The Virtual Pub

22 Episodes
Here we are - the Christmas Special edition and (maybe) final episode of The Virtual Pub.
It's been a while since you've heard from us! We've been busy with life in this sh*tshow we call 2020, and rather than be overwhelmed by overcommitting ourselves to too much, we're calling it a day and going out with a bang - an episode with no pricks, just good times and a bumper quiz.
Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for listening to this show - something that started as a way to distract ourselves from the world on fire.
Have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year!
The Virtual Pub team xo
Well butter my balls! It feels good to be back (that is a reference to something we say in the show - I'm not just being deliberately gross). Welcome back to The Virtual Pub. It's been a while, hasn't it!
Got a lot to catch up on, both in our own lives and in the news - here's what we've got coming up.
Since this is the first time we've all spoken in a while, we spend the first half hour catching up - going over the highs and lows of life throughout October, including Jason turning into a single Mum and the pub staff returning to the podcast after the tier 3 closures in Nottingham!
After this, it's time to pick a prick - Jason's choice of Mansfield MP Ben Bradley evolves into a wider discussion about the whole Free School Meals debacle. Primarily, why is it even a debate to begin with? And what needs to happen? We go long, but it's really important we go into this!
Now for some good news, including water on the moon and Scooter with their Christmas Number One attempt!
And finally, the pub quiz and final thoughts.
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Listen to Scooter's F*ck 2020:
Welcome back to The Virtual Pub, where we ask the hard-hitting questions like should our quizmaster Dan setup his own Only Fans page and call it "Only Dans"?
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On this week's episode, we're not falling for the Chinese Ambassador's obvious cover-up for looking at porn when he blames twitter and asks for an urgent investigation after liking a sexually graphic tweet, we catch up with Dan after his long break from the show, where he gives us an exclusive inside scoop on the whole Robin Hood Energy fiasco, we explain why Mark Dolan is an anti-mask prick, Moody pulls out a triple of good news and we round things off with a movie quote pub quiz.
Show Links
Welcome back to The Virtual Pub, where we ask the hard-hitting questions like just how committed are you to getting your own back on someone for parking in your assigned space?
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On this week's episode:
We catch up after what has been a busy fortnight, featuring staycations across the UK, COVID drive through tests and working in supermarkets.
Picking pricks - featuring changes to Soccer Saturday and a hilarious personal story about the lengths one man must go to to exact revenge on someone who parked in their space.
Good news - a special singalong of 99 bottles of beer and the amazing International work to eradicate a virus (no, not THAT one)
Time for something different. Welcome to a more chilled out episode of The Virtual Pub - recreating the pub as you remember it before this pandemic in podcast form.
With three of us on this show, the episode is a little quicker and more socialist than our usual programming, so let us know what you think!
On today's episode:
We pick some pricks: including the Portland police department, Boris Johnson and Craig Whittaker
Some good news for the environment and someone's adorable cuddly toy
And we wrap things up with a pub quiz
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We're back (and on top form)! Grab a few drinks, as we take on anti-maskers in The Virtual Pub - recreating the pub as you remember it before this pandemic in podcast form.
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On this week's episode...
(0:00) We welcome you all back to The Virtual Pub, re-introduce you all to the team including new full-time cast member Leo Lanzoni and catch you up on how the last month has been for us
(30:10) It's time to pick some pricks - this week, Lindsey and Ben go long with a rant about inconsiderate arseholes ignoring the rules in pubs, and Jason gets angry at anti-maskers.
(62:23) Now for some good news - Leo drops us some surprising news about Nintendo and Moody talks about the incredible work of tattoo artists, covering up what are considered to be racist ink and helping people who are learning about their own biases.
(74:05) Finally, time for the pub quiz. Jason fills in while Dalby is away, and we all go round the twist!
After 15 weeks, it's come to this - the series finale - probably the most hilarious episode we've recorded. Grab a few drinks, as we go long this week in The Virtual Pub - the perfect podcast for those who miss going to the pub in this particular pandemic.
Enjoy the show? We will be back in a few weeks, so subscribe to be the first to listen when we do! Got any ideas on what you'd like to hear in series 2? Email me on
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On this week's episode...
(0:00) We welcome you all back to The Virtual Pub, and re-introduce you all to returning guest, Leo! Also, we ask Moody about how he's feeling at the moment in North Leicester, and find out what you guys think of the show...
