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Author: Atlas Network

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Freedom is borderless. With host Vale Sloane, you’ll get to hear the latest from key innovators, educators, and people just like you who work every day to unleash entrepreneurship and eradicate poverty. Tune in every two weeks as Vale and diverse, global leaders discuss what it takes to unlock human ingenuity and revolutionize freedom across borders.
90 Episodes
 In this special episode of Borderless, Executive Vice President Dr. Tom G. Palmer joins host Vale Sloane to talk about how the Atlas Network Ukraine Freedom Fund is making a difference on the ground. It's more than just money, however—Atlas Network's long history of building relationships in Ukraine and across Europe have enabled Dr. Palmer and the UFF to have an outsized impact. By working closely with and listening to nine partner organizations in the country, Atlas Network has been able to identify and address specific needs as they arise.While other, humanitarian-focused, organizations have provided for the needs of refugees fleeing into Poland and other countries, Dr. Palmer and Atlas Network partners are stepping up in areas where their expertise shines through. From sourcing body armor and putting it in the hands of front-line aid workers, medics, and neighborhood patrols who are being targeted by invading snipers, to ensuring that partner staff can get to safety and continue their critical work, the Ukraine Freedom Fund is being used carefully and strategically to ensure a future for the country.Stay in the know by following us on social media: the Atlas Network Mission Today:
Stay in the know by following us on social media: the Atlas Network Mission Today:
Stay in the know by following us on social media: the Atlas Network Mission Today:
In this episode of Borderless, Vale sits down with Colin Craig, president of is an Atlas Network partner dedicated to exploring how government policies impact the lives of everyday Canadians. Recently, they have focused on the negative side effects of Canada's single-payer healthcare system. Craig mentions that this structure leads to significant government control over patients lives in Canada and a government monopoly over healthcare services. Inefficiency is rampant, leading to poor business practices and bad outcomes for many patients.That government monopoly often leads to shortages in medical care and long waiting lists even for desperately needed procedures. Many patients suffer and some even die while waiting for life-saving care. Canadians who have the financial means often resort to seeking care in the United States or even further afield to escape the waiting lists. Craig is concerned by this reality, and he says it will continue to be a problem in the future. The sooner everyday Canadians are aware of these issues, the sooner they can find a solution.Stay in the know by following us on social media: the Atlas Network Mission Today:
In this episode of Borderless, host Vale Sloane sits down with Matt Warner, president of Atlas Network, and Dr. Tom Palmer, vice president of international programs, to discuss their new book Development with Dignity. Available now from Routledge publishers, this book examines how the principles of human dignity and individual agency are central to international development and the effort to end poverty. The authors discuss how starting with dignity helps people improve both their own lives as well as their communities. They also discuss how institutions can take a local problem-solving approach that encourages development and protects human rights.“The focus on Development with Dignity is about what moves people and how we can solve their problems… It is the key to moral agency and to get ourselves to where we want to go.” - Dr. Tom G. PalmerHow can we do good without causing harm through unintended consequences? This is the Outsider's Dilemma. Warner and Palmer discuss what this problem means for international development and how we can overcome it. They demonstrate how Atlas Network solves this dilemma by working with local partner organizations and how other institutions can implement this model.Stay in the know by following us on social media: the Atlas Network Mission Today:
 What happens when the government that's supposed to defend your rights is the one violating them? That's where Institute for Justice comes in. Robert McNamara, a senior attorney at Institute for Justice, joins this episode of Borderless to talk with host Vale Sloane about his and his organization's work to defend the rights of Americans in court.One area of particular concern for Institute for Justice is eminent domain abuse. This legal doctrine allows the government to require private property owners to sell their land to the government at a fair market rate for public use. Unfortunately, "public use" can be hard to strictly define, leaving open the opportunity for eminent domain to be used to benefit private companies at the expense of private citizens. These are the situations that Institute for Justice looks out for, stepping in to defend private citizens and their rights. In this episode, Robert McNamara talks about how he's been involved in these cases, what's changed since he started, and why it's important to keep working to advance liberty, even when the odds seem stacked against you.Stay in the know by following us on social media: the Atlas Network Mission Today: Support the Atlas Network Mission Today:
 "Emergent order" sounds like a complicated concept, but it's essential to understanding why freedom leads to more prosperity than authoritarianism. Luckily, this week's episode of Borderless breaks down and explains this key idea. Stand Together's Neil Chilson joined Vale Sloane in-studio to talk about emergent order, what it is, why it matters, and why Neil wrote a book about it.Getting Out of Control celebrates the power of individuals to improve society, and encourages an approach that rejects the centralization of power. Relying on emergent, or spontaneous, order produces peaceful organization in society, he argues, and it avoids the rigidity and lack of knowledge that plagues top-down solutions from government. The more complex the world gets, the more we must embrace emergent order.Read more about Neil Chilson and his book Getting Out of Control: Network's partner Lithuanian Free Market Institute is using emergent order to help solve healthcare problems in their country! Don't miss our discussion on how they are improving access and lowering healthcare costs for everyday Lithuanians.Stay in the know by following us on social media: the Atlas Network Mission Today:
What's next for Chile after the recent presidential runoff election? What will the president-elect's top priorities be? The election of far-left candidate Gabriel Boric does not bode well for the economic well-being of Chile's people, says Axel Kaiser, a Chilean writer, lawyer, political scientist, and member of the Mont Pelerin Society. He joins Borderless host Vale Sloane this week to talk about why he has written that Boric's policies will likely reverse the impressive gains in prosperity the country has made in recent years. Dramatic proposals like inflating the minimum wage, dismantling the successful pension system, and other leftists policies helped win voters but will likely result in a devastating increase in poverty. These ideas run directly counter to the liberal, free-market policies that set Chile on a years-long upward trajectory.President-elect Boric's influence runs beyond his potential effects on Chile's material well-being, as he has the opportunity to influence the country's constitutional convention. How will Chile weather this storm? Join us on this week's episode of Borderless to get an informed perspective.Stay in the know by following us on social media: the Atlas Network Mission Today:
 Free-market process are better at protecting the environment than top-down solutions! Find out how in this episode of Borderless as Vale Sloane talks market environmentalism with Chris Barnard of the American Conservation Coalition. Leveraging property rights, market incentives, and supply and demand have shown to be effective in saving endangered species and key habitats, but few people think of capitalism when they hear "environmentalism."Barnard and his organization are working to change that through education and advocacy, showing that individuals who favor capitalism over big government do care about the environment and actually have the best, most effective tools to do so. Their efforts are reaching new heights with their "Market Environmentalism Academy" initiative. This free online resource provides in-depth analysis from experts on environmental issues and how the free market provides solutions.You can find out more about the American Conservation Coalition and Market Environmentalism Academy here: don't miss our discussion on how the British Conservation Alliance is reaching university students in the United Kingdom with the message of market environmentalism.Stay in the know by following us on social media: the Atlas Network Mission Today:
This week on Borderless, join our host Vale Sloane as he sits down with Justine Lee of Living Room Conversations and Making America Dinner Again. Through these organizations, her mission is to bring together Americans of every background and political persuasion in low-stakes environments like a meal or a home. She's found that face-to-face conversations, in contrast to faceless internet interactions, have the power to build understanding and common ground between Americans, even when points of disagreement remain. By helping "lower the temperature" of the political environment in the U.S., these conversations are laying the foundations for a better country for all Americans.You can read more about Living Room Conversations here:, don't miss our conversation about the Reason Foundation and their work to bring the message of the free market to Hispanic Americans! This population has a lower likelihood than other Americans of being familiar with the ideas of free market economics, but it's just those ideas that have the power to help them achieve more prosperous lives.Stay in the know by following us: the Atlas Network Mission Today:
In this episode of Borderless, Libertas Institute's Michael Melendez joins Vale Sloane to discuss his organization's 2021 Templeton Freedom Award finalist project to encourage the implementation of the U.S.'s broadest regulatory sandbox. This system allows entrepreneurs, small businesses, and even large corporations to apply for a temporary exemption from many overly burdensome regulations, which encourages lawmakers to revisit and potentially repeal bad or outdated rules.Regulation often struggles to keep up with innovation, and lawmakers often do not have the time or expertise to keep rules up-to-date. Utah's new regulatory sandbox allows the market to test regulatory reform without having to go through a lengthy legislative process. Businesses now have the opportunity for innovators to receive limited-time exemptions from regulations not related to health and safety. This process ensures the protection of customers and the environment without limiting access to new human prosperity. Atlas Network partner Libertas Institute had an instrumental hand in making the case for this revolutionary system.  You can read more about their project and the prestigious Templeton Freedom Award here: don't miss our discussion on Centre for Civil Society's exciting work to improve the lawmaking process in India, ensure regulation meets quality standards, and much more!Stay in the know by following us: the Atlas Network Mission Today:
In this episode of Borderless, Vale Sloane is joined by Bruce Vaillant of Centre for Development and Enterprises Great Lakes to discuss their 2021 Templeton Freedom Award finalist project to break down the barriers to international trade that were helping keep Burundi in poverty. Now it's cheaper, easier, and safer for entrepreneurs, including women, to take their goods to market.In order to trade across borders, Burundians had to either pay exorbitant fees and deal with overbearing bureaucracy or try to operate in the informal sector. The former method was expensive and time consuming, and the latter excluded traders from finance systems and risked a run-in with the law. Now that has all changed. Registration documents are far more affordable, the number of regulatory agencies has been slashed, and new entrepreneurs can enter the market much more easily thanks to the work of Atlas Network partner Centre for Development and Enterprises Great Lakes. You can read more about their project and the prestigious Templeton Freedom Award here: also won't want to miss our discussion on Centre for Development and Enterprises Great Lakes' inspiring work to improve the Burundi's response to COVID-19 by reducing patient costs and allowing the involvement of private healthcare providers!Stay in the know by following us: the Atlas Network Mission Today:
In this episode of Borderless, Vale Sloane is joined by Jessi Troyan of Cardinal Institute for West Virginia Policy to talk about her organization's Templeton Freedom Award finalist project, which brought educational choice and hope for a more prosperous future to West Virginia through educational savings accounts.
 In this episode of Borderless, Vale Sloane sits down with renowned economist Dr. Levy-Carciente and Dr. Salinas-León of Atlas Network's Center for Latin America to discuss the forthcoming Latin America Bureaucracy Index and what it means for businesses, entrepreneurs, and everyday people. Dr. Levy led the project in conjunction with Center for Latin America, Cedice Libertad, and several other Atlas Network partners. The index will be published at the launch event on November 9, 2021.
In this episode of Borderless, Vale Sloane is joined by Mark Littlewood of Institute of Economic Affairs to talk about his organization's Templeton Freedom Award finalist project, which ensured the United Kingdom took a decidedly free-trade approach to Brexit negotiations in line with IEA's "Plan A+."
Ron Manners has lived quite a life. He’s gone from running one of the most successful businesses in Australia to becoming an accomplished author and leader of the Mannkal Foundation, which provides young Australians with the opportunity to learn about classical liberal principles from leading experts across the world, to being named an official member of the Order of Australia. In today’s special episode, Ron shares a little bit of his life story (including his time as an unintentional expat and a crazy conversation with Fredrick Hayek), his perspective on the next generation, and his predictions about the future for freedom in Australia.
What is the freedom movement? Brad Lips, Atlas Network's CEO discusses his new book, modern day heroes of liberty, and his personal journey from Wall Street to the non-profit world. Brad also explains how Atlas Network's Templeton Freedom Award continues a legacy of advancing freedom and highlights this year's six finalists. Our special TFA finalist interview series kicks off tomorrow so, stay tuned! 
The mission of Libertad y Progreso (LyP) is to contribute to a deep change in Argentina, and according to Candelaria de Elizalde, LyP general coordinator, that deep change is needed now more than ever. Candelaria explains what things are like on the ground in light of the pandemic, bad government policies, and a rise in populism; and the success LyP is having in sowing the seeds for liberty in the minds of Argentina's next generation through education. She also describes the ways Atlas Network has helped LyP through training and mentorship, and shares the unconventional origins of Libertad y Progreso.
It’s been ten years since the Arab Spring and Nouh El Harmouzi, director of the Arab Center in Morocco, and Dr. Tom Palmer played a major role promoting liberty in Egypt at the beginning of the movement. Hear Nouh tell his story and describe the current state of the Middle East in light of the continuing refugee crisis. Plus, a discussion on the roots of individualism and freedom within the Islamic tradition.
What does crony capitalism look like? In Michigan, it looks like seventy years of the state government taking money from small businesses to give big corporations special incentives to create jobs. Joe Lehman, president of Mackinac; and Mike Lafaive, senior director of the Morey Fiscal Policy Initiative, explain the ways they show government officials and everyday citizens how these programs are not only ineffective but immoral. They also give practical advice for how other free market think tanks can combat similar programs, as well as the narrative that cronyism and government corruption are the same as free market economics.