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Solving Everything
Author: Kris Adams
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Kris Adams (The PodMother), Andrew Nath, and Dan Higgs seek and find the meaningful connective tissue in everything from pop culture to formative experiences to the creative current of artists and musicians. We break down the big picture of shared cultural experiences, sports, Hollywood, pop icons, growing up, showing up, and building meaningful lives and connections. You'll also find original stories and songs too.
47 Episodes
Kris starts by mentioning the amazing Radiolab Football episode -and is soon standing at the intersection of sewing footballs on sweaters, politics, equality in sports, and women's rights. It's a busy intersection. Dan wonders why trans-rights, though important, are a neon headline every day. Kris agrees with Martina Navratilova that Lia Thomas competing in the women's category is unfair to the other athletes. Is there a real physiological advantage as a trans-woman athlete? Do we have to choose between cis-women athletes rights and trans-women athletes rights? Should playing fields be broken down into weight and height? Popovich hired a female coach for his NBA team. Dan and Andy doubt there could be a woman or a trans-man in the NFL. Does the word woman mean different things to different generations? An Asian-American comedian doesn't want netflix to throw him a bone because it improves their optics. Questions to consider: What does a level playing field even look like?Want more? Find deep thoughts, interviews, creative work, writing, and more at:
The last part of our discussion regarding where abortion rights stand in America. Starting with....the Sports Illustrated 1992 Kathy Ireland Swimsuit Issue? Also, what can we agree on, mail order abortion, conspiracy Kris and conspiracy Dan have a case for big pharma, herbal abortions, and, btw, women can vote and own property now. Dan argues the current system ain't so bad, it's main purpose is to state how the government can't infringe on rights and freedoms. Kris says they need to be updated. Is our government like OK parenting? E pluribus unum means a couple different things. Jefferson has time to edit the bible while his lady friends raise his children, Uncle Sam is kind of like Jesus...Were the founding fathers working for the greater good? Did it work because Dems and Reps had a common enemy? Are we better people than politicians? Make some peace with your own limitations, set boundaries, try not to burn out on all the noise in the "free" world. Want more? Find deep thoughts, interviews, creative work, writing, and more at:
This episode continues our deep dive into the overturning of Roe v. Wade. We discuss Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey from Netflix, Dan assures us that we can stay calm; we're not at Handmaids Tale level in this country...and we're still pretty rational up in here. Eyes on the ball- the issue is bodily autonomy, not the question of when life begins. Where does religion and the belief that God is the ultimate authority intersect with those who believe they are their own authority? Two people make a baby. Kris has a cousin who is a cloistered nun. Dan has a family member who is happily a housewife, hard-core Catholic, and Pro-Choice. Dan encourages us to consider all ideas including the ideas we disagree with. Andy asks: Are we sure life is actually sacred? Do justices have agendas? What are laws really for? We all need a civics lesson.Want more? Find deep thoughts, interviews, creative work, writing, and more at:
In this multi-parter, we three non-experts talk our way through the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Kris shares an original essay that talks about justice, abortion, slippery slopes, people marrying pets, Madonna, and how fun sex is. We consider what is the right thing to do when there are so many options and opinions about what is right? How do you go to work and live a life while also allowing for the time management that reading news, managing plastic bags, grappling with climate change, and generally thinking about things requires? Media fatigue. Why is every news story presented at Volume 12 levels? UFO's exist, dinosaurs had a really bad day when glass rained down from the sky, maybe releasing unsupervised toddlers into the Supreme Court is a good idea. It's just the beginning folks.Want more? Find deep thoughts, interviews, creative work, writing, and more at:
Andy and Kris talk about their recent interview with an earth healer from Milwaukee. (Original interview found on Growing Beyond.) Kris explains the basics of shamanic work and energy healing. Did you know you can hire someone to clear ghosts from your house? Dan, Andy, Jeremy and Kris all share their own experiences of "ghosts", whether they exist and what these mysteries might actually mean. Want more? Find deep thoughts, interviews, creative work, writing, and more at:
In this episode: The Legend Larry Bird is the king of everything because he refused to play games other than the game he was paid to play. Winning Time. Magic Johnson, Isaiah Thomas, Dennis Rodman, and the line between being authentic and being a dick. Does sports exist outside of the laws of normal life? We talk about the heartbreak of the limitations of the human body as it relates to athletic achievement. Jeremy's son is wiser than all of us and when it comes to athletic success, being coachable is key, Michelle Obama says if you work hard you can achieve what you want, Is she right?Want more? Find deep thoughts, interviews, creative work, writing, and more at:
