The Methodist Church Podcast

94 Episodes
We hear from Methodist Central Hall Westminster about plans for her funeral, consider the relationship between the monarchy and the Methodist Church, talk to a minister from Canada about the Commonwealth and Lord Leslie Griffiths shares his memories of the Queen and her faith.
We are facing an economic crisis the like of which Britain hasn’t seen in decades. As living costs continue to skyrocket, families are unable bridge the gap. Despite the additional support from government, millions of people are at risk of being pushed deeper into poverty by forces outside of their control.In this week’s podcast, we chat with two people who are living in the benefits gap and hear how they are planning on coping with the cost of living rises. We talk to a Deacon from Gateshead on how her church will be providing a warm space for people.
Supported by the Methodist Church, dozens of faith groups, charities and politicians have joined the former prime minister Gordon Brown in calling on the government to take urgent action to bridge the cost of living gap.In this week’s podcast we talk to the author of a report that illustrates the perilous situation for those on low incomes and the Joint Public Issues Team explains what the findings of the report could mean for families and the churches that support them.
Former Prime Minister Gordon Brown talks to President of the Conference the Revd Graham Thompson about the cost of living crisis in the UK.
Following Covid and the Methodist Church vote for same sex marriage, this week's podcast celebrates a special wedding season. We hear from one of the first same sex couples to be married in a Methodist church, we talk to a minister about how to plan for the day and we hear from a couple whose wedding is yet to come.
The Methodist Conference met in Telford 23 to 30 June.In this week's Methodist Podcast, we talk with the Secretary of the Methodist Conference, the Revd Dr Jonathan Hustler, about how the Conference went, we meet the new President and Vice President of the Methodist Conference and we chat with Lord Paul Boateng, speaker at this year's Beckly Lecture.
For this week's podcast we join the service of celebration and commitment held at St Michael’s Garrison Church, Tidworth on Sunday 12 June to welcome Revd Michael D Parker as the new Chaplain General and Revd David Barrett as the Deputy Chaplain General to Her Majesty’s Land Forces.
The Revd Dr Jonathan Hustler previews this year's Methodist Conference, taking place in Telford, 23-30 June and considers the discussion on oversight and trusteeship.
In this Methodist Podcast we report on the how the United Methodist Church in Poland is taking care of its guests from Ukraine finding them accommodation in chapels and officers and we hear from the Methodist Charity All We Can about the joint appeal with the Methodist Church in Britain.
#MyJusticeJourney is a social media campaign, organised by the Methodist Walking with Micah justice project and Methodist Heritage, to share stories and artefacts of personal “justice journeys” past and present. The idea brings together Methodist organisations, heritage sites, churches and individuals, and illustrates our response over time to the Christian call to be a justice-seeking people.In this podcast we hear about the history of justice in the Methodist Church and discover some of the objects that reveal some surprising stories of Justice Journeys
In this week's podcast, the Revd Jenny Pathmarajah considers Aldersgate Sunday, a day when Methodists celebrate the occasion in May 1738 when John Wesley attended worship in Aldersgate Street, London and felt his "heart strangely warmed", experiencing God's love in a most personal and life-giving way.In this podcast, we learn about the historic significance of Aldersgate Sunday, its place in Methodism and we hear from Methodist members on the island of Jersey, who share testimony about those times when they have felt their hearts warmed.
In this first of two special podcasts we travel to Poland to hear how the Methodist Church is coming together to provide those escaping Ukraine with safety and sanctuary as the war there continues.
In the week's Methodist Podcast, the Revd Jenny Pathmarajah talks with friends and family about the impact the choices we make each day have on the planet.
As the war in Ukraine continues, this week’s podcast talks to a Methodist minister who has returned from Poland matching families seeking sanctuary with offers of homes here in the UK, we hear from a learning network coordinator who is waiting for a family of 11 to join her and we talk to a minister from Birmingham who supported a family from Syria about how we welcome people escaping war.
In this week's Methodist Podcast we learn about the Eco Church scheme, and visit an eco-award winning Methodist Church in Yorkshire.
In this week's Methodist Podcast learn how we are working to be an inclusive Methodist Church and hear from some of our diverse communities.
In this week's Methodist Podcast we talk to two Methodists in Ukraine who are fleeing from the invasion to find safety, we hear how peace can stand up to aggression and learn how to talk to children about worrying news events.
In this week's Methodist Podcast we explore Walking With Micah, the Methodist Church's new initiative to explore Justice. We hear about justice conversations, how justice works locally and consider justice theology.
In the second podcast for LGBT+ history month, we visit the Inclusive Gathering in Birmingham and learn about Queer Theology.
February is LGBT+ history month and we celebrate by taking a look at the background to last year’s historic vote permitting same sex marriage within the Methodist Church.We talk to Revd Ken Howcroft who chaired the group behind the God in Love Unites us report considered by the Conference and we chat with a couple whose lives have been changed by the vote and who plan to marry this summer.
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