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Author: Soulcruzer

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The 'Soulcruzer' podcast (more of an audioblog, really).

Expect a blend of mysticism and music, psyche and soul, everyday wisdom, and the esoteric. One day, I might be waxing lyrical about Nietzsche's eternal return, and the next, uncovering the wisdom of the tarot. It's all up for grabs on this pod.

So, if first-person confessional style podcasts are your jam, subscribe to mine wherever you get your podcasts. I'm on all of the major platforms.
370 Episodes
In this episode, I share my answer to the question I've been wrestling with: how do you reduce the interference of fear and ego? Fear and ego often show up as these trickster forces that keep us trapped in outdated stories about who we are and what’s possible. I found a few things you can do to shift your relationship with fear and ego that will help you balance and embrace them.
In this episode, I unpack my thoughts about blogging for self-expression and self-discovery, digging into my journey to reclaim creativity in the chaotic noise of social media. I also share some raw insights about working with the Light Seers Tarot Deck, especially how the King of Wands, King of Swords, Queen of Swords, and Knight of Swords have stepped in as my guides. Tune in as I explore the balance between leadership, creativity, and building authentic online spaces.
are you a free spirit, tech rebel, or modern-day savage who refuses to fit the mould? i'm leading a guerrilla movement to bring back the rawness of early blogging, before the algorithms and ad deals took over—when the web was wild, free, and fuelled by self-expression. This is where we unplug from the Matrix and reconnect with what really matters: our inner worlds, genuine connections, and the thrill of being alive. Join me, a recovering punk blogger, as I explore the intersections of personal journaling, travel writing, philosophy, and digital rebellion. It's all about chasing adventure, history, and culture, while finding freedom in a world obsessed with conformity. Whether you're a Tao-loving hippie, a free-thinking nomad, or just someone tired of being a commodity for corporate algorithms, you’re home. So grab your journal, a cup of herbal tea, and tune in. Let's bring the blogroll back—one unplugged conversation at a time.
What does it mean to be truly alive? Not just existing, not just going through the motions, but being vitally alive—alive with energy, curiosity, and a zest for life? The answer lies in our relationship with the unknown.
We often find ourselves tangled in a web of questions, searching for meaning, seeking answers, and trying to understand the complexities of life. We read, we ponder, we analyse, hoping that if we could just understand it all, we might find peace. But what if the key to a fulfilling life isn’t in understanding it, but in living it?
It is your fear that makes you a slave. When you are fearless, you are no longer a slave.Fear. It’s a word that carries a heavy burden, a word that has the power to control us, to limit us, to enslave us. We often think of slavery as something external, imposed upon us by others, but the truth is, some of the deepest forms of enslavement come from within. Fear can be like invisible chains, binding us to a life of limitation, hesitation, and regret.But what if we could break free from these chains? What if, instead of letting fear dictate our choices, we could step into a life of freedom, where fear has no power over us?
There's a rhythm inside each of us, a subtle, yet potent pulse that often goes unnoticed amidst the clamour of daily life. It’s not the steady cadence of a heartbeat or the mechanical ticking of a clock, but rather the inner beat of intuitive feeling—a silent drum that guides us through the unseen, the unknowable, and the deeply personal.
We've all been there: in the midst of a peaceful moment or a productive task, when suddenly, a thought barges in, uninvited and disruptive. It could be a worry about the future, a memory of the past, or a random, nagging concern. These thoughts arrive like unwelcome guests at a party--unannounced, persistent, and often difficult to ignore.
In the quiet moments of our lives, when the noise of the world fades away, we are often left with the thoughts and beliefs that shape our reality. These beliefs, while comforting, can sometimes become the very chains that bind us, restricting our growth and limiting our perspective. Today’s reflection invites us to explore the liberating power of uncertainty and the profound freedom that comes from embracing the unknown.
Today on the podcast, I wrestle with overwhelm and claw my way back to motivation through mindfulness. Teaming up with an unlikely ally, I am reminded that endings often pave the way for new beginnings. I also share the contents of my latest Venn diagram, which explores the intersections of my evolving practice.
Today on the podcast, I take a reflective walk down to the Holy Well. I share with you three key questions for self-knowledge that I used on my journey today. The first question deals with the shadow self. The second question deals with aligning with true purpose. And the third question deals with tapping into our ancestral past for wisdom. These questions serve as tools for ongoing self-reflection and personal growth, inviting deeper introspection and connection with our inner selves.
This week: I talk about the essence of synchronicity and how it manifests in our lives, guided by my current read, "The Tao of Psychology, Synchronicity and the Self" by Jean Shinoda Bolen. I reflect on the idea that there are no coincidences, sharing personal anecdotes where seemingly random events held deeper meaning, including a serendipitous encounter with the book itself. I dive into the Jungian concept of synchronicity, highlighting its significance in connecting inner thoughts with outer events. Through vivid examples from my life, like sensing my grandfather’s death before being told or the series of events leading me to live in the UK, I illustrate how synchronicities guide our paths.Inspired by these insights, I reconnect with my spiritual practices, emphasizing the use of mythic imagination and active imagination. I explore tarot cards as a tool for self-discovery, discussing a profound reading where the Devil card and the Temperance card appeared, symbolizing the need to confront inner shadows and find balance.I also embark on a hypnotic journey to meet my inner guide, an experience that brings me in touch with Athena-Minerva, guiding me towards deeper self-understanding. This journey underscores the importance of spiritual guides and the imaginal realm in personal growth.Lastly, I contemplate creating a dedicated community space for spiritual seekers to share and grow together, seeking a platform beyond social media that fosters meaningful interaction and dialogue. Tune in for a philosophical exploration of synchronicity, spiritual reconnection, and the quest for a nurturing community.
