The Growth Zone

The Growth Zone
Autor: Christian Bartsch
Abonniert: 4Gespielt: 51Abonnieren
The Growth Zone Podcast covers in 2024 topics from Innovation, Business, Startups, ESG, ISO27001, Cyber Security and interviews with industry leaders.
Our Mission is to help people to grow their business by applying sustainable business strategies in marketing and leadership. Thereby local communities enjoy more environmentally responsible and socially responsive contributions from the business world.
| In Marketing we cover the core areas of sales funnels, branding, positioning, lead generation and online advertising.
| When talking about startups we will look into innovation, funding, investment, technology as well as artificial intelligence.
| An entrepreneur can not be successful if the mindset is dislocated. Confidence is so important for a good starting out into networking and gaining clients.
| When you gain access to the knowledge and guidance of an experienced entrepreneur you can grow using coaching and mentoring. Hence, leadership, strategy and finding a solution to a conflict is so vital.
| Subscribe to our newsletter at meetchrisbartsch.com/newsletter
Our Mission is to help people to grow their business by applying sustainable business strategies in marketing and leadership. Thereby local communities enjoy more environmentally responsible and socially responsive contributions from the business world.
| In Marketing we cover the core areas of sales funnels, branding, positioning, lead generation and online advertising.
| When talking about startups we will look into innovation, funding, investment, technology as well as artificial intelligence.
| An entrepreneur can not be successful if the mindset is dislocated. Confidence is so important for a good starting out into networking and gaining clients.
| When you gain access to the knowledge and guidance of an experienced entrepreneur you can grow using coaching and mentoring. Hence, leadership, strategy and finding a solution to a conflict is so vital.
| Subscribe to our newsletter at meetchrisbartsch.com/newsletter
125 Episodes
Listen to this podcast episode 228 where Christian discusses with Oz Konar: How business loan brokers can help startups get the needed seed funding. Oz Konar is based in Pennsylvania: Oz is an entrepreneur who created the training program, Business Lending Blueprint. He is the author of two books and is regularly featured in publications such as Entrepreneur and The Huffington Post. Oz educates listeners on how to build better credit, and how to grow a six figure business as a business loan broker. Are the questions you need answered in future podcast episodes? Tell us at https://meetchrisbartsch.com If you have been thinking how to move your startup into more stable times, then consider reading more about what helpful guidance Christian Bartsch is providing. Christian is passionate about technology driven business models and enjoys conversations with founders who are willing to put in the effort to build a sustainable business. That is why he is a board member of tech startups in multiple countries He guides the entrepreneur along the the necessary steps. You need to know what to do when and how. Furthermore, he advocates for more progressive universities that provide students up to date education. He has identified key trends that will influence the next 20 years of innovation. They significantly impact graduating students in their ability to build a career that has a real meaning and contributes to improving the world for the benefit of all creatures on the planet. That is why he believes that we need more private universities with sustainable business models that actually deliver more than just a degree. They must be life changing so that the world also changes for the better. They provide problem solving knowledge, #confidence to bring about ideas and provide #mentorship based on life experiences. Keywords of this episode: #funding #entrepreneurship #course #loan #useful #guide #startup #business #strategies #technology #pennsylvania #seedfunding
In this episode 227 Christian Bartsch is discussing with Chris Mercer (Austin, Texas): How can measurement marketing help SaaS companies grow their subscriber base? Get free access to the introductory measurement course at https://measurementmarketing.io/thegrowthzone Are the questions you need answered in future podcast episodes? Tell us at https://meetchrisbartsch.com If you have been thinking how to move your startup into more stable times, then consider reading more about what helpful guidance Christian Bartsch is providing. Christian is passionate about technology driven business models and enjoys conversations with founders who are willing to put in the effort to build a sustainable business. That is why he is a board member of tech startups in multiple countries He guides the entrepreneur along the the necessary steps. You need to know what to do when and how. Keywords of this episode: #Marketing #sales #entrepreneurship #course #howto #useful #guide #startup #business #strategies #technology #saas #nashville #texas #austin #b2b #siliconvalley
