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Author: Desiree' Turner

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If you are looking for a podcast that talks about topics like healing, self-improvement, faith, relationships, and truth then you've come to the right place. The LET YOUR LIGHT SHINE BRIGHT Podcast is a Christian lifestyle Podcast that welcomes anyone who's interested in improving themselves for the better. Our core purpose in creating this podcast is to share biblical truths that have helped us change our own lives for the better. We also hope to inspire others to do the same. So if you're ready to let your light shine then follow our podcast!!
43 Episodes
The recent health crisis has sparked a move in my heart to talk about drug addiction. Drug addiction can often be overlooked by the church and I think the Lord is grieved with the way it's being handled. There are clinics and local organizations offering drug users a safe space to do drugs. It's become the new way to handle drug overdoses but it doesn't heal anyone. The truth of the matter is, offering people a safer way to do drugs is enabling their addiction. If you truly cared for these people, you would want to get to the root of the problem and not enable it. The Lord wants to heal the trauma that drug users have experienced. He wants to be the provider for those who feel like selling drugs is the only way to live. God has compassion for all people, no matter what they've done to themselves. Those that have drug addictions need to lean on the Holy Spirit to overcome what they're going through. When you put your trust in the Lord and lean on him, your addiction will no longer be a problem. Cast your cares upon the Lord and let Him strengthen you in your weakness. And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 2 Corinthians 12:9
On today's episode of the Let Your Light Shine Bright podcast, we are kicking off our first prayer podcast episode. There are a lot of factors that are currently causing fear right now. Whether it be the rumors of war, not being able to afford food, or the crime rates rising. Fear has been taking over the minds of many people and they feel like there's no solution. In this episode, we are going to be going over some of the reasons why fear has gripped the minds of people lately. As we examine the cause of fear, we will then go over how God wants us to react during times of crisis. If you have been feeling fearful or anxious lately, then you will be in for a treat. Listen today to hear the wisdom of God on how to conquer the spirit of fear and anxiety.
Finding Joy In Christ

Finding Joy In Christ


On today's episode of the Let Your Light Shine Bright podcast, we will be discussing the joy of finding contentment in Christ. So many things in this world are designed to distract us. These distractions are pulling us further away from God but they never satisfy us. It's important to note that the start of God answering your prayers may be disruptive. It may mean you lose everything. However, when you lose everything in the world, you gain everything in Christ. We will be talking about the benefits of losing everything for Christ's sake. Then we will discuss the pruning process God takes us through in order to become new creatures. All this leads us to satisfaction and joy in Christ. So if you feel unsatisfied in life, this episode is for you!
On today's episode of the Let Your Light Shine Bright podcast, we are talking about the major crisis of depression. The title of being a Christian doesn't exempt you from depression, anxiety, or suicidal thoughts. But the difference with you being a Christian with this struggle is that GOD is with you, even if you don't feel him. Today we are learning how to get over this battle with victory. We will also talk about the two problems with the church culture. How we as Christians should handle situations like this and the steps to take to get the Victory in Christ. 
The Dangers Of Idolatry

The Dangers Of Idolatry


In today's episode of the Let Your Light Shine Bright Podcast, we are going to kick off season 5 with the topic of Idolatry. The worship of anything or anyone other than Christ can lead us astray. Following after our flesh, letting celebrities be your guide, these are both examples of idolatry. Idolatry is so dangerous that even a movement of self-love and acceptance can turn into a movement of idolatry.  If you have been feeling distant from God, it could be because of an idol you have. So let's examine where idolatry starts, how it impacts our relationship with God, and how it will lead humanity to take the mark of the beast. This episode is perfect for you if you've been feeling convicted about the idols you have. It's time to put God back as your first love.
To end season four of the Let Your Light Shine Bright Podcast, we are diving into the culture. We will be discussing the need for Christians to understand where their identity comes from. Lately, it seems like the culture has crept into our churches. With the culture comes a false narrative formed by a worldly identity. Your identity in Christ is the foundation on which your life is built. When culture disrupts your true identity, you live a life not designed by God but by the world. In today’s episode, we are going to explore the dangers of choosing culture over the Kingdom. We will also look into the domino effect of each.
Agape Love

