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Managing innovation - creating value from ideas
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Managing innovation - creating value from ideas

Author: John Bessant

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Innovation doesn't just happen. It's not like the cartoons - a lightbulb flashes on above someone's head and that's it. No - it's a journey and we need to understand how best to prepare for that journey, whatever kind of value we are trying to create. This podcast is about some useful lessons we might take on board to help develop our capabilities.For more, see my website:

117 Episodes
Send us a Text Message.How one man’s innovation provided the missing link for 20th century agricultural revolution.Harry Ferguson is not a name which instantly springs to mind when thinking of entrepreneurs who changed the course of history. Yet his contribution to the world of agriculture was on a level with that of Steve Jobs in terms of providing the enabling platform which allowed the full impact of a technology - in his case the tractor - to be realised and to contribute to a massi...
Send us a Text Message. It’s easy to take maps for granted — but we’d be pretty stuck without them. Maps have been one of the most important human inventions for millennia, allowing humans to explain and navigate their way through the world. They seem to have been — independently invented by many cultures across the globe, and they’ve been around a very long time. Fragments etched on tusks or scratched on stones, dating back 25000 years or more all point to maps as something important. W...
Send us a Text Message.We've got a huge challenge around social innovation - to help fix the planet with all the things that we're doing to it and all the things that are happening it's going to take a lot of effort. More precisely a lot of innovation. Even the Secretary-General of the UN has said we can only hit our Sustainable Development Goals through innovation. But innovation is not going to happen by accident; it needs change agents - entrepreneurs - who are going...
Send us a Text Message.ISPIM — the International Society for Professionals in Innovation Management — was founded in 1974 to create a community of practice around innovation management. It was an early response to the challenges of actually making it happen — and it remains one of the best meeting places to mix-up academic researchers and teachers, policy makers and practitioners, consultants and anyone else wiht an interest in making innovation happen. And this year’s conference, with its 50...
AI is a no-brainer...

AI is a no-brainer...


Send us a Text Message. Long fuse, big bang. A great descriptor which Andrew Hargadon uses to describe the way some major innovations arrive and have impact. For a long time they exist but we hardly notice them, they are confined to limited application, there are constraints on what the technology can do and so on. But suddenly, almost as if by magic they move centre stage and seem to have impact everywhere we look. Which is pretty much the story we now face with the wonderful world...
Irrelevant innovation

Irrelevant innovation


Send us a Text Message.We spend so much of our time thinking about important innovation but maybe we should spare a thought for what might be called ‘irrelevant innovation’? And explore round the edges of this phenomenon — is it all wacky stuff or are there circumstances where it has more to offer? Is it a matter of framing, are we missing an innovation trick or two by dismissing such ideas too early?This podcast offers a suggested outline typology, a first shot at mapping the territory — fee...
Send us a Text Message.Innovation is a multi-player game. The image of the lone hero innovator is a myth. Even celebrated soloists like Thomas Edison or James Watt had their army of assistants working behind the scenes. Alexander Bell wouldn’t have been able to bring the telephone to the world without being able to demonstrate the device by having Mr Watson on the other end of the line when he famously told him to come in from the next room….Ask any entrepreneur and they’ll tell you about the...
Send us a Text Message.Another innovation song....Last week I was helping run a series of workshops supporting social innovators from across the United Nations system in thinking through how they were going to scale their great innovations now that they had successfully piloted them and proved their value. Scaling innovation isn’t easy but it’s increasingly important if we’re to have real impact with our ideas. It’s got a lot in common with mountain climbing — a visible goal but a long j...
Send us a Text Message.Necessity may the mother of invention — but in today’s world she’s a pretty fraught mum, trying to deal with thousands of kids tugging at her skirts, pulling at her arms and wrapping themselves around her legs. All screaming out for attention. We’re not short of challenges which affect the very basics of trying to live our lives — getting enough to eat, clean water to drink, a roof over our heads and some peace to allow us to sleep at night. It might look neat and tidy ...
Send us a Text Message.What have ollies, decks, trucks, popsicles, cruisers and kicktails got in common? If you’d asked me that back in December I would have quietly assumed you were from another planet. But now I’m happy to say I’m in a good position to enlighten you…They are all terms used in skateboarding, a subiect in which I;ve had a crash course courtesy of taking my daughter to lessons in the art at our local skateboard park. Turned out to be an education for me too; while shelte...
Innovation is rubbish!