In this podcast Episode 226 Christian Bartsch is discussing with David Ledgerwood: How to scale your B2B niche products when addressing medium to large companies? You need standardize and not customize everything in your business. Why? You can not scale your business when you are customizing everything. Are the questions you need answered in future podcast episodes? Tell us at https://meetchrisbartsch.com If you have been thinking how to move your startup into more stable times, then consider reading more about what helpful guidance Christian Bartsch is providing. He is on the board of a VC and holds multiple positions as member of the advisory/supervisory board. Christian is passionate about technology driven business models and enjoys conversations with founders who are willing to put in the effort to build a sustainable business. He guides the entrepreneur along the the necessary steps. You need to know what to do when and how. You are not supposed to burn investors money. Christian does not like you to waste money on stuff that is not relevant or helpful. Keywords of this episode: #Marketing #sales #entrepreneurship #management #howto #useful #guide #startup #business #customize #strategies #technology #saas #manchester #warsaw #Nashville #b2b
Episode 224: In this episode Christian Bartsch is discussing with Greg Miaskiewicz (cofounder of capbase.com in Silicon Valley) following topics: It is difficult to build a brand via paying ads. The alternative is to build communities. Why is that? Why click fraud is a problem for growth marketers and startups? The approach to solving this growth problem, is by becoming a media company. Some startups have a fear of being copied by competitors if they are too open with their activities. The reality is a bit different. People are overly focused on their competitors. Understand how your startup can build and grow their brand by applying intent based marketing Want more insights into how to get your startup set up properly or even how a company formation in Delaware might get you in the right direction with less pain? Contact Greg Miaskiewicz at capbase.com Are the questions you need answered in future podcast episodes? Tell us at https://meetchrisbartsch.com If you have been thinking how to move your startup into more stable times, then consider reading more about what helpful guidance Christian Bartsch is providing. He is on the board of a VC and holds multiple positions as member of the advisory/supervisory board. Christian is passionate about technology driven business models and enjoys conversations with founders who are willing to put in the effort to build a sustainable business. He guides the entrepreneur along the the necessary steps. You need to know what to do when and how. You are not supposed to burn investors money. Christian does not like you to waste money on stuff that is not relevant or helpful. Keywords of this episode: #Marketing #leadership #entrepreneurship #management #howto #useful #guide #startup #business #venturecapital #branding #visionary #funding #investor #technology #companyformation #delaware #amsterdam #stockholm #warsaw #manchester
In this episode Christian will explain how to drive sales using cyber security as part of your online marketing strategy. You will understand that cybersecurity in sustainable ecommerce reduces the risk exposure and potential fraud claims. Since online sales need to take payments online this also affects sustainable financial services. Hence, businesses must look to drive profits by applying greater sustainability goals. It is not just about ratings and ESG but about how our mission and vision translate into a sustainable future. GET THIS BOOK >>> Don't miss out on how to generate more leads with a simple but focused approach to using social media for B2B businesses: Get the 2022 edition of "Social Marketing - Reaching your audience so they can buy from you with trust" written by Christian Bartsch. It is availabe at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other retailers: ISBN: 979-8-488609-90-7 Softcover ISBN: 979-8-797126-01-0 Hardcover ASIN: B078WX5VKF Kindle edition or read more about it here: https://meetchrisbartsch.com/books-on-marketing/
This podcast episode will provide you valuable insights about the impact of AI on information security and why startups developing A technology embrace ISO 27001 certification. Innovative startups are processing a lot of data of all kinds. This creates an anxiety in society as politicians and civil rights activists fear the worst happening. By committing to ethical standards and improving information security, startups can gain the trust of users.Key questions answered in the podcast:How does information security help startups?Does ISO 27001 have an impact on AI startup valuations?Is there a specific certification for AI Startups? What is the difference between ISO 27001, ISO 27018 and ISO 27091?How should an AI empowered startup build its ISMS?The information security management systems (ISMS) for organizations that develop AI based technology needs to handle not only the development and operations of the technology but also the rapidly changing legal framework around them.You will har about the different trends in North America, UK and the EU zone. AI is a technology not only very trendy but also a risk to society. Some startups in Germany are using iso 27001 to handle information security issues. Listen to this episode and gain moere insights.GET THIS BOOK >>> ISO 27001Don't miss out on how to introduce ISO 27001:2022 into your business to be sustainable and enforce information security, while avoiding unnecessary project bloating and eccessive consulting fees. Get the 2023 edition of "Information Security based on ISO 27001 Strategies: A Leadership Introduction to Information Security" written by Christian Bartsch.It is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other retailers:ISBN: 979-8865141501 SoftcoverASIN: B0CNPNGTR6 Kindle edition
