachings of Jesus in Matthew 5:43-47, where we are called to love our enemies. Join us as Pastor Dustin explores how to identify our enemies and understand who our neighbors truly are. Discover why Jesus commands us to love our enemies just as God loved us, even when we were His enemies. Pastor Dustin offers practical and impactful ways to show love to those who oppose us, transforming our lives and theirs through the radical love of Christ. Don’t miss this inspiring message on how to embody God’s love in the most challenging relationships. Key Points: 1. Who are my enemies? - Understand who your enemies are but also your neighbor. 2. Why should I love my enemies? - Understanding the command to love our enemies. - Reflecting on Gods love towards us. 3. How do I show love to my enemies? - Practical steps to show love to our enemies 1. Greet them 2. Disarm them 3. Do good to them 4. Refuse to speak evil of them 5. Thank God for them 6. Pray for them 7. Ask God to Bless them Scripture Reference: Matthew 5:43-47 | Romans 5:10 | 1 Peter 2:23 | 1 Peter 3:9 | Romans 12:17-21 | Matthew 5:46-47 Join the Conversation: Comment below and share your thoughts on how you have shown love to your enemies. How has this teaching impacted your life?
Join us as we dive into Jesus' call to stand out in a world that tempts us to blend in. Pastor Mandy’s message delves into how our faith should be visible and impactful, using the analogies of SALT and LIGHT: SALT: Creates Thirst: Our genuine pursuit of God should make others thirst for Him. Heals: Our actions should bring healing to a broken world. Preserves: Our presence should uphold moral integrity in society. LIGHT: Visibility: We reflect Christ's light in a dark world. Public Expression: Our public actions must match our private convictions. Join us this Saturday (July 13th, 2024) for SERVE DAY as we bring Jesus' love to our city through various projects. Let's make a difference and stand out as a church and true followers of Christ.
Join Pastor Eric Morris as he delves into the profound topic of obedience in our spiritual journey. In this inspiring sermon, Pastor Eric explores how we can apply the word of God to our lives through three distinct forms of obedience: Difficult Obedience: Discover the strength to follow God's will, even when it challenges our comfort zones. Patient Obedience: Learn the virtue of waiting on God's timing and trusting His plan. Bold Obedience: Embrace the courage to take decisive action in faith. Pastor Eric beautifully illustrates how Jesus is the vine, God is the vine dresser, and we are the branches bearing spiritual fruit. This message will encourage you to grow deeper in your faith and walk in obedience to God's word. James 1:22 Galations 5:22-23 Micah 7:7
In today's sermon, Pastor Chris dives deep into the topic of worry, offering invaluable insights into how we can overcome the anxieties that plague our minds. Have you ever found yourself worrying about things that may never happen? Or perhaps, situations that do happen but aren't as bad as you feared? And even when challenges arise, God will always carry us through. Pastor Chris explores Matthew 6:31-33, providing a powerful breakdown of Jesus' teachings on seeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness. He shares practical steps to help us navigate our worries: Going to God in Prayer: Bringing our concerns to God and finding peace in His presence. Thinking About the Right Things: Focusing our minds on positive and godly thoughts. Being Content with What God Provides: Cultivating gratitude and contentment in our daily lives. Trusting God for All Things: Relying on God's faithfulness and sovereignty in every circumstance. Join us for this transformative message and discover how to live a life free from worry, anchored in the promises of God.
Celebrate Father’s Day with Pastor Dustin Woodward in this powerful sermon that inspires and equips men to step into their God-given roles. Pastor Dustin outlines five key commitments for fathers to make, grounded in biblical principles. This enriching sermon offers practical advice and spiritual insights for fathers and future fathers. Tune in to be inspired and equipped to say "yes" to God's calling in every aspect of your life. Putting My Identity in Christ: Trusting and adhering to the Son of God is the foundation of our identity. Do we truly place our trust in Him? Loving My Wife (or Future Wife): Just as Christ leads and serves the church, husbands are called to lead their homes through service and love. Discover ways to serve your wife better today and prepare for your future spouse with a high calling. Loving My Kids and Leading Them to Walk in the Ways of God: You can’t expect your child to reach a place where you haven’t been yourself. Seize every moment to guide your children towards a God-centered life. Personal Growth and Discipline: Focus on physical, emotional, marital, and spiritual health, as well as relationships, finances, personal growth, and parenthood. Visit: for a comprehensive self-assessment under free resources. God's Plan for My Life: Believe that God has a specific plan and purpose for your life. Avoid the pitfalls of comparison, which can rot us emotionally and physically. Scripture References: Galatians 2:20, Ephesians 5:25-28, Proverbs 22:6, John 21:21-22, Joshua 24:15
This summer, we’re diving into “The Sermon on the Mount” with a series called “Summer on the Mount.” Found in Matthew chapters 5, 6, and 7, this sermon showcases Jesus’ practical and concise teachings on living out our Christian faith. He masterfully guides us to be salt and light, love our enemies, care for the poor and marginalized, embrace humility, and let go of worry. Today in week one pastor Dustin preached on the final four of the beatitudes.
This summer, we’re diving into “The Sermon on the Mount” with a series called “Summer on the Mount.” Found in Matthew chapters 5, 6, and 7, this sermon showcases Jesus’ practical and concise teachings on living out our Christian faith. He masterfully guides us to be salt and light, love our enemies, care for the poor and marginalized, embrace humility, and let go of worry. In week one pastor Dustin preached on the four first beatitudes.
As a church we are passionate about spreading the Gospel and reaching people around the world. That’s why global missions is a huge part of what we do as a church. Missions Sunday we dove in and got a glimpse into what we’re doing and where we believe God is taking us as a church to reach those who don’t know Jesus.
It was the beginning of the church. An outpouring of God’s Spirit on His people that empowered and emboldened a movement that would change the world forever. Pastor Dustin preached on the day the church was born, Pentecost Sunday!
Whether it is intentional or unintentional, we are passing things down to the next generation. Check out Pastor Mandy’s full message on life lessons on how to pass down to the next generation.
Pastor Dustin preached about three questions everyone asks: Why am I alive? Does my life matter? Why hate is my purpose?