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Welcome to Spirit-Centered Business™ with Bralynn Newby. Spiritual principles, Business principles - Combined. The Next Age of doing business by being spirit-centered is coming together in collaboration, working with spiritual principles, and knowing our destiny. We are entrepreneurs, leaders, and business professionals who take the power of the spirit realm in our business seriously. We go beyond just consuming information. We participate, activate, and engage with the supernatural with unbelievable results. Join us as we blend the spiritual with the practical for supernatural results.

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203 Episodes
198: Pt. 2 The Hour to Cry Out | Nancy Knopp on Spirit-Centered Business™BIO:Nancy Knopp is called by God as a watchwoman on the wall of intercession to raise up and prepare the bride of Christ for the Lord's return. In 2015 God encountered Nancy and commissioned her to start a women’s ministry called “Esthers Arise” which was established in 2020. Nancy Knopp has a passion to see the bride of Christ arise, pray, and speak, and become all they are called to be Christ Jesus. Nancy carries a breaker anointing to heal the sick, preach the gospel, prophesy, and pray for cities and nations.  Nancy lives in Charlotte, NC with her husband and 3 sons.LINKS:Connect with Nancy, and check out her women’s movement: out the FREE RESOURCES in our new store! Bralynn’s Book! Discover Your Business Destiny: Co-Creating, Stewarding and Standing to Manifest God’s Divine Plan © 2024 - Bralynn Newby Int'l, LLC. All rights reserved.
197: Pt. 1 Signs, Wonders & Miracles | Nancy Knopp on Spirit-Centered Business™BIO:Nancy Knopp is called by God as a watchwoman on the wall of intercession to raise up and prepare the bride of Christ for the Lord's return. In 2015 God encountered Nancy and commissioned her to start a women’s ministry called “Esthers Arise” which was established in 2020. Nancy Knopp has a passion to see the bride of Christ arise, pray, and speak, and become all they are called to be Christ Jesus. Nancy carries a breaker anointing to heal the sick, preach the gospel, prophesy, and pray for cities and nations.  Nancy lives in Charlotte, NC with her husband and 3 sons.Join Bralynn’s FREE Masterclass: Power Up Your Inner World!To kickoff the Quantum Capacity™ Summer Surge bootcamp. Bralynn’s Book! Discover Your Business Destiny: Co-Creating, Stewarding and Standing to Manifest God’s Divine Plan © 2024 - Bralynn Newby Int'l, LLC. All rights reserved.
196: Pt. 2 Fighting from Heaven | Adri Venter on Spirit-Centered Business™Adri is an amazing friend, confidant, rescuer, and warrior for the Kingdom of God. She is one who makes the realm of darkness shake in its boots! I am so extraordinarily blessed to know her and call her a dear friend, so it is my honor and privilege to share some more of her story with you.Join the Quantum Capacity™ Summer Surge bootcamp! Bralynn’s Book! Discover Your Business Destiny: Co-Creating, Stewarding and Standing to Manifest God’s Divine Plan © 2024 - Bralynn Newby Int'l, LLC. All rights reserved.
The Lord focuses on quality rather than quantity when it comes to connections and relationships in business…and so should we!  The world would say it’s a numbers game, but the Kingdom is about people. Such a good message Sabrina shares!GOLD NUGGET:It’s not about working more, or harder, or trying to manipulate things. It’s about doing our part and trusting that God is doing His part.BIO:Sabrina Hammonds is passionate about the stories, testimonies, and transformations of others.  It’s no wonder why God called her into the business of helping women share their message.  Our stories and transformations were never meant just for ourselves.  Kingdom Connections Podcast & Media Agency is all about creating strategic connections between clients and podcast hosts so Kingdom collaboration can happen. As a result, women are coming together like never before and elevating each other, support one another, and utilizing each other’s strengths to serve others. LINKS:Connect with Sabrina and Kingdom Connections Podcast Agency here: to her Kingdom Connections Podcast podcast on iTunes: Bralynn’s FREE Masterclass: Power Up Your Inner World!To kickoff the Quantum Capacity™Summer Surge bootcamp. Bralynn’s Book! Discover Your Business Destiny: Co-Creating, Stewarding and Standing to Manifest God’s Divine Plan © 2024 - Bralynn Newby Int'l, LLC. All rights reserved.