Raising children is not just raising children. It's planting the seeds for all kinds of relationships further down the road: personal, societal, cultural, behavioral, and environmental. And, as Jeremy points out, it lays the foundation for complex decision making later in life. Who we are to our kids when they are seeking to bond and what we prioritize affects what and who they bond to later. This episode dives into stay-at-home dads, Andrew Yang, universal basic income, warehousing kids, the biological drive to be close to your offspring, and how the economy has not caught up with the realizations that having close and healthy early bonding of one parent or family member creates a rich future for all.Want more? Find deep thoughts, interviews, creative work, writing, and more at:
Discussions about the evolution of parenting are endless, but we whittled it down to a couple hours for you. In this episode, Dan and Kris reveal their cigarette journeys which leads to a conversation about teenagers and rebellion. Andy shares an original poem about the bittersweet experience of watching your little girl grow up. We discuss how much has changed over one generation: the definitions of discipline, generosity, and what it means to be a good parent. We discuss the importance placed on seeing your kids for who they are, not who you want them to be...and how that was often a foreign concept for our own parents and grandparents. Also, when to get involved as a parent and when to stay in your own lane, when to keep adult kids at home and when to add a little glass to the nest. Want more? Find deep thoughts, interviews, creative work, writing, and more at:
The Squad discusses Superbowl LVI Halftime Show. Dr. Dre, Snoop, Mary J. Blige, 50 Cent, Eminem, and Kendrick Lamar blow our minds. Dan runs down the list of halftime shows from the beginning of time. The Three Stooges? Yes. George Burns? Yes. Music legends sharing the stage with forgettable artists? Yes. Prince blowing our minds, Nipplegate, Shakira and J.Lo in booty wars.....It's all here.Want more? Find deep thoughts, interviews, creative work, writing, and more at:
In this episode, Dan shares an essay detailing thoughts on Netflix's Maid. We jump down a wormhole into the problems with the financial cost of raising kids in the U.S. Does the cost of living necessitate a 2 income household for parents? What position does that put people who are in abusive or unhealthy partnerships? How do you rely on a system that offers help, but it isn't quite enough? What do new parents do when they don't have the help of family or a support structure? Want more? Find deep thoughts, interviews, creative work, writing, and more at:
This episode starts with a Vonnegut passage and ends with a horrific sexist yearbook catchphrase. In between you'll hear the tale of the Higgs' Farm Sale. What's it like when an 80 year old woman sets the tone for a real estate deal and insists the priorities will be what's best for the land, what's best for relations, and what's best for the that order. What's it like to become financial advisors to and partners with our own parents? What's it like to sell something precious because it's the right thing to do? Find out in this episode.Want more? Find deep thoughts, interviews, creative work, writing, and more at:
Part 2 of a four hour conversation about individual rights, the journey of women, trans rights, how progress changes language, and whether we really need laws to function. Kris shares more of her essay. Life in Danland (only bacon and Hamms are served) means everyone is expected to function rationally, and we need to watch for governing that oversteps. Jeremy talks about his work as a social worker with people who are surviving addictions, family trauma, and the challenges of mental health struggles. In a world where some days are just about getting to a functional baseline, how can we agree on what rationality means? Want more? Find deep thoughts, interviews, creative work, writing, and more at:
Part 1 of 2. Guest host Jeremy Higgins joins Kris and Dan to discuss transgender rights, gender identity, gender definition, and the gap in generational understanding of the language around gender minorities. Kris shares an essay on the subject of trans rights, the history of gender definitions in modern culture, the importance of the socio-cultural definition of the word woman, and how JK Rowling may not be wrong. Dan shares his thoughts about not legislating sexual orientation and Jeremy shares his experiences as a social worker who works with individuals who struggle with identity, mental health, and getting to a baseline of non-crisis living. Want more? Find deep thoughts, interviews, creative work, writing, and more at:
In this episode, Kris and Andy share original short stories....Kris talks about the Bears buying Arlington International Racetrack - a horse racing track that was in her hometown- and what it was like growing up with a gambling dad who bet on horses. Dan and Andy both are preparing their family farms to be sold, examining what is valuable and why. Andy shares a story about his experiences clearing out the property. What matters, what are we holding onto, how do we usher our parents' generation into a simpler life without so much stuff while holding onto what is precious?
