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The Delivery Diaries
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The Delivery Diaries

Author: Vanessa Knagg

Subscribed: 5Played: 109


This is a podcast about how families were started. Join us as we hear both parents tell their stories of how their children were delivered, whether that's through birth stories or adoption stories. I'd like to honor all the ways to become parents because this season of life is different for everyone.
32 Episodes
I have several announcements on this weeks episode!First, I have signed up a Patreon account where you can pledge your support for The Delivery Diaries. Anything you can pledge would be greatly appreciated... you can consider it like buying my a cup of coffee :) Your support will help keep the podcast up and going and help with production cost. Check out the fun benefits you get when you pledge your support at Second, I have completed my advanced doula ...
This week, Lauren shares the birth of her son. At 36 weeks, she found out he was breech. She tried all the things to turn him but had no luck so she planned for a vaginal breech delivery. After 60 hours of labor, her plans almost changed but in the end she did it! She had an unmedicated vaginal breech birth.You can connect with Lauren on Instagram @livingwellwithLConnect with The Delivery Diaries on Instagram and Facebook @TheDeliveryDiaries
This week Brandi and Aaron share their unexpected, unassisted home birth. Brandi had been in triage twice with no change so she went home because she was not in active labor. Once she was home things moved fast!You can connect with Brandi by emailing her brannnd@gmail.comFollow the Delivery Diaries on Instagram and Facebook @TheDeliveryDiariesIf you or anyone you know would like to share your birth and/or adoption stories please submit your stories at
This week Kyndal and Kris share their birth story. Kyndal and Kris decided to switch care from an OBGYN to midwives late in her pregnancy. They found their perfect birth team and had their dream birth. Kyndal had a lot of back labor due to the position the baby was in but with their doulas knowledge and support Kris was able to comfort Kyndal.Connect with Kyndal on Instagram @kyndal.birthservicesConnect with The Delivery Diaries on Instagram & Facebook @TheDeliveryDiaries
This week Heather and Richard share the births of their sons. Heather had a smooth first pregnancy and was induced at 40 weeks. During her second pregnancy her water broke at 33 weeks. She was put on bed rest and had an induction at 34 weeks. Their son spent 2 weeks in the NICU and as Richard said, "everything after he was born was best case scenario".You can connect with Heather by direct messaging her on Instagram @heathercarter518Connect with The Delivery Diaries on Instagram & Faceboo...
I have a couple things I wanted to let you guys know before we get into this weeks episode. First the big news I’ve been waiting to fill you in on... I am now a certified labor doula and will be getting certified as a postpartum and infant care doula in the next week. This is something that has been on my heart for a while now and I’m super excited to start supporting families through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. So if you’re in the Dallas area and looking for a doula let me know. You ca...
This week Penny shares her birth story and suffering two miscarriages due to subchorionic hematomas. Penny had to switch providers twice before getting pregnant with her rainbow baby. She was induced at 41 weeks and had a cesarean. Penny had postpartum anxiety and learned how to get through that.Connect with Penny on Twitter @mrspetrosian and on Instagram @omgitspennypConnect with The Delivery Diaries on Instagram and Facebook @TheDeliveryDiaries
In this weeks episode, Rachel shares her perspective as a birth mother and her open adoption relationship she has with her daughter and her adopted family. She had pre eclampsia with her first born and had to be induced. She then went on to get married and got pregnant with her second daughter. She was induced again and her birth didn't go according to plan and Rachel had to have an emergency cesarean. She had to cope with the emotions of not getting the birth that she had been hoping for. He...
This week Jemila and Austin share the birth of their son. Jemila had a great relationship with her OBGYN so they initially chose to have their baby in the hospital. Half way through her pregnancy she started having second thoughts and then COVID-19 hit America. It was the push they needed to transfer care to a birth center. She had a beautiful water birth with an incredible, loving, and supportive birth team. You can connect with Jemila on Instagram @jemilamedleyFollow The Delivery Diari...
Katie and Bobby share the birth of their daughter. Katie was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and took that news pretty hard. Unrelated, she was then put on bed rest at 33 weeks and gave birth at 41 weeks. She had a beautiful experience with her midwives at the birth center but she tore in three different places and it was too painful for the midwives to suture her without pain meds. So off to the hospital Katie went. She had a very traumatic experience there and was eventually sedated for...