Innovation is rubbish!


Send us a Text Message.Why waste recycling and reuse may represent a valuable entrepreneurial opportunity…There's a well-known piece of Yorkshire wisdom, ‘where there’s muck, there’s brass’. Waste needn’t be a problem to be hidden away — buried or burnt to get rid of it. Instead there are real opportunities in waste — as plenty of innovators have already found out. Think for example of Earl Tupper whose efforts to turn the black sludge emerging from 1940s oil refineries paid off when he creat...
Send us a Text Message.Some seasonal thoughts to accompany all good wishes....!(You can find the transcript here)If you'd like to explore more innovation stories, or access a wide range of resources to help work with innovation, then please visit my website here.You can find a rich variety of cases, tools, videos, activities and other resources - as well as my innovation blog.Or subscribe to my YouTube channel here
Send us a Text Message.Start-up success - or not? Faisal Abid shares some fascinating insights into the do's - and don't's of trying to launch and grow a new venture, drawing in particular on his experience in founding and growing a number of businesses including AI start-up and his current work with Eirene Cremations where he is trying to disrupt a long-established and very traditional industry.You can find a video version of this podcast here.And more about Faisal ...
Pathways to scale

Pathways to scale


Send us a Text Message.Taking an innovation from a small-sized success story to something which delivers value at scale is not an easy one. The Holy Grail of impact has a lot in common with that elusive quest pursued by King Arthur’s knights, taking them along strange paths, meeting with dragons and disasters and lasting a long time. Similar odds of success too. Having spent a long time focused on the challenges facing start-ups the innovation spotlight is now moving to the q...
Growing up fast

Growing up fast


Send us a Text Message. We talk a lot about learning by doing in the agile innovation process, especially in the context of start-ups. But it’s hard to capture that learning as you go along when so much else is happening as you desperately try to find your way through the fog of uncertainty. Which is why it’s really valuable to have someone who runs a successful start-up which is now scaling well to share their insights . And even more so if they’ve managed to capture it...
Send us a Text Message.Innovation is all about trying to convince others — people to help develop your idea, sponsors to back you, markets to buy in to your great new thing. So it makes sense to spend time and effort crafting a tale which will draw them in, intrigue them, capture their attention. Of course you don't want to oversell but as long as you've done your homework and the foundations are firm you’ll benefit from creating your particular version of a castle in the air….Which is the me...
Prove it to me!

Prove it to me!


Send us a Text Message.Why evidence is so important for scaling innovationA good idea will sell itself, right? Unfortunately not – Emerson was spectacularly wrong when he suggested that all you needed to do was build that better mousetrap to have the world beating a path to your door.History is full of examples of innovations that, whilst being good and proven solutions, more than just a gleam in their inventor’s eye, stubbornly refused to scale. There are plenty of them in the wo...
Send us a Text Message.I'm running a course on entrepreneurship and was looking for a way to help students remember some key milestones on the journey - value proposition, minimum viable product, prototyping, business model development, etc. So trying it out in the form of a song....You can watch it on my YouTube channel here, complete with lyricsIf you'd like to explore more innovation stories, or access a wide range of resources to help work with innovation, then please visit my websi...
Unlocking creativity

Unlocking creativity


Send us a Text Message.For our ancestors, creativity was a matter of survival. Not being big, strong or fast meant that if we couldn’t think our way out of a problem (like an approaching predator), then we’d not be around for long! Dealing with the daily struggle to survive required us to be innovative, and the key to that was the ability to imagine and explore different possibilities.And it’s pretty clear that creativity — the ability to come up with novel solutions to problems — is going to...
Send us a Text Message. How creating experiences for underserved markets can be a key innovation strategy It’s summertime, at least here in the northern hemisphere and chances are that August is a holiday month. Which might well see you sitting somewhere and watching an exotic sunset, glass of something suitably refreshing in your hand. As you see that golden disc slip below the horizon and the wonderful display of red shifting colour begins to settle towards nightfall you might spare a ...