In this episode, we continue discussion about what binds a community together and the very precarious line to walk between maintaining privacy and building connection. Is Dan's mom right? Is the breakdown of religion and traditional family roles causing the breakdown of a moral, supportive, and collaborative society? Or is Kris' mom right? Do you move across the country when the binds of religion and extended family end up stifling personal freedom and prohibiting choices? Or is Andy's Dad right? Farmers use manual work as a love language and there is no doubt about it- every set of hands is valuable and valued. Are heinous crimes committed because of cultural disconnect and it's all our fault? Or are they natural anomalies like a 100 year flood?Want more? Find deep thoughts, interviews, creative work, writing, and more at:
This episode has adult content beyond our normal swearing and things. We discuss horrific crimes so please keep little ears away. This episode includes a short written piece from Kris then dives right into marriage, divorce, suburban neighborhoods, and gruesome true crime. Why do some people insist that misery should be accepted in marriage? Can divorce actually be a good thing now that both genders are free to own property, work, and vote? Kris shares an unbelievable, disturbing true crime tale from her neighborhood. What happens when all the bad stuff that happens "out there" actually happens right down the block? Which groups do we identify with when every group has its issues? Is the breakdown of marriage, or the committing of a it really still all about connection and being seen? Want more? Find deep thoughts, interviews, creative work, writing, and more at:
In this episode, we discuss the 2021 NBA finals. Finals highlights, players' strengths, and the glory of a superstar athlete who is a true good guy. Kris comes in fresh never having seen Giannis Antetokounmpo play before this series, and is blown away. Also impreseive: Holiday's aggressive defense and Booker's grace. Andy proposes Shaq getting stuffed by Ben Wallace is the best block of all time, Dan thinks Giannis' block in Game 4 might be the winner. Then Dan, super sports fan, breaks down the history of the Bucks.Want more? Find deep thoughts, interviews, creative work, writing, and more at:
In this episode, we talk about how pacing yourself at work is important no matter what line of work you're in. Kris dives deep into her work as a body/mind therapist. Dan claims he can't be quiet for more 90 minutes. Dan talks about the fake history of the British middle finger. Then a fun romp through 80's game shows. Want more? Find deep thoughts, interviews, creative work, writing, and more at:
This episode has us breaking down why the very essence and purity of sports is being threatened by gambling, commercialism, and the cross-contamination of athletic competitions being sold as entertainment products. Kris is against seniors wearing anal sex t-shirts. Dan loves Green Day and tells us why. Andy spitballs the idea of Solving Everything co-hosts streaking at a Brewers Game. And randomly, we break down circumcision and why it is something still done when not for religious reasons.Want more? Find deep thoughts, interviews, creative work, writing, and more at:
Post pandemic sports, NBA playoffs, Dwight Howard, JaVale McGee, and the latest trend to get the big guys to play bully ball. LeBron. Players getting Emmy awards for dramatic reactions to handsy guarding. Play review and litigating games. In desperation, Dan turns to hockey.Want more? Find deep thoughts, interviews, creative work, writing, and more at:
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