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Fearless Church Podcast
Author: Fearless Church
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© 2025 Fearless Church Podcast
We want to be fearless followers of Jesus who change the world. We will not allow fear to hold us back from all that God desires for us to be in our homes, workplaces, schools, church, community and the world.To be fearless is to be full of faith, believing God is who He says He is and will do what He promises to do.
224 Episodes
WEEK 1 OF 3 // Andy HahnHow would you describe your current level of busyness? Would you say you are feeling overrun by all the activities in your life? Why or why not?The message highlighted how culture often defines people by what they do, rather than who they are. How do you see this in your own life? Do you find yourself defining your identity by your job, your different roles, or your productivity?Read the story of Martha and Mary in Luke 10:38-42. Martha gets distracted by all the...
Chris WilliamsDiscussion Questions:Share one personal highlight and one personal challenge from this past Christmas with your group.Do you consider yourself a visionary? Why or why not?As a group, read aloud Proverbs 29.:18 in three different Bible translations. In what ways does this verse apply to your life in 2025?Pastor Chris challenged us to "Drem Big, but start small, simple, and strategic." Which part of this challenge comes more naturally for you? Which part is most difficult for you?...
Sermon Locations and Times: Sundays Services are at 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM at 2601 E Alex Bell Rd Dayton, OH 45459 You can join us online on Facebook or YouTube at 11:00 AM.
WEEK 3 OF 3 // Laine MeekWhen it comes to conflict, are you an engager or an avoided?Are there any past hurts from family members that make it difficult for you to relax during the holidays?If you are parents of adult children, how can you be "The Easy Button" for them?If you are an adult, what is the best way to communicate expectations to your parents respectfully? Sermon Locations and Times: Sundays Services are at 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM at 2601 E Alex Bell Rd Dayton, OH 45459 Yo...
WEEK 2 OF 3 // Stephen JulianIn what situations, places, or times do you feel most lonely?Do you believe that you are never alone? Why or why not?Stephen shared six practical actions we could take - which one will you docus on during this season?Which type of loneliness are you experienceing most recently> Spriritual, relational, or linguistic?How can you help others who are lonely this Christmas?Sermon Locations and Times: Sundays Services are at 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM at 2601 E Alex...
WEEK 1 OF 3 // Chris WilliamsWhat are some of your favorite traditions during Christmas? What are some of your least favorite traditions?What specific expectations (traditions, travel plans, family gatherings, food, etc.) do you have for this Christmas?How would those who know you best describe your response to your unmet expectations during the holidays?Read aloud Matthew 1:18-25. What can we conclude about Joseph's character from this story?Pastor Chris said, "If you know who you are,...
WEEK 16 OF 16 // Brian TateShare something that God did in your life through the Book of Romans.Share about someone from your past who was not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus.Write down your current relationships with believers and unbelievers.Who, in your current circles, needs you to share the story of Jesus with them?Who, in your current circles, needs you to share your present life with Jesus with them?Sermon Locations and Times: Sundays Services are at 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM at 2601 ...
WEEK 15 OF 16 // Chris WilliamsWhat is your favorite part of the Thanksgiving holiday? What is your least favorite part?What is your experience with global missions? Have you ever been on a mission trip or supported someone else through prayer or finances? Please describe that experience.Read aloud Romans 15:20-21 in at least three difference translations. In your opinion, why was Paul so focused on people who had not yet heard the Good News about Jesus? Please share with your grou...
WEEK 14 OF 16 // Laine MeekWhat are some of your deeply held convictions?Are they essential core beliefs?Which ones are "disputable matter'?Do you have Christian friends with different beliefs that would not be considered "essential"? How do you find unity with a Christian brother or sister when their objection infringes on your freedom? Sermon Locations and Times: Sundays Services are at 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM at 2601 E Alex Bell Rd Dayton, OH 45459 You can join us online on...
WEEK 13 OF 16 // Andy HahnIn general, how do you relate to the idea of TLDR (Too Long; Didn't Read) or you prefer to "Get to the bottom line", or do you want to "Hear the whole story? Paul summarizes the law with the singular command to love one another (Romans 13:8-10). How does this perspective change/inform your understanding of the different rules and commandments connected to your faith?Read the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37). In what ways does Jesus' story ch...