I am so blessed by people like Sabrina! She knew there was more, that God had MORE for her and her family…and she went after it! She has an inspiring story about walking out starting her business step by step with the Lord.  Enjoy!BIO:Sabrina Hammonds is passionate about the stories, testimonies, and transformations of others.  It’s no wonder why God called her into the business of helping women share their message.  Our stories and transformations were never meant just for ourselves.  Kingdom Connections Podcast & Media Agency is all about creating strategic connections between clients and podcast hosts so Kingdom collaboration can happen. As a result, women are coming together like never before and elevating each other, support one another, and utilizing each other’s strengths to serve others. LINKS:Connect with Sabrina and Kingdom Connections Podcast Agency here: to her Kingdom Connections Podcast on iTunes: Bralynn’s FREE Masterclass: Power Up Your Inner World!To kickoff the Quantum Capacity™ Summer Surge bootcamp. Bralynn’s Book! Discover Your Business Destiny: Co-Creating, Stewarding and Standing to Manifest God’s Divine Plan © 2024 - Bralynn Newby Int'l, LLC. All rights reserved.
Adri is an amazing friend, confidant, rescuer, and warrior for the Kingdom of God. She is one who makes the realm of darkness shake in its boots! I am so extraordinarily blessed to know her and call her a dear friend, so it is my honor and privilege to share some of her story with you.Currently contending with stage 4 cancer, she is not fighting the way you typically hear about. The Lord is using her unique ability to operate in the spirit realm to continue to rescue abused and trafficked children, even outside of time!This is a story that will have you on the edge of your seat! Her continuing victory over the residual effects of being Satanically ritually abused (SRA - used in Satanic worship and manipulation rituals) is heroic and difficult for her to talk about. So we focus on the exploits she has done and continues to do.We hope to document as much of her story as possible, so we don’t know how many parts will be in this series.  Stay tuned!SOW into FERTILE GROUND!To financially help with Adri’s medical expenses, we have found a way to get money to her from the US, which wasn’t as easy as you may think. South Africa is a 3rd world country, and the fees are astronomical to ship anything, or transfer funds. BUT GOD!!! Just Go To, select the “Women of South Africa” tab, and we will get the funds to her. This is a trade in the spirit realm that quantumly entangles you to the work Adri has done and is doing to help bring Heaven to Earth!Get Bralynn’s Book! Discover Your Business Destiny: Co-Creating, Stewarding and Standing to Manifest God’s Divine Plan’s NEW Quantum Capacity Masterclass is coming soon!Grab the current one 3 Keys to Aligning and Expanding Your Inner World here: will get you on the list to be notified when the new one is out.)Copyright 2024 - Bralynn Newby Int'l, LLC. All rights reserved.
In this second segment we dove deep into some heavy biblical topics. We got into the “Sons of God” desiring control over the earth, understanding the biblical narrative, and why God appears “unloving”.  You’ll see Rod’s heart for people and getting the Truth out to the world. In case you missed part one, be sure to grab it wherever you enjoy the podcast.BIO RECAP:Rod Smith, Jr., author of The Words are Salt, a groundbreaking collection of “collective flow” poetry, and host of the Millennial Mustard Seed podcast. Rod is your guide beyond the fringe as he pursues revelation on unusual, unexplained and unexplored facets of creation through a Biblical lens.HIGHLIGHTS:Questioning Biblical Narratives: When someone asks about the apparent contradiction between God's goodness and the deaths described in the Bible.Search for Answers: Rod initially struggles to respond to the question but finds insight from various scholars like Chuck Missler, LA Marzulli, and Dr. Michael Heiser.Grasping Ancient Mindsets: Dr. Heiser's teachings about the ancient Israelite mindset help Rod understand the Bible's complexities better.Loneliness and Rejection: Rod faces opposition when sharing his insights, experiencing loneliness and rejection, but he remains steadfast in his beliefs.Podcasting Journey: Rod describes his podcasting journey, starting with humble beginnings, interviewing diverse guests, and facing personal and technical challenges.Millennial Mustard Seed: The name of Rod's podcast symbolizes his generation's faith journey, representing growth and perseverance.Rod's wife, though initially reserved about discussing supernatural experiences, provides invaluable support and grounding throughout his journey.Podcasting ins and outs, including monetization and platforms used for podcast distribution, primarily focusing on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.Sharing his faith and engaging with different people, including those of different religions, and blending spirituality with other aspects of life.Rod’s podcast's focus is on spiritual warfare, referencing biblical narratives and modern-day interpretations, including the implications of biblical passages regarding the interaction between angels and humans, exploring topics such as the Nephilim and spiritual warfare.Importance of thorough research, prayer, and open-mindedness in understanding complex spiritual topics.The “bene elohim” Sons of God and their desire for dominion over the earth by taking wives, giving them a "legal right" to establish dominion, which involves creating their own seed.Mingling of human and non-human seed, leading to the corruption of both humans and animals.Unlearning worldly concepts and embracing biblical values, especially in the realm of business.Rod’s book, "The Words are Salt," and how it came about through prophetic insight and divine intervention.LINKS:Enjoy The Millennial Mustard Seed podcast on Spotify: his new  book of “collective flow” poetry, The Words are Salt Bralynn’s Book! Discover Your Business Destiny: Co-Creating, Stewarding and Standing to Manifest God’s Divine Plan your Business in Heaven FIRST with Bralynn’s Declaration of Trade Course: © 2024 - Bralynn Newby Int'l, LLC. All rights reserved.
