FOWL Radio

FOWL Radio
Author: Christian & Simran
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© FOWL Radio 2006
FOWL Radio - fun of & with language is a podcast about Hindi, German & English - in English. We talk about anything and everything to do with language and about other stuff too. Come fowl around with us!
11 Episodes
Hey! Thanks you 26 people for staying subscribed. We're back and now we've got two new Mac laptops, a MacBook and a MacBook Pro. In this episode we just talk about OS X and other time pass. Basically, we're back. We're back. Did I mention, we're back? Oh right, we're back.FOWL ReturnsJingle: Noite De Carnaval by Code
Check out this intro I made for GOT: Getting Off Topic with CastBlaster. That program is quite good, but I imagine GarageBand beats it anyday. I neeeed Mac!- Simran
Before we recorded FOWL 8, we had a small discussion on Web 2.0 and if it deserves its name or if it's just a buzzword. This is the first in a series of non-language discussions. Without telling Chris, I've gone ahead and named it "GOT" or "Getting Off Topic". Come get it. Tell us what you think! We want feedback, we neeeeeed feedback!email us at: fowl@dreyer.chleave a comment on this blogrecord some audio feedback and email it to usfly (or walk if you want to take in the sights from a Froschperspektive) to schönenbuch, switzerland or poona, india and go running around on the streets screaming "I'm looking for Chris/Simran from FOWL Radio! Show yourself you podcaster!"
Chris: Here is the new show - enjoy! Notes below, courtesy of Simran.This week we stray away from language and decide, that it's totally cool, that we do so - better than scrapping FOWL anyway. We just want to chat about stuff other than language sometimes and don't want to set up yet another podcast... (any objections? they're welcome too btw)The song this week is by a jazz, Swiss band that Chris (knows personally? and) is going to see live later this month. The name of the song is Sugartree and is performed by the Oliver Friedli trio. It's available on their album Three Miles Off.In this episode we talk about blogs, April Fool's Day and more.Send us feedback! We want feedback, we neeeeeed feedback!email us at: fowl@dreyer.chleave a comment on this blogrecord some audio feedback and email it to usfly (or walk if you want to take in the sights from a Froschperspektive) to schönenbuch, switzerland or poona, india and go running around on the streets screaming "I'm looking for Chris/Simran from FOWL Radio! Show yourself you podcaster!"
Hey listeners! Sorry for the 1 week delay, I'm all well again and we recorded FOWL 7 last night. Here are the show notes:Dialects and diglossia.Debate in Switzerland as trigger / PISA. PISA Polizei Podcast (German).New word(s?) of the week: Nerd Valhalla.The Queen's English, a.k.a. Received Pronounciation (thanks Joel!).Next week's topic is slang and two friends of mine might come on the show (Bhavna and Clive).Songs:Das Isch Mi Tag by G Punkt from their album Genau Das.In a Long Time by 46bliss.The file: FOWL Radio 7Size: 46.8mbLength: 50:58minsBitrate: 128kbps
Hey everyone This is our 6th episode! This week we talk about the languages we are proficient in and the ones we're still grappling with. We had no show notes for this episode! It was all spontaneous. We do a play a song by Rob Costlow, from the Podsafe Music Network. It's called L.A. / Passing By. Tell us what you think, we love your feedback.The file: FOWL Radio 6Length: 47:20 minsSize: 22.5 mbP.S. This is the japanese podcast Chris talks about.
FOWL Radio 5: Humo(u)rThis week we talk about humour, how it's universal and how it's different.Stereotypes, French humour (how the French didn't have a word for humour till the 1930s) and how we love British humour and the TV series, Black Adder. Also, a few jokes, a poem and a new word coined.Here are the links we promised:Blonde Joke (courtesy (the new word of the week. coined by Karn, a listener and defined by Simran)Indian Jokes - Santa and BantaFrench Humour ( by Willheim Busch (Captain's Log)Ship Of Fools (Religious Humour.. includes the GodPod)Music courtesy DJ Ma Faiza!The File: Fowl Radio 5Size: 18.1 MBsLength: 38:05 mins
Here we go again! In this show, we're unfortunately back to two producers. Good luck to Torsten for his thesis, which has to take priority over a podcast, of course.For some factual information about Switzerland, check the CIA World Factsbook. But maybe, you're into more credible sources ...The Xenophobe's Guide to the Swiss is a very entertaining guide (including the map above) to the Swiss. If you want to see some amusing stereotyping the Swiss in the year 50 BCE, go to Asterix in Switzerland. You've been warned, though: the geography is seriously warped! Also, we don't usually throw people in lakes any more if they loose their piece of bread in the fondue, although they tend to have to sing a song or do something similarly embarrassing. So, without further ado, here's the show!The file: FOWL Radio 4Duration: 40:08 minutesSize: 36.8 MB
Show notes:Torsten Kathke joins us as a third show-host and we discuss:What the $§%&# is a Rechtschreibreform? We take a trip to the history of German spelling. Plus: Mark Twain makes an appearance and complains about the awful German language.PS: This is our first episode with three people so please bear with a few more hiccups.And here's a picture of Chris's Grandfather clock.The file: FOWLRadio3.mp3Length: 52:23 minsSize: 48.1 MB
The file: FOWL Radio 2Length: 40:52 minsSize: 37.7 MBWe made it to our second episode! Hopefully we get the snyc problems right this time around.You gotta give us some credit though, eh, this is Switzerland to India - we're continents apart!In this episode we cover India, Hindi and more stuff about and India.We also play a cool song by "Donnie Davito" - not Danny! It's called Das Leben des Philosphenand yes, it's in German too. Here's a link to Starfrosch, the music network/podcast from where we got the song.Keep listening in and come back to FOWL around with us!-Chris-Simranoh and they're 28 states, 6 union territories and 1 national capital territory in India and here's a link to the India wiki on Wikipedia.Update: here's the word "Hindi" in the Hindi script: Also, here's the cover of this "Learn Hindi Script" book. Got it off Amazon. (click to enlarge)
This is our first episode of FOWL Radio, our podcast about language and how to have fun with it.FOWL, once more, is an acronym for "Fun Of & With Language".Our podcast is and going to be about Hindi, German and English - in English.Chris, from Switzerland is interested in Indian culture, Hindi and podcasting.Simran is a German language student from India interested in Swiss-German and more.We both hope that we can learn a bit or two from each other and perhaps entertain a bunch of people along the way too.FOWL Radio 1: Introductions and Euro-EnglishOur show notes:In this episode we talk a little about our selves and where we're from and also discuss our plans and ideas for this podcast.Simran reads out a joke Christian got in a forward about the possibility of there being a Euro-English.- Theme music by .22.Size: 23.3 MBLength: 25:24 mins-----------------------------------Hope you like it. Do come back next week or subscribe to our podcast feed.
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