Cool Discuss: Talkily

Cool Discuss: Talkily
Author: Alvin Wayne Cadonic
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© Copyright Alvin Wayne Cadonic
Talkily is a variety podcast and YouTube show that that aims to contemplate the little things in life that make life worth living! From the perfect pillow, birthdays, to road construction and puttering around the house, join us for a Cool Discuss about the things in life most of us encounter on a daily basis.
20 Episodes
Most of us can get drinkable water from the tap yet many of us will buy bottled water from the store. They say we’re not actually buying the water, rather the convenience of the bottle. With so many places around the world, even in North America, unable to get clean, drinkable water from the tap, should we not be a little more grateful that we can get clean water from the tap, and tap out from buying bottled water? We discuss bottled water and it's impact on us, our planet and the world's population.Here's A Link to a clip From Penn And Teller's Bulls**t episode on bottle water, courtesy of MakilHeru (no affiliation, he just posted the clip :) OUR YOUTUBE SHOW!-----------------------------------------------------Cool Discuss: Talkily Channel THE SHOW-----------------------------------------------------Visit our website for information on other Cool Discuss shows! out our Merch Store on Redbubble the show by buying us a coffee! Theme: Illuminate by Ethan Rank found on ArtList Videos and Images from Pixabay Services acquired through Spreaker
Where do you All Access the Prime Flix and shows you Crave? Chances are that you’ve already cut out cable completely and have one or two streaming services you turn to for entertainment. With Cable on the steady decline and everyone starting a streaming service, how long before we have 500 streaming services and nothing good on? In this episode we talk about how streaming services have changed our watching habits and where we think steaming and cable will be 10 years from now.-----------------------------------------------------VIEW OUR YOUTUBE SHOW!-----------------------------------------------------Cool Discuss: Talkily Channel THE SHOW-----------------------------------------------------Visit our website for information on other Cool Discuss shows! out our Merch Store on Redbubble the show by buying us a coffee! Theme: Illuminate by Ethan Rank found on ArtList Videos and Images from Pixabay Services acquired through Spreaker
As modern entertainment began to monopolize our attention, board games had fallen down the chute of priority and became regulated to the dungeon of entertainment as a cabin, cottage or rainy day thing to do. But in this last decade board games have become no trivial pursuit and provide a candy land of fun, even inspiring restaurants where you order food to eat while you play! Today we explore the cards of our humanity and how people have once again become hungry for hippos as we talk about the comeback of board games and card games!-----------------------------------------------------VIEW OUR YOUTUBE SHOW!-----------------------------------------------------Cool Discuss: Talkily Channel THE SHOW-----------------------------------------------------Visit our website for information on other Cool Discuss shows! out our Merch Store on Redbubble the show by buying us a coffee! Theme: Illuminate by Ethan Rank found on ArtList Videos and Images from Pixabay Services acquired through Spreaker
Smokies, Burgers, Fish, Kabobs and occasionally that funny Uncle who’s always invited! Hopefully it wont be too grilling to light a fire under this discussion about one of our favourite ways to roast wieners.We talk about what we love about BBQs, our BBQ stories, grilling techniques and favorite foods we love to grill!-----------------------------------------------------VIEW OUR YOUTUBE SHOW!-----------------------------------------------------Cool Discuss: Talkily Channel THE SHOW-----------------------------------------------------Visit our website for information on other Cool Discuss shows! out our Merch Store on Redbubble the show by buying us a coffee! Theme: Illuminate by Ethan Rank found on ArtList Videos and Images from Pixabay Services acquired through Spreaker
Sand, it's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Beach umbrellas, sand castles, sunscreen, sunburn, volleyball, books and iPads? In this episode we talk about what we love about the beach and what we don't. We also touch on swimming in lakes and rivers and an evil little fish. Let’s lay down a towel and take a swim through our love for the beach!The Candiru Fish:Also known as cañero, toothpick fish, or vampire fish, is a species of parasitic freshwater catfish in the family Trichomycteridae native to the Amazon Basin where it is found in the countries of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.Here is a link to the Wikipedia Page OUR YOUTUBE SHOW!-----------------------------------------------------Cool Discuss: Talkily Channel THE SHOW-----------------------------------------------------Visit our website for information on other Cool Discuss shows! out our Merch Store on Redbubble the show by buying us a coffee! Theme: Illuminate by Ethan Rank found on ArtList Videos and Images from Pixabay Services acquired through Spreaker
They pretend to be calling from Microsoft, from the IRS or CRA. They pray on your fears and sometimes just call to make sure your phone number is actually activated so they can sell it to other scammers. Don’t be duped into tuning out of this episode as we share our thoughts on robocalls and scammers and why we think they should step on a lego!-----------------------------------------------------VIEW OUR YOUTUBE SHOW!-----------------------------------------------------Cool Discuss: Talkily Channel THE SHOW-----------------------------------------------------Visit our website for information on other Cool Discuss shows! out our Merch Store on Redbubble the show by buying us a coffee! Theme: Illuminate by Ethan Rank found on ArtList Videos and Images from Pixabay Services acquired through Spreaker