I am so excited to introduce Rod Smith to you! He’s a powerhouse podcaster whose curiosity about the supernatural and questions about faith led him to dive deeply into scripture. Throughout his journey, Rod emphasizes the importance of being led by the Spirit, pursuing one's calling, and staying open to God's plan. Mentors and relationships provide insights into emotional intelligence and spiritual growth, shaping Rod's perspective on faith and life.BIO:Rod Smith, Jr., author of The Words are Salt, a groundbreaking collection of “collective flow”  poetry, and host of the Millennial Mustard Seed podcast. Rod is your guide beyond the fringe as he pursues revelation on unusual, unexplained and unexplored facets of creation through a Biblical lens.Born in Montgomery County, outside of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Rod and his wife Princess have four beautiful children. He often admonishes his listeners that “in this age when we are bombarded daily with millions of confusing messages and signals and chaos seeds our population—we must seek Truth Himself, Christ, with no fear!”HIGHLIGHTS:Growing up on the cusp of technology, bridging two worlds.Experiencing a supernatural encounter at the age of 7, His family had a casual relationship with church, attending only on holidays.He had a near-death experience in his late teens, which left him with PTSD.Rod found healing through spending time alone with God and immersing himself in the Bible.His daughter had an angelic encounter with three angels at a young age.Discovering Purpose: Rod reflects on his journey, emphasizing that sharing his story is why he's behind the mic and chair.Exploring the Supernatural: Wrestling with supernatural concepts like ghosts, aliens, and Bigfoot, Rod delves into questions about their existence.Encounter with Profound Question: A friend's question about God's justice and Old Testament actions challenges Rod's faith.Deep Dive into Scripture: Driven by curiosity, Rod dives into Chuck Missler's teachings, finding clarity and passion in understanding Scripture.Passionate Pursuit: Rod's obsession with understanding the Bible leads to late-night study sessions and a transformed outlook on life.Mentorship and Growth: Through relationships and mentors, Rod gains insights into emotional intelligence and spiritual growth.Led by the Spirit: Reflecting on his journey, Rod emphasizes the importance of following one's calling and staying open to God's plan.LINKS:Enjoy The Millennial Mustard Seed podcast on Spotify: his new  book of “collective flow” poetry, The Words are Salt Bralynn’s Book! Discover Your Business Destiny: Co-Creating, Stewarding and Standing to Manifest God’s Divine Plan your Business in Heaven FIRST with Bralynn’s Declaration of Trade Course: © 2024 - Bralynn Newby Int'l, LLC. All rights reserved.
