DiscoverMargaret's Podcast
Margaret's Podcast

Margaret's Podcast

Author: Margaret C Mullings

Subscribed: 6Played: 166


Margaret's Podcast are to Uplift, Motivate and Encourage you, as you Walk to Your Place of Divine Destiny. During the Darkest Times of Your Life, always Remember that You are Not Alone. Keep Hope Alive!
19 Episodes
A Friend Worth Having

A Friend Worth Having


Please, listen as my Special Guest, Minister Sadesha Fowler exhorts this encouraging Word to the Body of Christ. God Bless each of you for tuning in. Much Love!
Welcome to Margaret's Podcast! This is a special Message from a "Live" Video recording. God Bless and strengthen each of you as you tune in!
No matter where you are geographically. God has heard your cries it is time to pursue, overtake and recover all that was stolen or lost. Be Blessed and encouraged as you tune in.
Friend, during these challenging times there is a clarion call to believe and continue to stand on the Word of God, no matter what you are facing. Be encouraged as you tune in for this segment. Much Love!
Beware of the lying spirit, which seeks only to please and make you happy. God used the seductive influence of false prophets to judge King Ahab. The false prophets were determined to tell Ahab what he wanted to hear. God confirmed their plans to lie as a means to remove Ahab from the throne....Beware of the lying spirit!
Give Me This Mountain

Give Me This Mountain


As you experience your wilderness! Remain thankful to God because He will fulfill His promise to you, no matter how long it takes. Caleb waited forty-five years to receive the promise of God. When Caleb turned eighty-five he not only reminded Joshua of the promise. He said with confidence in God, Give me this mountain! I challenge you wherever you are to climb your mountain and stand victorious in Jesus Christ!
Come Up Higher

Come Up Higher


There are many deep and hidden things that God wants to reveal to us and He is calling His children to come up higher. Come up higher from the noise of the Naysayers, and all who oppose His will and purpose for your life. Be Blessed and strengthened as you tune in!
The Aching Heart

The Aching Heart


The storms of life has left a void that only God can fill. Wherever you are geographically! the God of all comfort is divinely intervening in your situation. He bids you come to the feast prepared exclusively prepared for you!
Listen to my newest episode and discover more great content from my show!
Stand Still

Stand Still


Listen to my newest episode and discover more great content from my show!
The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd


The Good Shepherd extends an Invitation to you today! You maybe troubled on every side, perhaps perplexed and all of your dreams have been crushed. Everything you knew to be stable is now uncertain and your heart has been broken. The Invitation is for you. The Table is prepared with all you need for your Journey. The Good Shepherd bids you come!
There is a Clarion Call to get up and do all that, God has Mandated for your Life and you will have all you need during these trying and difficult times. Do not sit there and die, keep Hope Alive!
Speak the Word

Speak the Word


Believe, Stand on and Speak the Word!
Restored Vision

Restored Vision


Keep hope alive. God is restoring your vision!
Stay Focused and pray about everything for God hears and answers your prayers. Blessings!
No matter what is happening in your life begin to cry out to God, He will hear and answer you. Receive your miracle today as you stand on the Word of God. Keep Hope Alive.
Today is an new day! Arise your light has come to do all God has Mandated for your life. Keep Hope Alive!
Be Blessed as you listen to this Podcast. God Bless you!
Slack Not Your Riding

Slack Not Your Riding


Slack not your riding. Keep on praying whether you are sitting, kneeling, walking or laying prostrate before the LORD. He will answer you! Despite what you are facing or being challenged by, slack not your riding in prayer. Much Love to you!