(23:30) It's time to pick some pricks - this week, Leo talks through how he got scammed, Moody shares a story with us about a family of Brexit voters who didn't realise what they voted for (and tried to fix it by talking to the mayor of a small French town), Jason goes fishing for one of the biggest pricks in Britain, and Ben talks about America selfishly buying up all the supply of a drug that helps with COVID-19.
(72:56) Now for some good news - we transition smoothly from picking pricks with some new Nay Yays (good news involving pricks, or pricks that turn into good news, the middle ground). Then we share some amazing news including the positive development of a vaccine and a Morrisons security guard holding an umbrella up, so a golden retriever stays dry.
(93:26) BONUS - while recording, we stumbled upon some hilarious Daily Mash articles, relevant to what we've been talking about.
(97:20) And finally, an extra jiggy pub quiz and our final goodbyes.
Is it too soon to re-open the pubs? And 75 years after World War Two, why are we still being hassled by Nazis? Grab a drink, as we talk about the biggest stories of the week in The Virtual Pub - the perfect podcast for those who miss going to the pub in this particular pandemic.
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On this week's episode...
(0:00) We welcome you all back to The Virtual Pub
(8:00) The pubs are re-opening! The Virtual Pub is not so "virtual" anymore, as the Government announces pubs can re-open on Saturday 4th July. With two of us who love the pub and two who work at bars, we're in a unique position to answer one simple question - is it too soon?
(39:00) It's time to pick a prick - this week, we talk about the prick who flew the "white lives matter, burnley" flag from the plane (he got sacked - good riddance), and Norman Tebbitt (who CORRECTION: wrote for The Telegraph) saying that Nazis were left wing?
(52:13) Now for some good news - Chicken Run is getting a sequel and two amazingly wholesome stories that I won't ruin for you here...
(58:23) And finally, the pub quiz and housekeeping.
PODCAST NEWS: Next week's episode will be the last of series 1. With a couple of us returning to work at pubs, we've got to rethink how we record the show and want to take a couple weeks reviewing & improving what we do on the show. Look forward to us returning later in July. We will announce a specific date soon.
Football has started again, but the biggest goal of the week was scored off the pitch... Grab a drink, as we talk about the biggest stories of the week in The Virtual Pub - the perfect podcast for those who miss going to the pub in this particular pandemic.
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On this week's episode...
(0:00) We welcome you all back to The Virtual Pub and see how we're all getting on in the lockdown!
(16:55) TOP STORY #1 - Marcus Rashford forces the Government to U-Turn and extend the free school lunch scheme for children who need it over the summer.
(31:10) TOP STORY #2 - Boris Johnson plans to use £900,000 of taxpayers money in the midst of a pandemic to paint his plane. Sources say the design looks like something out of Austin Powers.
(36:14) It's time to Pick a Prick - selections this week include BBC Radio 5 Live and The Daily Mail's Political Commentator Dan Hodges
(55:30) Now for some Good news - we got rather intense picking pricks, so let's lift up those spirits with some good news
(1:07:10) Time for the Virtual Pub Quiz - today marks the 41st anniversary of Garfield's first comic strip, so we have a quiz about cartoons and comics from our childhood! Plus we find out we're terrible at singing the Pokemon theme tune and we are played out by the amazing Tommy Down.
Please support the show by subscribing and leaving us a good review! Join as we record it live on and get in touch by emailing me at!
Follow The Virtual Pub: @virtualpubPC on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Show Links
Boris U-Turn:
Plane makeover:
Moody's Prick: BBC Radio 5 Live
Jason's Prick:
Ben's Good News:
Lindsey's Good News:
Jason's Good News:
We didn't talk about it last week, but it's time we have an honest conversation about race and racism #BlackLivesMatter. Grab a drink as we have plenty to talk about in The Virutal Pub - the perfect podcast for those who miss going to the pub in this particular pandemic.
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On this week's episode
(0:00) We welcome you all back to The Virtual Pub and celebrate another Birthday on the team with some awkward "would you rather" questions!
(26:00) It's time to pick a prick - including an American Mum who ruins a British cuppa tea, a Tory councillor in Derbyshire who hid a clearly racist bust and people who looked at examples of blackface being apologised for and askwed "what about White Chicks?"
(1:08:26) Now, for some good news - after having a deep conversation about race and racism, we talk about how Yorkshire Tea and PG Tips deserve praise, how the UK has not used a single bit of fossil fuel for two months and the amazing work of Chester Zoo.
(1:21:10) And onto the Virtual Pub Quiz, plus amazing music from Neuromantics
Please support the show by subscribing and leaving us a good review! Join as we record it live on and get in touch by emailing me at!