Join Bradford and me as we continue the conversation and discuss the rollercoaster ride of entrepreneurship, and the intersection of spirituality and business strategy, including the importance of mindset over tactics. We stress the role of faith in overcoming challenges, and how we  inspire clients to tap into their inner strength and trust in God.BIO:Dr. Bradford Carlton is a world-renowned speaker and business coach, multiple times published author, online influencer, loving husband and father, and a committed servant of the Lord. Bradford has guided business owners in over 50 countries, across 20 different industries, and has  personally referred over $3 Billion in business funding needs to various investors around the world. In addition to showing businesses the money that they are leaving on the table, Bradford also spends his time guiding his over 160,000 followers online as he discusses men’s issues and the importance of accepting Jesus Christ into your heart. Bradford has been featured by media outlets such as ABC, CBS, Fox News, the Associated Press, and many others.HIGHLIGHTS:Bradford discusses the challenges and trials entrepreneurs face, emphasizing that setbacks are part of the journey.He draws parallels between entrepreneurial struggles and the biblical story of Job, highlighting the importance of faith and trusting in a higher plan.Shifting expectations and maintaining faith in challenging times.Importance of faith in business partnerships and operations, with Bradford noting that lack of faith often leads to micromanagement and other issues.He recounts a remarkable success story of a formerly homeless individual who transformed a skateboard venture into a thriving business with the help of a $400,000 investment.Role of mindset in business success and mentions Dr. Joyce Brown's nonprofit work in suicide prevention, attributing her connections to divine intervention.LINKS:Get more Info and see Bradford’s podcast, Beacon in the Storm: www.BradfordCarlton.comLearn more about Bradford’s coaching: www.MayflowerAdvising.comHere’s his YouTube channel: Bralynn’s Book! Discover Your Business Destiny: Co-Creating, Stewarding and Standing to Manifest God’s Divine Plan your Business in Heaven FIRST with Bralynn’s Declaration of Trade Course: © 2024 - Bralynn Newby Int'l, LLC. All rights reserved.
188: Our Divine Calling, Eph 4 TPT | Bralynn Newby on Spirit-Centered Business™LINKS:Get Bralynn’s Book! Discover Your Business Destiny: Co-Creating, Stewarding and Standing to Manifest God’s Divine Plan Your Business in Heaven FIRST: Bralynn’s Declaration of Trade Course: © 2024 - Bralynn Newby Int'l, LLC. All rights reserved.
Peter shares some of the pitfalls we can unwittingly face in setting up our small business improperly.  And, of course, setting it up with the legal systems of man comes AFTER setting it up with the proper legal covenant agreement with heaven…which is what I help you do!  ;-)  You know…it’s that whole “seek first the Kingdom” thing. Make sure you go back and catch part 1, if you missed it.JOIN the Small Business Legal Bootcamp: RECAP:Peter is a nationally recognized leader in the field of intellectual property (IP), whose unique practice focuses on the many aspects of IP, both domestically and internationally.He has extensive knowledge of the requirements and procedures for procurement of intellectual property and enforcement of rights and a complete understanding of how such intangible assets affect a corporation and strategies for best capitalizing on such assets globally. HIGHLIGHTS:Introduction to the Small Business Legal Boot Camp.Corporate issues and the importance of understanding entity types, corporate agreements, and compliance with laws like the Corporate Transparency Act.IP training covering trademark, copyright, patents, trade secrets, and the use of AI, emphasizing legal implications.Discussion on different entity types including nonprofit organizations like 501(c)(3).Importance of understanding trademark ownership versus Secretary of State registration.Spiritual considerations in business formation, including getting your heavenly documentation in place first, and choice of entity name.The significance of intercession and spiritual alignment in business operations.Pricing and VIP options for the boot camp, emphasizing its affordability and value compared to individual legal consultations.Recommendations to consult attorneys for specific legal advice despite the training received.LINKS:Peter’s Small Business Legal Bootcamp: rest of Peter’s stuff: PeterNieves.comEstablish Your Business in Heaven FIRST: Bralynn’s Declaration of Trade Course: Bralynn’s Book! Discover Your Business Destiny: Co-Creating, Stewarding and Standing to Manifest God’s Divine Plan © 2024 - Bralynn Newby Int'l, LLC. All rights reserved.
I am honored to welcome Peter back to the show!  He’s launching a bootcamp for content creators that you need to do if you create any courses, blogs, videos, and so forth online or off…especially with AI technology. Be sure to catch SCB episodes 103 & 104 to get more intel from Peter.JOIN the FREE Content Creators Legal Bootcamp: is a nationally recognized leader in the field of intellectual property (IP), whose unique practice focuses on the many aspects of IP, both domestically and internationally.Peter is a Global IP Portfolio Manager, Patent and Trademark Prosecutor, Patent Litigator, Adjunct Professor of Patent Law, Business Advisor, Copyright and Trade Secret Attorney, and his practice includes management of IP portfolios, patent licensing, IP legal opinions, counseling on IP strategies, and IP due diligence in connection with mergers and acquisitions.He has extensive knowledge of the requirements and procedures for procurement of intellectual property and enforcement of rights and a complete understanding of how such intangible assets affect a corporation and strategies for best capitalizing on such assets globally. LINKS:Peter’s Content Creators Legal Bootcamp: rest of Peter’s stuff: PeterNieves.comGet Bralynn’s Book! Discover Your Business Destiny: Co-Creating, Stewarding and Standing to Manifest God’s Divine Plan’s Declaration of Trade Course: 2024 - Bralynn Newby Int'l, LLC. All rights reserved.
