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Relationship Rescue

Author: Heather Carter

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Relationships eventually get hard, but they don't have to end in divorce or anger! Each Wednesday, join Heather Carter, as she shares her strategies, methodologies, insights, and tips into how to make a relationship thrive, how to cut through the power struggle, and how to find peace and happiness within yourself. Whether you want to save your relationship or leave it, and want some great advice on how to be true to yourself, so the relationship has a chance, or you have an opportunity to move on to a healthy relationship, this is the podcast for you!
136 Episodes
They just don't want you to do anything about it. The fact that you tolerated and excused everything that your ex or your partner is doing was or is not an act of true love-it's the result of undealt trauma, a fear of abandonment, and not believing you have value. Click here to get in line and grab the early bird special; you will be grandfathered in at this price forever. Join the excitement for my community, The Relationship Sanctuary, which opens its doors on Sunday, June 2nd!
I am like you; I have been where you are; I understand you because we are the same. There is beauty in knowing we are not alone. I share what I think about on my darkest days.I also discuss why we stay in an unhealthy or toxic situation, how we can leave and find peace, and what happens if we don't come to healing.Click here to schedule a free initial call. You deserve peace and happiness!
You will not live the life you desire, dream of, and deserve. Ask yourself right now: Does your view of yourself work? If we don't love and respect ourselves, everything disintegrates. Click here to join my newsletter and download some freebies.
Understanding these 6 reasons why it is hard to leave an unhealthy relationship will help you find the strength to leave. Coming Soon! Relationship Warriors: Not Worries is a one-stop relationship community where you will find the answers that have eluded you, possibly for years. You will find help in the different groups: Dating, Relationships/Marriage, Divorce, and Healing.Click here to learn more and get on the waiting list!
One of the first crucial steps to healing codependency/enabling and being The Giver is to stop prioritizing The Taker! How do you do this? Listen now and click here to sign up for Relationship Rescue Weekly: What is your relationship trying to tell you? Don't ignore it. Your subconscious mind is speaking to you. 
Learn the top tactics that narcissists use to hook you and keep you hooked.Click here to join my 5,000-plus weekly newsletter subscribers and receive help delivered right to your inbox every Sunday.
Narcissism 101: I am telling you everything you want to know about narcissists, including their characteristics, the four main categories, the subtypes, 3 categories you might not have known about, and how a narcissist becomes the way they do.Click here to join the 5,000 strong who receive my weekly newsletter! You don't want to miss my weekly tips, strategies, worksheets, and journal prompts, which I only share with my subscribers!
Do I give different dating advice to women and men?Is dating in your 40s and beyond and after divorce different from dating in your 20s and early 30s?What is the definition of manhood?Are you ready to find the right one and heal the wounds stopping you from living your best life and having the relationship you desire and deserve?Click here to set up your free call to see if I can help you.
Are you a priority to your partner? How do you know if someone is a student of themselves? Learn how to discern if someone is willing to do things differently.Click here to join my newsletter!Join The Movement To Live Your Highest Potential Today!
Do the childhoods I describe in this podcast sound like yours?Today, we will deep dive into different types of childhoods and what they meant for the person growing up in the home. How did that particular childhood impact and sabotage their adult life?Click here and join my newsletter for healing, love, support, and some of the best tools I use!
Who are we?

Who are we?


Who are these adult children from dysfunction, chaos, and/or abuse? What do they look like? What are their symptoms?I describe in detail what we look like, how we might act, and our symptoms. You don't want to miss this one.I'm on a fearless journey to help as many people as possible live the life they're meant to live, up to their highest potential, and have the relationships they desire and deserve. Click here and sign up for my newsletter, and let the gifts of success, love, connection, and abundance start rolling in.
After a fantastic summer, taking some much-needed personal time, my daughter got married, and I had some extensive work commitments and mini vacays; it is good to be back. Welcome to Fall 2023: Preparing for 2024. How can you create a new future with healthy, thriving relationships and a career or business that inspires you?You are about to learn!Click here to sign up for the Relationship Rescue weekly newsletter with tips, advice, and free PDFs to help you live up to your highest potential.
The twisted belief we come to as children that grow up in dysfunctional, chaotic, and abusive homes is the only way we get our needs met is through being a victim. How does this play out in relationships and the Drama Triangle?What is pause for the cause?Identify your triggers. There are nine categories of triggers. Click here to download your workbook to find out your triggers now.
If you want to understand yourself and every unhealthy relationship you have had, you must identify your role in the Drama Triangle.Everyone who participates in the Drama Triangle has the limiting belief, "No matter what I do, nothing will change. My condition or situation is hopeless, and I cannot change it." It is time to find out your attachment style. Click here to download the PDF to tell you if you are avoidant, anxious, fearful, or secure! This will make all the difference in the world regarding your relationship.
Three things must happen for a narcissist to change. In this episode, we will explore toxic shame and what must happen for a narcissist or anyone to heal and change.
What is the difference between intimacy and desire?Sex is essential; intimacy doesn't always mean a great sex life. What are the two things needed in a relationship for intimacy and desire to thrive?Ready to begin healing yourself and your relationship?Click here to learn more and sign up for Healing Through Journaling!
No more ignoring your needs, accepting intolerable behavior, forgiving the same transgressions repeatedly, and no more being a participant in emotional blackmail.If you need help, click here and set up your free clarity call!
What do narcissistic supply, injury, and rage mean?You will learn all about it in this podcast.Ready to Heal from a narcissist and your wounding?Click here to learn more and register for Heal Your Attachment Style & Life! It's time to go from hopeless to thriving relationships!
What is the relationship giving you? Why are you staying? If you feel good enough, worthy, loved, confident, have self-love, and have the means to leave the relationship, you do not stay in abuse. It's that time of year, again, time for my group course... Living Your Highest Potential, Heal Your Attachment Style & Life! From Hopeless Relationships To Thriving Partnerships!Click here to learn more and sign up. And don't forget the early bird discount code: EB20Remember, Every Relationship Begins With You!
How you respond to a BPD is the difference between living in a hurricane and living in a storm. When you are with a BPD, there are very few times when it is calm. You have a job: to become trained in de-escalating a situation. The longer you keep doing the same thing, the longer you stay stuck. And we know the definition of insanity. Click here to set up a free initial 45-minute call.