DiscoverThe Critical 'Musts' with Bill Nordstrom
The Critical 'Musts' with Bill Nordstrom
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The Critical 'Musts' with Bill Nordstrom

Author: Bill Nordstrom

Subscribed: 11Played: 302


We examine the biblical events that 'must' precede the return of Jesus Christ. There are many, but also an abundance of prophetic teachings in the Word of God only to be understood by connecting the dots presented by the authors of both the Old Testament and the apostolic writers of the New.There are significant apocalyptic mysteries in the bible the Church will be made responsible for communicating to a dull and lethargic multitude seeking answers in these last days. In the grace of God, that is our goal.

132 Episodes
We launched "The Critical Musts" in January 2020.  It's been quite a journey as we've seen these teachings reach cities and nations around the globe.  I'm constantly astonished at God's grace to honor such an effort.  "Introduction to the Critical Musts" lays the groundwork for our purpose and sequence of teachings that will provide additional insight into the Bible's clear view of the events that 'must' precede the return of Jesus and the necessary preparation the Church must take in prayer, intercession, and travail to navigate the challenging days ahead.  Join us in the journey!Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new episode. Check us out on FB @ "The Critical Musts" with Bill Nordstrom. Or, head to our website at ""All episodes are graciously produced by our friend Rich Webb.
"The Critical Musts"

"The Critical Musts"


It was a year ago this month we launched “The Critical Musts.”  It’s been quite a journey, as we have seen these teachings reach 260 cities in 30 nations around the globe.  I’m still astonished at the grace of God to honor such an effort as we approach nearly 2500 downloads over the past year.   “Introduction to the Critical Musts" lays the groundwork for our purpose and a sequence of teachings that bring additional insight into the events that must precede the return of Jesus.
An increasingly volatile global community is set against Israel and the Church.  It’s an  inspired rage gripping the nations, most notably in the Middle East.  In Psalm 2 King David clearly presents the rage as against the God of Abraham.  This isn't by accident.  Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new episode. Check us out on FB @ "The Critical Musts" with Bill Nordstrom. Or, head to our website at ""All episodes are graciously produced by our friend Rich Webb.
With the nations in a state of rage a very charismatic man comes on the scene in the Middle East to make an extraordinary peace offer to Israel; a recognition of Israel's holy covenant with the God of Abraham, its place among the company of nations, leading to the resumption of animal sacrifices and the building of a Temple.  Deceptive events that will stun the nation's and lead to the Great Tribulation.  Let's see what the Bible says about these upcoming occurrences.
The timing of the return of Christ has prompted much debate in the church. But the Apostle Paul unveils two great mysteries that must come first.Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new episode. Check us out on FB @ "The Critical Musts" with Bill Nordstrom. Or, head to our website at ""All episodes are graciously produced by our friend Rich Webb.
"The Day 'Must' Come"

"The Day 'Must' Come"