185: Unleashing Destiny | Bralynn Newby at All Things RestoredI was so honored by Virginia and Sean Killingsworth, and Connie Woods, who invited me to speak to their ekklesia in Jacksonville, Florida last month.  I share on Sonship, Kingship and Priesthood identity, and do an activation to receive your destiny scroll.  Enjoy!Get My Book! Discover Your Business Destiny: Co-Creating, Stewarding and Standing to Manifest God’s Divine Plan’s Declaration of Trade Course: 2024 - Bralynn Newby Int'l, LLC. All rights reserved.
In Part 2, Mark shares his profound journey of emotional and physical healing, revealing the depths of his experiences and the pivotal role his relationship with God played along the way. Join us as we explore the transformative power of faith and resilience, offering insights that inspire and uplift.Get your FREE Resource and Discovery Call The importance of changing one's mindset and outlook on life.- Emotional healing is interconnected with physical healing, such as anger manifesting as physical pain- Healing from a ruptured disk in his back, highlighting the cleansing and transformative nature of the experience- Being grateful for even the small things in life, which leads to a shift in perspective and spiritual growth- One's relationship with life is essentially a reflection of their relationship with God, emphasizing the need to be real and authentic in acknowledging this connection.- A client's success story of healing from gallbladder issues after participating in a class, highlighting the effectiveness of their approach- How his mother's mental health struggles impacted his own journey of healing and self-discoveryLINKS:Mark’s Website: Encompasslife.comFREE Resource and Discovery Call: Bralynn’s Book! Discover Your Business Destiny: Co-Creating, Stewarding and Standing to Manifest God’s Divine Plan’s Declaration of Trade Course: 2024 - Bralynn Newby Int'l, LLC. All rights reserved.
182: Pt.1 Unlocking Vision for Change | Mark Scherer on Spirit-Centered Business™Mark and I had a terrific convo on the transformative power of visualization and actively embodying the characteristics of the desired vision. We highlight the concept that mere verbal expression isn't enough; one must paint a vivid mental picture, truly feel the emotions associated with that vision, and actively become the person they aspire to be. This is “bringing heaven to earth”!Get your FREE Resource and Discovery Call Clear communication's importance in engaging the subconscious mind for manifesting a vision.- Creating mental images, like children with rosy cheeks, to make a vision tangible.- Actively adopting vision traits instead of waiting for them to materialize.- Daily renewal and gratitude, drawing from scripture- Anticipating positive changes and the role of belief and gratitude in manifesting a desired future.- A well-formed vision can evoke strong emotions, driving positive change.- Continuous personal growth for transformative experiences.LINKS:Mark’s Website: Encompasslife.comFREE Resource and Discovery Call: Bralynn’s Book! Discover Your Business Destiny: Co-Creating, Stewarding and Standing to Manifest God’s Divine Plan’s Declaration of Trade Course: 2024 - Bralynn Newby Int'l, LLC. All rights reserved.
