The Chapel | Sermons

The Chapel | Sermons
Author: The Chapel NJ
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550 Episodes
Jesus calls us to be his witnesses through the power of the Holy Spirit, even when it seems impossible. In “Don’t Underestimate God,” Pastor Dave Gustavsen shares how Jesus transformed Saul from a persecutor to a gospel messenger. Ananias, an ordinary believer, played a key role, showing that God uses unlikely people. We should never underestimate God’s work in others, His purpose for us, or His power to transform lives. Dave Gustavsen | February 16, 2025 Visit our website or connect with us ...
In “Follow His Lead,” Pastor Dave Gustavsen shares how God orchestrates events to reach people, using the story of Philip and the Ethiopian official. Despite his high status, the Ethiopian humbly sought understanding, and Philip pointed him to Jesus. This story reminds us to stay open to the Spirit’s guidance, engage with seekers, and trust that Jesus is the answer to our deepest needs. Dave Gustavsen | February 9, 2025 Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
Suffering is hard – but it also brings rewards in us and through us. In “Prepare to Suffer,” Pastor Dave Gustavsen highlights how Stephen’s martyrdom spread the gospel across Judea and Samaria. Though painful, suffering builds perseverance, character, and hope, strengthens our faith. Dave Gustavsen | February 2, 2025 Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
Courage is something that we admire in others, but challenging to accomplish in our own lives. In “Act with Courage”, Pastor Dave Gustavsen takes a closer look at where courage comes from and what courage looks like. Dave Gustavsen | January 26, 2025Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
In "Join the Family," Pastor Dave Gustavsen highlights the early Christian church as a family devoted to discipleship, evangelism, fellowship, worship, and ministry. Their genuine love and unity drew others to God. As we follow their example today, God continues to use authentic Christian community to draw people to Himself. Dave Gustavsen | January 19, 2025 Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
The Holy Spirit, described as wind, wine, and fire, empowers believers to accomplish what they never could on their own. In "Rely on His Power," Pastor Dave Gustavsen explores the events of Pentecost, when the Spirit filled the early church, enabling them to speak different languages and share boldly about Jesus. Peter explained this as God's promise through the risen Christ and called people to repent, be baptized, and receive the Spirit. This same Spirit is available today, to all who turn ...
In "Receive Your Mission," Pastor Dave Gustavsen launches an inspiring series on the book of Acts, helping us discover God’s purpose and mission for our lives and community. This Christ-centered mission is designed to be lived out together, fueled by the uncontainable power of the Holy Spirit. Let's join the mission and find our purpose! Dave Gustavsen | January 5, 2025 Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
In "Seize the Year (Carpe Annum)," Pastor Dave Gustavsen challenges us to not use our skepticism toward New Year’s Resolutions as an excuse for settling in the new year ahead — because God wants us to move forward in 2025! Teaching from Philippians 3:12-14, he emphasizes the importance of moving forward by the pull of God, to love God, love people, and serve the world.Dave Gustavsen | December 29, 2024Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
Life presents us with situations and circumstances that challenge our confidence and certainty. In “The Cure for Uncertainty”, Pastor Dave Gustavsen takes a closer look at the Wise Men in the Christmas story, reminding us that we can find spiritual certainty in a world that is so uncertain. Dave Gustavsen | December 22, 2024 Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
In "The Cure for Shame," Pastor Dave Gustavsen tells the story of the shepherds in Luke 2. Shame makes us feel unworthy and separated from God and others, just like the shepherds, who were seen as unclean and excluded. But God chose them—the least respected—to hear the angel’s message first, showing that His good news is for everyone, even those burdened by shame. The cure for shame isn’t focusing on ourselves, but on Jesus, whose sacrifice removes our shame and restores our connection with G...
We all struggle with feeling unseen and unimportant at times. In "The Cure for Insignificance," Pastor Paul Klouse uses Mary’s story to show that God sees us, knows us, and gives us purpose. Like Mary, our worth comes from God’s grace, not our accomplishments. When we say “yes” to Him, the Holy Spirit empowers us to make a lasting impact. Paul Klouse | December 8, 2024 Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
In "The Cure for Hopelessness," Pastor Dave Gustavsen shares how the Christmas story brings hope to hopeless situations. Joseph struggled with Mary's miraculous pregnancy, but he trusted God's plan. Through God's promises, Joseph found hope and purpose. No matter how dark or uncertain our situations may feel, God's plan offers hope that helps us through. Dave Gustavsen | December 1, 2024 Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
How do you respond when people mistreat you? In “Supernatural Forgiveness,” Pastor Dave Gustavsen uses the parable of the unforgiving servant to illustrate the toxicity of unforgiveness, which can poison our hearts, relationships, and even our health. The path to freedom flows from a heart that recognizes and is grateful for the grace and mercy we’ve received from God. As Thanksgiving approaches, fostering gratitude can soften our hearts and pave the way for healing and restored relationships...
In “Humble Service,” Pastor Dave Gustavsen teaches from the familiar passage where Jesus washes His disciples' feet. This act of humility reveals how a secure identity in God empowers us to serve others, even those we feel may not deserve it. It also points to the deeper cleansing Jesus offers through His sacrifice, inviting us to receive His forgiveness and follow His example. The true blessing of seeking God’s Kingdom comes not just from knowing what’s right, but from actively serving other...
God calls us to “cross bridges” and engage with those who are different from us, whether geographically, culturally, generationally, or politically. In “Crossing the Bridge,” Pastor Dave reminds us that we should do this not to impress others, but to please God and lovingly share the gospel and our lives. As we obediently step out of our comfort zones and cross these bridges, we will not only eternally impact those we serve, but we will find ourselves deeply impacted and transformed in the pr...
Constructive criticism can be helpful if done correctly. In “Self-Awareness,” Pastor Dave Gustavsen takes a closer look at how we judge ourselves and others, cautioning against us the dangers of judging others incorrectly. He highlights that, when spoken with love and grace, healthy judgement can act like medicine, offering insight and growth. November 3, 2024 | Dave Gustavsen Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
In “Christlike Humility,” Pastor Dave Gustavsen teaches how Jesus’ example guides us away from self-centeredness and toward humility. By adopting Jesus’ mindset, we discover that greatness is found in serving others rather than seeking personal glory. This humility frees us to value others above ourselves, transforming our relationships and lives for the better. Dave Gustavsen | October 27, 2024 Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
In “Radical Love,” Pastor Dave Gustavsen teaches about the kind of love Jesus taught and modeled – one that goes beyond justice, retaliation, and tribalism. Loving everyone, even those who oppose us, reflects God’s character and brings peace instead of conflict. This kind of love is countercultural and only possible when we rely on God’s strength. Dave Gustavsen | October 20, 2024 Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
In a world filled with anger and division, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. As followers of Christ, we belong to a higher kingdom and are called to live differently. In “Heavenly Wisdom,” Pastor Paul Klause contrasts the empty results of earthly wisdom with the life-giving wisdom that comes from God. Paul Klouse | October 13, 2024 Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
In “Inclusion Sunday,” Pastor Dave Gustavsen focuses on how we relate to people with disabilities. Every person is created in the image of God, and we are to recognize their beauty rather than overlook it. Our interactions with those with disabilities should be marked by compassion and sensitivity to their challenges. October 6, 2024 | Dave Gustavsen Visit our website or connect with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
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