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Blue Collar Executive

Author: Lewis Taulbee Jr

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Achieve your destiny and be successful at any level by staying rooted in a strong work ethic, determination, and integrity. My Mom and Dad were factory workers and generations before them were farmers or coal miners. My path took me in a business direction, but it was still the work ethics and values of my blue collar roots that helped me reach top executive levels. My Dad was a man of few words, but as I navigated through my career I could always find the answers I needed in the subtle things he said or did. I believe these nuggets can help anyone achieve any level of success they desire and I want to share them. I have written many of these in an unpublished book, but my gift is talking and not writing. So I am going to share them in this weekly podcast in hopes someone finds them valuable or at least entertaining. It doesn't matter what color your collar is. We all have gifts and a purpose. None more important than the other. The important thing is that we all reach our full potential and be the best we can be. 

99 Episodes
Shut Up and Serve

Shut Up and Serve


Talk is cheap and easy. We say I love you, but do we show it? When we know someone in need we say we will pray for them, but maybe God's response to us is why are you not helping them?"Action speaks louder than words but not nearly as often" Mark Twain
Believing is Seeing

Believing is Seeing


We say "seeing is believing", but God says "BELIEVING is seeing". He wants us to live in faith, but that can be hard sometimes. Especially when the dark clouds move in. It's in the middle of the storm when holding on to faith is the most difficult. When it seems like all hope is gone and our prayers have gone unheard. This is when we need to stand firm like an oak tree in our faith, never lose hope, and believe. Faith is the substance of things ...
They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. However, we can learn alot from old dogs. In Loving Memory of Chevy
A Simpler Life

A Simpler Life


We all seek advancing technology yet we also all share a yearning for a simpler life. Technology can help us be more efficient and effective, but it can also rob us from inner peace at the same time. It is important to disconnect sometimes and enjoy the simplicities of life. It's simple to be happy, but it is becoming more and more difficult to be simple.
The Bible

The Bible


Fictional novel or inspired word of God? In this episode I share the facts and why I choose the Bible as my instruction book for lifes journey.
The spirit of mankind is like a kite which rises by means of the very forces that seem to oppose its rise.
Always Go For The WOW

Always Go For The WOW


Now Hiring

Now Hiring


There is a growing epidemic of poor customer service. Many leaders will tell you that it is a result of the inability to staff quality employees. There is some truth to this, but they need to look in the mirror for the solution. The issue is not the employee, rather the employer. There are plenty of dedicated, hard working people to fill any company's needs. However, they have a choice and no one wants to give their loyalty and dedication where they are unappreci...
Don't Half Ass It

Don't Half Ass It


If God is omnipotent, all loving, and all knowing why does he allow evil to exist? Tough question with a simple answer. I break it down in this episode. "Darkness can only exist in the absence of light. Light can only exist in the presence of darkness."
Unwrap Yourself

Unwrap Yourself


There is no smaller package than someone wrapped up in themself. Unwrap yourself and be the gift that keeps on giving!
There is no smaller package than a man wrapped up in himself. We have become a society of self absorbed people. We are quick to complain or criticize others if it disrupts our agenda. However, we don't always know what that person may be going through. We are all in this world together sharing the same struggles, so instead of being quick to point fingers we should be reaching a helping hand. "And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do n...
They say when we first enter Heaven we will see a replay of our lives. Well there will be a lot of laughing when they roll mine! This is a 100% true story of one of my brilliant ideas gone bad! "Laugh at yourself and at life. Not in the spirit of derision or whining self-pity, but as a remedy, a miracle drug, that will ease your pain, cure your depression, and help you to put in perspective that seemingly terrible defeat... Never take yourself too seriously."Og Mandino
Live Like A Tourist

Live Like A Tourist


We are all just tourists here in this big ole Airbnb we call Earth. This is not a permanent residence for any of us, so we don't have time to stay in on cloudy days. We need to make the best of everyday rain or shine!
Day One or One Day

Day One or One Day


Two words that can be arranged to hold opposite meanings. Making Resolutions and setting goals are important, but we must take action on Day One and not One Day. "Today is only one day in all the days that ever be, but what will happen in all the other days that ever come can depend on what you do today" Ernest Hemingway
Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house EVERY creature was stirring even the DOG! In this episode I share a Santa attempt that went bad, VERY BAD, but in the end was a successful mission delivering joy on Christmas morning.
Silent Night

Silent Night


Wishing you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS filled with tidings of great joy and peace.
Don't Blink

Don't Blink


Money can always be made, material things can always be gotten, but lost time can never be recovered. In 20 years the only one who will remember that you worked late is your family. A company will use your livelihood to balance their books. It is up to you to use your time to balance your life!
Life was not designed to give us what we need. It was designed to give us what we deserve. We don’t reap a harvest in the fall because we want it, we reap a harvest in the fall because we plant the seeds in the spring and work diligently to grow it. “We reap what we sow”