In this episode, Christian will explain how you can use an ISO Certificate to gain more business clients. Companies can get their management systems certified for different ISO standards. A management system ist not some kind of hardware, but actually a set of documents outlining how the organisation wants to manage an aspekt ob business.If you are active in a B2B world, then you need a very different set of tools to attact and convince buyers. It is a very different game selling water to consumers compared to selling water pipes to large manufacturers of vehicles.This is why the technical and procurement departments look for potential suppliers all the time. When they find a potential candidate, they try to validate them even before getting in contact with them. Christian experienced this during his apprenticeship at BMW, when he was shown how to differentiate between great part manaufacturers and those who are not fit for the just in time manufacturing of cars.This is why ISO Certifications are so important to suppliers and B2B clients. Nevertheless, a certification by a non accredited certification body will not help you land a profitable contract.GET THIS BOOK >>> ISO 27001Don't miss out on how to introduce ISO 27001:2022 into your business to be sustainable and enforce information security, while avoiding unnecessary project bloating and eccessive consulting fees. Get the 2023 edition of "Information Security based on ISO 27001 Strategies: A Leadership Introduction to Information Security" written by Christian Bartsch.It is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other retailers:ISBN: 979-8865141501 SoftcoverASIN: B0CNPNGTR6 Kindle edition
Gain an understanding of how risk analysis will help you successfully achieve your iso 27001 certification and improve your ESG rating. Green Cyber security is becoming an important factor for businesses in Europe and North America.Here Christian explains how the ISO 27001 Risk Anaylsis process (German: Risikoanalyse nach ISO 27001) would take place. It is a quick and easy explanation of the steps. He explains that you do not need to overcomplicate the ISMS documentation. Writing the ISMS Documentation is not an easy task for someone who isn't deep in the ISO world. That is why it is recommendable to get help from an ISO 27001 Consultant (https://acato.co.uk) so that you save time, pain and money. GET THIS BOOK >>> ISO 27001Don't miss out on how to introduce ISO 27001:2022 into your business to be sustainable and enforce information security, while avoiding unnecessary project bloating and eccessive consulting fees. Get the 2023 edition of "Information Security based on ISO 27001 Strategies: A Leadership Introduction to Information Security" written by Christian Bartsch.It is available at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other retailers:ISBN: 979-8865141501 SoftcoverASIN: B0CNPNGTR6 Kindle edition
In this episode you will find out, how to the ESG rating system and the newly released ISO27001:2022 ISO Certification interact to influence a company's ability to attrack funding and new key clients.
ESG is putting a growing emphasis on Information Security and Green Cyber Security. This is eventually leading to an influencial factore that impacts a company's ability to get funding, new clients aor even reduce their insurance costs. The ESG Rating is negatively impacted if a business has no apparent efforts towards protecting personal data or implementing an information security management system (ISMS).
Here Christian explains how the ISO 27001 Certification process would take place. It is a quick and easy explanation of the steps. He explains that you do not need to overcomplicate the ISMS documentation. Security policies are ther to improve security but not make life hell for employees. Writing the ISMS Documentation is not an easy task for someone who isn't deep in the ISO world. That is why it is recommendable to get help from an ISO 27001 Consultant (https://acato.co.uk) so that you save time, pain and money.
Don't miss out on how to drive your business to be sustainable, while avoiding the ugly side of ESG, which can be a great revenue driver when applied in a non-toxic way:
Get the 2022 edition of "The Sustainable Business Idea - A pocket guide to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)" written by Christian Bartsch.
It is availabe at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other retailers:
ISBN: 979-8-8330-3548-1 SoftcoverASIN: B0BKWWJL4H Kindle edition
Don't miss out on how to introduce ISO 27001:2022 into your business to be sustainable and enforce information security, while avoiding unnecessary project bloating and eccessive consulting fees.