WEEK 11 OF 16 // Chris WilliamsWhat is the best word to describe your feelings about this week's election? Why did you choose that word?Read aloud Romans 13:1. How does his verse affect your view of this year's electionPlease share one of your recent Unashamed H.E.A.R. Journal entries with your group.What do you hope God will do in your life as we begin the final few chapters of Romans?Read Romans 12:2 aloud. In your opinion, what does it look like to "conform" to this world? When are y...
WEEK 10 OF 16 // Chris WilliamsHave you ever accepted an invitation to attend a sporting event, concert, movie, or even a party that was originally rejected by someone else? If so, please share that story with your group.Please share with your group one of your most recent H.E.A.R. journal entries from Romans.How can we help you better understand and apply what God is teaching you from Romnas?Read aloud Romans 11:17 from three different Bible translations. What are the different parts o...
WEEK 10 OF 16 // Chris WilliamsWho was the first person to share the Good News about Jesus with you? What do you remember about that moment?Read aloud Romans 10:13-15. What did Pastor Chris say was "the potential breakdown in God's plan to save the world?" Why do you agree or disagree with this "potential breakdown"?How does this passage of scripture make you feel about the importance of your role in the salvation of others?Please share with our group one of your recent H.E.A.R. journal...
WEEK 9 OF 16 // Chris WilliamsWhat was your favorite TV show when you were growing up? Why did you enjoy that show more than others?How do you typically respond to the "unsolved mysteries" of this world? How do you respond to the "unsolved mysteries" of God? Read aloud Romans 9:10-24. What part of this passage stands out to you the most? Why?Pastor Chris said our salvation requires both God's choice and our choice. Share with our group how you personally experienced this idea in yo...
WEEK 8 OF 16 // Dave SudduthShare with your group a recent Unashamed H.E.A.R. Journal entry.Do you feel as though you live without condemnation? What would that look like?What habits do you have to replace "things of the flesh" with "things of the Spirit"?How can we help each other as we work to walk in the spirit of Life, free from our obligation to the flesh? Sermon Locations and Times: Sundays Services are at 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM at 2601 E Alex Bell Rd Dayton, OH 45459 You can...
WEEK 7 OF 16 // Chris WilliamsShare with your group one of your recent Unashamed H.E.A.R. Journal entries.Summarize what you believe God has been saying to you through the first few chapters of Romans.Read aloud Romans 7:18-25. How would you summarize these verses in your own words?Pastor Chris said, "Like Paul, we can be an example of broken pursuit, not sinless perfections." What thoughts and feelings do you have about this statementPastor Chris shared that "broken pursuit" looks like...
WEEK 6 OF 16 // Brian TateIf you could have any job in the world, what would it be and why?Share about a job you have had that you enjoyed. Why did you enjoy it?Share either about an odd job or a job you didn't enjoy. Why didn't you enjoy it?Read Colossians 3:12-15 and share what part of the uniform comes naturally for you. What part do you need to work on?What areas in your life do you try to control (be like God)? What keeps you from releasing that control over to God?Sermon Locations...
WEEK 5 OF 16 // Chris WilliamsWho are the top two most influential people in your faith journey? What have they done that has been so helpful to you?What has been most challenging for you in hearing God's voice through the book of Romans so far? What has been most rewarding for you in our journey through Romans? Please share with your group one of your recent Unashamed H.E.A.R. journal entries.Read aloud Romans 4:12 in at least 3 different translations. How does Adam's sin impact a...
WEEK 4 OF 16 // Chris WilliamsAs we quickly approach another Fall season, what is one thing you are looking forward to?As you've been H.E.A.R. journaling through Romans, what has God been saying to you?Read aloud Romans 4:1-5. What do you think is the main point Paul is trying to make in this passage?Read aloudRomans 4:20-21. When are you most likely to 'waver' in believing in God's promises?Which of God's promises did you use for Pastor Chris' special assignment this week? Why did you ...
WEEK 3 OF 16 // Chris WilliamsWhat has been the most challenging part of hearing God speak to you through the book of Romans so far?As you've been hearing God speak to you through the book of Romans, what has God been saying to you?Read aloud Romans 3:20-21. How would you explain these two verses in your own words?Read aloud Romans 3:22. what are some common reasons people don't believe these words from Paul are true?What is the best way we can help one another apply what God says to us...
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