For some the smooth glide of a pen is the best way to write while others like different shades of graphite and the ease of erasing out a mistake. Let’s pencil in our reasons for preferring pens or pencils and write out why white out is or isn’t worth using pens.-----------------------------------------------------VIEW OUR YOUTUBE SHOW!-----------------------------------------------------Cool Discuss: Talkily Channel THE SHOW-----------------------------------------------------Visit our website for information on other Cool Discuss shows! out our Merch Store on Redbubble the show by buying us a coffee! Theme: Illuminate by Ethan Rank found on ArtList Videos and Images from Pixabay Services acquired through Spreaker
For most of us birthdays as a child meant birthday parties, presents and cake with trick candles! As we grow older though most of the spectacle of birthdays seems to wear off while for some, birthdays were never a happy day to begin with. In this episode, we share our birthday experiences, how our birthdays have changed as we've aged and how we feel about getting older.-----------------------------------------------------VIEW OUR YOUTUBE SHOW!-----------------------------------------------------Cool Discuss: Talkily Channel THE SHOW-----------------------------------------------------Visit our website for information on other Cool Discuss shows! out our Merch Store on Redbubble the show by buying us a coffee! Theme: Illuminate by Ethan Rank found on ArtList Videos and Images from Pixabay Services acquired through Spreaker
We all occasionally have a desire to better ourselves physically but how often do we break our New Years resolution to get fit, forget about our gym memberships or use our treadmill and nothing more than a clothing rack? In this episode we talk about exercising, getting fit, going to the gym and getting healthy. Join us as we try and work out why is it so hard for some of us to get, or stay, motivated, and easy for others.-----------------------------------------------------VIEW OUR YOUTUBE SHOW!-----------------------------------------------------Cool Discuss: Talkily Channel THE SHOW-----------------------------------------------------Visit our website for information on other Cool Discuss shows! out our Merch Store on Redbubble the show by buying us a coffee! Theme: Illuminate by Ethan Rank found on ArtList Videos and Images from Pixabay Services acquired through Spreaker
A good fireworks show can skyrocket an evening into a memorable night while another that doesn’t hold a roman candle to a great show can launch us into disappointment. Let’s bring out the sparklers and explode over our feelings about fireworks.-----------------------------------------------------VIEW OUR YOUTUBE SHOW!-----------------------------------------------------Cool Discuss: Talkily Channel THE SHOW-----------------------------------------------------Visit our website for information on other Cool Discuss shows! out our Merch Store on Redbubble the show by buying us a coffee! Theme: Illuminate by Ethan Rank found on ArtList Videos and Images from Pixabay Services acquired through Spreaker
If our phones are so smart, why do they shatter to pieces when they leap out of our hands and onto the soft cushioned couch? Phones used to be able to take a concrete fall and now the smallest hint of moisture inside our device voids our warranty and makes us regret not covering our device with a bullet proof brick. Security issues, planned obsolescence and no head phone jack! There might not be any keys on your phone but it’s likely the key to keeping you connected to the world. We talk about cellular mobile plans, the phones of the future and why we can no longer ‘flip out’ over our dependence on our phones.-----------------------------------------------------VIEW OUR YOUTUBE SHOW!-----------------------------------------------------Cool Discuss: Talkily Channel THE SHOW-----------------------------------------------------Visit our website for information on other Cool Discuss shows! out our Merch Store on Redbubble the show by buying us a coffee! Theme: Illuminate by Ethan Rank found on ArtList Videos and Images from Pixabay Services acquired through Spreaker
As our days grow ever increasingly busy and we find ourselves hoping from one appointment to the next, how important has time management become to our busy lives? Staying punctual, arriving early or rushing to at least remain on time, how do we manage our time?-----------------------------------------------------VIEW OUR YOUTUBE SHOW!-----------------------------------------------------Cool Discuss: Talkily Channel THE SHOW-----------------------------------------------------Visit our website for information on other Cool Discuss shows! out our Merch Store on Redbubble the show by buying us a coffee! Theme: Illuminate by Ethan Rank found on ArtList Videos and Images from Pixabay Services acquired through Spreaker
It makes up to 60% of the human body and covers more than 70% of the Earth’s surface. It’s in our food, in many products we use and some of us even like to mix it with sugar in a concoction called ‘juice’. They say you should drink about 2 litres of water a day to keep yourself hydrated but are you keeping up? Today we dive into the life giving chemical Dihydrogen Monoxide and why water is important to our lives and the planet.-----------------------------------------------------VIEW OUR YOUTUBE SHOW!-----------------------------------------------------Cool Discuss: Talkily Channel THE SHOW-----------------------------------------------------Visit our website for information on other Cool Discuss shows! out our Merch Store on Redbubble the show by buying us a coffee! Theme: Illuminate by Ethan Rank found on ArtList Videos and Images from Pixabay Services acquired through Spreaker