Follow The Virtual Pub: @virtualpubPC on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Specsavers? Should've gone to Barnard Castle for your eye test, at least that's what Dominic Cummings is recommending. Grab a drink and pull up a chair, as we have a lot to talk about in The Virtual Pub - the perfect podcast for those who miss going to the pub in this particular pandemic.
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On this week's episode (with time signatures if you want to skip forward):
We get into how our weeks have been
(07:59) Football's coming home - why we're getting excited about sports returning soon
(28:15) Time to pick a prick - we talk about *that* Dominic Cummings story
(52:03) Some good news - plenty of wholesomeness to talk about from this week
And finally, a pub quiz and our unsigned artist
Please support the show by subscribing and leaving us a good review! Join as we record it live on and get in touch by emailing me at!
Follow The Virtual Pub: @virtualpubPC on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Special thanks to the incredibly talented Babe Punch for their song. Check them out on Spotify
Is The Daily Mail racist? How many Simpsons references can we make in one show? And how good is the quizmaster at rapping? Grab a drink and find out in The Virtual Pub - the perfect podcast for those who miss going to the pub in this particular pandemic.
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On this week's episode:
Another instalment of F*ck The Daily Mail - They are on a warpath against...teachers? Plus they're front page is either a serious case of accidental racism, or something more sinister...
We pick pricks - featuring a bar in Ireland that compared the lockdown to Auschwitz, and an over-entitled Karen who hates everybody that buys flour and accuses them of making her starve, because she can't bake bread (as she never buys ready-made stuff).
Some good news - The amazing spirit of human ingenuity on full show in the restaurant industry and how the animal kingdom has thrived in our absence from the world.
All wrapped up with a pub quiz
Please support the show by subscribing and leaving us a good review! Join as we record it live on and get in touch by emailing me at!
Follow The Virtual Pub: @virtualpubPC on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Special thanks to the incredibly talented Neverman for their song 'Ibiza 98!' Check them out on Spotify
Show Notes
F*ck The Daily Mail:
Moody's Prick:
Thorpe's Prick:
Lindsey's good news:
Jason's good news:
Dalby's good news:
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Boris Johnson has begun his plan to ease the lockdown with a rather confusing request to "stay alert," causing us to wonder if he even knows how a virus works? Also, are the Tories trying to pass the blame for coronavirus spread onto the people? Grab a drink and let's chat in The Virtual Pub - the perfect podcast for those who miss going to the pub in this particular pandemic.
Also on this week's episode:
We pick the biggest pricks of the week - including Dan Hodges at The Daily Mail, another person who wasted supermarket delivery slots for tonic water and champagne and The Freedom Movement (which we found out after recording is owned by Britain First's own criminal Jayda Fransen
Another lightning round of good news - including the mayor of Flavourtown himself and a kid detective who handed over $100,000 back to the police
And we sign off with another classic pub quiz
Thanks to Greg and Leo for jumping in at the last minute! Please support the show by subscribing and leaving us a good review! Join as we record it live on and get in touch by emailing me at!
Follow The Virtual Pub: @virtualpubPC on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Special thanks to the incredibly talented Forever in the Making for their song 'End of watch!' Check them out.
Government guidelines around lockdown easing
Jason's prick
Leo's prick
Moody's prick - a lived experience
Greg's prick
Thorpe's prick
Jason's good news
Leo's good news
Moody's good news
Greg's good news
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Should you trust the Government's new Coronavirus contact tracing app? No. Grab a drink and find out why in The Virtual Pub - the perfect podcast for those who miss going to the pub in this particular pandemic.
On this week's episode:
We pick the biggest pricks of the week - including Matt Hancock telling a female MP to watch her tone and people who waste online supermarket delivery slots with pointless orders like 15 single cans of beer.
The Government's new track and trace app, explained in a way we can all understand by special guest and developer extraordinaire Kris Athi - what is it, why it's been built in a suspicious way (almost as if they want to track you after the pandemic) and why you shouldn't download it.
And we run a lightning round of some good news, capped off with a quiz.
Please support the show by subscribing and leaving us a good review! Join as we record it live on and get in touch by emailing me at!
Follow The Virtual Pub: @virtualpubPC on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Special thanks to the incredibly talented Ishani for her song 'Unkind Vibrations!' Check her out.
Show Notes
Jason's Prick:
Moody's Prick: no link. A lived experience!
