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The Journey of a Thousand Mistakes
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The Journey of a Thousand Mistakes

Author: Guillaume Sauvé

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Have you ever felt like you’ve been holding yourself back? I have. But the time for uncertainty has passed. Join me as I embark on an epic journey to level up my life. Each week, I’ll push myself so far out of my comfort zone I’ll either crash and burn or reach untold heights. One way or another, I’ll emerge from the experience a much wiser man. Learn from my mistakes or go make your own. The choice is yours, but whatever you do, don’t let life pass you by.
37 Episodes
CHALLENGE: Take a break for a week. OUTCOME: I relaxed and thought things through. TAKEAWAYS: Breaks are necessary for self-evaluation. It’s time for me to try something new. CONCLUSION: Embrace your fears. Visit to begin the journey and download a FREE Guide! FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:
CHALLENGE: Try being left-handed for a week. OUTCOME: It was awkward. Precision activities (writing, brushing your teeth, eating with a fork/spoon, etc.) were incredibly difficult in the beginning, but I grew most accustomed as the week went on. TAKEAWAYS: Doing difficult/awkward things is good for you. Not only does it exercise your brain, but it gives you a sense of accomplishment when you finally master it. CONCLUSION: I recommend this exercise to everyone, even if for just a day. Visit to begin the journey and download a FREE Guide! FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:
Challenge 26: Boredom

Challenge 26: Boredom


CHALLENGE: Spend 2 hours each day doing nothing. OUTCOME: I thought I’d be bored out of my mind, but it turns out doing nothing is pretty fun. In fact, I almost prefer it to watching TV. Almost. TAKEAWAYS: Boredom isn’t as bad as most people think. Not only is it a great way to relax, but it allows you to think of things you usually wouldn’t, review your life and the choices you’ve made, and let your creativity run wild. CONCLUSION: Boredom is AWESOME! Visit to begin the journey and download a FREE Guide! FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:
CHALLENGE: Take full responsibility for EVERYTHING in my life for 5 days. OUTCOME: I failed miserably because I didn’t define triggers to identify the moments where I wasn’t taking ownership of my life and my action. TAKEAWAYS: I must clearly define the rules of my future challenges. Making mistakes is part of life. Messing up isn’t so bad. CONCLUSION: You will ALWAYS make mistakes. Accept it. Visit to begin the journey and download a FREE Guide! FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:
REASON 1: It boosts your confidence and can, at times, make you feel like a badass. REASON 2: It makes you happier by interrupting the monotony of everyday life. REASON 3: It reminds you that you’re not perfect—yes, that's a good thing. Visit to begin the journey and download a FREE Guide! FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:
CHALLENGE: Improvise for one hour each day. OUTCOME: I did a bunch of random things and had loads of fun. TAKEAWAYS: Life is unpredictable. Improvisation is fun and boosts your confidence. You never know what will happen, so stop trying to control everything. CONCLUSION: Do random things, and don’t be afraid to look silly. Visit to begin the journey and download a FREE Guide! FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:
CHALLENGE: Practice holding my breath and try for a new personal best of 5 minutes. OUTCOME: I pushed myself as hard as I could and, on the final attempt, I managed to hold my breath for 5 minutes. TAKEAWAYS: You never know what you can accomplish until you try. Your limits are self-imposed. Try—really try—to push yourself, and you’ll be amazed by what you manage to accomplish. CONCLUSION: Human potential is nearly limitless. You but need to try. Visit to begin the journey and download a FREE Guide! FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:
CHALLENGE: Avoid setting expectations for 5 days. OUTCOME: Determining success or failure is difficult as most of the expectations we set for ourselves and the ones around us are subconscious, but I’m really happy with the results of this challenge. TAKEAWAYS: Achievements and hard work are important for success but freeing yourself from expectations is incredibly liberating. It relieves the burden of guilt and lets you remain centered. CONCLUSION: Expectations are neither good nor bad. It’s all about balance. How much should you expect while avoiding the sense of disappointment that comes from failing to achieve the level of success you expected? Only you can answer that question. Visit to begin the journey and download a FREE Guide! FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:
TIP 1: Schedule your day. It will keep you from getting distracted.  TIP 2: Use Deep Work and Block Time to remain focused during your periods of work.  TIP 3: Have fun. Do something you enjoy EACH DAY for at least ONE HOUR.  TIP 4: Do less. You don’t have to always be super productive. It’s okay to take a break and enjoy life.  TIP 5: You choose. Deep down, we all know what we should and shouldn’t do, so pick something you know will improve your life and DO IT.  Visit to begin the journey and download a FREE Guide!  FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:
Challenge 21: Reading

Challenge 21: Reading


CHALLENGE: Read for one hour each day. OUTCOME: I read an average of one hundred pages each day. TAKEAWAYS: Reading doesn’t strain the eyes; it relaxes them. Mental fatigue is NOT a valid excuse to skip your reading session. And, finally, reading is SUPER FUN! CONCLUSION: You MUST do something you enjoy EACH DAY. Visit to begin the journey and download a FREE Guide! FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:
Challenge 20: Running