Get the 2023 edition of "Information Security based on ISO 27001 Strategies: A Leadership Introduction to Information Security" written by Christian Bartsch.
It is availabe at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other retailers:
ISBN: 979-8865141501 SoftcoverASIN: B0CNPNGTR6 Kindle edition
In this episode you will be mind feeding on how to reach your audience by building trust. Social selling is often stated as happeing on social media platforms such as facebook or linkedin. The reality is htat you need to do social marketing before you can actually do social selling.
Most of the time, people are stuck in social media wasitng time by consuming content instead of selling. The reason is that social media is not really designed for doing business.
LinkedIn is actually a recruiting plantform that has been turned upside down. now people are trying to sell their services there by spaming people.
Corporattions have hired PR people to create a stream of content supposedly coming from its CEO. The world will realize that a busy CEO has no time for being stuck in social media.
Don't miss out on how to drive your business to be sustainable, while avoiding the ugly side of ESG, which can be a great revenue driver when applied in a non-toxic way:
Get the 2022 edition of "The Sustainable Business Idea - A pocket guide to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)" written by Christian Bartsch.
It is availabe at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other retailers:
ISBN: 979-8-8330-3548-1 SoftcoverASIN: B0BKWWJL4H Kindle edition
What can you learn from social media and its influence into how busiensses are growing in a even more digital environment?
Social Marketing is social selling! Don't just get stuck infront of your screen, but go an meet the person to enjoy a coffee at acafe. Build real raport by having that natural conversation every person really needs.
Don't miss out on how to drive your business to be sustainable, while avoiding the ugly side of ESG, which can be a great revenue driver when applied in a non-toxic way:
Get the 2022 edition of "The Sustainable Business Idea - A pocket guide to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)" written by Christian Bartsch.
It is availabe at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other retailers:
ISBN: 979-8-8330-3548-1 SoftcoverASIN: B0BKWWJL4H Kindle edition
In this episode Christian is explaining why developing software is more than jsut blurping endless pages of code. Every project needs planing but also so kind of quality control.
Quality management is a competitive advantage for Software companies
Don't miss out on how to drive your business to be sustainable, while avoiding the ugly side of ESG, which can be a great revenue driver when applied in a non-toxic way:
Get the 2022 edition of "The Sustainable Business Idea - A pocket guide to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)" written by Christian Bartsch.
It is availabe at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other retailers:
ISBN: 979-8-8330-3548-1 SoftcoverASIN: B0BKWWJL4H Kindle edition
In this episode, Christian will provide insights into why our education providers (schools, universities, academies) need to tacles thier information security in a more reliable way.
ISO 27001 is becoming an important part of delivering knowledge for Education providers
Don't miss out on how to drive your business to be sustainable, while avoiding the ugly side of ESG, which can be a great revenue driver when applied in a non-toxic way:
Get the 2022 edition of "The Sustainable Business Idea - A pocket guide to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)" written by Christian Bartsch.
It is availabe at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other retailers:
ISBN: 979-8-8330-3548-1 SoftcoverASIN: B0BKWWJL4H Kindle edition
In this episode, christian will share insights that are driving revenues for automotive suppliers and consulting services doung business with automotive companies.
Information Security has become an ever growing key component in the automotive industry. That is why the TISAX assessments are increasingly a deal maker or killer. Companies without a TISAX assessed ISMS are more likely to losose a bid for a tender to become a core supplier.
Don't miss out on how to drive your business to be sustainable, while avoiding the ugly side of ESG, which can be a great revenue driver when applied in a non-toxic way:
Get the 2022 edition of "The Sustainable Business Idea - A pocket guide to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)" written by Christian Bartsch.