In this weeks episode Krystyl shares her calm, peaceful, determined, unmedicated hospital birth. With her super supportive husband she was able to labor at home for 15 hours before going to the hospital. When she arrived she was surprised to find out how many centimeters she was dilated. If you'd like to connect with Krystyl you can email her krystylvsnodgrass@gmail.comConnect with The Delivery Diaries on Instagram and Facebook @TheDeliveryDiariesDo you have a story you would like to sha...
This week Jessica and Blake share their birth stories and adoption story. Jessica had a cesarean with her first born and once he turned two they decided to grow their family. Jessica got pregnant but suffered a miscarriage. After her miscarriage, Jessica's friend reached out about adoption. Once they decided they were going to adopt, they sent in all the paper work and had their home study. Four days later they were chosen by a birth mom. And four days after bringing their adopted son home, J...
This weeks episode is going to be a bit different. With everything going on in our country I thought it would be best to skip a story this week and give some information on women of color. I’ll also list resources where you can get more information from women of color in the birthing community. Before diving deep into the birthing world a couple years ago, I had no idea that:Black women are three to four times more likely to experience a pregnancy-related death than white women. Black wo...
This week my sister and brother in law, Natalie and Rusty, share the births of their four children. We start out this episode laughing and joking but they lost their twins and suffered a still birth so if you're not in the right head space to listen to this episode please skip it and come back when you're ready. They share their journey through pregnancy, birth, and their grieving process. Natalie and Rusty also tell us about the pregnancies and births of their two daughters following their d...
In todays episode Lyndsey shares her surprise twin birth. She had no idea she was pregnant with twins even after having ultrasounds and only hearing one heartbeat. She always measured on track for one baby at her appointments so when she started feeling the ring of fire for the second time she was in utter shock. Her midwife thought it was her placenta and then saw the water bag and even made a comment saying she had never seen that before. Before the entire room knew it, the second baby was ...
This week Shaina and Seth share the birth of their daughter. After a vasectomy reversal and surgery for Shaina, IVF was their only option. Their first transfer ended in miscarriage but their second was successful. Shaina had planned for a birth center birth but due to premature rupture of her membranes she had to be transferred. Shaina was an absolute superwoman and labored for 60 hours before deciding a cesarean was the best option.To connect with Shaina & Seth you can find them on Insta...
In this weeks episode, Megan & Luke share the births of their two children. Megan had two home births. She had 3 weeks of prodromal labor with her son and when labor started it went so fast that her midwife didn't make it in time. Her midwife lived about an hour away so she got to their house about 10 minutes after Megan gave birth. You can see Megan's unassisted birth on her Youtube channel : Megan on Instagram and Facebook @wilsonfamilyhomesteadConn...
In this weeks episode, Chelsey and Carlin share the births of their three children and Carlin adopting Chelsey's oldest daughter. Chelsey had her first daughter at 26 weeks due to pre-eclampsia. She had to be life flighted to a bigger hospital and was rushed into surgery when they determined she was in renal failure and had HELLP syndrome. Her daughter was in the NICU for two months and in that two months she met her husband and they got married. Later, she got pregnant with their first child...
In this weeks episode, my old roommate and good friend, Jackie and her husband, Cory tell us about the birth of their son. Jackie suffered two miscarriages and two ectopic pregnancies leaving her without any fallopian tubes. After Jackie's infertility, they decided to try IVF and ended up having their rainbow baby.You can connect with Jackie on Instagram @jackieewoodConnect with The Delivery Diaries on Instagram and Facebook @thedeliverydiaries Do you have a story you would like to shar...
In this weeks episode, Kim and Brendon share the births of their three children. Kim went into labor with their first at 33 weeks and he spent 10 days in the NICU. With their second, Kim labored at home a little longer then anticipated and didn't have time to get an epidural. So with her third, she made sure to get the epidural as soon as she could. The day after leaving the hospital, their city was hit by Hurricane Irma. Not only did they get hit by a hurricane but her husband, Brendon, had ...