Agape Love


Welcome back to the podcast! We are headed into our eighth episode and it’s going to be a good one. Last week, we talked about the need for Christians to grow in their capacity to love. We also talked about the three types of people God sends to grow our ability to love. In today's episode of the Let Your Light Shine Bright Podcast, we are going to continue the topic of love. After finishing last week's episode, we realized the need to talk about the ways to express love. The world teaches you that love is a feeling & the ways to express that love are limited. It can be shown by giving gifts, taking care of someone, or even physically. Biblical love, as we discussed, is not just about what we feel but it’s also about action. We have to review the true definition of love & find ways to express it. Most importantly, we will talk about the need for love to be shown first within the body of Christ.
The Greatest Commandment

The Greatest Commandment


Welcome to the Let Your Light Shine Bright Podcast for episode 7 of season 4! Today’s episode is all about the great commandment that God has given his body and that commandment is LOVE. Love is not what the world has taught us. It's not just a feeling you get for someone, Love is action. This is why a lot of us have a hard time with this commandment. In order for us to move forward as a uniformed body, we need love to be our foundation. The only way to have a solid foundation is by building one with the word of GOD. In today's episode, we are going to talk about how God grows our capacity to love. We are also going to discuss how our actions should express our love.
Welcome back to another episode of the Let Your Shine Bright Podcast, on today's episode we will be talking about God's heart. Have you ever wondered what's on the heart of God? Well, this episode is the perfect one for you to listen to. From Genesis to Revelation, we see the heart of a loving Father but a lot of people don't believe that's true. If we disassociate God the Father from Jesus Christ the son, we miss out on the heart of God. Today's episode is going to talk about five common things that are the will of God for humanity. A lot of who God is to us is a mystery but there are some things about him that can be found in his word.
Welcome back to another episode of the Let Your Light Shine Bright Podcast. Today we are going to be discussing the topic of progressive Christianity. We will be looking into what the bible has to say about this topic and how it shows up in our everyday life. As we discuss the topic of progressive Christianity, we are going to be talking about the need for perseverance in the body of Christ. It's important to remember that long-suffering is a fruit of the Spirit. It takes patience to live here on this earth and it takes perseverance to fight the good fight of faith. THE AUDIENCE MAY HAVE TO TURN UP THE VOLUME. THE AUDIO DURING THIS SEGMENT HAS BEEN DISRUPTED AND THE SOUND MAY NOT BE CLEAR ON SOME PARTS. WE ARE SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE AND WILL HAVE THE AUDIO FIXED BY NEXT WEEK. 
Three Benefits Of Celibacy

Three Benefits Of Celibacy


Welcome back to another episode of the Let Your Light Shine Bright podcast! We are diving right back into the topic of living a holy lifestyle. One of the major hindrances to a lot of people when it comes to this lifestyle is fornication. Last week we talked about three truths of our flesh nature. We realized that being a perfect Christian doesn't exist because of our flesh. What does exist is the grace of God and through the Holy Spirit we can overcome our flesh. This week we will discover how fornication can hinder your holy lifestyle and why it's important to the Lord.
Welcome back to the third episode of season 4! Today's episode is going to discuss the topic of how to deal with our flesh. Last week we talked about the benefits of living a holy lifestyle. However, there may be some people struggling with this concept of holiness. Holiness is not done by the works of our flesh but we do have to present our bodies to the Lord. How do we present our bodies as holy and acceptable when we live in this fleshly body? Well, take a listen to today's episode to find out how you can deal with your flesh issues.
Welcome back to another episode of the Let Your Light Shine Bright Podcast. Today we are continuing our discussion about living a holy lifestyle. Last week we learned that to be holy meant to be set apart from the world. Set apart to be used for God and by doing so your life will make an impact. This week we will be going over the five benefits of holiness. It's not easy living a life set apart but with these benefits, God makes it worth it.
Welcome back to the Let Your Light Shine Bright Podcast! We are so excited for season four to open up to the public. So many new topics are going to be discussed this coming season. Topics that need to be addressed such as holiness in the body of Christ, sex before marriage, flesh issues, and much more. In today's episode, Desiree is going to be talking about how to live a holy lifestyle. We all know that the bible says that we should be holy just as God is holy. However, some people may not know what that looks like. With new revelation from the Lord, Desiree is going to talk about the topic of being set apart.
Pray The Right Way