179: Pt. 2 Unveiling Spiritual Insights in Business | Brian Orme on Spirit-Centered Business™In part 2 of my conversation with Brian, we discuss various aspects of his life and business ventures. He shares about the wellness retreats he does with a mutual friend, Arun Bulchandani, and his new venture inspired by a dream. Kingdom Broker focuses on preserving the legacy of businesses owned by retiring boomers. BIO RECAP:Brian spent 21 years ministering to and helping university students get breakthrough in their life and mindsets in order to position them for great purpose in the spheres of society. He has traveled the globe training, inspiring, and developing others to know who they are in Christ and to boldly live out their God-given destiny. He is the CEO of two businesses and has co-founded two nonprofits. Brian is also a certified life coach.HIGHLIGHTS:- Brian's new book, "House of Many Waters," and what the Anime manga style is.- Wellness retreats focusing on breathwork, meditation, and movement.- Brian's journey into the business, including a dream about getting into Bitcoin, which led to the idea of creating "Kingdom Broker."- Brian emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for solving problems and how wisdom aligns with responsibility.- The discussion touches on Brian's background in comedy and his recent performance at a conference.- Brian shares insights into the process of building with wisdom, understanding, and knowledge to make a venture viable, sustainable, and profitable.- The significance of defining roles, expectations, and responsibilities in business and ministry, referencing 1 Samuel 10:25, which highlights the importance of having a written agreement and covenant partnership in business.- Brian shares a humorous supernatural experience where he communicated with a man from the cloud of witnesses during a church service in rural Ohio.- Brian recounts another encounter in Utah where he saw Jesus and John Paul Jackson at a table with a glass of wine, symbolizing the wine of John's life.- The impact of pursuing interaction with the cloud of witnesses, emphasizing the partnership with the cloud and angelic beings for greater efficiency.- Insights into the importance of taking responsibility in various roles and relationships.LINKS:- Connect with Brian and see what he’s up to: Get Brian’s Book: House of Many Waters Bralynn’s Book! Discover Your Business Destiny: Co-Creating, Stewarding and Standing to Manifest God’s Divine Plan’s Declaration of Trade Course: 2024 - Bralynn Newby Int'l, LLC. All rights reserved.
178: Pt. 1 Odyssey from Dream to Manga | Brian Orme on Spirit-Centered Business™It was my delight to welcome returning guest Brian Orme to the show. He is now an author, and we discuss his exciting journey that culminated in the release of his new book House of Many Waters. He reveals the inspiration behind the book, its creative process, and the mystical elements that shape its narrative. Enjoy the fusion of spirituality, creativity and courage in Brian's unconventional and collaborative approach to bringing his vision to life.BIO:Brian spent 21 years ministering to and helping university students get breakthrough in their life and mindsets in order to position them for great purpose in the spheres of society. He has traveled the globe training, inspiring, and developing others to know who they are in Christ and to boldly live out their God-given destiny. He is the CEO of two businesses and has co-founded two nonprofits. Brian is also a certified life coach.HIGHLIGHTS:- Genesis: The book was born out of a prophetic encounter in 2009. This experience propelled Brian into a realm of dreams, creativity, and spiritual exploration.- Brian shared fascinating insights into his unique writing style, where he chose the captivating medium of manga to tell his story. Manga, renowned for its dynamic action scenes and profound character connections, allowed Brian to vividly depict his encounters with mystical entities and experiences. The narrative takes readers on a journey through “pneuma spheres” - realms of light that intricately intertwine with the protagonist’s path.- In order to bring his vision to life, Brian embarked on a Kickstarter campaign, a venture that presented both challenges and rewards. Thanks to the support of backers who believed in the project, Brian was able to meet the financial goal. He discussed the planning and execution ofthe campaign, highlighting the significance of design elements and strategic communication.- Brian hinted at the presence of three characters representing the Trinity, skillfully interwoven into the narrative without divulging too many spoilers. The evolution of these characters adds an element of intrigue to the story, providing readers with a deeper connection to the spiritual themes woven throughout the book.- Looking towards the future, Brian shared his plans for upcoming installments in collaboration with fantasy writer David Waddell. These future books will delve into flashbacks, timelines, and an expansive world that expands upon the foundation established in the first novel. The collaborative process between Brian and David involves ongoing dialogue and co-creation, ensuring a seamless continuation of the series.- Brian Orme's journey, from prophetic dreams to the creation of a mystical manga, exemplifies the fusion of spirituality, creativity, and the courage to embark on uncharted paths. The conversation offered a glimpse into the mind of an artist navigating realms of imagination, guided by a profound connection to the divine.- The stage is set for readers to embark on a spiritual odyssey, unveiling mysteries and traversing the imaginative landscapes of "House of Many Waters."LINKS:- Connect with Brian and see what he’s up to: Get Brian’s Book: House of Many Waters Bralynn’s Book! Discover Your Business Destiny: Co-Creating, Stewarding and Standing to Manifest God’s Divine Plan’s Declaration of Trade Course: 2024 - Bralynn Newby Int'l, LLC. All rights reserved.
Comments (1)

Y. Kings - Daughter of YAH 🕊

The “Arche” is a new concept for me. If I’m understanding correctly, this means that the arche is operating in the “begginning realm” kind of like our spirits aligning with that realm?

Jan 10th