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Mark's Virkler's How-To for Spirit-Anointed Living Podcast
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Mark's Virkler's How-To for Spirit-Anointed Living Podcast

Author: Mark Virkler

Subscribed: 27Played: 291


Dr. Mark Virkler is Your How-To Coach for the Spirit-Led Life. Making things simple, practical, and transferable. In his five decades of ministry, Mark has taught over 1 million people worldwide how to hear God's voice and see His vision on a daily basis. Mark is entertaining and transparent as he unfolds practical insights from the Word of God, showing you how to easily interact with the Holy Spirit on a continuous, ongoing basis and how to receive wisdom and power for successful Kingdom living. Mark sees himself as a coach, drawing you into doing Godly activities which transform the quality of your life.
92 Episodes
Yes, there is a revival going on. It is quite exciting! Over 1,000 being baptized at a time, and this is occurring on BOTH coasts in Florida. A church of 300,000 in India is exploding. I want to be a part of this revival!Links to various topics mentioned in this videoEnd-Times Prophecy (Presenting all 4 views): verses with anti-christ and how does the Bible define the beast?
You can share a half-dozen high-impact, life-changing wallet cards with your friends and acquaintances. It is a simple, easy, and natural way for you to participate in spreading revival!Be part of today's revival. Inspire hope in the hearts of those whom you meet. Let it be known that God is alive, and of the increase of His government, there will be no end (Isa. 9:7)!There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace, On the throne of David and over his kingdom,To establish i...
God is our Dream Maker! He has placed a dream within the heart of each of us that only He can supernaturally bring to pass. God gave an impossible dream to Abraham, our Father of Faith. In this powerful message, Mark will show you how God filled the five senses of Abraham’s spirit with His truth and birthed a miracle out through him. You will also learn how you can walk in the same faith while you hear, see, ponder, speak and act out of the Father’s initiative, allowing Him alone to fil...
Problem: I want to be healed of fear. Fear NEVER goes away! Everything makes me afraid. I am afraid of financial ruin and declining health. I am afraid for my children and my spouse, and for our nation. I am fearful of evil men and of the antichrist, and of persecution. I am fearful of rejection, and failure. If I decide I want to pray for healing of the sick, I am afraid the prayer will not work and I will look bad, God will look bad and people will be discouraged and fall away from th...
You will be blessed by this hour-long conversation with Pauline Burthwick, a lady I met 19 years ago at a conference here in the States. Pauline did not think God could use a woman to teach pastors around the world, but once she began journaling, God comissioned her to do just that.Now in this power-packed, fast-moving interview Pauline shares her training along with the divinely ordained steps for her life, including a Bible school she has founded and many lives which have been transformed. ...
Elizabeth got saved in a church which said God is no longer speaking. However, at age 4 she clearly heard God's voice. In this interview, Elizabeth shares her riveting story of the battles she encountered as she learned not only how to hear God's voice daily, but also teach that skill to others. She has a free ebook telling her story, and she also puts out a podcast. See the links below this video for those resources. Resource Links from Elizabeth Amazon download for this...
Sue has been called by God to be an “Elite Athlete.” She has responded to this call and she shares her adventure and her journaling with us all. Sue was at a recent Hearing God's Voice seminar in Virginia, and I was thrilled to meet her and hear her story. I asked if she would share with us what God has done in her life through the triathlons she has trained for and won. Ten years after its original posting, I am re-publishing this blog with a video insert now included, and an addendum. Read ...
From 1994 to 2000, Susan and I conducted Kids in Renewal meetings at Catch the Fire Toronto. These meetings were designed to facilitate the impartation of the Father's blessing to children. They were taught the values and experiences below: 1. How to come into the presence of God. 2. How to hear the voice of God. 3. How to prophesy. 4. How to know their heavenly Father's heart. 5. How to be the light of the world. Read more here: https://www.cwgministries.or...
If you are looking for a short, informative, professional presentation to the 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice with Mark Virkler and PowerPoint which you can share with friends, we have just created it! Please spread it around and help spread revival through intimacy with Jesus!Support the Show.
If you are looking for a short, informative, professional presentation to the 4 Keys to Hearing God's Voice with Mark Virkler and PowerPoint which you can share with friends, we have just created it! Please spread it around and help spread revival through intimacy with Jesus!Support the Show.
In this interview, April shares how God progressively healed the sorrow, pain and guilt she felt for years over the death of her child.April attended our Prophetic Healing Protocols seminar and reads the revelation and perspective she received from the Lord over these five journaling times, as He lifted her higher and higher and finally brought full release to her heart.She goes on to share what happened the next Sunday morning as she gave this testimony to her congregation.Don’t let the fact...
Each one of our stories is unique and powerful as we share how we learned to interpret dreams. Enjoy this testimony by Emily Ladley!Support the Show.
Each of our stories is unique and powerful as we share how God interacts with us. Enjoy this testimony by Emily Ladley! the Show.
This video introduction is with Rev. Don Paprocky grants you an inside view of the heart and mind and life of one of my closest friends.Don has co-taught seminars with me on both Hearing God's voice and Prayers that heal the heart. He is an excellent seminar speaker and an excellent online healer in the area of prayers that heal the heart. These prayers include inner healing and deliverance plus more. Get to know Don, and if you or a friend of yours is looking for healing of their heart wound...
Charlette attended our recent Prophetic Healing Protocols seminar in Pennsylvania. In this video, she shares her experience.Support the Show.
We discuss the spiritual climate in Russia, the impact of the 4 Keys, and what Lyle would like to correct about our perception of Russia. Lyle can be contacted at: Carlson's video of a Moscow subway is here: TC Shorts: The Moscow Subway StationSupport the Show.
Last weekend we did our first prophetic healing protocols seminar. This is a short report of how it went.If interested in hosting a seminar in your location contact Mark@cluonline.comMark can do a 8 hour live weekend seminar or a 2 hour Zoom introduction to Prophetic Healing Protocols for your group.Support the Show.
In this 20-minute interview, Erroll Glee shares his wonderful victory over sexual perversion as Jesus sets him free. It began in childhood and continued for many years. His freedom involved being delivered from several demons, and then learning how to hear God’s voice and experience healing through two-way journaling as he experienced a true father’s love.His testimony will bring hope to anyone trapped in sexual sin. He is glad for you to reach out to him for prayer counseling at shekina...
Draw together a “Communion With God Encounter Group”! Other possible names include “Spiritual Intimacy Group,” Discover God’s Voice for Everyday Living Group, etc. and this can be facilitated in person or via Zoom. Just send out an email to your friends and social media contacts with the information below personalized, along with your email address and date of the proposed training series, which you can schedule as morning, afternoon or evening. You don’t need to teach as you will be using th...
Once I learned to hear God’s voice and do two-way journaling I had a new skill to bring to my writing experience. As far as I am concerned this is the basic skill of all of life since Jesus did nothing on His initiative, but only what He heard and saw His Father doing (Jn. 5:19,20,30).So now, I could tune to the Holy Spirit and receive the words of Jesus directly into my heart and mind as the Spirit is a River from God which FLOWS within me (Jn. 7:37-39). So now I fix my eyes on Jesus, tune t...