It is availabe at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other retailers:
ISBN: 979-8-8330-3548-1 SoftcoverASIN: B0BKWWJL4H Kindle edition
Don't look at your local bank like a crocodile. Build a relationship where they can help you without biting off your leg. Christian explains where banks can be helpful and how alternative funding can be a better choice. Unterstand in rapid mind feeding mode how venture capital and venture investors help you grow. If you enjoyed this episode, please share on social media or pass on a link to this episode to your business contacts. GET THIS BOOK >>> Don't miss out on how to drive your business to be sustainable, while avoiding the ugly side of ESG, which can be a great revenue driver when applied in a non-toxic way: Get the 2022 edition of "The Sustainable Business Idea - A pocket guide to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)" written by Christian Bartsch. It is availabe at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other retailers: ISBN: 979-8-8330-3548-1 Softcover ASIN: B0BKWWJL4H Kindle edition
Understand what you can change in your sales process to generate sustainable and consitent revenue. Don't fall into the trap of trying to get a reward before the big reward is ready to be collected! If you enjoyed this episode, please share on social media or pass on a link to this episode to your business contacts. GET THIS BOOK >>> Don't miss out on how to drive your business to be sustainable, while avoiding the ugly side of ESG, which can be a great revenue driver when applied in a non-toxic way: Get the 2022 edition of "The Sustainable Business Idea - A pocket guide to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)" written by Christian Bartsch. It is availabe at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other retailers: ISBN: 979-8-8330-3548-1 Softcover ASIN: B0BKWWJL4H Kindle edition
In this episode Christian explains how to build meaningful relationships with suppliers of all sizes and distances. Cooperation leads to mutual business arangements that help all involved parties grow their revenue and margins. Core topic: How to boost cooperations and supplier relationships If you enjoyed this episode, please share on social media or pass on a link to this episode to your business contacts. GET THIS BOOK >>> Don't miss out on how to drive your business to be sustainable, while avoiding the ugly side of ESG, which can be a great revenue driver when applied in a non-toxic way: Get the 2022 edition of "The Sustainable Business Idea - A pocket guide to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)" written by Christian Bartsch. It is availabe at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other retailers: ISBN: 979-8-8330-3548-1 Softcover ASIN: B0BKWWJL4H Kindle edition
In this episode, Christian will explain the benefits of systemization and workflows. He will explore with listeners, how to reduce organizational waste and increase productivity. Learn how gaining extra time and focus can help you increase the deal value. More efficiency generates higher profits but requires consistency. Core topic: How to systematize your business for profix scaling Core message: Create workflows, procedures and management systems to remain lean but with a higher profit margin GET THIS BOOK >>> Don't miss out on how to drive your business to be sustainable, while avoiding the ugly side of ESG, which can be a great revenue driver when applied in a non-toxic way: Get the 2022 edition of "The Sustainable Business Idea - A pocket guide to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)" written by Christian Bartsch. It is availabe at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other retailers: ISBN: 979-8-8330-3548-1 Softcover ASIN: B0BKWWJL4H Kindle edition
In this episode Christian will share strategies on, how to deal with problematic buyers that are draining your resources and personal energy. Unfortunately, clients can suddenly turn toxic even, if you have been doing business with them for a decade. Core Message: try to fix the relationship by communicating. Terminate what is unrepairable due to toxic buyer mindset GET THIS BOOK >>> Don't miss out on how to drive your business to be sustainable, while avoiding the ugly side of ESG, which can be a great revenue driver when applied in a non-toxic way: Get the 2022 edition of "The Sustainable Business Idea - A pocket guide to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)" written by Christian Bartsch. It is availabe at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other retailers: ISBN: 979-8-8330-3548-1 Softcover ASIN: B0BKWWJL4H Kindle edition
In this episode Christian provides insights into hiring people, who will help build and grow your business. He will also share strategies on, how to deal with performance issues. Hiring the right way allows your business to get on a sustainable path towards growth, that doesn't hurt you, your team or the environment. Core message: Hire for Mindset (aka work attitude) - not Grades or academic titles. GET THIS BOOK >>> Don't miss out on how to drive your business to be sustainable, while avoiding the ugly side of ESG, which can be a great revenue driver when applied in a non-toxic way: Get the 2022 edition of "The Sustainable Business Idea - A pocket guide to Environment, Social and Governance (ESG)" written by Christian Bartsch. It is availabe at Amazon, Barnes and Noble and other retailers: ISBN: 979-8-8330-3548-1 Softcover ASIN: B0BKWWJL4H Kindle edition
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