Challenge 20: Running


CHALLENGE: Run for 30 minutes each day. OUTCOME: I ran. It was awesome… and it also kind of sucked (like most things in life.) TAKEAWAYS: I was reminded of how freeing running can be. I also realized simple challenges that have a direct impact on my life are better than difficult challenges that bring me nothing.  CONCLUSION: Running is fun. Visit to begin the journey and download a FREE Guide! FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:
CHALLENGE: Do something creative for 30 minutes each day. OUTCOME: I drew. It was awesome! TAKEAWAYS: I doddle almost every day, but I never thought of myself as an artist. This challenge reminded me of the importance of creativity and allowed me to get in touch with my inner artist. CONCLUSION: Creativity is SUPER IMPORTANT! Visit to begin the journey and download a FREE Guide! FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:
CHALLENGE: Sleeping on the floor for 5 days. OUTCOME: The first night was difficult. I kept waking up and was exhausted the next day. I eventually grew accustomed to it, but I wasn’t as productive as I normally am. TAKEAWAYS: I NEED proper rest in order to be productive, happy, and fulfilled. Sleeping on the floor isn’t as good for your back as people assume it is (at least not without proper lumbar support.) CONCLUSION: Proper sleep is ESSENTIAL! Visit to begin the journey and download a FREE Guide! FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:
This is what my weekday schedule looks like as of this writing. I’m constantly tweaking it to maximize productivity and life enjoyment, but this should give you a good idea of how I structure my days. Keep in mind this is MY preferred way of spending my work time, and it doesn’t mean other methods are wrong. Follow your gut and create a schedule that fits your lifestyle. 7:00 AM: Wake up 7:00-8:00 AM: Morning Routine 8:00-8:45 AM: Writing 8:45-9:00 AM: Exercise/Reading (Non-Fiction) 9:00-9:45 AM: Writing 9:45-10:00 AM: Exercise/Reading (Non-Fiction) 10:00-10:30 AM: Walk 10:30-10:45 AM: Email 10:45-11:00 AM: Exercise/Reading (Non-Fiction) 11:00-11:45 AM: Business Growth 11:45-12:00 PM:Exercise/Reading (Non-Fiction) 12:00-12:45 PM: Business Growth 12:45-1:00 PM:Exercise/Reading (Non-Fiction) 1:00-1:45 PM: Walk 1:30-1:45 PM: Social Media 1:45-2:00 PM:Exercise/Reading (Non-Fiction) 2:00-2:45 PM: Editing 2:45-3:00 PM: Exercise/Reading (Non-Fiction) 3:00-3:45 PM: Skill Development (Business) 3:45-4:00 PM: Exercise/Reading (Non-Fiction) 4:00-5:00 PM: Reading (Fiction) 5:00-9:00 PM: Free Time 9:00-10:00 PM: Evening Routine 10:00 PM: Sleep I perform certain work-related tasks during the weekend, but I don’t have a predefined schedule. It usually takes me three hours to complete my work duties on Saturday, and less than an hour on Sunday. I also review my week and plan out the next one. Visit to begin the journey and download a FREE Guide! FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:
CHALLENGE: Schedule EVERYTHING for a week, then schedule NOTHING for a week. OUTCOME: As expected, I was WAY more productive when I meticulously scheduled my day. Surprisingly, I wasn’t happier when I went with the flow and planned nothing. TAKEAWAYS: Scheduling my time allows me to be SUPER productive, makes me happier, and gives me a greater sense of accomplishment. Scheduling nothing, on the other hand, makes me unproductive, less happy, and diminishes my sense of accomplishment. CONCLUSION: I’m the type of person who thrives in a structured environment. I need it to be happy. To learn how I structure my days, please listen to the "How to Structure Your Day” bonus episode. Visit to begin the journey and download a FREE Guide! FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:
TIP 1: Don’t panic. It only makes things worse. TIP 2: Connect with your friends and family. If you can’t do it in person, reach out via phone, email, or video conferencing. TIP 3: Seek solitude. Much like connection, solitude is necessary for emotional balance. Schedule 10-15 minutes of alone time EACH DAY. TIP 4: Feed your mind. Learn something new every day. TIP 5: Have fun. Life is so much better when you do. BONUS: Watch the video to find out ;). Visit to begin the journey and download a FREE Guide! FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:
CHALLENGE: Write a letter of appreciation to someone who positively impacted my life each day for 5 days. OUTCOME: The process of writing the letters was enriching and brought me closer to everyone who received them. TAKEAWAYS: Expressing gratitude brings positivity into your life and joy to those who receive it. It also increases the closeness and depths of your relationship. CONCLUSION: Gratitude RULES! Visit to begin the journey and download a FREE Guide! FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:
CHALLENGE: Don’t talk for 5 days. OUTCOME: I messed up four times on the first day, but kept going and ended up getting to four and a half days without speaking a single word. TAKEAWAYS: I talk WAY too much, lol. Silence allows you to be more present and helps you stay focused and happy. It’s also a great way to get better at charades, lol. CONCLUSION: You don’t always need to talk. Sometimes, what you need is time to be alone with your thoughts. Visit to begin the journey and download a FREE Guide! FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:
Grab your journal and review the goal you picked yesterday. Go through the five steps, then break down the first one into sub-steps. The goal is to complete one small task each day so that you’re ALWAYS moving toward your goal. Start today. Then, reach out to your loved ones and tell them what you’re doing. This will keep you accountable and encourage them to better themselves. Also, and this is SUPER important, take this opportunity to tell them how much they mean to you. Visit to begin the journey and download a FREE Guide! FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:
Grab your journal and go through yesterday’s list of goals. Pick two positive ones (new skills, positive habits, etc.) and one negative one (things/people you want to remove from your life.) Then, select the one you want to focus on first and list the five major steps you’ll need to accomplish to complete it. Once done, you can enjoy the rest of your day. Visit to begin the journey and download a FREE Guide! FACEBOOK: INSTAGRAM:
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