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Living Fieldnotes
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Living Fieldnotes

Author: Constance Bradley

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Living Fieldnotes are short notes my friends and I share every week about living as an empowered woman with tips for you to be empowered as well! From living our best family life to seeking the outdoors. We are going to cover it All! So, grab a coffee and let’s dive in!
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26 Episodes
Elijah & the Widow Trust when God is connecting us.  Seek Him & build the Faith muscle.  --- Support this podcast:
Good friends are priceless behind the scenes!  Stop comparing... It's a Highlight Reel --- Support this podcast:
Through it all I will Praise Him!   What are you taking with you post COVID19? --- Support this podcast:
Teen interview with Marissa Beck about her thoughts on COVID19. --- Support this podcast:
I will not leave you as orphans; I am coming to you.  In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me.  Because I live, you will live too.-John 14:18-19 In the mundane-He meets us.  --- Support this podcast:
Joseph was remembered by his faith.   --- Support this podcast:
There is something about the connecting of the Spirit when the Body meets.  Hebrews 10:25 --- Support this podcast:
I wrote you a poem!   1 Peter 5:8 --- Support this podcast:
Col 2:7-8   Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. --- Support this podcast:
Starting the day with Affirmations!  The Beni & Armor of God. ANNOUNCEMENT: Podcasts are starting to be transcribed & will be available at  --- Support this podcast:
God freeing His people-- Jesus dying for our sins!  Let's Celebrate! --- Support this podcast:
They believed in His miracles but would not confess Him as Lord, because they were afraid of what the people would think or do.   Let's be a people that work unto the Lord, not to please man. --- Support this podcast:
1. Clear Direction 2. Plan & Establish Boundaries 3. Consistent Execution  Luke 16: 10- those who are faithful in little are faithful in much  --- Support this podcast:
Remember your wedding vows.   Remember you can only control your response to a situation.   7 reflective questions to build your marriage up.   Ephesians 4:2-3 "Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." --- Support this podcast:
Join me for a reading of "Where Happiness Lives" by Barry Timms & Greg Abbott.   Joy comes from the heart not from things. --- Support this podcast:
By the blood of the lamb & the word of our testimony there is healing.  Let us sink into prayer and acknowledgment of the certainty that God is with us.   --- Support this podcast:
Who is the enemy?  What lies are you believing?  How do you replace them with truth?  Have you taken inventory to know when to " thought stop"? --- Support this podcast:
Lord, give us eyes to see the good in all you are doing through this pandemic.  When we get frustrated with one another, help us to remember that we fight against the unseen & to take our concerns to you in prayer.  --- Support this podcast:
To truly run after the one that God calls you to be, you must enter through the silent graveyard.  Face all that is ugly about ourselves, do an about -face & change the things that are keeping us from our true self.  Seek the silence & be all that God calls you to be! --- Support this podcast:
What are you trying to control? My control issues have revealed my fears. 365 times God says Do Not Fear. One for everyday. Letting go of what I can’t control & focusing on loving my neighbor as myself. --- Support this podcast: