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Pranava Joy

Author: Diana Spiess

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Diana Spiess has been working and training in the health and wellness industry with numerous modalities for 30 years. Her vast array of education, certifications, experience with 1000's of clients, and her experience training yoga teachers and others in many modalities brings so much together to share with anyone in search of improving their life and health. Her clients have been waiting years for her to offer a podcast series to help with motivation, education, inspiration, and so much more. Creating space in our lives to live more joyously encompasses all that is needed to care for our health and wellbeing on all levels. "I hope you will join me through these podcasts and more on the amazing adventure we call "life". It is an honor for me to work with so many people on this journey and to share all together as we navigate the twists and turns to find so many ways to create more space for joy." ~ Diana
12 Episodes
Join Diana Spiess for this powerful podcast about how we are way too often living in what she calls "tournament time" and trying to learn new skills during this time for self-care...this does not work. She gives wonderful analogies and helps the listeners gather very useful information to help pave the way for more balanced health and more ease in managing the "tournament times" in our lives. Diana's extensively varied education background and experience of over 32 years of ...
In this podcast, Diana Spiess covers many details about what is known as our "subtle anatomy" and why it is so important to care for it equally or possibly more so than our physical anatomy. But, again, is there really a "physical body"? Once we understand energy more and the full concept of vibration, we can start to explore our health and well-being in much more detail and with an understanding that can lead us to great things. Listen and explore within yourself what this ...
You do not want to miss this episode with Diana! She covers what is really going on when our body composition is "off" and many ways to address this. Stop playing the "weight game" and get clarity on why the body does what it does. She offers many client case examples of powerful transformations and healings that she has coached and brings clarity and motivation to those seeking their best health and wellbeing. http://www.dianaspiess.com
This is Diana's first. live podcast where she answers questions and explores the process of relooking at stressors from a different perspective. After this episode aired, she received such positive, powerful feedback and many are already seeing their experiences very differently. She will be offering 1 live podcast per month for those that would like to join her for exploration on many health and wellness topics. Anyone can join and find the link on her 'essence mind*b...
In this episode, Diana Spiess explores the affirmation, "I AM Ready!" and what this all entails. She covers some great analogies to help clear-up confusions on affirmations and what all is entailed when sending out this affirmation for our heartfelt desire. What is a heartfelt desire? We all have them....but how do we know what that is? What is our role in our affirmations? How can we know that we are on the course for our heartfelt desire? What are the signs and how do stay...
In this episode of Pranava Joy, Diana explores the ultimate question of our use of the amazing gift of free will and all the choices we make on our journey.  Staying aware is the first step in the 3 A's of change and it is imperative that we are consistently checking in with ourselves and answering, "What matters most?"  Diana covers a few examples and ties in how answering this question leads to not only making changes and guides us to stay our course, but how this also brings more joy into our lives and is also driven by the frequency of joy within us already.  Support the show
In this episode, Diana Spiess explores the process of staying the course and continuing to do the things necessary to care for ourselves...our essence being...through times of transitions and changes.  She has coached many through major times of transition and helped so many to keep their wellbeing a primary focus.  This episode elaborates on topics she coaches her clients and students on to help them not only figure out what their callings are but to also stay the course through all the possible things that can through us off.  She reminds the difference between things breaking down and things breaking through.  This episode carries a unique tone and approach, unlike her other podcasts that help anyone see clearly and understand why so many times people stop right before the actual breakthrough.  She also reminds us that everything we have experienced and were born with are all ready lined up for us to answer our answer and follow through with our heart's desires.  http://www.dianaspiess.comSupport the show
In this episode, Diana covers a concept that would seem so simple and has been used by our ancestors in all the ancient disciplines, but yet is difficult for many to practice and implement most especially during times that she calls "game time".  "Calm discipline" is something that she teaches her clients to help them build the foundation to anything that is calling to them in their lives and here she explains it using some great analogies that everyone can connect to.  You can begin practicing this today and build a foundation, steady and persistent, that not only leads you down the path to whatever your callings are but in a way that sustains and amplifies your lifeforce energy versus breaking it down.  Join her on the path to continuing to open up more space for joy in your life.  Support the show (
Pranava Joy: Restore

Pranava Joy: Restore


Continue the journey of creating space in your life for more joy with this 4th episode as Diana Spiess talks about the process of restoration and how important it is.  Without this process, our bodies and our being can not work as they are innately designed.  Diana gives examples of how this can be achieved and notes how important it is for each one of us to find his/her own balance in such a process.  She encourages her listeners to reach out to her to gather assistance if needed and truly helps the listener start or continue to find moments to allow for the innate process of restoration.  http://www.dianaspiess.comSupport the show (
In this 3rd episode, Diana Spiess speaks on how to practice the 2nd and 3rd "R's" of mediation throughout your entire day.  She gives practical examples of times and ways to practice these and how the body can significantly benefit from even just small moments of practice.  Take time to listen and practice and watch how your days begin to change and how you might find yourself looking forward to practicing as your health and wellbeing begin to transform with the most simple, yet powerful practices.  Support the show (
Pranava Joy: Remember

Pranava Joy: Remember


In this 2nd episode of Pranava Joy, Diana Spiess talks about the first "R" of the 8 R's of mediation and how we can use it and apply it at any time on our journey.  Join her as she gives some very useful imagery and concepts to help you create space for your being and use the power of choice to remember so many important things.  This all is simple, yet so very powerful.  Support the show (
In this beginning episode, Diana Spiess introduces 'Pranava Joy' and all it will encompass.  She gives a basic understanding of creating space in our lives to allow for more joy and how all of us, no matter what our callings and passions are, can benefit from this work.  She covers some basic, yet very important concepts and leaves the listener with a deeper understanding of the need for space on our journey along with the truest meaning of joy.  She sets the stage for the vast amount of topics she will cover in this podcast series based on her 30 years of working and training in: fitness, wellness, yoga,  Reiki, meditation,  Holistic Psychology, Health Coaching, nutrition, Functional Medicine, sound therapy, kinesiotherapy, Pilates, clinical exercise, aromatherapy, crystal healing, training other teachers, functional diagnostics, and so much more. You can see her background on her web site below and more on the Pranava Joy Facebook and Instagram pages.  She has owned her own studio for over 12 years, ‘essence Mind Body studio’, which as been nominated multiple times as #1 in yoga and Pilates studio in the Toledo City Paper, she was voted #1 Personal Trainer in Mature Living, she managed the largest fitness/wellness department in the Toledo, Ohio area befoer opening her studio, and has worked with 1000's of clients from all walks of life (NCAA athletes, clinical needs, daily life challenges, trauma, Eastern & Western backgrounds, etc.) in numerous modalities.  Here, she is bringing it all together for anyone ready to live a spacious, joyful matter what their callings and interests are.  Join her for motivation, education, and most importantly permission and space to explore your journey and find more, pure joy. http://www.dianaspiess.com the show (