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Flying Sober

Author: Rachel & Guests

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As we achieve freedom from alcohol and codependency we must take the steps to heal from our mental obsession that blocked us from cultivating healthy relationships and a life beyond limits. In this podcast you will learn to build long lasting connections through self discovery and insightful exploration. We will share our experiences and what you can do to improve your sobriety in general. Our main focus is on mental growth and development in recovery. Our core belief is "Life should be lived not restricted." To submit comments go to
46 Episodes
In the last episode, we spoke about close relationships and what they mean in terms of our Evolutionary Path. We need to cease imposing our values or expectations on others. Instead, concentrate on altering who we are and how we react to situations. It is said, "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Gandhi Without force, and only without force, can you be seen as you truly are. If something is not really given, you can never really have it, can you? You do not really have love, wh...
What is evolutionary astrology? Ever wonder what your soul purpose is on earth? Were you destined to choose a life in addiction? What about your relationships and experiences? What if we told you there is reason to believe you have. Come join Rachel, Angela and Jessica as they discuss this very taboo, yet intriguing subject. If you would like to reach Angela for a private reading, you can contact her at astrologyodysseys@gmail.comSupport the Show.
Meetings are a cornerstone of the recovery program. They work so well because we listen to other people's experiences, challenges and solutions, which improve how we deal with life. We can acquire this approach when speaking with others. Al Nixon (AKA The Sunshine Mayor), known as a master of this skill, will be joining us as we talk about The Art of Listening.Support the Show.
In the last episode we talked about HOW to raise your vibration. Join Rachel & her secret guest as they discuss HOW to align yourself with the Laws of Attraction. What are your heart’s desires? What are the changes you want to make in your life? How can your truly transform yourself? Get a little insight and pick up some valuable tools by listening to second part of this topic. Support the Show.
Join Rachel and her fabulous guest as they discuss how to raise your vibrations and align with the laws of attraction. People often become stuck because of their doubts and false belief systems. However, by using the tools of the program and other available resources, we can change that. Tune in as we discuss some valuable points and perspectives.Support the Show.
As we grow in our sobriety and gain our self esteem, what may have been acceptable than is no longer acceptable now. Why waiting to date is so crucial in our recovery. Join Rachael, Jessica, and Raquel as they once again dive into the complexities of picking the right partner and the many challenges that may come with it. They share their experiences and what they have learned from it.Support the Show.
You have taken the one year suggestion and now you are ready to hit the dating pool. What does dating look like in sobriety? Have you worked the steps regarding your sexual conduct? Do you know your self worth? Join us in this topic three sober ladies get together to discuss the many facets of dating and searching for the right partner in this stage of your life.Support the Show.
Tune in as we continue to discuss the many issues that can arise from false expectations. Learn how to set up healthy boundaries and take astep back. It's equaly important to distinguish between realistic and unrealistic ones. Expectations in general are unavoidable but they can affect us in a number of ways. In this episode we will dive into a more positive approach and how to let go of that which does not serve you. Support the Show.
Your expectations are your strong hopes or beliefs that something will happen or that you will get something that you want. But what if we told you that your Serenity can be inversely proportional to your expectations? In this episode we discuss how expectations can lead directly to resentments, uncertainty and ultimately the destruction of a relationship. One of the main components can be simply how we respond vs. react to them. Tune in as a special guest joins us to break down this very cha...
Join Jonathan and Rachel for round 2, as they discuss getting through hard times and coming out stronger and better on the other side. We all know that "Acceptance" is the pathway to Serenity but there is a lot more to it (as quoted from the 12 & 12). How can we overcome our difficulties and prevail into the New Year? Find out in this episode what they had to say about it. Support the Show.
Join Jonathan and Rachel as they discuss how hard times has granted them incomparable strength, perseverance and success. And, letting go of the need to understand how things work out. Instead, taking a leap of Faith, staying humble and trusting in the outcome. They paraphrase "Acceptance of people, places, and things" is the key to life and your connection to a higher power. Support the Show.
J & R continue where they left off, catching up about things. They extenuate the importance of service and what's it's meant to their listeners/fans. They share stories about signs that blatantly led them to where they are today, and instances far beyond their understanding. It's mainly about continuing to do the right thing and "Flowing Like the River." Support the Show.
Jonathan and Rachel are back again and they are catching up. They discuss what it means to loose a loved one and ponder on what’s beyond life after death; What links us to certain relationships? Are we able to feel someone's spirit when they pass? They talk about the many challenges in life and the qualities we must cultivate within us. Hence, everything happens to teach us who we are and meant to grow into. Support the Show.
Listen to Part 2 of the relationship between you and your body, as we discuss improving your health and overall lifestyle, with our very dear guest Jacque. We learn in recovery that when we start working the program, the doors magically open when we continue to do the right things. But that’s just a small part of the whole. We must apply that to all aspects of our lives, starting with our bodies; a shrine that is the center of that universe and it is there to serve us. We all know...
Eating healthy and taking care of our body is one of the most important components in recovery. But what if you didn't know how to go about it, or you were not educated enough about the foods you eat? Flying Sober podcast is excited to bring you a new series on improving "the relationship with your body" and taking your recovery to the next level. Meet our guest Jacque, an expert on nutrition and exercise, as she goes over all the essential resources and approach to a healthier YOU. We haven'...
Jonathan joins the team and elaborates from his perspective on Step 4: “Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.” They go more into depth on how our Fears can play a huge role in leading to our character defects, and getting stuck in a perpetual cycle that can be harmful to us. Learn how to break down the barriers, or as Jonathan puts it, untangle the rubber band and defuse the bomb. They address not just people in recovery, but everybody across the board. So, take ou...
Jonathan and Rachel come to a final close of the 12 Step series. It may have taken them longer than expected , but well worth it if it helps one person on their path. The last two steps are rather spiritual in design and are cornerstone of these principals, in which prayer and meditation is meant to strengthen one mentally and emotionally. Step Eleven: “Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will f...
“Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it." It is by far one of the most powerful steps, because it combines all the previous steps and helps you stay on track. Join Rachel and Jonathan as they discuss the relevance of keeping in line with difficult situations and assessing the problem from a broader prospective, and thus changing how you respond to it. They exploit the importance on taking a personal inventory; and when focusing on how to apply this fr...
We've invited our friend Daniele to discuss one of the main steps that can mend your relationships at heart. The eighth step involves making amends and step nine is taking the action. These steps are a chance to grow and improve your relationships with friends and loved ones on a very deep level—which will only help you going forward in life. The goal of this steps is to end your pre-conception of others and falsely identifying with them. Thus, begin a more healthy approach in general.They ad...
Join Jonathan and Rachel as they discuss the so called formula to Step 6 and 7, based on the 2 preambles. Step 6: We're entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character; and Step 7: Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings. What does that all really mean and how can those 2 steps prevent you from falling back into step 4, and having to do it all over again. Yes, this is a crucial point in the success of the 12 step latter. Find out the solutions to the widespread book...