Good News
Jason's Good News:
Lindsey's Good News:
Dalby's Good News:
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Can you build a canoe out of growing mushrooms? This question and more answered in The Virtual Pub - the perfect podcast for those who miss going to the pub in this particular pandemic.
On this week's episode:
We pick pricks from the news of the week - including the boss of Ryanair, a twitch streamer shaming fans into paying her and DC Comics for waving a middle finger to social distancing laws.
Some good news gets shared, to remind you all is not terrible - including an EXCLUSIVE scoop on an Animal Crossing wedding, growing a canoe out of mushrooms and the amazing charity work of the Scouts.
And we reminisce about discontinued drinks in our uni days with the first ever guest in The Virtual Pub - Mark Adams who hosts the podcast "Don't Say The C Word"
Please support the show by subscribing and leaving us a good review! Join as we record it live on and get in touch by emailing me at!
Follow The Virtual Pub: @virtualpubPC on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Special thanks to the incredibly talented Stealing Signs for their song 'The Coast,' brightening up everyone's day! Check them out on Spotify
Show Notes
Pick a Prick
Moody's Prick
Jason's Prick
Lindsey's Prick
Mark's Prick
Good News
Jason's Good News: coming soon to
Mark's Good News:
Dalby's Good News:
Lindsey's Good News:
Moody's Good News:
Buy us a pint on Patreon:
How do you go dogging in a social distancing world? This and more answered in The Virtual Pub - bringing you the laughs of leaving work on Friday, heading straight to the pub and posing ridiculous questions in podcast form.
On this week's episode:
We pick the biggest pricks of the week and get rather angry about it - it's a close tie between them all, including Guido Fawkes, Novak Djokovic and George Hankin
After cooling down after a heated segment, we share some amazing stories (that get the presenter choked up)
And we end with our weekly pub quiz!
Please support the show by subscribing and leaving us a good review! Join as we record it live on and get in touch by emailing me at!
Follow The Virtual Pub: @virtualpubPC on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
Special thanks to the incredibly talented S.T. Manville for his Nottingham Unsigned submission, named "Little Victories."
Show Notes
Moody's prick
Lindsey's prick
Dalby's prick
Jason's prick
Ben's prick
Good news stories:
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Welcome back to The Virtual Pub - bringing you the laughs of leaving work on Friday and heading straight to the pub in podcast form.
On this episode
We pick the biggest pricks in the news this week, share some heartwarming good stories, have a laugh at each other's expense and Dalby hosts another amazing pub quiz!
Please support the show by subscribing and leaving us a good review! Join us next week and get in touch by emailing me at
Show note links
Jason's prick pick
Moody's prick pick
Thorpe's prick pick
Dalby's prick pick
Lindsey's prick pick
Some good news
Special thanks to Nottingham's own Blanchard for their Song submission!
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Happy Easter Bank Holiday everyone! The weather is amazing and we're bringing serious sunny beer garden vibes to The Virtual Pub.
On this episode:
Find out what happens when you get drunk in Newcastle
We take our picks for Dick of the Week
We gather some good news to show you not everything is as bad as you think
And Dalby gives us a Pokemon quiz, with a result nobody expected!
Please support the show by subscribing and leaving us a good review! Join us next week and get in touch by emailing me at
Show note links
Jason's pick for dick of the week:
Moody's pick for dick of the week:
Thorpe's pick for dick of the week:
Dalby's pick for dick of the week:
Lindsey's pick for dick of the week:
Some good news:
Special thanks to Nottingham's own Too Piste for their Song submission for the end!
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Hope you've all been staying safe throughout week 2 of the lockdown - we've got plenty of news to cover!
Part 2 of F*ck The Daily Mail
Nottingham Unsigned: we shine a spotlight on the talented Silk Roots
Coronavirus conspiracy theories
We all reminisce about Festival season for far too long
And it is all capped off with a Simpsons Pub Quiz with a twist...
Join us next week and get in touch by emailing me at
Jason's shoutout:
Lindsey's shoutout:
iHeart virtual festival:
We can't go to the pub right now, so get a can out the fridge and we'll bring the pub to you. Welcome to the first ever episode of The Virtual Pub.
Support the podcast via my patreon:
It's been a wild week of news, and we're covering it all (don't expect every episode to be this long)!
Boris Johnson gets Coronavirus!?
Wetherspoons CEO is a dick
F*ck The Daily Mail
The future of sports in a fan-free world
Culture Corner - how's wrestling coping to the change
And it is all capped off with a Pub Quiz that we all do terribly at!
Join us next week and get in touch by emailing me at
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