This week: I talk about the essence of truth in our modern, often deceptive world. I reflect on the instinctive human pursuit of truth, discussing how critical thinking is more vital than ever in navigating misinformation. I also explore the complexities of truth in the context of AI and the collective unconscious. I share my current reading list, which includes works on Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, as well as a biography of William Burroughs. I also muse on my recent decision to read the entire Bible. I wrap up with thoughts on letter writing, inspired by Hunter S. Thompson's prolific correspondence. Tune in for a philosophical journey through the quest for truth and the art of discernment.
Join me on a rainy ruck march as I dive into the reasons why we often resist challenging the status quo. I'll be exploring the fears, social conditioning, and societal pressures that hold us back, and I encourage you to question your own comfort zones and embrace the unknown. Get ready for a candid, soul-searching conversation filled with personal reflections and insights, all while I navigate muddy paths and evade barking dogs!Show Notes:The Comforting Illusion: The status quo as a well-trodden path and the allure of predictability.Fear of the Unknown: How fear of failure, social rejection, and the unknown keep us from change.Social Conditioning: The impact of societal expectations and the pressure to conform.Inertia of Tradition: The weight of history and cultural legacies that bind us to the past.Economic Considerations: The fear of losing financial stability and social standing.The Spark of Discontent: Recognizing the inner voice that calls for change and growth.Stories of Defiance: Examples of historical figures who dared to challenge the norm (Galileo, Rosa Parks, Beat Poets).The Doors of Perception: Embracing uncertainty and the courage to step into the unknown.Forging Your Own Path: The importance of personal values and creating a life that resonates with your aspirations.Questioning the Status Quo: Are you willing to confront your fears and uncover truths to create a meaningful life?Call to Action:Share your thoughts on the episode! Have you ever challenged the status quo? What fears did you face, and what did you discover? Connect with me on Twitter/X and let me know your thoughts. @soulcruzerAdditional Notes:This episode was recorded outdoors during a ruck march in the rain, so expect some background noise (including barking dogs!).
#audiomo Day7: Relevance in the Age of SpecialisationAs a generalist in a specialist's world, can I be truly heard? Is the age of the generalist a thing of the past in a world that seems to value ultra-specific niches? As generalists, can we even stay relevant, or are we all just doomed to be "jacks (and jills)-of-all-trades, masters of none" and ultimately ignored? 
Join me on a nostalgic journey as I uncover the forgotten role of the webmaster, the guardian of the early internet's enchanting digital realm. Discover with me the importance of personal touch in our online spaces and be inspired to become a master of your own digital domain in this captivating episode.
Key MessagesMind and Heart as Guides: Both our intellect and emotions are crucial in guiding us through life. The intellect allows for introspection and understanding, while our emotions and intuition connect us to our authentic self.Power of Introspection: By deeply examining our thoughts and feelings, we can gain clarity, self-awareness, and emotional regulation. This process enables us to uncover and challenge limiting beliefs, fostering personal growth and creativity.Wisdom of the Heart: Embracing the heart's wisdom means trusting our intuition and emotional intelligence. This wisdom encourages us to live authentically, aligning our actions with our true selves and values, and fostering meaningful relationships.Finding Balance: Authentic living is achieved by balancing the analytical mind with the intuitive heart. This equilibrium allows us to make decisions that are both rational and deeply resonant with our innermost desires, leading to a fulfilling and purpose-driven life.The journey to harmonize the head and heart is ongoing, requiring continuous reflection, openness to intuition, and the bravery to live true to oneself. By valuing both introspection and intuition, we can discover a more harmonious and authentic way of living.
Journaling has always been an awesome tool for self-discovery and reflection. And now, with AI like ChatGPT, it's getting a major upgrade! Instead of just writing to yourself, you can have a real back-and-forth convo with an AI that asks you deep questions and helps you explore your thoughts and feelings in new ways. It's like having a super insightful buddy to chat with about all the stuff that matters to you. This fresh take on journaling doesn't just make it more fun - it also helps you understand yourself better than ever before. Every time you journal with AI, you're unlocking new insights and perspectives that you might not have discovered on your own. So if you want to level up your personal growth game, give this new kind of journaling a try - it could be the key to really figuring yourself out and living your best life!
The power of solitude is indeed great and beyond our full comprehension. When we retreat into the quiet sanctuary of solitude, we open ourselves up to profound insights and revelations from within. In the stillness, when the chatter of the external world fades, our inner voice emerges to provide clarity. 
The chatter of our own minds can often drown out the wisdom that exists within us. The incessant voice of our ego fills our head with a constant stream of commentary, judgement, and analysis. Yet we forget that we don't have to identify with or get caught up in the drama of this voice. 