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Focus on Fabulous

Author: michelle bryant

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An introduction to focus on fabulous podcast, celebrating everyday women and their personal and professional stories, offering motivating, encouraging & inspiring relatable content to the world.
50 Episodes
Life: It's in the bag

Life: It's in the bag


“Is all that we leave behind what is ultimately left of us?” Things that once held meaning to us are now reduced to whatever price someone is willing to pay. Why do we put so much emphasis on material things, the cars we drive, the clothes we wear, the labels we display? Instead, we should build our emphasis on the relationships we build, the stories, memories, and legacies we leave behind, on mending fences and giving whenever possible.
my sixty

my sixty


yes, it’s true, sixty is a number. but i can’t believe it’s my number. my sixty on the inside doesn’t feel much different from thirty. yes, there are some days i feel 18 while others i feel 80. in fact, i remember when my mother was 60.
paint your mood

paint your mood


Feeling blue? Paint yourself a different color. But give yourself permission to deal with whatever you're going through and then focus on the good that is among you each and every day.
As I was sitting with my friends chatting about what is going on in our world, about what some are choosing to call the “new normal it occurred to me that there has always been something. Something to fear, something to hate, something to worry over. But I want to take time to stop; to write my own headline.
Even though I utilized my quarantine time productively and seized every moment in my days, only venturing out one day a week and for just a few hours, I stayed protected, guarded, and distant, although foreign concepts for me. I felt comforted and safe. So, as I begin this new birth to the outside world on a regular and routine basis, I ask myself both personally and professionally, am I a cheetah or a snail? And which do I prefer?
Life will always provide challenges, but I find that our viewpoint and perspective can keep us from feeling defeated. Yes, some people are glued to the media, destroyed by the new normal and may even be entangled in the unwelcome effects that are occurring, but the truth is, there IS help. There is hope. There is love amidst the distress. People are reaching out; businesses are extending assistance wherever possible. It seems we actually miss the human connection.
Why Worry?

Why Worry?


Is there something you can change or control to ease the situation, stress or worry? If you can then what is the need for worrying? Just fix it. If you cannot solve it then what is the use of worrying? You read that right. If you CAN solve the problem, then why worry and if you can’t then why worry? It’s simple really.
Katryna joins us from Charleston, SC during the CoronaVid-19 quarantine with tips, tricks, and advice on keeping your small business alive during these tough times.
If you're like me, you are constantly needing more time. Saying things like, "If only I had an extra day." or "I need more time in my day." and so forth. Leap year gives us the gift of having that extra day. Embrace it!
Many works of art (in this case, needlework) are beautiful to the eyes that gaze upon them. But, rarely does the viewer consider the efforts endured, the mess it took or the flaws that may be covered in creating that beauty.
Because I said so

Because I said so


I think every child at some point feels like they know all the answers and their parents are too old to really “get it.” And in the debate of logic and reasoning, we plead our case with words like “Why not?” “Why do I have to?” or “So and So’s parents let them” and so forth only to hear “because I said so.” At the moment those words hit our ears we knew there was no more need for discussion let alone trying to persuade anything else. We knew we had made a great argument but had been overruled.
Remember Sam, I am from the classic Dr. Seuss book Green Eggs and Ham? After reading this to my grandson it occurred to me that we all have a green eggs and ham list. A list of things we will not do no matter what. Not here nor there nor anywhere. For many of us, it may be something we refuse to eat. For others, it could be more complicated, such as public speaking. Think about it. What is YOUR green eggs and ham?
Helen Keller is quoted as saying, “Always hold your head high. Look the world straight in the eye.” We need to have an elegance in our posture, to define to the world not just how we walk but how we walk through life. Slouching will always send the wrong message. You have everything you need to confidently walk your path. photo by focus on fabulous creative photography
Expose yourSELF-IE

Expose yourSELF-IE


Many artists have their self-portraits among their works. Back then, self-portraits were about status and importance and in effect, today they still are. Nothing has changed. Self-portraits have merely transformed into selfies, and filters and photo effects have become the artists' mediums. Although it is easy to get caught up in the celebrity culture that says unless you’re being noticed, you’re no one, that’s the crucial difference between 15th-century self-portraits and 21st-century selfies. Image by OrnaW pixabay
Life is not posed

Life is not posed


What would my children do if they had to make a video of my life? My memory? My legacy? Where are the pictures of my life? Especially of my life with my children. I have lived quite the life. I’ve been blessed with quite the personality and yet stayed hidden due to pride or vanity or some other silly reason.
But if we’re being totally truthful, would we consider ourselves teachable? Are we willing to sit back and embrace setbacks that may hold lessons we need to know? Are we able to be quiet long enough to grasp when something is being portrayed to us or someone is attempting to educate us? Image by The Pixelman at Pixabay
how could anyone truly know the real us? We are born to give, to care, to sacrifice ourselves for the needs of others. If you’re like me though this leads to you feeling like a square peg in a round hole. Photo by Greyerbaby/Pixabay
family forgiveness

family forgiveness


“The truth about family is that we don’t get really get to pick and choose who’s in and who’s out. It’s not a club.” I believe we all have our share of dysfunctional in our families. We have those soap opera situations or Maury Povich moments we’d rather tuck away safely in a locked box on the shelf. Truth is there are people in most families that we love but don’t like, that if they weren’t family we wouldn’t tolerate. Image by Pixabay
mercy and grace…

mercy and grace…


If mercy is the act of not giving to someone that which they probably deserve, then how often are we really offering that to others? When was the last time you forgave someone without being asked? Or turned the other cheek? Photo by Element5 Digital on Unsplash
There are many times in our lives where someone hurts our feelings, says or does the wrong thing or simply rubs us the wrong way. We tend to be selfish creatures and dwell on the impact these have on us personally with little or no regard to how they are to others. But I like to think that our attitude and overall reaction plays a significant role in how we handle those situations and how it all ends. Image by CSchmidt- Pixabay