The Day of the Lord. A great day of transition with so many glorious events. There is debate in the Church regarding that 'day' and just when it will come. The Bible gives us timing indicators that shed considerable light.Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new episode. Check us out on FB @ "The Critical Musts" with Bill Nordstrom. Or, head to our website at ""All episodes are graciously produced by our friend Rich Webb.
The recent Abraham Accord in the Middle East is God's way of saying to the Church, 'it's time' to leave a few things behind and enter the 'secret place' of the most high God. He's beginning to reveal His 'secrets.'Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new episode. Check us out on FB @ "The Critical Musts" with Bill Nordstrom. Or, head to our website at ""All episodes are graciously produced by our friend Rich Webb.
The Bible says 'The Lord will make a short work upon the earth.' We certainly seem to be coming to those days of 'suddenly' when that 'shortened' work of the Spirit will become exceptionally clear to the Church. And, revelation of end times events will no longer be subject to endless speculation but clear, sudden indications the time is short! Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new episode. Check us out on FB @ "The Critical Musts" with Bill Nordstrom. Or, he...
John the Baptist. Much to learn from this greatest forerunner of all time. Yet, Jesus makes clear the forerunner/prophet of today will experience much greater privilege, which in turn, will require a greater response!Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new episode. Check us out on FB @ "The Critical Musts" with Bill Nordstrom. Or, head to our website at ""All episodes are graciously produced by our friend Rich Webb.
Judah had plenty of warnings of a coming captivity; 20 years of warnings. Likewise, the forerunners and prophetic Saints of today are developing a history with God that will provide them with a prophetic mantle that will ready the Church for the critical days ahead.Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new episode. Check us out on FB @ "The Critical Musts" with Bill Nordstrom. Or, head to our website at ""All episodes are graciously produced by our fr...
The red letters of Matthew 24, Jesus’ most comprehensive explanation of the signs of His coming and the end of the age. We are beginning a detailed look at Matthew 24 in a series of podcasts that will give us wisdom to understand this distinct period and how to properly respond.Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new episode. Check us out on FB @ "The Critical Musts" with Bill Nordstrom. Or, head to our website at ""All episodes are graciously produ...
How does the Church prepare for the Matthew 24 moment… the ‘birth pains’ leading to ‘heavy labor contractions?’ God has heavily invested in the Church with critical preparation for the transition and glory that will come, YES, in the Great Tribulation.Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new episode. Check us out on FB @ "The Critical Musts" with Bill Nordstrom. Or, head to our website at ""All episodes are graciously produced by our friend Ric...
We’re coming to a turning point in history the Church has long expected. Although, we’ve had many different theories on how that will play out, there are not many of us these days who believe this earth and its residents can much longer tolerate its self indulgent self-destruction. Jesus is going to return as groaning spiritual midwives travail in the birthing of a Church without spot or wrinkle. And Matthew 24 clearly counts the cost.Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a ...
As a future end time drama gets underway a savvy Church will recognize the change in season, shifts in ecology, pestilences, rage among nations, leading to ethnic conflict in and among peoples at odds over moral absolutes and issues of social justice. Sounds a bit like today! Are we at the beginning of the beginning of these important signs? Jesus provides a sequence of events that should clear away any confusion.Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new episode. Che...
A very interesting podcast today. A Holy Spirit interruption taking me off the 'rails' for a time as we considered prophetic input from a couple of friends about the persecution that will come. Radical pushback not only from the world, but also sincere Believers in Jesus who see our warnings against blatant deception of a coming time of 'peace and safety' as outside the conventional wisdom of the global Church.Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new episode. Check ...
If your frame of reference is only the ‘left behind’ series you read years ago and you have not invested time in the Old Testament scriptures that speak clearly of this time, you are placing yourself in a position of fear and trepidation that will only allow you to see escape! What must we know if the Church will be here for the final events of this age?Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new episode. Check us out on FB @ "The Critical Musts" with Bill Nordstrom. Or, head to o...
Just how close are we? What would you think.. What would you do.. What would radically change in your life if you recognized significant scripture that revealed long held mysteries to the return of Christ? Might we be at the beginning of the beginning of the 'critical must' events that will suddenly launch us into Daniel's 70th. week? Allow me to introduce you to a 'minor' prophet with some 'MAJOR' prophecies! Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new epis...
There is no argument a great trumpet will sound at the 'catching up' of the redeemed at the end of this age but there is significant debate over what trumpet will be heard. Are there different trumpets for different comings? The answers from scripture will settle the discussion.Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new episode. Check us out on FB @ "The Critical Musts" with Bill Nordstrom. Or, head to our website at ""All episodes are graciously...
If you are weighing any possibility the Church will be on the earth to navigate the final seven years, you need to listen to this teaching. There is a strategic order of events God has set for the end of this age. The Scripture is consistent with the fact cosmic and seismic disturbances will occur after the tribulation, but before the Second coming, the rapture and return. Just what does that look like for the Saints?Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new ep...
Why are we required to know the generation of the Lord's return? Jesus says, 'From the fig tree learn its lesson.' 'For as were the days of Noah, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.' Interestingly, it’s ONLY the final generation that CAN KNOW…. because they are the eyewitnesses to the signs!!! God did not sneak-up on Noah… and He will not sneak-up on us… if we’re paying attention! Subscribe to the Podcasts so you don't miss a new episode. Check us...