Sometimes we’re just too tired or lazy to make our own food! We’ve all enjoyed the convenience of picking out our favorite numbers on a Chinese menu, ordering in pizza or having it ordered in for us. Of course the newest thing for us is browsing a plethora of restaurants on Skip the dishes or Uber Eats. Are our overly busy lives feeding our uber obsession with skipping the dishes or is ordering in not just a door dash of convenience? Today we’re talking about ordering in food. Thanks again for supporting the Cool Discuss Team!-----------------------------------------------------VIEW OUR YOUTUBE SHOW!-----------------------------------------------------Cool Discuss: Talkily Channel THE SHOW-----------------------------------------------------Visit our website for information on other Cool Discuss shows! out our Merch Store on Redbubble the show by buying us a coffee! Theme: Illuminate by Ethan Rank found on ArtList Services acquired through Spreaker
Not returning calls or texts, not washing your hands, coughing with your mouth open, talking too loudly, rambling! We’ve put on an extra coat of BO fighting deodorant for a nailing biting discussion on what peeves us off.-----------------------------------------------------VIEW OUR YOUTUBE SHOW!-----------------------------------------------------Cool Discuss: Talkily Channel THE SHOW-----------------------------------------------------Visit our website for information on other Cool Discuss shows! out our Merch Store on Redbubble the show by buying us a coffee! Theme: Illuminate by Ethan Rank found on ArtList Videos and Images from Pixabay Services acquired through Spreaker
Bad hair, syndication and when the best TV shows were only seen on TV. The Golden Girl Age of television when grade A-Teams took The Next Generation of television to places that today make us reminisce about the Wonder Years. We talk 80s TV Shows and what we loved about them.-----------------------------------------------------VIEW OUR YOUTUBE SHOW!-----------------------------------------------------Cool Discuss: Talkily Channel THE SHOW-----------------------------------------------------Visit our website for information on other Cool Discuss shows! out our Merch Store on Redbubble the show by buying us a coffee! Theme: Illuminate by Ethan Rank found on ArtList Videos and Images from Pixabay Services acquired through Spreaker
Drink the broth, scoop out some grapefruit and savour that one slice of turkey! Don’t worry, you’ll give up this newest diet about half way through just like us! BUT! Perhaps instead of trying to find the latest cleanse, gimmick or set of restrictions to loose that fat, we should just… eat healthier? Well, that’s something easier said than done. We talk about dumb diets, scary diets and diets that just might work. With superfoods and super extreme plans gone awry, today we get talkily about our declaration that enough is enough with the diet fads!-----------------------------------------------------VIEW OUR YOUTUBE SHOW!-----------------------------------------------------Cool Discuss: Talkily Channel THE SHOW-----------------------------------------------------Visit our website for information on other Cool Discuss shows! out our Merch Store on Redbubble the show by buying us a coffee! Theme: Illuminate by Ethan Rank found on ArtList Videos and Images from Pixabay Services acquired through Spreaker
Its something were all guilty of occasionally, irregardless of our attempts to always use the right version of a word, forget or not know a word isnt a word, leave out needed commas, improperly being used or overly correct others who misuse words. TIL dat proper grammar n correct spelling hv taken a bk seat to txt shorthand, a symptom of 2day ‘s fst paced wrd. Well hopefully be punctual with our punctuation as we have a discussion on misspellings and bad grammar.-----------------------------------------------------VIEW OUR YOUTUBE SHOW!-----------------------------------------------------Cool Discuss: Talkily Channel THE SHOW-----------------------------------------------------Visit our website for information on other Cool Discuss shows! out our Merch Store on Redbubble the show by buying us a coffee! Theme: Illuminate by Ethan Rank found on ArtList Videos and Images from Pixabay Services acquired through Spreaker
Sometimes a first date can be a heart beating and exciting meeting of euphoria. Other times it’s an awkward or even cringe worthy affair or something in between. Our best first dates, bad first dates and everything in between. -----------------------------------------------------VIEW OUR YOUTUBE SHOW!-----------------------------------------------------Cool Discuss: Talkily Channel THE SHOW-----------------------------------------------------Visit our website for information on other Cool Discuss shows! out our Merch Store on Redbubble the show by buying us a coffee! Theme: Illuminate by Ethan Rank found on ArtList Videos and Images from Pixabay Services acquired through Spreaker
If we don’t hurry we’ll be late for work or worse yet, show up without pants! In this episode we talk about the dreams we have, common dreams, lucid dreaming and dream theories. Join us for one last discussion before we put this season to bed as we dream up our thoughts on where our conscious minds go when the brain needs a rest.Thanks again for supporting the Cool Discuss Team!-----------------------------------------------------VIEW OUR YOUTUBE SHOW!-----------------------------------------------------Cool Discuss: Talkily Channel THE SHOW-----------------------------------------------------Visit our website for information on other Cool Discuss shows! out our Merch Store on Redbubble the show by buying us a coffee! Theme: Illuminate by Ethan Rank found on ArtList Services acquired through Spreaker
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