Pray The Right Way


Welcome To The Final Episode Of Season 3 Of The Let Your Light Shine Bright Podcast! In the final episode of the Let Your Light Shine Bright Podcast, we are going to discuss how to pray the right prayers. We all know that prayer is important but most of us don't understand how to pray the right way. Listen to today's episode so that you know how to pray for your family, your enemies, and even during spiritual warfare. RELATED BLOG POST: Read Here JOIN THE MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM: FREE COURSE LINK: BACK TO THE FATHER 2021:
Put In That Work

Put In That Work


Welcome, The Seventh Episode Of The Let Your Light Shine Bright Podcast!! In today's episode, we are going to talk about how to put in the righteous works. When we put in the righteous works, we are doing the will of the Father. It's amazing to know that we are doing the works that God has given us to do and that he approves of it! But we have to know where to start. So learn about how you can get started in your righteous works today! BLOG POST JOIN THE MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM: FREE COURSE LINK:
Access Granted

Access Granted


Welcome To The Sixth Episode Of The Let Your Light Shine Bright Podcast! Heading into our New Year, we decided to kick it off by talking about the importance of the Holy Spirit. 2020 was a year that most Christians walked in their flesh, which lead them down a path of fear and frustration. This year is going to be different because we are walking by the Spirit of God. It's no longer going to profit anyone to walk in their flesh as we try to navigate the coming days. So we decided to talk about how the Holy Spirit impacts our lives and how to get the Holy Spirit. Take a listen if you're ready to walk in the Spirit of Almighty God instead of your flesh this year. BACK TO THE FATHER FREE EMAIL SERIES: sign up here!! JOIN THE MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM: FREE COURSE LINK:
Welcome To The Fifth Episode Of The Let Your Light Shine Bright Podcast!! The Divine Reversal in humanity happened when Christ was born. As a result of the birth of the Messiah, we have been given a way to inherit salvation. What some may not understand, is the importance of the birth of Christ. Discover the importance of what happened at the cross and get ready for your divine reversal. BACK TO THE FATHER 2021: JOIN THE MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM: FREE COURSE LINK:
Today we are back and ready to explain how 2020 became the best year.  As crazy as that may sound for a lot of people, this year was truly a turning point in my life. It was the year that I thought I would never make it through but then God did something amazing in my heart. A lot of us want the outward things to change but God wants our hearts to change. As a result of my heart change, I gained victory over a long battle. Take a listen to hear about why 2020 has been my best year! RELATED BLOG POST: Read Here JOIN THE MEMBERSHIP PROGRAM: FREE COURSE LINK: Need Help In Deliverance And Spiritual Warfare? Check Out Some Of Our Brothers In Christ Isaiah Saldivar's Channel: John Ramirez's Website: ,
How To Discern

How To Discern


In today's episode of the Let Your Light Shine Bright Podcast, we are going over the topic of discernment again. Discernment is a major thing a lot of us lack in today's world. It's important to be reminded on how to apply discernment in your life. We discuss the voice of Satan, the voice of God, and of our flesh. We also talk about understanding how God can speak to us. So if you're having trouble with discernment, check out today's episode. BLOG: CLICK HERE